What WWE Talents Have Been Completely Dedicated And Devoted To The Business?


The Cerebral Assassin
What WWE superstars over the years have been completely dedicated to the business of professional wrestling.. Ya know, the guys who bled, sweat, and cried for the business over the years. The true superstars that never half-assed it, the guys that were always the first ones in and the last ones out of the arenas, the guys who always strove to be better, and never got tired of wrestling in some way or another.

A good example of this, IMO, would be the Undertaker. A long-time WWE faithful, the Deadman has been with the company for decades now, and is still on top of his game. Yes, he's lightened his schedule, and some might look at that as a weakness when thinking about him as a good choice for this category, but you can also look at is as the way he's still ABLE to be in the business today. His heart and love for the business is really undeniable.

The controversial Triple H is also very dedicated to the business. Love him or hate him, you gotta respect this guy and his accomplishments. This seasoned veteran has headlined COUNTLESS shows and has held NUMEROUS titles. He's lived and breathed the business for years now, and he still loves it, and that's very clear. This is a guy who has finished wrestling matches with his quadricep muscle literally rolled up in his leg. If thats not determination and devotion, then I dont know what is.

So, do you agree or disagree with my picks?
Do you have any picks of your own?
John Cena.

This man, while only having been in the WWE for a few years, is COMPLETLY devoted to not only this business, but the WWE. He wants to do films yes? They're WWE produced films. He wants to produce music yes? It's a WWE produced album. He loves the WWE, and he loves the business. He's stated that he doesn't want to leave the WWE to do movies full time. He loves the business and he won't go anywhere until he retires.
John Cena.

This man, while only having been in the WWE for a few years, is COMPLETLY devoted to not only this business, but the WWE. He wants to do films yes? They're WWE produced films. He wants to produce music yes? It's a WWE produced album. He loves the WWE, and he loves the business. He's stated that he doesn't want to leave the WWE to do movies full time. He loves the business and he won't go anywhere until he retires.

Thats a pretty good pick, even though we dont know if he will stay with the business for sure, although I feel like he personally will as well.

I think another mention should go to......... none other than Vince McMahon himself. Vince, a LONG-TIME WWE "talent" (and of course owner), HAS been wrestling for the last several decades. Period. No other way around it. He's the boss, yet he still loves taking bumps in matches. He also pretty much attends and directs EVERY WWE televised event.... not to mention all of the other COUNTLESS tasks, appearances, meetings, etc etc etc that he has to do EVERYDAY. But, he loves it. And that's why he's so dedicated and devoted to pro wrestling, a business that is in his blood.
John Cena.

This man, while only having been in the WWE for a few years, is COMPLETLY devoted to not only this business, but the WWE. He wants to do films yes? They're WWE produced films. He wants to produce music yes? It's a WWE produced album. He loves the WWE, and he loves the business. He's stated that he doesn't want to leave the WWE to do movies full time. He loves the business and he won't go anywhere until he retires.

While I agree that John Cena has, thus far, been very loyal to the WWE, I have to refute your points.

The fact that he has done WWE produced movies and music is not because of loyalty to the company, rather it is because they are footing the bill for the exposure it gives them. Cena simply isn't talented enough an actor or "musician" to have others invest in him for non WWE related products.
Yes, I agree with Jellmoo in that your points arent what the thread is looking for. Yes, Cena is definitely in love with the business, but the facts that he utlizes it to do movies doesnt really prove that fact. Instead you should have mentioned that he's worked thru terrible injuries in record time just to get back into the ring. That's the sort of dedication that makes Cena obviously in love with/dedicated to the business and WWE.
It's easy to be loyal when everything is going for you. Heck, world titles, serious storylines, constant PPV matches, high placement on the card..., these are things that would keep any professional wrestler happy; or at least most of them.

So instead of Triple H, Undertaker, or Cena, Im going with Kane. 12 years. Not even 24 hours as the big dog. Yet, he has endured a countless number of rediculous storylines. He has not been consistently high on the card. Yet, a number of stars record credibility wins over him; even if they haven't done anything to deserve it.

