What's going on with The King?


Quote the Raven, nevermore.
So I was just on WWE.com and the front page says it will be Randy Orton vs King Sheamus...But that's not what caught my attention. What did was that at the bottom of the blurp it said that Miz will also face Jerry "The King" Lawler again tonight.

Although I like the King and all, I still find it strange that he has been wrestling so much lately. I mean, on his birthday he faced the Miz for the WWE Title in a TLC match, last week he teamed up with Randy Orton and John Morrison to face the Miz, Alex Riley and Sheamus and now this week he's wrestling The Miz again? Why? I honestly think it's because he's leaving the WWE soon and wants to get a few last matches in before he leaves for good.

Any thoughts or ideas?
it is possible that he will retire and leave the company. it is also possible that he could just want to wrestle again like he use to when he was younger. but i do to believe he will retire which does suck alot because i actually like the kings announcing
Jerry Lawler still wrestles most weekends on the independant scenein the USA. He is a better in ring performer than 80% of the roster. But the fact is, WWE doesnt want to feed The Miz any of there main event faces just yet, they want to build him up more a s a hated guy. Beating on legends and winning by the skin of his teeth makes The Miz look the cowardly champ that he is. It would not work if it was Morrison or R-Truth being dished up to be buried. Lawler can be putting Miz over and it doesnt hurt anybody. Everybody knows The Miz is no Rock or Austin or Cena....yet. Bret Hart helped get The Miz over without having to barely throw a punch earlier in the year. Lawler is doing the same.
I think it's obvious when you look a it.

Who else is he going to wrestle?

He is not going to beat John Cena, he is not going to beat Randy Orton, John Morrison is going to face him at the PPV. Evan Bourne is injured, the only guy left is Jerry Lawler who can still go.

He's not ready to beat Orton or Cena in a one on one match that isn't a gimiick match where they can protect either guy.

So they have to go with Lawler.
This may be a stretch but with a lot of the younger guys stepping up and a lot of the older main event guys going away the WWE may be wanting to fill RAW up with some older, more established guys. Give RAW a veteren feel. I don't mind it, because Jerry Lawler is helping the Miz tremendously by putting him over as a major heel. I mean who cares if King is getting one last chance to shine before he hangs it up. Jerry Lawler can still draw, not in massive doeses but deffinatly can draw in some older adults and fans. I personally enjoy seeing the King in the ring again. He may be retiring pretty soon, he desrves a little spot light before he goes out. After all, he's still got it.
maybe just maybe the king will get his first ever wrestlemania match!!!!.. but who would he wrestle michael cole haha i wouldnt mind seen that at wrestlemania with JR been the special ref hahaha
It's pretty much because all of the other main event faces are tied up in other storylines atm. Orton is in a match, Cena is too soon and so is Morrison. That's all their top faces. So who else is left? Seeing as in how good the chemistry between Miz and King was, why not?
King has been terrible on the mic. I suspect he is retiring soon and that is good for the announce booth as long as they can find someone better. Striker and Grisham dont cut it at all! im not too familar with josh matthews work so idk.

I do still enjoy kings matches.. i did enjoy the ladder match he had with miz. So if he maybe just wants to put over the miz a bit. Im ok with that.
First of all, it fits into the Cole/Miz/Lawler angle that's been going on. Second, they don't want Miz to lose, but don't want him to cleanly beat anyone in the title scene. Throw in the King and you get Miz heat, Cole heat, and a win for the Miz while still remaining unproven.
Theyve done this with King before. Usually its not as many matches at this, but they seem to like to toss him out there against guys trying to make names for themselves.
Or maybe theyre just trying to shake things up in the WWE.

Lawler fighting with the Miz is a way of furthering the uncomfortable void between Lawler and Cole, who also seemed to be fighting at commentary just to say things to the audience. Lawler fighting Miz is just a way to further Miz as a cowardly heel who is disrespectful to legends and everyone
I honestly think it's because he's leaving the WWE soon and wants to get a few last matches in before he leaves for good.

I actually think this is possible. Lawler is 61 years old, so it's not unreasonable to believe he's about finished. And what a send-off this has been.

Jerry Lawler isn't going to get the Ric Flair/Shawn Michaels send-off. But if this is his farewell tour, it's working well. He's had some decent matches with The Miz, showing he can still move around pretty well.

If Lawler plans on leaving soon, this is probably the best way he could have gone. He's had three matches with the WWE champion, and has won twice. I'm actually hoping Lawler leaves soon, because this is the best possible way for him to leave.
The King is popular and one of the few faces Miz can get heat on, I really don't think there is more to it than that, although I'd love to see King get on Mania, maybe in a handicap match against Cole and Riley.
I can sort of see it this way (although I doubt it will happen like this):

Sometime between now and Wrestlemania, Lawler will cost Miz the title. Miz will be so incensed he'll challenge King to a Loser Leaves WWE match (with Alex Riley barred from ringside). This will allow Miz to actually get a clean win, somewhat improving his image. Jerry will have a nice send-off. After that, I can then see The Miz getting involved in the world title match later that night.

Like I said, I doubt that will happen but it's a thought.
Hmmmm King v. Miz at Mania would really kind of be blah, but it actually could make a lot of sense. Maybe even for the WWE Title so they can send off King with the WWE Title. I know it'd suck, but it'd be a good way to 'keep the WWE Title on Raw' during the draft.
So Lawler beat Miz again..... With help from JoMo this time, then the hypocrite himself jumped back onto commentary and made no mention of JoMo getting him the win, despite the fact he has done nothing but moan about A-Ry helping Miz.

Sorry, but i can't stand Lawler and he annoys the shit out of me, so seeing him beat Miz 2 weeks in a row grinds my gears... :banghead:
I think Lwaler may have a match at Mania , considering the news stories around WM 25 hich stated that he was dissapointed that Vince didn't give him the chance to wrestle in legends handicap match against Jericho , and to his aid , Crowd has been really nice to him in past few weeks so I think they are making him ready for a bout at WM , maybe even against Cole , Who Knows?!

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