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What WWE Should Do With David Otunga...

Attitude Era Junkie

Wrestling fanatic 4 life
Ok so we all know Otunga isn't doing much these days besides sipping on a drink while standing next to John. It seems like the WWE has been trying to get some good tag teams going and since Mark Henry isn't doing much since losing his World Heavyweight title....why not put Otunga and Henry together to make a powerful and dominant tag team? I haven't yet thought of a tag team name for them but it should be pretty easy.

What do you guys think? Otunga doesn't sound intimidating at all to me but maybe Henry could do most of the talking.
What they should do with him is wish him well in his future endeavors. Dare I say it, Mason Ryan is better in the ring than Otunga is. I can't recall an Otunga match that wasn't cringe-worthy. It baffles me when people claim that Otunga is good on the mic. He sounds like a kid in a high school play trying to remember his lines. His pairing with Laurinaitis is great because it actually makes Johnny look charismatic. Many have said it before, but I think that the only reason why he's been given as much as he has is because Vince is drooling at the potential Hollywood connection with Jennifer Hudson.

In terms of pairing him with Mark Henry, sure Henry's stock has slipped a bit, but he was just the most dominant WH champion in recent memory. Pairing him with Otunga as a tag team is an insulting drop.
It's not a terrible idea, and would provide Henry with an avenue he has't explored in a long time either, but Otunga needs more time to develop both as a in ring performer, and as a character before being teamed with someone like Henry.

Henry, while seemingly in the prime of his career (when not injured), is still limited in the ring. Otunga is very green, and often finds himself out of position, and needing to work on his ability to sell both his own offense, as well as his opponents. I think it's very evident in his finisher...little follow through, and often comes across as less than impactful.

There is a future in WWE for Otunga, he has a an 'it factor' to him, but he still needs a lot of time and work to cultivate that. Anyone tag teaming with Henry needs to be able to carry that team, and really cover for his lack of in ring ability to make a tag team shine. I think his role in the GM Battle at Wrestlemania is perfect for him. It's high profile, and with it being a 12 man tag match, he'll get the exposure needed, while not having to carry the match.
I think Otunga is fine where he's at now, and this is coming from someone who wanted him gone from WWE until this current gimmick of his started.

He undoubtedly is terrible in the ring and has limited mic skills, but as Johnny's lackey he has seemed to find a nice little niche. He's a tougher and smarter version of Jonathan Coachman when Coach was a heel, and the coffee bit is rather humorous. I don't mind seeing him come out now nearly as much as I did when he was a part of Nexus. WWE needs some guys to play these types of roles, and I think Otunga is fitting in pretty well right now.

I think Mark Henry should play out his current run and then probably call it a career. I've really enjoyed his work over the past year; I don't think a tag team with David Otunga is the way his career should end. He should try to get as healthy as he can, kick some more tail as a singles competitor, and maybe even have a final face turn (still with the bad-ass attitude he's got, mixed in maybe a little bit with Sexual Chocolate) before he heads off into the sunset (not literally riding a horse into the sunset, though--that would be animal cruelty).
Dare I say it, Mason Ryan is better in the ring than Otunga is.

That's going a bit too far. If you're not careful Otunga will sue, providing he can reach you on twitter.

Believe it or not, I feel that Otunga, in the limited in ring work I've seen of his lately has actually improved. I mean, sure he's no Lance Storm, but he's not nearly as terrible as he was in NXT. I actually wouldn't be opposed to see Otunga and Santino carry over Team Johnny/Long program into their own feud for the United States title

and I'm pretty sure I just lost anyone who may have agreed with me until that point
Otunga is awful in virtually every way imaginable. His ring skills are nothing special, he's boring on the mic, and there's nothing about him that stands out. Even the role he has now is too big for him. The only things I'd like to see the WWE do with Otunga is either fire him or move him over to the legal department. I'm just not a fan.
Thank you all for your thoughts on this. I really didn't sit and think about it for an hour or so. I just thought they would fit well but yeah I guess it would be a step back for Henry after being the world champion. I was just thinking of ideas for better tag teams. Otunga needs to improve but I don't think he's THAT bad in the ring. I actually do like his current role but it can't last forever.

I just think since he's not great on the mic then you could pair him up with someone who can help him out. And I don't mean mic skills alone. It's not like Henry is a master on the mic.

In other news....I'm glad to see Santino with a title belt. He's easily one of the most entertaining wrestlers right now.
Am I the only one who see's big star potential in Otunga? Guess so.