I know, Kane is not the best in the ring nor is he the biggest draw, but he doesn't complain about creative, cry, blame Triple H for banging Stephanie and beg for his release only to suck at the next promotion. Instead, he does his job (whether its the dark match or the main event), is very accessible to fans (or at least that is what I have read), and has even been willing to completly change his look for his character.
In my opinion the greatest of them all is HHH. Just the fact that he finished the match with his quad injury is enough for me. Then he comes back and waits 1 year to get back into the title hunt and lets Cena run with it. You may hate him for being so lucky as to bed Steph, but you have got to admit that this man is WWE to the bone. Besides Vince himself, no one loves the company as much as HHH. I hope he has a very long title reign. And as much as I admire him, I hope that Ric's record stands. That would be just one more way of HHH showing how much he loves the business that he is willing to let a legend's record stand even though he has it in his power to break it!
I'm going with Kane as well. People may want to talk about how he's stale as humanly possible now and has a completely outdated gimmick etc., but the opposite argument to that is very simple. What has WWE done to try to help Kane in the last say, 5 years? At the end of the day, the easiest way to get someone over is to have them win a big match. Kane is the epitome of the jobber to the stars now, so why should we put any faith into him? Despite being used over and over again in the same way for years now, have you ever heard of him complaining or badmouthing the company? He's put over a ton of people over the years and has had to go through the same bull shit feuds with his most successful period being what, an ECW Title reign? He's been in the company now in this persona going on 12 years. That's a long time for anyone and he never gets any recognition for it. To go through that much of the same thing for so long, he has to be dedicated.
I love that people have been bringing up Kane, he is one of the most underrated stars in WWE. I mean he is a main-event jobber at best, but everyone still sees him as main event/upper mid-card status. He can also change from heel to face easily with his gimmick.

I'm surprised nobody brought up Edge. Edge has been around for over a decade now and it took him a while to make it where he is now. He is the best heel in the business today and returned from multiple injuries to get back into the ring.
Taker, Michaels Triple H and John Cena and believe it or not i honestly think that Orton really lves wrestling and that hes not going anywhere anytime soon

I love Michaels but its hard for me to put him on this list.

I don't doubt Michaels love for the BUSINESS, but he put himself over his COMPANY several times in the 1990s.
Cant put HBK on there, he was a selfish little prick during the 90's.

Taker HHH and Kane are all great choices. I rate them HHH-Taker-Kane. I get tired of hearing the same shit that HHH slept his way to the top. Or that he isn't dedicated cause he laid Steph. Horsecrap. He earned it. He carried the Godwins through horrible matches with Slop, Pigs, you name it. Even had a fued with Duke The Dumpster Droese. Worked with Foley, then had DX. Then he ran with the ball when HBK went out. Classic matches with Undertaker, Austin and the Rock.

Taker he has done it all. Enough said. Kane has been on top, on bottom, did a dead chick and killed a baby. Jesus, the man should be given a medal lol.

Cena is a clone of Vince, just looks different. I'm sure of it.

How about this one, Jim Ross? Go get beat up. Sure Boss. Make fun of you. Sure boss. Fire you, sure boss. Fire your partner, sure Boss. Put you in a match. Sure boss. He is the perfect employee. He does what he is told, sells your product and he LOVES doing it.

I truely believe Matt Hardy, even though he sucks, loves the business. I believe Edge loves the business.

The Rock didn't love the business, he loved the rush the pop.
So this doesn't apply to the wrestlers who are busting their arses now? The new wrestlers who are unfortunate enough to still be new to the business?

You can argue the merits of The Undertaker over an 18 year period. But the guy takes lots of time off, had a gimmick where he hardly moved and was very lazy for a good 5 years from 1998-2003.
Cant put HBK on there, he was a selfish little prick during the 90's.

Taker HHH and Kane are all great choices. I rate them HHH-Taker-Kane. I get tired of hearing the same shit that HHH slept his way to the top. Or that he isn't dedicated cause he laid Steph. Horsecrap. He earned it. He carried the Godwins through horrible matches with Slop, Pigs, you name it. Even had a fued with Duke The Dumpster Droese. Worked with Foley, then had DX. Then he ran with the ball when HBK went out. Classic matches with Undertaker, Austin and the Rock.

