What Would You Think?

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Super Crazy

I am going to go out on a limb here. I remember back in the day, Chyna beat Jeff Jarrett for the Intercontinental Championship. She is the only woman in history to hold a title that usually is held by men. I was just thinking, what would you guys do if for some reason, they booked Awesome Kong or someone like ODB to be the X division champion or something. If they had a belt the ranking of the IC belt, I would choose that. But what would you think if this happened? The only two I could see to be booked for this are Kong and ODB cause of their build. I also figure it could be ODB since they have the stupid storyline right now where Deaner thinks he is the Knockout Champion. Just a random idea being thrown out here, I do not actually want to this happen just so no one flips shit at me.
I think somebody like Kong could pull off a short title run, but not the X division title. That would disgrace it, as it is supposed to be for the high-flying X division. Also, Chyna is not the only woman to hold a regularly mens title, as Jacqueline held the Cruiserweight title for a while, after beating Chavo for it.
Chyna is not the only woman to win a men's belt. Jacqueline won the cruiserweight championship from chavo.
Women holding major titles has been done before, and it really didn't make that huge of an impact in the long scheme of things, so it wouldn't do any good for TNA to try this angle. It would be a waste of time building it up, then having it happen. Yeah a few people might be all "holy shit OBD won the X-Divison title, this is crazy." Then it would fizzle out as quickly as a Goldberg return. It's not so unheard of anymore to help TNA with the ratings or anything like that.
There isn't any woman in wrestling, let alone TNA, that's talented or marketable enough to pull off that kind of angle. Chyna was a once in a generation hit that's not likely to be duplicated for a long time.
Would it matter? That's the REAL question.

TNA giving any Knockout the X Division title is kind of like when Jaqueline held the Cruiserweight title. It happened, and people forgot about it. A rotten wrestler like Chyna holding the WWE Intercontinental Title was pretty much a show. It was just them being like "Look guys, we have a female champion! Wait, no, fuck, have her share it with Jericho."

That was a stupid storyline. At least until Jericho annihilated her hand with a hammer. That was rad.

Anyway. So, if they give Kong, ODB, Cody Deaner, Curry Man, X-Pac, or CP30 the X Division title, it's just another thing to do, basically. It's just like "Well, that's something. Now that that's out of the way, find a way to work Booker T into the title match."

Think about it. The X Division. People use "X" in "X-Mas" to cross out "Christ". It's almost like the X Division is TNA's filler division. The people they book inbetween great tag teams and main eventers. I doubt anyone gives a shit about the X Division title anymore. Unfortunately, that's about how the Intercontinental Title is. Not that the X Division title hasn't been held by great wrestlers, as well as the IC strap, but come on, TNA and WWE both don't focus on either title holder. I mean, as much as I seriously do like Dolph Ziggler, how much light will shine on him once he gets the belt? I truly hope to be eating those words soon.

Btw, 'Intercontinental'? Isn't that the same as "WORLD"? Oh no, wait, that's just for continents. WORLD also adds the oceans. I kill me.
And another note, Molly Holly won the Hardcore title as well. Granted she only held it for about 10 minutes but it further proves that Chyna is not the only one that has held a men's title.

Having a woman defeat a man, much less for a title always seems to make the man weak. I definitely wouldn't be excited to see another one of these matches.
If it’s someone like Kong doing it then I guess I wouldn’t really mind that much since she is bigger than a lot of the guys who compete for that title and looks like she could dominate them, so it could be something believable (Kong winning the title). I don’t want to see it happen though, but like I said if it’s someone like Kong then it’s kind of okay because she just looks like she could dominate some of the guys, but if it’s someone like Wilde then I would think it’s a stupid idea to put the title that is usually competed for by men on a woman that could probably be dominated by some of the men. But remember who is booking these shows, Vince Russo doesn’t care about the titles and sees them as props, so don’t be surprised to see something like this ever happen in the future.
I don't see how this could be a good idea. It;s not original, as pointed out in this thread, it's happened many times before. And what was the result of all those occurances? Nothing really. It hurt the title, the male contender's for that title, and really did nothing to help the woman that won it.

The only reason things like giving the title to the opposite gender were done was for shock value, but the more it is done the stupider and more pointless it is. If Kong were to win the X-Division title from Joe, that would make him look like and asshole and would hardly further Kong's career anymore. Keep the women in the women's division and the men in the men's division, that's the way it should be.
Chyna did it once and it was shocking (and I believe it may have been punishment for Jarret). There is no need to do it again. Chyna was built up to be a force and at the time actually looked like a man (sorry Chyna). No one is anywhere near that level today.

Kong is not a dominant force. She has been beaten numerous times by women. She's also not that big. I simply could not buy her beating Angle or Sting or someone like that. And physically, how would it look if she beat someone like Abyss or Matt Morgan? She's a womens wrestler...that is all. FYI, according to wikipedia she's 5'9" 272lbs. - Jay Lethal is 5'10 210lbs, so she doesn't "dominate" men in appearance

Plus you have the whole "no women vs. men" Spike TV deal, so there couldn't be any matches or physicality between anyone on TV.

Something this would do more harm than good in my opinion and I personally would switch the channel.
It's a horrible idea. It was horrible when the WWF had Chyna win the IC title, it'd be horrible if TNA booked women to win a title in the men's division. To me, it does little more than take credibility away from the championship. Right now, in TNA, they have a male performer in an angle where he wants to be the TNA Women's Championship.

It makes Cody Deaner look like even less of a capable performer than he already does, if possible, and makes the Knockout title look like it's little more than a joke. A "prop" if you will that TNA Creative is using in the hope of getting a few cheap laughs here and there.

I say keep the female performers out of the male title scene and the male performers out of the female title scene. It's just a concept that doesn't work if you want the audience to take the product seriously. Or, rather, as seriously as it can be in wrestling. You know what I mean.
I thought Chyna being IC champ was interesting until I saw the end results. The feud with Jarrett was god awful. Didn't they have a kitchen match or an apron match, something horrible like that? The only female that would be credible would be Awesome Kong. Deaner and ODB are fighting each other for the Knockouts title, that is bad enough.

I think TNA is doing fine pushing the Knockouts as they are. We are already going to have a Knockouts tag team title. TNA doesn't need the Knockouts to go for the X Division title. Personally I wouldn't watch Samoa Joe vs. Taylor Wilde, I'm sure the majority of people agree.
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