What's The Deal With CM Punk And Serena?

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
Ever since Serena became a member of the Straight Edge Society, she constantly displays signs of affection towards CM Punk. They almost always hold hands on their way to the ring, and they sometimes exchange "the love look" to each other, but I've never seen them kissing, and they've never been declared an official couple. What I'm wondering is, what is WWE waiting for? Shouldn't they just go ahead and declare them an official couple already? I have a series of questions to ask everyone:

1. Do you think Serena and CM Punk should become a real couple?

2. Is it necessary for Luke Gallows to be involved in the picture if they become a real couple? Should he remain a member of the SES or should he be kicked out?

3. Do you think CM Punk and Serena could ever become a power couple such as Triple H and Stephanie(kayfabe version years ago), Edge and Vickie, or Edge and Lita?

First, I do think Serena and CM Punk should become a real couple. CM Punk and Serena as a couple would be something fresh in WWE. I absolutely love the Straight Edge gimmick because when it's done "the heel way" it can be something very creepy and disturbing.

Second, if Punk and Serena were to become a real couple, I don't think it would hurt to keep Gallows as a member of the SES. The only thing is, he might fade away into obscurity, and become a lackey who is constantly treated like crap by Punk and Serena, but that could lead to a face turn for him some where down the line.

While I would love to see Punk and Serena as a real couple, I don't think they would ever reach the level of POWER COUPLE. Punk has been riding the mid card for a while now, and I don't know if he will rise to main event status again any time soon. I also think it'll be a while before we ever see Serena become a regular in the ring.

Punk and Serena as a couple would be a great idea. She already gets involved in Punk's matches, and holds the man's hand on the way to the ring, so why not take everything to the next level?

What are your thoughts?
I have actually though the exact same thing. I think a storyline involving Serena and CM Punk as a couple could be very interesting. It could contradict everything the Straightedge gimmick represents and make Punk a hypocrite. The only reason I say that is because it could further his heel run. I believe straightedge involves not having sex as well and the pairing of those two could give off that vibe. I think it would be really intriguing to see what a contradicting CM Punk who has sex with his underling yet still preaches Straightedge would look like.

As for Gallows. I don't see any reason why they would have to kick him out unless he disagreed with the contradictory relationship Punk and Serena are having. Really SES has helped Gallows but they could always make him guilty and result in him leaving and having some sort of feud with Punk for awhile.

If Punk and Serena are going to become a power couple then I believe Serena needs to improve. She needs to actually wrestle and probably even win a Women's Championship while Punk wins the World title. With all the titles comes all the power as exhibited by HHH/Steph and Lita/Edge.
I have actually though the exact same thing. I think a storyline involving Serena and CM Punk as a couple could be very interesting. It could contradict everything the Straightedge gimmick represents and make Punk a hypocrite. The only reason I say that is because it could further his heel run. I believe straightedge involves not having sex as well and the pairing of those two could give off that vibe. I think it would be really intriguing to see what a contradicting CM Punk who has sex with his underling yet still preaches Straightedge would look like.

This would be interesting twist in the storyline if Punk and Serena were to become a real couple. Although, if I remember correctly, the Straight Edge ideology isn't against having sex altogether. I believe the Straight Edge ideology is against promiscuous sex. Still this is would be a great factor if it could be used in a storyline.

I just wonder how WWE would pull this off? With the PG era in full swing, I find it hard to believe WWE would just come out and openly have Serena and Punk talk about it. They would probably have them hint at the sexual part of their relationship. That way it wouldn't seem to raunchy or explicit.
I have noticed this, I think that they are headed to become straightedge lovers, It would be nice to see were they can go with this. They probably can't do much because this WWE is PG and it eont be raunchy, but it would be creepy, I would be really into this
Ever since Serena became a member of the Straight Edge Society, she constantly displays signs of affection towards CM Punk. They almost always hold hands on their way to the ring, and they sometimes exchange "the love look" to each other, but I've never seen them kissing, and they've never been declared an official couple.

I think that's because they aren't an official couple, it could easily just be the "awe-inspiring" kind of look, while I must admit I've expected her to burst out "this angle is a devil in the sack" or something along the lines.

1. Do you think Serena and CM Punk should become a real couple?

Nah, I think it's okay as it is now, I don't need them to become a couple, but I wouldn't complain if they did, because I could probably easily see a straight edge version of Lita and Edge, except for the insane jokes on the side from someone claiming she's highly promiscuous.

2. Is it necessary for Luke Gallows to be involved in the picture if they become a real couple? Should he remain a member of the SES or should he be kicked out?