Taker he has done it all. Enough said. Kane has been on top, on bottom, did a dead chick and killed a baby. Jesus, the man should be given a medal lol.

Cena is a clone of Vince, just looks different. I'm sure of it.

How about this one, Jim Ross? Go get beat up. Sure Boss. Make fun of you. Sure boss. Fire you, sure boss. Fire your partner, sure Boss. Put you in a match. Sure boss. He is the perfect employee. He does what he is told, sells your product and he LOVES doing it.

I truely believe Matt Hardy, even though he sucks, loves the business. I believe Edge loves the business.

The Rock didn't love the business, he loved the rush the pop.

i agree with you on the matt hardy feld, hes been in the company for a little over 11 years or so. hes been busting his ass ever since just waiting for his chance to shine with out jeff stealing all of the glory. i wouldnt say that he sucks but his in ring performance could be improved but hes more of a technical wrestler
So far all I have seen here are the men . . How about the women? The Divas?
Granted, they do not carry matches like the men do with the power moves and high flying, but some are just as didicated as the men mentioned in this thread.
Do you think that Mae Young and Moolah would have allowed themselves to be made fun of and particiapted in some really stupid skits if they were not dedicated?
As far as the current crop, everyone has to admit that Kelly Kelly has made more progress in the ring than anyone else. When she started it was the stupid exhibitionist bit with Mikle Knox, now she has tained hard and no longer looks lost in the ring. Candice Michelle is another, remember the wizards cape and star on a wand, if she had not suffered two quick clavical injuries, I think she wouls be even better, but those have caused her to be more cautious.
I also feel if Lita had not been put into the routine with Edge, then she would still be with WWE. But that routine soured her on preforming and was the reason she left. I mean she came back after a broken neck, and a very serious knee injury. How many other divas have you seen that constandly used a hurricanrana off the top rope, even after she broke her neck because she used one in the TV episode she was filming. Even when she turned heel, she hated it, but carried through and became the single most hated Diva in the WWE.
So, there are plenty of men dedicated, but also women.
maybe its worth giving a shout 2 guys who are/were permenant jobbers like funaki, duane gill, brooklyn brawler, barry horowitz etc. never destined for anything let alone greatness but always willing 2 put over new guys and so forth. its easy 2 point at the guys in the spotlight as we often forget the guys that helped get them there in the 1st place and while i dnt doubt the commitment of guys like triple h and cena i think its important we remember guys have layed down for them 2 b who they are. rant over!
I'm not the biggest HHH or Cena or JBL fan, but damn it they have all busted their asses over the years. Cena isn't going anywhere and he's made that clear. JBL has done his best with what he has and I wish he came in the WWE sooner.

HHH has busted his ass over and over and I respect the guy especially with the quad tears. HBK, Austin and Undertaker also have busted their asses too. The list can go on and on but these 6 guys of recent years are def dedicated to the WWE
I say Kane, he wants to put people over and gets stuck in stupid angles 50% of the time. It's easy to be loyal when you're Cena/HHH/Undertaker and you've always got the title and you never lose and you get paid the most, Kane in my mind wins this one easily.
The most dedicated guy has to be The Undertaker. He's been working for the WWE for almost 20 years. I don't have anything bad to say about Taker, but since 2005 his character has dropped and has not had any realistic great feuds except Orton. You can tell in his body and the way he wrestles, he's not the man he once was. I wonder sometimes if he has stayed around in the company because of how Triple H and other politickers and backstabbers would be treating the talent if he wasn't there. I understand he does not get along with Hunter. He' still the man in my book but when him and HBK retire, that'll be the ending of the tradition and old school legends of wrestling
Undertaker definitely. First person I thought of when I saw this thread, but since a lot of people have said him so I'll go with some other people:

Matt Hardy: Ironically, I watched Matt Hardy vs UnderFAKER just before seeing this post. He was a one of those local jobbers and now he's one of the most dedicated employees of WWE. He's been here for about a decade now. We've all seen Matt and Jeff's childhood videos of wrestling so clearly they love the business. I picked Matt over Jeff simply because he seems more level-headed and wouldn't let drug abuse get in the way of business. While I'm sure Jeff loves the business as well, there was a time where wrestling was obviously not his passion anymore.

