What's Next For Bryan?


As we all saw on Raw last night, Daniel Bryan put Shawn Michaels in the Yes Lock after HBK explained his actions at HIAC. HBK's explanation was that he essentially stood up for Triple H once he saw that Bryan had taken him out. HBK took the stance of Triple H being his best friend, something that wouldn't change and that friendship would always come a head of anything to do with the business. We saw a little of the old cocky HBK come out during his promo last night after insulting Bryan and demanded that Bryan shake his hand & accept his "apology" even though he didn't actually apologize. Bryan initially took HBK's hand and pulled him to the mat for the Yes Lock. Bryan held the move for well over a minute, causing HBK to tap before several referees were able to pull Bryan off, leaving HBK to writhe in pain.

Obviously this has led to speculation that there MIGHT be something with Bryan & HBK at some point down the line. On Twitter last night, a fan asked Michaels if what happened with Bryan was a sign that he was "staying awhile" and Michaels responded with "We'll see...it's been discussed." While not exactly a straight up confirmation, it's certainly not a denial and that it MIGHT happen.

Shortly after the segment, Bryan was attacked by the Wyatt Family backstage before he could give comments on his actions to Renee Young. The Wyatt Family would also attack & lay out CM Punk after Punk's victory over Ryback last night, so this also has people wondering if they're setting up some sort of tag feud between Bryan & Punk against the Wyatt Family or laying the groundwork for a traditional Survivor Series match in some way.

IF, IF, IF anything goes down with Bryan & HBK, I won't be surprised if it's put on the backburner for a bit, then picked back up next year with the culmination of the program leading to HBK coming out of retirement for "one more match" against Bryan at WrestleMania. Frankly, I think it's a match that damn near everyone would want to see IF HBK feels up for it. He still looks like he's in great shape and there's a lot of time between now at WrestleMania to work off whatever ring rust he has. The novelty of HBK coming back for "one more match" at the 30th anniversary of WrestleMania to take on his former pupil, whom he'd feel showed him the ultimate disrespect, would almost certainly increase buys for the show.

I'm disappointed that he's out of the WWE Championship picture and, personally, I think WWE left a good deal of money on the table. At the same time, it doesn't look like Bryan is being moved back down the card and if last night is any indication, his popularity hasn't been lessened. Again, I think WWE's made a mistake but the idea of Bryan & Punk teaming up for a while and the potential of a match with HBK later down the road holds a lot of interesting promise.
I could easily see Bryan,Punk,Miz and ??? vs the Wyatts and Kane at SS. After that i think you keep the little feud going into TLC. After that you have Bryan build up for the rumble where HHH will make sure he draws number 1. I am leaning on Bryan winning the rumble and capturing the WWE title at WM 30.

That is just how i see it happening atm but who knows with WWE. Most people thought Bryan would win at HIAC but we saw how that went.
I got a IF IF IF IF headache.

daniel bryan should feud with the wyatt family, and leave the wwe championship picture, im done with bryan. im not like the people who liked bryan and wanted him to be top face, no i dont like bryan and i never wanted him to be the face of the company lol!! a couple of yes chants and quick take out's of the shield makes the wwe universe think he's the top face? really? WAKE UP wwe universe/
Whats next for Bryan is where he should be for his career, the midcard. I am not a fan of Bryan, I enjoy nothing about him. I hope he is the next Kofi Kingston, a career midcarder who next wins the WWE or WH titles again
A feud with the Wyatt Family seems like a step down for Bryan. One he doesn't need after having his legs cut out from under him. The Wyatt Family, after initial promis, have become complete nonentities. I guess that is kind of down with who they've been paired aginst so far though.

Bryan should face Triple H in a match at Survivor Series. It's been leading to match between the two, Bryan deserves it now. He faces HHH at Survivor Series, get's screwed again, then a rematch for some kind of contract at TLC, he wins but is screwed again, he then wins the Rumble. Seems like a good way of rebuilding him whilst keeping him in what would be a fresh and top match on the next couple of PPV cards.
A feud with the Wyatt Family seems like a step down for Bryan. One he doesn't need after having his legs cut out from under him. The Wyatt Family, after initial promis, have become complete nonentities. I guess that is kind of down with who they've been paired aginst so far though.

