What WWE Divas Should Be Released?

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Dark Match Jobber
Rosa Mendes
I've found her character pretty pointless. I can't recall anything exciting she has done in whole run with the WWE. :shrug:


She is very talented , she has held both the Women's & Diva's Championships multiple times but I feel she has done all she can do. There is not much else for her to do. I feel she is falling into that same place Victoria was in her last year with the company , which is pushing a bunch of no talent barbies to the top. I'd like to see her leave and go onto bigger and better things :worship:

Gail Kim

Like Rosa Mendes , she has done jackshit most her 2nd run with WWE. If they properly were going to use her , they should of had her do something meaningful when she debuted. She is another wasted good talent. It's a shame they can't use her correctly. I dare say maybe she should go back to TNA? :shrug:

Beth Phoenix
Out of anybody , I think she deserves to be the main attraction in the female division but they don't do crap with her either. I'd like to see her released and out there wrestling elsewhere!

As you can tell , I left a bunch of girls alone that really don't deserve to be there. :confused: That is because that's what WWE wants and what the WWE Divas Division is supposed to be about :banghead: I'd rather see the real talent somewhere else so this is just my personal list I'd like to see elsewhere. Who would you like to see move on?
So basically, this is another "Let's give up on the WWE Women's Division" thread. Fan-fucking-tastic.

Get rid of Rosa Mendes and Alicia Fox since neither has shown any improvement ever. Send Tamina and Kaitlyn back to FCW. That's all I would do, firing-wise.

Then I would chew out the people in the back for not giving two shits about a perfectly viable wrestling division.
Gail Kim:Because well what the hell has she done lately in say oh the last 5 years??
Rosa:Whats the point of having her around cant wrestle and IMO the bottom of the divas division
Melina:Has done it all if nothing happens soon she is gonna wind up like Victoria or Mickie James!!
Glamazon:I have no fucking clue why WWE doesnt use her!!! She can wrestle Very strong and well somwhat attractive if u ask me!! I date her most definitely
I wouldn't release any Divas... I would just stick them in fewer one on one feuds and place them in different places... in the past not every Diva needed to wrestle to matter... nowadays they don't seem to matter whether they're wrestling or not.

Place some Divas in distinctive love angles/valet roles and place more divas in feuds that consist of more than just 1 on 1. and Bella twins count as 1
To be honest, pretty much 90% of the Divas haven't done jack shit in the ring or in a segment, so getting rid of people just because they haven't been featured would surely destroy that division to the brink of no repair.

So I won't go along with "hasn't done anything" but will go with the people I think "cant do anything".

Alicia Fox - Beautiful woman, but gets injured by one of the most basic maneuvers in wrestling. Yes, clotheslines can hurt and kill if done a certain way, but it is her job to know what to do when that move comes along. That and every match I've seen her in looks like shit.

Maryse - Another beautiful woman with a sexy voice, but again isn't ring savvy from what I've seen.

Pretty much if anyone should be gone, it's the ones who can't work the ring at all. I prefer skills to looks in this business any day.
Kaitlyn: shes the worst one in the whole divison fire her!

Rosa Mendes: what the hell has she done ever in wwe?

Tamina: when i heard she was jimmy snukas daughter i thought hey she could be good but honestly i think shes horrible get rid of her....actullay stratch that give her a chance but send her back to FCW to let her improve her in ring skill

thats all i would do with the current divas but i would call up Maxine from FCW as i think shes good and put her in a storyline with her sister Melina.

i dont get why the people who say get rid of gail kim,melina and beth pheniox are saying that without them theres NO TALENT in the divas divison besides khrama who is gone for a year so yeah the original poster is a moron :disappointed:
I don't know how ring savvy you can be if you get 2 minutes for every match.

Many divas have shown improvement, even Kelly Kelly.

If they actually get some work in they might develop better. Trish Stratus didn't start off as a good wrestler either.
Rosa Mendes and Alicia Fox at the top of the list. They haven`t done shit in a while and are not very talented.

Gail Kim I guess. Dead weight, hasn`t done anything. If only she would show the "great wrestling ability" some people say she has.

Kaitlyn and AJ, while sexy, should go back to FCW to learn more. Tamina as well.

One of the Bellas, I don`t care which, I guess the one that doesn`t have the title.

Like someone said earlier, the WWE has a good women`s division, they just don`t give a shit about it. They need to drop the dead weight and put the women with talent in the spotlight. Give them more than 3 minutes a night and maybe a Diva`s match will stop being just a piss break.
I don't know who to get rid of, it's not the divas fault that they aren't getting good material to work with. When they do wrestle it's like for only 2 minutes so I think all of them have talents in their own way but it's hard to see with the treatment the Divas Division get.