Jim Ross: THE voice of WWE. After all the shit that Vince puts him through and after all the humiliation (that colon skit was just uncalled for), JR is still here commentating and making matches much more enjoyable. I can't imagine some of the most historical moments without JR (STONE COLD STONE COLD).

Kane: I think he was one of the biggest wastes of talent ever. How impressive was Kane in the late 90's? He was a monster: freakishly strong and agile. He was damn impressive...until his 24 hour reign as WWF Champion. Ever since all Kane has done is linger around the middle card jobbing and getting involved in the most ridiculous storylines ever. Yet Kane is still here putting over younger talent.

Victoria: She is up there with Trish and Lita in terms of wrestling ability yet WWE seemed to have given up on her after her second Women's Title reign. She was instead used for comedy and putting over talentless models but she still stuck around and only retired a few weeks ago.
While I agree that John Cena has, thus far, been very loyal to the WWE, I have to refute your points.

The fact that he has done WWE produced movies and music is not because of loyalty to the company, rather it is because they are footing the bill for the exposure it gives them. Cena simply isn't talented enough an actor or "musician" to have others invest in him for non WWE related products.

So true, and he asks everyone why the Rock left the WWE lol..If he was true acting potential (enough to make it to Disney) we would not see Mr.Cena in the WWE ever again!

Complete dedication, Kane. Yes, hes prolly the midcarder of all midcarders, but he has stuck with this company for a long time. Its a real shame that the WWE took off his mask, he could've done so much more today!

I was about to add Mick Foley, only to realize he's apart of TNA now. Regardless, he was a dedicated employee of the WWE.

Trish Stratus: The top Diva of all time (in my opinion)

Oh and one more fellow: Stone Cold Steve Austin, he has NEVER turned his back on the WWE, never left to join TNA or anything like that..clearly the best of the Attidude Era and potentially the greatest wrestler in the past 10 years!
I was about to add Mick Foley, only to realize he's apart of TNA now. Regardless, he was a dedicated employee of the WWE.

I knew I forgot to mention someone :p

It's too bad Mick Foley jumped ships but I think he was one of the most devoted superstars back in the day. He took two 20 foot falls in KotR 1998 just to entertain the fans. That alone shows dedication. Plus, Mick Foley feuds are awesome. When Undertaker was getting stale, his feud with Mankind in the late 90's was a huge step forward in the evolution of Taker. Or when Triple H was pushed as the top heel of the company back in 2000, Mick Foley helped establish Triple H as a credible heel with their matches at Royal Rumble and No Way Out. He also had memorable feuds/friendships with The Rock and Stone Cold.
Hard to nail done one person who is the only one

Well ya know what my 1st answer is gonna be and probably get flamed for it but MEH!!!.

TRIPLE H. he's involved in everything and is still on the shows each week, plus the effort he puts in during matches and promo's etc.

Taker has been around the longest and never even contemplated moving companies and has no problems jobbing to other talent. as they've stated on numerous times, he is the Conscience of the WWE. beats HBK in longest running by roughly 1 yr, thanx to HBK taking 4 yrs off

HBK however has been far more active and gives everyone a top class match every time. which is simething Taker can't do physically.

Cena - His fellow superstars have stated in WWE interviews he's got the highest work ethick and enthusiasm, despite the criticisms he gets. But with a few movies under his belt, how long b4 he changes his tune on doing those full time.

Well aslong as his movies stink i think all the Cena fans are safe that he's not going anywhere just yet:)

He might be stale as hell but no matter how terrible the storyline he has stayed put.Yet he was only the top man in the company for about a day. it is easy to be loyal to the company when you are constantly at pay-per-views winning titles and put in the best storylines the company can make. Like Cena,Orton,HHH but Kane has stayed no matter what and is one unlucky superstar.

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