What's the Appeal of AJ Styles Anywhere but TNA?

The one question I continue to come back to is, does TNA intend to focus upon and promote AJ Styles' tour in obscurity? Are the announcers going to frequently reference it, or will we see excerpts of this action during episodes of Impact? Or is he gone, to ply his trade outside the confines of TNA Wrestling?

If TNA focuses upon Styles and his matches in Mexico, Japan, or wherever else for that matter, I will have a fundamental logical problem with that. If the guy becomes disenchanted with the company, and them with him, to the point that he takes his title and goes off to do his own thing, while they cut ties with him and replace him, why would they feature him on the show? It would be beyond asinine.

However, if they don't show him, how does TNA benefit from all of this while he is gone? Forget about the ultimate champion versus champion payoff for a moment. How does TNA benefit from having their (arguably) top talent not on the show? TNA has a hard enough time luring fans on board in the first place. Ratings, numbers, sales etc., have always been lacklustre at the best of times. I can't imagine many fans are going out of their way to actually search for AJ Styles. At the end if the day, if he's not on the show, most guys won't see him and will move on. It's one thing to put all if your eggs in one basket for the ultimate legitimate returning champion versus the replacement pretender champion. As long as you haven't done irreparable damage to the company in the interim.
I'm going to disregard the OP's focus on Mexico and answer the question posed in the thread title, because this debate is getting stupid. From my perspective, the appeal isn't in what country or promotion AJ Styles is defending or will defend the TNA title, but simply in the fact that he's doing it outside of TNA. When the OP said that there is "a feeling that TNA is really doing it," I think he sort of answered his own question. It's certainly the best answer put forth so far, because no one else has really addressed that aspect. Instead, there's been a lot of jibber-jabber about why TNA is doing this, how well it will work at drawing fans, casual fans' awareness of ROH or AAA, how good Impact has been, and whatever the hell else.

All of that nonsense is irrelevant. Way too often do fans of our ilk let TNA's business side interfere with our like or dislike of what they're doing on television. TNA is doing their spin on an idea that we saw WWE do their spin on a couple years ago, and they're expanding on the premise by actually having the departed champion fight outside the company. That expansion in and of itself is the appeal for the core fanbase and hardcore wrestling fan. I'm sure for many it appeals to them in a morbid, waiting for the train to derail sort of way, but the "LOLTNA" sect will pay attention to whatever the company does just to get that fix. For TNA fans and wrestling junkies, they just want to see what Dixie, AJ, and the creative staff do with this storyline.

From what I've watched of TNA recently, they aren't doing a bad job with it. There's been some weird continuity and logic stuff (which is par for the course in all of wrestling), but Dixie and AJ have played their roles to the best of their ability. They aren't veiling that they're borrowing this angle and attempting to do it better, and while it's easy to deride TNA for perceptions of aping WWE, a modicum of credit is due to them for being willing to take a chance and let their top guy and top title go away for a while.

That's a good point. So You're saying it's an art thing?

That's refreshing because I would say that fans worry too much about the business aspect of things.

I myself am very artistically orientated.

I would mention that that is the problem too, at least for me, I think artistically, you need AJ on your show.

There are other ways to get the point across that he's a rebel.

But even if he goes they gotta find a way to make that work. What I'm hoping is, they have footage of him in Mexico and they're gonna use it to show the fans how he truly is a "World Champ."

Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll give us the whole match.

The one question I continue to come back to is, does TNA intend to focus upon and promote AJ Styles' tour in obscurity? Are the announcers going to frequently reference it, or will we see excerpts of this action during episodes of Impact? Or is he gone, to ply his trade outside the confines of TNA Wrestling?

If TNA focuses upon Styles and his matches in Mexico, Japan, or wherever else for that matter, I will have a fundamental logical problem with that. If the guy becomes disenchanted with the company, and them with him, to the point that he takes his title and goes off to do his own thing, while they cut ties with him and replace him, why would they feature him on the show? It would be beyond asinine.