It may "baffle you" for me to see he's good on the mic, but he is. I'm not saying he's as charismatic as Rocky or Y2J.. but he doesn't sound scared like Benoit or Jeff Hardy. Idk why, but he seemed more comfortable on the stick back on NXT then he does now days on RAW. But that could be from him trying to be more "professional" and lawyer like as opposed to his cocky, green M&M demanding previous persona. He's almost the total package.

1. The look. Obviously has that.
2. Potential for success and exposure outside the ring. Already stated.
3. Character. Finally has one, and it works great.
4. Simple in the ring. Could he use some fine tuning? Absolutely. But he doesn't do too much, he does what he needs to. As his status on the roster grows, I suspect he'll have longer, more meaningful matches, and when that time comes we'll see what he can do.

I don't see him as a main event guy, not at this time. And truthfully I have a hard time imagining a scenario or storyline that could launch him to such stature. Besides.. valuable mid-carders are hard to come by. But anything can happen.
David Otunga is doing something these days and he is slowly progessing. WWE is doing a good thing with Otunga right now by giving him a backstage role which gives him exsposure all while he gets some decent in ring time. I like what their doing with Otunga and to say he is not doing much right now is way off seeing how he is a GM assistant, could and likely could be be the next U.S Champion, and is a CAPTIAN of a team at WrestleMania containing Dolph Ziggler, Mark Henry, Christian, and Jack Swagger.
I forgot to mention a couple things.

Yes he definately has the look. I actually didn't like him in NXT but recently he has grown on me. Some guys I don't give a damn about like Khali or Heath Slater, but I would not fire Otunga if I was Vince. Give him time because I see something good ing David's future. I just don't know what it is yet. I would keep him. I don't think he's terrible on the mic, he's just not that interesting.
I think David Otunga should move toward a US Title or IC Title. Keep him a heel. Mark Henry, in my opinion, should get a large push to go out on top if he does actually end his career. But we all know Vince won't let someone leave on top and go to another company.
I honestly don't see whats wrong with Otunga right now, I like the way they're utilizing him. But when he finally does break away from Johnny, I guess teaming is a possibility, I'm not a huge fan of Otunga but I will admit I see some potential in him... not star potential but a decent mid-carder. After WrestleMania I can see him doing one of two things.

Assuming that Johnny's team wins, I can see him giving Otunga a shot at one of the mid-card championships, and him going into a feud with one of them, possibly going over and winning the belt but who knows.

On the other hand, if Team Teddy wins, I can see Johnny disowning Otunga, and placing the entire blame on him, now I'm not saying that this would lead to a face turn, but it would just be him separating himself from Johnny, and going out on his own.

If I were to pick, I'd take the first option, simply because I don't think Teddy's team is going to win, and also it would be dangerous for Otunga and Laurinaitis to split because then Otunga just may bet lost in the shuffle and eventually get fired... which judging by the posts some people would like to see.
What should they do with Otunga? Exactly what they're doing now. Him being a lackey for Laurinaitis is a great spot for him. Legal Advisor role for someone who went to Harvard Law School. He is weak in the ring, and needs time to improve, in the mean time, give him some face time, get the fans to hate him (which they do) and give him some matches here or there while he improves. It's obvious they brought him to the show because of who he's married too and they thought it would give them some Hollywood connections, and that hasn't panned out, but the guy isn't bad on the mic, has a great look, and with some seasoning could be a pretty good performer. In the mean time, build the guy a little heat by aligning him with the show's biggest douchebag.

Also...the bowtie and coffee mug are awesome.
I would say work on him. He has the look but his in ring abilities need work as well as his mic skills. Eventually I think he can be a better performer but he probably won't make it pass the mid-card. Just like Bryan I don't take him serious and would find it hard for him to be a heavyweight champ.
I think Mark Henry is more deserving than that. That would be a huge backtrack for Henry at this point. And i don't see where it would make sense besides them both being on team Johnny. Honestly with the limited amount of wrestling ability that Otunga has he needs to be a comedy act. Similar to Santino. I have said this time and time again. Have Otunga's character slowly become more and more goofy. Sort of like Carlton from Fresh Prince. This would allow him to still be a heel and slightly get over with the crowd. And then slowly turn face.
They should dump his ass. He has no potential except only because he is a lawyer in real life, he probably had something worked into the contract that keeps him empoyed even when he's as worthless as he has been. There has to be someone WWE can replace him with instead of paying this guy for doing absolutely NOTHING of any importance.
either make him the executive jobber or send him back to FCW or wherever for more training. he has a great look so if they wanted to send him to the ring every once in a while to lose so Johnny doesn`t have to wrestle, fine but he is not good enough to be wrestling as much as he even is now. he is still green and needs more experience. I think he is in a good spot now but him winning matches makes me laugh. it is like Santino winning a title - you can not take it seriously
well he has the look of a star, idk im a huge wrestling buff and i feel like desire plays a huge role in how your career will play out, look at Cena, Punk, HBK and so on. Now Otunga has definitely has the look, but wwe has to keep him out there everyweek. Keep up this lawyer gimmick (its annoying but not bad). The guy from a wrestling aspect isnt to bad in the ring. could be better but he is a stong dude, maybe play on that a little (seems like he like showing off his brute). After mania have him go after the US belt, that would be a good start point. I mean have him hold that belt and be serious with it til at least SummerSlam. I highly doubt, he will ever be a top star, just due to his drive. But i could see him holding a World Title, but he would be transitional most likely. This guy has a lot of potential, id love to see where he will be in 5 years.
Ok so I love everone's feedback on this. I can also agree with what everyone has said. But.......