Bryan should face Triple H in a match at Survivor Series. It's been leading to match between the two, Bryan deserves it now. He faces HHH at Survivor Series, get's screwed again, then a rematch for some kind of contract at TLC, he wins but is screwed again, he then wins the Rumble. Seems like a good way of rebuilding him whilst keeping him in what would be a fresh and top match on the next couple of PPV cards.

It's all relative, though, isn't it? Obviously a feud with anyone else as compared to contending for the top prize of the company is a step backwards, no one would dispute that, but it doesn't have to be a dramatic step in reverse and it doesn't have to be for long. It could be a matter of Bryan, and Punk as well for that matter, treading water so to speak while trying to elevate the faction of "complete nonentities" to a position of greater prominence. Bryan can continue to ride the wave of popularity he is currently enjoying, while we all get to see if the Wyatt family are worthy of the IWC hooplah they continue to receive. Bryan doesn't have to stay too far from the top, and he can easily re-enter a storyline for a title chase, either against Orton or Cena.

Personally, I don't see HBK returning to the ring to face Bryan, regardless of any diffuse twitter comments Michaels supposedly made. Bryan/HHH, I could definitely see that happening. And I think it would be fun to see a Survivor Series team of Bryan, Punk, Miz, and someone else versus the Wyatt's and Kane, especially considering the history between Bryan and Kane.
HBK took the stance of Triple H being his best friend, something that wouldn't change and that friendship would always come a head of anything to do with the business.

Thereby blowing Shawn's "I'll call it down the middle" pledge out of the water, huh? It's easy to see why many fans are calling for a face change from HBK, yet there's been no previous indication he would ever be involved enough with his old employer to make a program as substantial as it would take to accomplish this. He's preferred his hunting show and a few non-violent appearances in WWE....and why not? Fans have eaten it up.

Still, he seems in good enough shape to give us more if he chooses to, especially if the old bankroll could use a cash injection. Plus, if he's going to fight someone in the ring, I'd wager HBK would rather face Daniel Bryan than a behemoth like Brock Lesnar, no?

IF, IF, IF anything goes down with Bryan & HBK, I won't be surprised if it's put on the backburner for a bit, then picked back up next year with the culmination of the program leading to HBK coming out of retirement for "one more match" against Bryan at WrestleMania.

That makes sense on two fronts. First, Daniel seems ready to engage in a program with the swamp rats, although I can't even imagine what form that will take. I would think he'd need an ally or two, which is polar opposite from the way he's dealt with the "corporation" by his lonesome. Could be interesting. Or not.

The second reason is that I can't see HBK engaging in any type of program that lasts from now until Wrestlemania. As much fun as it is to see him, there are only so many times we can watch him do that turkey strut of his in cowboy boots before we need him to get more physically involved, and I just don't think Shawn cares to go that far. I'd love to be wrong on this one.
i think bryans going to stay heavilly involved in the main corporate storyline more and more stars are getting involved either been loyal to to hhh and chums or against him just last night hbk chose loyalty to hhh in the least heelish way possible also kane joined steph so it looks like hes involved now in one way or another.also after bryan attacking hbk last night i doubt they will just leave it there so i think there will be repercussions from that.mayby even a match at some point if hbk comes out of retirement as unlikely as that is.

im not to fussed about him been out of the title hunt for a while after all he is a two time wwe champion in as many months as stupidly short as his reigns where thats still not bad going imo lol
UNLESS Bryan wins the Royal Rumble, then what's next for him is being BURIED because this is a MAJOR step down. dont get me wrong, i am a huge fan of the Wyatt Family and think they deserve a major push, but why is Bryan (who got screwed AGAIN) leaving the title picture??? it's like WCW when the bad guys ALWAYS won and that's what the end result of Bryan and Orton is. from WWE's point of view, Bryan cant hold a candle to Orton and that's why i hate ending it like that, so unless Bryan wins the Royal Rumble and gets Orton at WM30 and WINS the WWE Championship, then this is a complete burial of Daniel Bryan and WWE WASTED a star and honestly, i dont think Bryan will face Orton at Wrestlemania, i think he faces Triple H (big deal there) while Punk faces Orton. as for Punk vs. the Wyatts, i like that because 1) Punk needs something to do and 2) Punk and Bray could have nice back and forth promos.
Well initially it looks like him and Punk are both getting lumbered with The Wyatt's which I'm not very interested in, especially if other guys are going to be added to water down any potential feud into a Survivor Series match, just have it be Punk & Bryan vs the swamp trash, 2 vs 3.