However, if they don't show him, how does TNA benefit from all of this while he is gone? Forget about the ultimate champion versus champion payoff for a moment. How does TNA benefit from having their (arguably) top talent not on the show? TNA has a hard enough time luring fans on board in the first place. Ratings, numbers, sales etc., have always been lacklustre at the best of times. I can't imagine many fans are going out of their way to actually search for AJ Styles. At the end if the day, if he's not on the show, most guys won't see him and will move on. It's one thing to put all if your eggs in one basket for the ultimate legitimate returning champion versus the replacement pretender champion. As long as you haven't done irreparable damage to the company in the interim.

Good points. I'm kind of torn on the climax.

I liked what they did with the WWE with Mysterio and Cena, but I have to admit that the idea felt stupid. And the fact that I'm a huge Cena and Mysterio fan might have softened that blow for me.

Dont' know if I'd wanna see it again. And I especially wouldn't like a long dragged out tournament.

That's a pet peeve of mine. I hate tournaments in pro wrestling. Unfortunately this seems to be the year of the tournament. haha.
the problem isn't where he is defending the title. This whole thing was dead in the water from the get go because title is coming out of tna. TNA has shared talent with all of these places plenty of times before, and besides aj there are plenty of other wrestlers that are still wrestling elsewhere. When it was punk with the wwe title it was different, as no wwe wrestlers let alone champions wrestled outside of wwe. Also the punk storyline wasn't pure shit.
AJ will end up in Japan for a spell. Even I can't quite get what they're trying to do with the title situation. It's probably a work-shoot-work gone shoot. I can imagine AJ literally pulling the Flair deal from 91, only TNA can't afford the belt deposit rather than Jim Herd refusing to pay it. Problem is right now the belt is barely worth $25 much less the $25k Flair never got back.

If AJ is smart he will just stay out of TNA till it's resovled, sold whatever... He can work in Japan any time he wants for any of the players and can probably get a decent return from an old school schedule between there an Mexico. It won't be WWE money but he is never getting that - even if WWE signed him he'd be lowballed.

So his best bet is to literally be the "jet riding son of a gun" for a bit.
When did you take a census on where TNA fans come from? At least AAA airs it's programming online weekly as well as on channels the US has.
Of course ignoring the fact that TNA would be filming every 2 or 3 weeks making it totally pointless. Is there even a Florida promotion that has any decent level of exposure or associated to TNA? As opposed to some random ass indy promotion not even we know of.

Or he could go to wrestling shows. He's supposed to wrestle not be a fucking tourist attraction.

No they don't. The UK is their biggest fanbase.
They tour all of the U.S.Mexico is a part of North America. Hell if AJ isn't wrestling with TNA title in WWE, he's not gonna draw any U.S. viewers.That's wrong why? Do they need a visa to watch?
Because fans of AAA who liked AJ Styles wrestling and defeating the top star of AAA can follow him on Impact Wrestling on Viva Sports. Or did you think TNA didn't air there?

You've been on point in this thread Killjoy. I may have worded things differently, but I would have agreed with your concepts.

To me, it is brilliant having AJ go to Triple A. One of the people you are debating keeps mentioning a local small federation. So would someone rather see AJ wrestle in front of 3,000 people in Mexico, or 150 at a local fed?

Plus, AJ is the WORLD champion, not the US Champion. So far, AJ is going to Mexico, and Japan. I REALLY hope he goes to the UK for several matches (Since TNA is bigger over there), and to India. [I wish Ring Ka King had worked out, I enjoyed that show]

Having AJ go to major organizations all over the world to defend the WORLD title serves more of a purpose than going to local indy feds to defend. Especially if he is on TV for those federations. Wrestling is global, (a point being I watched every episode of Ring Ka King even though I live in NY) and any exposure is good exposure.

Starting in Mexico is great, because the fans in Mexico CAN watch TNA. So they may not be building a bigger audience in the US, but they will be building recognition in Mexico. Also, with the amount of Mexicans living in the US, that still follow Triple A, they might become TNA fans.

