What's so great about American Idol?

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Big Ace

Championship Contender
I understand that people love it here in America but other than seeing Simon bash on everybody, what's so great about it?
There is absolutely nothing great about American Idol... the only good points I can make for the show is that everyone is a winner... its borderline Special Olympics sometimes because the losers end up being bigger stars then the actual winners. For God's sake William Hung got a record deal... "SHE BANGS SHE BANGS!" It never gets old...
Rofl. Everyone watches to see Simon. I keep hearing ads for it on the radio. It's plain pathetic in my mind. I saw one season and it was completely boring besides Simon bashing everybody.
Canadian Idol... what are you talking aboot?

Sorry, I had to do it, lol. They once had a German Idol, but they had to cancel once David Hasselhoff won the first three seasons.
lol, yeah, the first couple of people who won it completely disappeared. The third one (i think the third one now), has a song out now but you know she's going to disappear people stop listening to that song. It's so pointless.

But you know what... despite all this, I do respect Kelly Clarkson.
My family is obsessed with American Idol, I see it as the most repetitive, obnoxious garbage ever, people who sound the same sing for an hour and a half while an obnoxious host (Ryan Seacrest) walks around the whole time and makes bad jokes.
we have australian idol on t.v over here and my aunty and uncle watch american idol(somehow) and the american singers are 10 times better then the australian once. our last winner was a 16yo obese aboriginal girl who hasnt even released and album yet, lol.
I think a lot of people over look this little fact... Australian Idol, Canadian Idol, American Idol... WILLIAM HUNG IS ORIENTAL, and he got a record deal doing the stereotypical Japanese man at a karyoke bar! I don't know if any of you have heard of it, but America's Got Talent is a good show because they let ANYBODY on there... its just a shame that the winner of that contest was a m'fing rapping GRANDMA!!!!

This is why terrorists hate us.
Man I'm tired of American Idol now or whatever the show is called. Yeah when it first came out it was alot of hype about it and everything and I say it didn't bother me until like after the first two seasons. I could give a less care about who sings better then who or who gets voted off and things, I think that they should of skipped this year and waited until January 2008 if they was gonna bring it back. I think it would of been a little better and we could get a good year without hearing about no American Idol. Your right Ace that's all Simon really does is bash on everyone the only thing that I like about American Idol is the auditions which I only watched 5 minutes of it and havent watched the show since. I don't even know the peoples names who are in it hell I don't even know how much people are left lol but I get your point Ace and I agree with you 100% buddy.
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