At least half of the people who responded are tired of him or don't care about him. So team him up with someone who can make an impact and take Otunga with him.......Mark Henry. Now I completely agree that this would be a step back for Mark if that happened.....So have him team up with Drew McIntyre.
otunga isnt that bad. no where near the best but not that bad either. first of all, he needs a mentor. bring back ron simmons to manage him and possibly repackage him. if hes dead set on the lawyer gig, let him use farooqs old finisher and call it the suppresion order or some other legal term. or since yall mentioned henry, maybe ron simmons can restart the n.o.d. DAMNNN im tired of how "Certain" talent are treated he could say and reform with otunga and henry amoung possible other fwc talent or something. that way otunga and fwc gets a rub from a high profile story arc and henry can finish out his career in some sort of relevence
So some people said to get rid of him?

Yes he is terrible in the ring! But he is improving, so he must be working on it?
His Gimmick is getting serious heat, and he has had a few wins against the likes of Big Zeke and Santino, so really why Future endeavour someone that has potential?
What he is doing right now is excellent for somebody of his limited ability. He can get heat and TV time whilst training behind the scenes.

He is the Captain of team Laurinitis(?) for god sakes! At WRESTLEMANIA Damn it!
He is Good on the Mic, his personal life means people can take personal stuff on him during feuds and he is built like a brick shit house.

Having said all that. I dont like Otunga.
But I see that he currently has a place in WWE and long may it last.
Hell I'll just say it, I like Otunga, his sleazy lawyer gimmick never fail's to make me chuckle. I also think he looked really good in his match with Kofi, now i know a lot of people will throw out the old "carried" excuse (which I think is used way too often to explain away an unliked wrestler's in ring development) but he actually managed to come across as a character, flexing and posing at every opportunity :lmao: . Too many wrestler's now day's are completely unable to show any personality trait's in-ring. This vain arrogant guy could be a great mid-carder and in a few years, who knows??
I don't get the problem everyone has with otunga. He's not that bad in the ring, he is definitely better than Mason Ryan, hell i'd even say he's better than Zack Ryder. I like the lawyer character, and while i wouldn't say he does anything that particularly excite's me, he doesn't bore me either.

As for Henry, i think he needs to stay in his current role as a dominant solo heel. He's played the role really well since his big push, and at least deserves to stay at the main event level for a little while longer.
All in all, I've got no problem with what's being done with Otunga. Otunga is a guy that's had some shortcomings. I know some rag on his in-ring abilities, justifiably so, but I do think Otunga has genuinely improved in the ring. He actually has solid timing and doesn't move around as though he's worried he might trip over his own two feet at any given moment. Not saying he's great, but he is better.

Also, Otunga seems comfortable in his current role, which isn't surprising as it's so close to life. He makes a good toadie and, thankfully, they haven't made him into one of those sniveling turds. Otunga comes off as someone that Big Johnny doesn't just tolerate, but someone he likes having around. Kind of an actual ally, someone useful to his plans rather than a Yes Man.

That doesn't mean that Otunga doesn't have work to do because he does. However, this is a good role in which his shortcomings can be hidden while his positives are also put on display. Otunga isn't an over the top heel right now, which is good because not only is he not ready for it, but it doesn't fit with his character. After all, one does expect a Harvard educated attorney to behave with an air of arrogance and a little dignity.

As for possibly teaming with Mark Henry, it's not a bad idea overall. Henry is a monster and he's progressed too far to just be casually tossed aside. Having him as the dominant powerhouse of a team while Otunga as sort of the more athletic brains of the group could provide a fun dynamic.
Otunga needs more time in development if they intend to keep him wrestling. I'd rather just see him as an authority figure since his gimmick is his strongest trait at the moment. If Ace's team wins at Mania I'd like to see Otunga installed as Ace's representative to Smackdown, delivering whatever orders or decisions Ace wishes to make to the wrestlers every week.

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