Long story short, I really feel that going to the big promotions will help. Especially with the internet. Someone sees AJ in a foreign country, looks him up, and may become a fan and begin watching TNA. TNA does have contracts in a lot of foreign markets.
TNA can't afford the belt deposit rather than Jim Herd refusing to pay it. Problem is right now the belt is barely worth $25 much less the $25k Flair never got back.

If AJ is smart he will just stay out of TNA till it's resovled, sold whatever

That's pretty much all you really had to say, which has nothing to do with the question at all. You don't like AJ, trash AJ. You had the president and CFO of TNA publicly state TNA was not for sale, or was for sale and that's not good enough for you? I never understood why people go out of their way to comment on stuff they have no knowledge of. Or, could it be that since WWE would never allow this, you can't fathom the appeal of a rogue champion defending his title to all comers around the territories. That's how it was done before wrestling become a monopoly and it's good for business.
What's the appeal of AJ Styles outside of TNA? Ouch, bad question. I guess it would be the appeal of any other wrestler outside of their "Home" company, eh? AJ Styles is a solid worker, and like it or not, yes, I put him on the same level as guys like Ric Flair, Bret Hart, and Shawn Micheals. I know people are going to argue about that because AJ isn't as solid on the Mic as those guys, and as true as this may be, he is a damn fine worker in the ring and can go just as well as those two did. With that being said, AJ is a lot more popular than most people want to admit because it would prove that somebody actually made it outside of the TNA Box. Keeping in mind that many of us have watched AJ in other companies like RoH or even when he started out in WCW as part of the Tag Team he was in "Air Raid". Being that he is a solid worker and a known name, and favorably, outside of TNA, I think there would be quite a bit of appeal; to see him wrestle in other companies and defend the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. He's credible as a wrestler who is known worldwide, and hopefully him defending the title the oldschool way will add some much needed credibility. I'd love to see him hold the title longer than Bobby Roode did and have him also beat whoever they decide to put the title on so he can be the top dog in TNA, where AJ should be. The guy is the face of the company, has been from the start, and is that damn good. He's proven time and time again that they can put the title on him and he can carry the company because he is easy to get behind. If you like him or not, the fact that he is the fae of the company, people outside of the circle are going to know him and hopefully appreciate him for the God Given Talent that he has.
You've been on point in this thread Killjoy. I may have worded things differently, but I would have agreed with your concepts.

To me, it is brilliant having AJ go to Triple A. One of the people you are debating keeps mentioning a local small federation. So would someone rather see AJ wrestle in front of 3,000 people in Mexico, or 150 at a local fed?

Plus, AJ is the WORLD champion, not the US Champion. So far, AJ is going to Mexico, and Japan. I REALLY hope he goes to the UK for several matches (Since TNA is bigger over there), and to India. [I wish Ring Ka King had worked out, I enjoyed that show]

Having AJ go to major organizations all over the world to defend the WORLD title serves more of a purpose than going to local indy feds to defend. Especially if he is on TV for those federations. Wrestling is global, (a point being I watched every episode of Ring Ka King even though I live in NY) and any exposure is good exposure.

Starting in Mexico is great, because the fans in Mexico CAN watch TNA. So they may not be building a bigger audience in the US, but they will be building recognition in Mexico. Also, with the amount of Mexicans living in the US, that still follow Triple A, they might become TNA fans.

Long story short, I really feel that going to the big promotions will help. Especially with the internet. Someone sees AJ in a foreign country, looks him up, and may become a fan and begin watching TNA. TNA does have contracts in a lot of foreign markets.

Just like with Killjoy, the entire point flew over your head in regards to why I was saying what I was saying.

How will generating more fans in Mexico or Japan generate more fans in the States where TNA is floundering?
What's the appeal? Well, if he went to WWE, it would be like when Jerry Lynn, Spike and Justin Credible showed up in 2001. It's seeing a familiar face in a new environment, if you're a fan, you're going to care. It would be interesting to see how he fares.
Just like with Killjoy, the entire point flew over your head in regards to why I was saying what I was saying.