I don't see Bryan vs HBK happening, I think the segment last night was Shawn putting Bryan over in the best way he can now he's retired. I still hope it'll be Bryan vs Triple H at Mania but at this point I just don't know. I think they made a big mistake not having Bryan win the title and now we are stuck with Show vs Orton, a combination that was crappy when they used it earlier this year.
I don't see Bryan vs HBK happening, I think the segment last night was Shawn putting Bryan over in the best way he can now he's retired. I still hope it'll be Bryan vs Triple H at Mania but at this point I just don't know. I think they made a big mistake not having Bryan win the title and now we are stuck with Show vs Orton, a combination that was crappy when they used it earlier this year.
i agree, but i hope you're wrong with the Mania match. i think it should be Bryan vs. Orton for the WWE title where Bryan FINALLY gets the WWE title for his REAL run, but i think it will happen as you said either that or Bryan will go to another title. in other words, either Bryan vs. Triple H or Bryan vs. Cena for the WHC, but i think either of those matches would be burials. i think they go Punk vs. Orton for the WWE title, Triple H vs. Bryan, but i want to see Bryan vs. Orton for the title and move Punk to either Triple H or Cena.
I think it's common sense as to why DB is no longer in the corporate story line. Vince hates DB and so does HHH. Now if they want Vince to go face, they obviously have to fix the anti-DB sentiment. I don't think Vince will come out and make a public apology to DB and say that he was wrong. It'll suck more than Big Show's crying segments. So, they take DB out of the story line itself and make an easy way for Vince to turn face. I am more than sure that this is the end for DB in the corporate story line.

Punk has had beef with both Vince and HHH in the past and introducing him into the corporate story line doesn't make sense either.

So, you have Punk and DB do something else while the WWE creative comes up with something major for the two of them. And hence, you have the Wyatt story line. WWE loves Miz and they'll do anything to get him back to the limelight. What better way than to team him up Punk and DB against the Wyatts and possibly Kane? Also, it's rumored that Punk and DB will get two teammates to go against the Wyatts and one other teammate at SS. If WWE wants to put in little effort, you'll see Wyatts and Kane against Punk, Bryan, Miz and a returning Mark Henry in all probability.

And just to slightly go off topic, I think Barrett is going to be a part of the corporate story line setting up a push for him. Barrett vs Orton will also make a pretty lucrative competition.
Wyatt family for now..I wouldn't be surprised if the Wyatt family aligns themselves with HHH/Orton/Steph etc.

I think Bryan will win the rumble and he will win the title at WM.
i agree, but i hope you're wrong with the Mania match. i think it should be Bryan vs. Orton for the WWE title where Bryan FINALLY gets the WWE title for his REAL run, but i think it will happen as you said either that or Bryan will go to another title. in other words, either Bryan vs. Triple H or Bryan vs. Cena for the WHC, but i think either of those matches would be burials. i think they go Punk vs. Orton for the WWE title, Triple H vs. Bryan, but i want to see Bryan vs. Orton for the title and move Punk to either Triple H or Cena.

