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What Would you do?


WrestleMania Main Event
You're standing in line at a deli behind two day laborers fumbling with cash and struggling with English, when the clerk begins spewing hatred. calling them illegals, go back to your country, he says, or go eat at Taco Bell.

What would you do?

Stand in uncomfortable silence, hoping simply to leave as quickly as possible? Tell the clerk to shut up? Or join in with the bigotry, kicking the men while they're down?

Personally I would talk back to the clerk to tell him shut up & ask the clerk why is he assuming their illegally in the country, just because they can't properly speak the language or arent the same skin color as you? then tell him to take their order & I would ask them what they want to drink or eat & order whatever they want it for them, I probably would even buy it for them & tell the owner of the deli I'm never eating here after I saw how they treat working innocent hungry people at his/her store.
I think this is the sort of situation were saying something would make matters worse. If you had a go at the clerk, you can guarantee that he'd take it out on them. What I would actually do, is make a mental note of the time and date of the incident and exactly what was said.

I'd then later phone or write to the manager and make sure that the guy got in trouble, saying that if he didn't, then I would be reporting the store for being racially intolerant.

Unfortunately, this is quite a common thing. When I was McEmployed, anone a bit different (which, in North Wales was not that many people) were routinely insulted. Same at my factory job, when the Polish people were shouted at more than me, even though they worked harder than everyone and were considerably stronger than me.
It truly depends on exactly what's being said and how racist/discriminative it comes out. I mean in the end, if you jump into the situation like some type of wannabe-hero to the foreigners what exactly do you think is going to happen?

Do you firmly believe the clerk is going to stop and suddenly think to himself.. "Holy shit, this guy's like me and defending them. Maybe I am a dick and should stop." Fuck no. He's going to either continue his bashing of the foreigners, or worse, turn his anger on you and call you a traitor to your country. :rolleyes:

While I'd never say ignore the situation and move about your business, especially if it's flat-out horrible and hurtful to the point of being very uncalled for.. the unfortunate truth is, you aren't likely going to be capable of doing anything about it. This country and many others are filled with people just like the clerk in this story. It's a way of life for some, and sadly it's not going to change anytime soon.
Well really, its going to end badly no matter what you do. If you try and tell the clerk to shut up, he'll just direct his hatred towards you instead of the two guys. If you join in with the racist remarks and whatnot, then you're going to get called racist, adn people aren't going to like you. So really the only thing you can do is just stand there and let it happen. It won't effect you in anyway, and the two men will get over it, and they'd just probably leave the deli and never go back there again. But that would probably just encourage the clerk in thinking he's better. There's really no way to solve something like this.
Meh. I'm sorry, I know I should care, but I really don't. Because I absolutely hate people moving to another country and not being able to speak the language. Once upon a time I wanted to live in Spain, would I have moved without learning the language? Of course not, it'd be stupid. Would I have any right to complain that people thought badly of me because of it? Again, no.

So, while I certainly wouldn't say anything to any immigrant who couldn't speak English, I'd hardly jump in and complain about it being done. That being said, I think the "Go back to yoru ocuntry" stuff is stupid, and uncalled for. My view wouldn't be go back, it'd be learn the fucking language.
I'd jump in and tell the clerk to shut up. Ok fair enough, anyone moving to any different country should learn the language before they move, because it's the most logical thing to do. How did they expect to get around not knowing the language properly. However, for someone to be THAT rude to someone is uncalled for, and deserves getting a smack in the mouth. If they feel that strongly, then they should just keep shut and keep their opinions to themselves. It's not going to do any good by saying that. Instead, they should suggest that the people learn the language.
While I think that if you live in a country you should at least be able to speak the language at a passable level, that would be ridiculous to see. As someone that works with customers at close range, if there's one thing that I know it's that yelling makes them go more slowly. The first thing I would do is talk to the manager about the clerk because a person like that shouldn't be working with the public. It's bad public relations and if nothing else is cruel. The person can't speak the language. Ok fair enough. Does that mean you don't want the money they have, because I can guarantee they're most likely not coming back there again, at least I wouldn't. After that, I'd attempt to help them by being calm about it. Talk to them slowly so they'll understand and tell the clerk to get over himself and go get his manager. There's no need or justification for something like that at all.
I'd step around the laborers, tell the clerk to shut his fat fucking mouth, and proceed to make him feel about 5 centimeters tall... I can tolerate almost anything...as most of you have seen... But one thing I will NOT stand for, is racism. If you racially attack somebody in front of me, I will go as deep and dirty as I can turn hurt you. Physical features, weight, intelligence, anything that is readily at my disposal... So, I would lay into the clerk!