How will generating more fans in Mexico or Japan generate more fans in the States where TNA is floundering?

You mention me and I will just keep showing up. I don't know how hard it is for you to understand something so simple.

Let me ask you something. Behind the WWE what is the biggest U.S. promotion? TNA, no shit. Is AJ Styles gonna appear in the WWE? No shit he isn't. Then what in the fuck is the point of sending him to a smaller U.S. promotion? Florida, California, Vegas, who cares? TNA can get there by itself. If there's an indy fan out there, that means he's heard and knows about TNA and will probably already be watching. Don't be dumb and say someone watches PWG but doesn't have a clue about TNA. That's like saying someone knows about Little League Basketball but never knew there was the NCAA.
You mention me and I will just keep showing up. I don't know how hard it is for you to understand something so simple.

I could easily say the same thing about you.

Let me ask you something. Behind the WWE what is the biggest U.S. promotion? TNA, no shit. Is AJ Styles gonna appear in the WWE? No shit he isn't. Then what in the fuck is the point of sending him to a smaller U.S. promotion? Florida, California, Vegas, who cares? TNA can get there by itself. If there's an indy fan out there, that means he's heard and knows about TNA and will probably already be watching. Don't be dumb and say someone watches PWG but doesn't have a clue about TNA. That's like saying someone knows about Little League Basketball but never knew there was the NCAA.

...wow. What does any of this have to do with the fact that casual/average TNA fans most likely have no idea that AJ even defended the title in Mexico?

Do you want to grow the United States TNA fan population to grow? Then why the hell are you putting your champion in Mexico?

I could easily say the same thing about you.

...wow. What does any of this have to do with the fact that casual/average TNA fans most likely have no idea that AJ even defended the title in Mexico?

Do you want to grow the United States TNA fan population to grow? Then why the hell are you putting your champion in Mexico?


Why in the fuck are you so infatuated with the fucking American fanbase? Who the fuck said that's TNA's sole focus? He's a WORLD Champion. So he's touring THE WORLD. Why do you keep harping about the average TNA fan not knowing?

A) It's not Thursday.

B) The companies he's appearing in are affiliated to TNA.

Now I'll just sit here and wait for you to tell me how it would be so much better if he worked some rinkydink indy fed in 'Murica that gets a fraction of the attendance TNA gets. Because clearly, that's the better option for product placement. :rolleyes:
Why in the fuck are you so infatuated with the fucking American fanbase? Who the fuck said that's TNA's sole focus? He's a WORLD Champion. So he's touring THE WORLD. Why do you keep harping about the average TNA fan not knowing?

Oh... I dunno... maybe because, well... let's see...

TNA is based in America.
TNA is going to go back to television tapings... in America. Florida to be exact.
TNA's last PPV, Bound For Glory, which is their Wrestlemania had less than half of the total arena's attendance in an American city. At which time, TNA was touring through the States mostly, if not fully.
You keep trying to say "WORLD" like it really means something. If "WORLD" means as much as you're supposedly suggesting, why aren't the "WORLD" Tag Team Champions also jetting off to Mexico, Japan, etc outside of main events?

A) It's not Thursday.


B) The companies he's appearing in are affiliated to TNA.

Yes, they are... in foreign countries average fans don't know about, recognize or remember?

Now I'll just sit here and wait for you to tell me how it would be so much better if he worked some rinkydink indy fed in 'Murica that gets a fraction of the attendance TNA gets. Because clearly, that's the better option for product placement. :rolleyes:

Oh? So how much advertising did TNA do on Impact last week informing fans of AJ hitting Mexico? How much on the TNA website? How many average fans know he did any of this?
I think this feud is hotter than the one AJ is currently in, lol.