This is one of the reasons why I don't need them to become a couple, because I like Luke around Punk, I must honestly admit I would trash Serena over Gallows any day, because I like the bodyguard role rather than a valet / girlfriend role when it comes to what CM Punk walks around with.

3. Do you think CM Punk and Serena could ever become a power couple such as Triple H and Stephanie(kayfabe version years ago), Edge and Vickie, or Edge and Lita?

Not by a long shot no, Triple H and Stephanie was a power couple and very popular because they were feuding with Vince, the whole turning on Vince and the whole dominating couple they became.
Edge and Vickie was obviously a power couple cause they were both over as heels by a long shot, Vickie constantly putting Edge in the title hunt, which proved to become quite successful to put Edge out there.
And Edge and Lita was just over as heel cause of the whole legitimacy of Edge vs Matt.
CM Punk and Serena would never achieve either of it, because there's no power control behind either of them, there's no over the top hatred because of real incidents, which I feel would be two important factors in creating a proper power couple.
Staright Edge isn't against sex, it's against sex when you aren't in a commited relationship.

I'd like to see them become an "official couple" and possiby rise to the status of Power Couple because I really like Serena and I want her to have as much success and noteriety as possible.

I also think it's time for the SES to add a new member so Gallows could have a steady tag team partner. This way if CM and Serena start a storyline power couple relationship Luke won't get lost in the shuffle and he can have something to do.
I havent seen much more then hand-holding while they come to the ring. I guess maybe I may have missed "the love look" between the 2 of them.

I personally think this is more of a father-figure thing for Serena. As Punk walks to the ring- its usually, if not always Serena walking up from behind & grabbing Punks hand. Kinda like a little girl would do to her daddy. Didnt C.Manson have a ton of girls around him at all times? Was it always a sexual thing? Or maybe it started as just a father-figure type of thing: giving them protection & comfort in thier life. Manson was a sick SOB- so Im sure everything turned into sex with him. But- Im hoping you understand the point im tryin to make.

I could be totally off base here. But it IS just a theory or another way to look at it. It doesnt always have to be sexual or romantic between a guy & a girl in wrestling- does it?
I like your theory MoneyMack. After reading your post I kinda have a new take on the CM Punk Character and I forgot that he's trying to come off as a Cult Leader and not just the leader of a heel stable on Smackdown.

I can see the Father/Daughter connection now that you mentioned it. That could be a pretty solid storyline as well. It would definatley be a unique and original way to go about a male/female stablemate angle. I'd tune in to see where it went.

Also I REALLY like Serena at live events. Her movments outside the ring during a match are so animated and over the top. I saw CM Punk Vs Taker in a dark match after the Las vegas tapings a few weeks ago and the way she compliments CM is great. She's a pretty damn good manager and i think she deserves a solid push. Hopefully one of these angles we're discussing here actually happens and she gets a good rub.
I had an idea, but MoneyMack stole it lol. Punk's supposed to seem like a cult leader, resembling Manson and his "Family" with the SES. Manson took in runaways and lost souls, gave them a home, and in effect had their undying loyalty. Serena is like that. A lost soul who volunteered to be saved by Punk and is now almost infatuated by him as a supreme power type deal. Kinda like mind-control, which the SD commentators have been saying alot lately (or at least did ALOT at 'Mania). Even today, though Manson's been in prison for like 20-30 years, theres members of the family who worship him and are willing to die for him. I don't see Punk-Serena as a couple, just a manipulator taking advantage of a lost soul. Serena gets between Punk and opponents without flinching, she looks at him like a god, and has a clingy-ness to her that makes the whole situation fit that of Manson and his followers. I hope I explained it well enough.

I liked the SES alot before doing this post, but this is the first time I really looked at the Punk-Serena situation, and I must say GENIUS. Whether it was WWE creative or Punk himself that came up with the SES and the little details around it, they deserve a fucking medal.
Thanks for the props guys. Much appreciated

Theres something just alot more 'dark' to it- when its looked at like a "follow the leader" type of situation. The boy/girlfriend crap has been done to no-end. This- IMO is much more entertaining.

I also have a request: Add more members to the SES please! I'd personally like to add 2 more guys and another female to the group. At least give Luke a tag-team partner for christs-sake! My ideal partner for Gallows & great addition to the SES, has been(since SES started) & always will be: Mike Knox. Shave the head- keep the beard. His 'character' -if thats what you wanna call it...fits perfect IMO. The Psychopathic Genius.

My other 2 people to add: Kaval & Katie Lee

HEY ITS 4:20 on 4/20! Smoke 'em if ya got 'em!!
Ever since Serena became a member of the Straight Edge Society, she constantly displays signs of affection towards CM Punk. They almost always hold hands on their way to the ring, and they sometimes exchange "the love look" to each other, but I've never seen them kissing, and they've never been declared an official couple. What I'm wondering is, what is WWE waiting for? Shouldn't they just go ahead and declare them an official couple already?