I don't think there is any chance of them doing Orton vs Bryan at Mania, Byran has beaten him numerous times and they just headlined 3 PPV's in a row. Truthfully Orton is just an avatar for Triple H, he is the main heel in the angle and the guy Bryan needs to beat for it to really matter IMO.
Also, adding to my previous reply, I think that they are waiting for Cena vs. Del Rio to get over. WWE really wants to do Cena & Nikki vs DB & Brie. Don't be surprised if that is what you get after SS and that is what you see till Royal Rumble.
I don't think there is any chance of them doing Orton vs Bryan at Mania, Byran has beaten him numerous times and they just headlined 3 PPV's in a row. Truthfully Orton is just an avatar for Triple H, he is the main heel in the angle and the guy Bryan needs to beat for it to really matter IMO.
if that's the case, then like i said, it's a burial for Bryan because while Triple H is the main heel in the angle, holding the WWE title for a lengthy time would be better for him. i think that's what they should do is have Bryan win the Royal Rumble and then move him onto Randy Orton for the WWE title where he beats him. as for Triple H, i think Punk makes for a better match for Triple H and i think Punk will sell that as gold like he usually does, but like i said, i think Bryan wins the Rumble, trades the title shot in for either a match with Triple H or challenges John Cena and the Bella's get involved in this story while Punk challenges Orton and gets his payback for what happened years ago when Punk lost his WHC.
Also, adding to my previous reply, I think that they are waiting for Cena vs. Del Rio to get over. WWE really wants to do Cena & Nikki vs DB & Brie. Don't be surprised if that is what you get after SS and that is what you see till Royal Rumble.
i think it's possible that could happen at Wrestlemania...Bryan wins the rumble and challenges Cena instead of Orton and the Bellas follow their boyfriend/fiancee. and Bryan likely beats Cena again, but i hope i'm wrong and i hope we dont see that match. i want to see Bryan win the rumble and get his revenge on Orton.
if that's the case, then like i said, it's a burial for Bryan because while Triple H is the main heel in the angle, holding the WWE title for a lengthy time would be better for him. i think that's what they should do is have Bryan win the Royal Rumble and then move him onto Randy Orton for the WWE title where he beats him. as for Triple H, i think Punk makes for a better match for Triple H and i think Punk will sell that as gold like he usually does, but like i said, i think Bryan wins the Rumble, trades the title shot in for either a match with Triple H or challenges John Cena and the Bella's get involved in this story while Punk challenges Orton and gets his payback for what happened years ago when Punk lost his WHC.

I wouldn't consider beating Tripl H at Mania a burial, I am not a fan of The Game but his stock has been protected a lot over the years and beating him on the biggest stage would be a huge boost for Bryan. I do agree he should have had the WWE title run first, like say from HIAC through to the EC where Triple H costs him the title setting up their Mania match.
I wish they did this

1) bryan wins at HIAC and stays champion against a RR winner punk
2) orton wins at HIAC and at survivor series cm punk and bryan are in same team. They are sole survivors and then triple h is like ok you too have to battle ladder match at tlc and winner faces randy at rumble. Then either bryan or punk could win get the title at rumble and other wins the RR were they then face each other.

What do you guys think?
I wish they did this
2) orton wins at HIAC and at survivor series cm punk and bryan are in same team. They are sole survivors and then triple h is like ok you too have to battle ladder match at tlc and winner faces randy at rumble. Then either bryan or punk could win get the title at rumble and other wins the RR were they then face each other.

No chance in hell. Bryan and Punk is not going to happen until next year. Plus, the idea is overly complex and has very little potential to succeed.
According to a report from F4WOnline.com, the current plan calls for the Wyatt Family, Bryan & Punk to be involved in a traditional Survivor Series match. As of now, it's going to be 4 on 4 rather than 5 on 5 with 1 yet to be revealed wrestler teaming with the Family and 2 other wrestlers teaming with Bryan & Punk. This program is being used as a means of using Punk & Bryan's popularity to help elevate the Wyatt Family.

As for the 4th member of Team Wyatt, I'd say that it'll either be Ryback or Kane taking that spot. Kane joining the team, even after being taken out by them, could be a request from Stephanie. After all, he pretty much came right out and said that he's her monster now. Ryback's a possibility but after seeing him so handily defeated twice by Punk in a 24 hour stretch, his stock seems pretty low to me.