I'll probably just say the Bella Twins should be released but they might have potential...I don't know. WWE just needs to treat their divas better and if they don't want to use them then the division should just get closed down: that's how I feel about it now. Not the divas fault that they just get one minute of screentime. At the end of the day it's all WWE fault for not caring about them or developing some better.
Rosa Mendes and Alicia Fox at the top of the list. They haven`t done shit in a while and are not very talented.

Gail Kim I guess. Dead weight, hasn`t done anything. If only she would show the "great wrestling ability" some people say she has.

Kaitlyn and AJ, while sexy, should go back to FCW to learn more. Tamina as well.

One of the Bellas, I don`t care which, I guess the one that doesn`t have the title.

Like someone said earlier, the WWE has a good women`s division, they just don`t give a shit about it. They need to drop the dead weight and put the women with talent in the spotlight. Give them more than 3 minutes a night and maybe a Diva`s match will stop being just a piss break.

WWE has never cared for women's wrestling, heck during the original draft with Flair and McMahon, they drafted the champions apart from one... the Womens Champion. That goes to show how relevant that title was.

Only two women made any sort of impact and thats Lita and Trish, everyone around that time were hired for them. Since they retired, within a month of each other the quality dropped hugely and unless someone steps up to the plate, itll be like that.... Kharma was the answer.

Also what is the point of Nattie being on Smackdown? When the title is on Raw... makes no sense and one area they should look at i.e. divas aren't draftable anymore.

I would agree with some of the names given, Alicia Fox has done nothing and is easily replaceable, Gail Kim wasn't she the gf of Danielson and then disappeared again... such a waste but could go. The rest can stay and move them over to valet for a while, the likes of Nattie could be Kidd's manager (which would end that stupid angle at the same time), Melina could manager a new comer and start feuds off that way. Tamina was relevant when she did that with the Uso's against the Harts'.

Hate to say it but put the belt on Vickie, despite her lack of wrestling skills she is what is needed. Someone who will hold the belt for months, who the crowd hate and want to see beaten. You create an ultra face from it and then create a new heel to go against the face.
I don't get what you all are saying... I can't remember a time when any major organization had that many women that were fairly over at one time... if anything they should give them more time to work... maybe they could do an hour show that showcases just the women, while still giving them thier segments on the main shows... but it seem like that obvious ideal will never happen... maybe because they do not see an audience for it... but i bet that they could make it appeal to little girls, a very untapped market in all sports related businesses... hell, running a wwe womens hour program would be a lot cheaper than running the entire WNBA and would probably do better, actually
There are definitely some divas I wouldn't mind future endeavoring, any and all of them who can't work.

The thing is WWE has the potential to have an AMAZING women's division, but the focus needs to be put on Beth Phoenix, Karma, Nattie Neidhart, Gail Kim, and Tamina. Get rid of The Bella Twins, Alicia Fox, Eve Torres and pretty much anyone else who's wrestling style looks like a goldfish flopping for water.
The only one that comes to mind is Rosa Mendes, either make her relevant and make her vallet for guys and become eye candy or just release her, she's not that good in the ring but... from what I've heard she is a good heel and good on the mic (house shows).
Get rid of Rosa Mendes and Alicia Fox since neither has shown any improvement ever.

Rosa Mendes is probably the weakest in-ring wrestler of any diva.....and that's really saying something.:icon_neutral: I'm surprised she's been around this long.

Alicia Fox's performance scares me every time I see her. Plainly, she doesn't have any idea how to take a bump, and the sight of her scrawny body hitting the canvas awkwardly makes me wonder how she's been able to go so long without injury.

I wish WWE could run some stuff around the girls who are trained, professional wrestlers. Gals like Natalya, Beth, and Gail Kim would add a new dimension to the diva division because they know their way around the ring. It used to be that women's matches featured a wrestler against an "athletic model" in which the wrestler coaxed the model into a decent match. Now, the company has abandoned that approach and puts two models in the ring together, leading to messes like that Kelly Kelly-Nikki Bella "title" match on Monday night.

I think the Diva division could be relevant and exciting; they're just using the wrong performers in the wrong way. Yes, Trish, Lita and Mickie are gone.....but Natalya, Beth & Gail are still here. Use 'em.
Rosa Mendes: Never done anything, clogging up air time!

Bella Twins: Cant wrestle, annoying and very bad heels!

Alicia Fox: Another who hasn't done anything and is taking up air time!

A.J.: Wouldn't get rid of completely but i would send back to FCW to learn more.

Kaitlyn: See A.J.
The Division would be best closed, In this case this is where WWE could take a page from TNA's book and look at Gail Kim vs. Awesome Kong in terms of making woemn's wrestlers and feuds but this Division will stay the same for a long time until some new talented divas booms.
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