I don't think it's so much that he's [kayfabe] in love with her, more so that she is just so devoted to him, her saviour, that she's obsessed with him and willing to do anything for him. She'll throw herself into harm's way to save the guy (like you mentioned, she's gotten in the way in some matches), and in my opinion, he gives off more of a vibe that he's protecting her. What you call "the love look," I call Punk's trademark creepy smile.

I think it would be smart keeping things the way they have them, there's no point in changing a good thing, and I don't really see how it'll further Punk's character development by giving him a girlfriend and love interest. The guy thinks he's a messiah, the last thing he'd be doing is treating his girlfriend right.
This whole CM/Serena thing seems a little weird to me. Its more like the people drinking the kool aid of their leader. If you look at history of the followers doing ANYTHING for their leader. Look at those crazy followers who drank the kool aid in Jonestown, or in Waco, Texas in that compound. I think its creative trying to play off the holier than thou persona that Punk is trying to portray with his stable. Even though its hard to hide some of the looks that Serena gives off, but you've got to understand that is the vibe a leader like him is supposed to do with devout followers. As weird as it may be, its working in setting it up for a crazy-good SES.
I think it is pretty simple. Punk is a cult leader and Serena has been completely brainwashed by his rhetoric showing total devotion not just to the Straight-Edge but to Punk himself. Perhaps more.

She has shown a willingness to throw herself in front of Punk to prevent him getting hurt. We may eventually see Serena be willing to desert Straight-Edge to stay with Punk should the two ever conflict. Then we could see Serena almost become a sort of "beaten wife" as Punk takes out his frustrations by treating her badly yet she remains totally devoted to him.

A very interesting dynamic
I think is great, Punk Needs Gallows as an enforcer or as bodyguard and Serena workships him, so is the perfect settlement, specially with the hipocresy that Punk manages and his sefl rightgeusness.

That group is awesome, Serena more than anything is the Diciple with a crush on her master and Punk can take advantage of it, but still needs Gallows to do his dirty work.

I think they can be a power couple, but no like HHH-Steph or Edge-Vickie that were based on Power, they could be lik Edge and Lita but not in the same light because Edge and Lita showed the excess of everything and Punk and Serena represents the complete opposite.
Well this could be a very interesting storyline if they do it right. As some have already mentioned, a certain level of the straight-edge psyche dictates that you abstain from CASUAL sex. As in save it till you're a couple at least. But I think this could work well if the whole idea is that Serena truly adores Punk. Like worships him, but he doesn't share the same feelings. Which is kind of what we are already seeing. Serena will stare for an uncomfortably long time while Punk may every now and then give her a little smirk, but still thinks of her as an underling. All that has to be done now is for WWE to actually acknowledge it and use it as a storyline. I just don't think it'll happen right away because there is so much going on in the SES right now, that they could fill a whole show. What, with Luke Gallows' jealousy of Darren Young and the supposed new member last night, it's a good thing theyre on Smackdown and NXT or else they wouldn't be able to pay this much attention to them.
I have actually though the exact same thing. I think a storyline involving Serena and CM Punk as a couple could be very interesting. It could contradict everything the Straightedge gimmick represents and make Punk a hypocrite. The only reason I say that is because it could further his heel run. I believe straightedge involves not having sex as well and the pairing of those two could give off that vibe. I think it would be really intriguing to see what a contradicting CM Punk who has sex with his underling yet still preaches Straightedge would look like.

I would like to see it .My big issue is that for it to be really good they would need to go outside their "PG" zone. Having Punk take advantage of his disciple who is willing to do anything for him would be a great angle.Maybe not a power couple exactly but it would be clear they have a some kind relationship leading up to them being found out
I don't think it's so much that he's [kayfabe] in love with her, more so that she is just so devoted to him, her saviour, that she's obsessed with him and willing to do anything for him.

That says it best. I haven't noticed any "love looks" between them. In fact, Serena and Gallows are completely subservient to Punk and he seems to pay her no mind even as he allows her to put her hands on him. It's not romance on her part; it's worship. So far.

Serena is at her best whenever Punk loses. Did you see her explosive reaction when he was pinned on Friday night? It's hard to tell exactly what was making her so angry.....was she mad at the fact he lost or was she mad at him for losing? It spices up the proceedings as we speculate where the company is going with this.

If they manage to get Punk's head shaved, it might humble him up a bit and allow something more to develop between the two of them.

The perfect Peach Fuzz Power Couple.

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