For Bryan & Punk's team, it's difficult to say at this time. The Family could wind up claiming more victims in the weeks leading up to Survivor Series, which I think is probably the way they'll do this. Miz seems a likely choice but, frankly, Miz's stock is at an all time low right now, especially after being squashed by Kane last night in about 2 minutes. Kofi Kingston's a possibility as the Family looked to be going after him recently, even though nothing's really come of it as of yet. Dolph Ziggler is also a pretty good possibility I think. His stock isn't exactly skyrocketing right now, but it's higher than Miz's. A long shot is a returning babyface Wade Barrett, but I'm mostly mentioning him as he could be used as something of a surprise. As I said, he's a long shot.
Wow, they really dropped the ball with Bryan, haven't they? Bryan was on the verge of true superstardom... and failed.

Back to the midcard Bryan. Enjoy feuding with the Wyatts.

Hell in a Cell was the last chance of making Bryan. Even if he wins the title the PPV after next, it's too late. It's anticlimatic now. You have to fan the flames the right way and they blew it.

And what's this I read on Sandow cashing in unsuccessfully? Damn. They really have zero interest in creating the next cashcow after Cena and Orton, have they?

Madden was right. There. I said it.
If there going to do a match at Mania they should do something like Rock and Cena did but have HBK cost D-Bry,Punk the match at Survivor Series then the next night on Raw Bryan cause out HBK who keeps declining the challenge until HBK goes around destroying WWE and say's if he can beat The Wyatts at 3 on 1 at TLC he gets the match but he loses then HBK says he has one more shot against The Authority (HHH,Orton,The Shield,Kane) No DQ he get's help and wins getting HBK at Mania and defeating him
Even if wwe does get bryan to win rumble and go to mania. There still won't be a huge reaction and excitement then when he first won it and I think the more time daniel away from title picture the more wwe realize that they don't want him. They are doing same thing as ziggler and Ryder... Sadly give it a month and he will be back to mid card
The feud with The Wyatt Family seems like an obvious choice after the attacks last night. Punk teaming with Bryan to take on The Wyatt Family will keep both guys busy for now, but the bigger question is Byran's future going forward.

I honestly can't imagine a match with Shawn Michaels. Michaels risked everything for one more chance at The Streak, so I don't the see the logic in Shawn coming out of retirement for "one more match" at Wrestlemania XXX of all places to settle a little squabble with Daniel Bryan. That wouldn't make sense at all.

BUT I can see Daniel Bryan VS Triple H at Wrestlemania XXX. Bryan has more than enough reasons to go after Triple H. It's a heated, personal feud, and IF Bryan is able to make Triple H tap, it'll be a huge moment for Bryan. And Shawn can be ringside for Triple H as a supporter in his corner. Something similar to his role during Triple H's match with Brock Lesnar at this year's Wrestlemania, except Shawn will fill Heyman's heel role (i.e. the pesky weasel, who goes out of his way to interfere in the match).

Although, with the way things are going, I wouldn't be surprised to see Triple H VS Big Show at Wrestlemania XXX. I'm always indifferent to Big Show, but you can't deny facts, Show is really over with the fans now. The crowd erupted, when Show knocked out Triple H a few weeks back, and since then, Show consistently receives some of the strongest reactions from live crowds on a weekly basis.

If Show VS Triple H happens at Wrestlemania, and Show is the one, who's chosen to give Triple H his deserved beating, then I have no idea how WWE will use Bryan at Mania and in the months leading up to the big show. WWE can't go with Orton VS Bryan again, because it's been done to death this year.

I want to say Bryan VS Punk, because WWE can build up their past together, as two guys, who scrapped and fought on indy scene to make it to the big leagues. And together, they surprised everyone as unlikely choices to grab the proverbial brass rings. But who's going to turn heel? Bryan and Punk are loved by the fans, especially smarks. Punk is coming off of a LENGTHY heel run as WWE Champion, so it wouldn't make sense to turn him heel again. And I have a hard time believing the fans will actually boo Bryan. Plus, Punk seems like an ideal candidate to win the Royal Rumble next year. A Rumble win is on a short list of unchecked accolades for Punk, and unless WWE plans on having a returning Sheamus win it all in a shocking surprise, Punk should be the front-runner to win next year's Rumble match.

As always, a lot can change from now to Mania XXX, but for now, I don't see a big problem with a Bryan and Punk VS The Wyatt family feud.

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