As far as learning the language... I hate to be the bearer of bad news to some of you, but about 75-80% of immigrants in the US can speak/understand English. One of the main reasons they don't, is because they love pissing off the people who make such a big deal out of it. I've seen it almost daily. I'm Hispanic. Half Mexican, Half White. I am fluent in both English and Spanish... I've worked in customer service for my entire adult life, so I've seen alot... Hell, I've even pretended not to understand Spanish on occasion for the simple fact that I wasn't in the mood to help anybody... But if it's one thing I know for sure, it's that almost every immigrant you come across speaks and understands at least enough English to get by... They just refuse to use it, because of people like your clerk up top there. :D
I wouldn't say anything. That's because I keep myself to myself though. If anybody wants my opinion, they can ask for it.

That said, if I had the nerve (which I most certainly do not), I'd give the "clerk" a smack. I'd then ask him what Taco Bell was. I've got no problem with people coming here that can't speak English - that's their and their employer's problem, not mine. Unless they decide to work in public services, of course.
Another aspect to this that I hadn't thought of is there's no way of knowing why these people are in this country. Why assume they're hear illegally? Maybe they're here on vacation? Business perhaps? There are multiple plausible reasons as to why two people that don't speak fluent English could be in this country. Maybe they're having difficulties because they're mentally challenged. The simple fact of the matter is that no one can know what's going on in a person's life or why they're in the place that they're in. How would you like it if you went to France or Mexico and someone said that to you? For many Americans they'd get on their high horse that comes with being born here and think that they'll never set foot there again and hate wherever they've been. Hence the reason the world sucks today: everyone is so damn mean.
I would first make some sympathetic gesture to the customers who were verbally abused.
When I got to the front of the line, I'd tell the clerk he is extremely unprofessional and that the incident would be reported to both his manager and the corporate office.
Like Will said, I'd make a note of the location and time, as well as the name of the employee. If the manager is as racist an asshole as his worker is, maybe corporate will do something about it. If you tell corporate that you're thinking about going public with the story, chances are action will be taken.
Also, I certainly wouldn't eat there after that.
Unacceptable, and I can't believe how many people said they'd do nothing. I wouldn't be willing to get into a verbal or physical argument, nor am I going to change this idiot's mind. I'd just make sure that the manager and head company office knows what's going on.
I'd go up to the counter and pull the clerk over it, then I'd punt him in the head.

Err, in seriousness I think I'd stand and watch amused for a short while, then I'd order a huge order and pretend like I forgot my wallet, while acting like I could speak hardly any English and everytime he shouted something at me I'd respond with "Ke?" and/or grin at him and spout useless phrases like "weather is good today yes?" or "where is nearest breakfast in bed?".

Then when I got bored I think I'd just sit down and have my meal whilst giving him the thumbs-up everytime he looked my way. When I was done eating I would walk up to him and say "service was good, no tip for you" and that'd be me done for the day.
I would tell the clerk to shut his fucking mouth, and ask were the manager was at. THEN I would proceed to tell the manager how much of a piece of shit his counter guy was, and demand his termination, and that he would certainley be costing the company money, at least from the people in the store at that time. And im not kidding in the least. Something like that would not EVER pass by un front of me unchecked.
So when I go Stoke and I hear people saying shit like ''I hate how we have all those ******s in the team'' I say nothing. Simply because I don't care what they say or think. I could say something, but I don't feel like I need to. It's not like they'll stop. If anything I'll antagonise them. I don't need the hassle.

If it was somebody I knew that would be different.
honestly, i think i would be too cowardly to say anything, i think that i would sit there and let it happen, but if i were a bit older (and perhaps braver) i wold start yelling at the clerk and demand to speak to his manager. and i insist on him being fired. i would also probably nevear return to their store.
I would mind my own business. Its not like they're children. They're adults. They can handle their own issues. If the clerk was bullying some 8 year old kid, then yeah, that'd be pretty out of line and you'd have to step in, but here you've got a situation of 2 adults that aren't following the standard and are creating a problem versus 1 adult that can't keep his anger in check and deal with the situation on a calm level. I can't stand it when I hear stories about people that refuse to learn English and expect to be treated as if they're not causing a problem but everyone else not knowing their language is the actual problem, but at the same time, he's yelling at them in the language that they don't understand, so he's not going to accomplish anything and he's stupid for thinking he will. Me, I speak English, and I've got my money and everything, so give me whatever service I'm in line for and that's all I have to deal with. Its not an issue of not sticking up for "the little guy" because the little guy in this scenario is more than capable of fighting their own battles.

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