We'll see where it goes on Impact this week. They could always promote it by having Dixie watching part of the match, and then talking with someone about how overly disgusted she is that AJ is off with the TNA title...but it doesn't matter, because she's going to crown a new champion! This way, it keeps AJ relevant without getting rid of the hype for a new champion. People would then go Google or Bing the AJ stuff, and bam, it shows off AJ, it shows the other promotions, and then it brings people back to TNA, waiting for more. They can keep it up the whole time, mentioning him in passing without giving away too much. People will wait for the next "clue" and still see who is the "new" champion. It also keeps the feud alive between him and Dixie. I think it works.
TNA is trying to do what WWE didn't do with CM Punk...

CM Punk disappeared for a whopping two weeks before popping back up on RAW directly after Cena won the belt from Mysterio. I think he appeared at like ONE Chicago Cubs game the day after.

A.J. Styles is literally going to different countries. That certainly my appeal IF TNA follows through with it. I'd have a camera crew (mysterious or whatever) following Styles around showing footage of him wrestling in different places. Whether it be ROH (not likely but it got mentioned), AAA (likely), Japan, UK, India, ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE he can go. It's gotta be cheaper to fly Styles out alone (or with aforementioned crew at least) to let appear in indy feds.

That answers the question of how you increase the AMERICAN fanbase in TNA:

1. TNA follows him (officially or unofficially) so that he is on TV in some way. Dixie can even be pissed that it got aired and be all "Who did that? Who put his image up?!"

2. Those hardcore fans can follow him on Twitter, in like a "Where in the World is A.J. Styles?" kind of thing.

3. The indy feds get publicity from TNA, which may be floundering but is still on TV. You don't think some tiny fed in New Jersey or Pennsylvania wouldn't jump at the chance to promote a show on national TV?

4. Dixie can crown her new champ and parade him around on TV, because the interest in a new (replacement?) champ is there, especially if it leads to good matches again, and maybe even a corporate champion with Dixie's resources behind him. Bobby Roode, Magnus, or even Austin Aries could flourish in that role.

5. Styles' comeback would be huge. Punk coming back (to Cult of Personality no less) was flat out loud and amazing. If they are going back to the Impact Zone soon, you gotta know keeping Styles away from there will generate buzz, and his comeback will be massive.

Just my $0.66 cents on the matter.
I think this feud is hotter than the one AJ is currently in, lol.

We'll see where it goes on Impact this week. They could always promote it by having Dixie watching part of the match, and then talking with someone about how overly disgusted she is that AJ is off with the TNA title...but it doesn't matter, because she's going to crown a new champion! This way, it keeps AJ relevant without getting rid of the hype for a new champion. People would then go Google or Bing the AJ stuff, and bam, it shows off AJ, it shows the other promotions, and then it brings people back to TNA, waiting for more. They can keep it up the whole time, mentioning him in passing without giving away too much. People will wait for the next "clue" and still see who is the "new" champion. It also keeps the feud alive between him and Dixie. I think it works.

I think they dropped the ball however by doing the promoting of AJ after the initial match in Mexico. As one of the "average/casual" TNA fans I keep talking about, I feel if TNA had done something at least on their website, like it got "hacked" to show an AJ video or something, more average/casual fans may have been inclined to check out the match while it was on rather than see a Dixie reaction then having to hunt the video down.

Ease of use is the problem here, at least for me.
I think they dropped the ball however by doing the promoting of AJ after the initial match in Mexico. As one of the "average/casual" TNA fans I keep talking about, I feel if TNA had done something at least on their website, like it got "hacked" to show an AJ video or something, more average/casual fans may have been inclined to check out the match while it was on rather than see a Dixie reaction then having to hunt the video down.

Ease of use is the problem here, at least for me.

This is a good idea and something TNA should definitely do in the future. I just tried to find Styles' AAA match on YouTube and I can't find it. I'd love to see it for myself, but I'm not gonna dig hard to find it, but if TNA's site was "hacked" and it was posted on their homepage, I'd definitely check it out. I'm just too lazy to search for it myself to be brutally honest, and I think TNA should try to make these matches available for their fans.

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