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What would WWE do without Cena , Orton , & Miz?


Getting Noticed By Management
This is a hypothetical question here

If for some reason Cena , Orton , and Miz all either quit or died or something.... right now... what the hell would WWE do?

Who would they put at the top? Who would they make the new posterboys of the company? Would ratings & merch sales plummet WWE to their doom without these guys? Could anyone even fill their shoes?

I know alot of us IWC people are tired of Cena/Orton being shoved down our throats and think the WWE would actually be more entertaining with them gone and I had to include Miz in this he was too obvious of an answer to helping fill the void if anything like this happened

But to the casual fans and kids Cena/Orton are everything WWEs got more or less , they have been turned into the true star power of the WWE

So anyway answer these questions :

1.Do you think the WWE would even be able to survive the loss of Cena , Orton , and Miz all at once?

2.Who on the roster if anyone at all could possibly step up and fill their shoes?

3.Who would you PERSONALLY have fill their shoes? Would you take options more akin to Cena/Orton such as Dibiase/Rhodes , or would you take the hardcore wrestling fans wet dream path by picking guys like Danielson/Punk? Or would you choose something totally different and unexpected entirely?
1.Do you think the WWE would even be able to survive the loss of Cena , Orton , and Miz all at once?

The WWE has endeared when superstars were gone before. I admit with those three gone at once it would be a major hit on the morale of WWE, but nonetheless they will survive. This is the same business that saw most of their top "Ruthless Aggression Era" superstars (Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, Brock Lesnar, Kurt Angle) gone in all in a few years.

Not to mention their war with WCW and how many superstars of a higher calibur jumped ship then. WWE would survive, all they have to do is repackage superstars again.

2.Who on the roster if anyone at all could possibly step up and fill their shoes?

Sheamus, Christian, Cody Rhodes, etc has Smackdown taken care of if Orton for some reason was no longer available. Raw is a lot more trickier; they may just make Alex Riley a bigger name due to his recent push, Rey Mysterio could survive the Main Event again, and (not sure what roster he is anymore) Kane if handled correctly could fill a gap.

Now that I think about it, R-Truth and Del Rio have the heels taken care of, so all they need is a guy who can draw as a mega face. Mysterio seems the likeliest choice due to merchandise sells.

3.Who would you PERSONALLY have fill their shoes? Would you take options more akin to Cena/Orton such as Dibiase/Rhodes , or would you take the hardcore wrestling fans wet dream path by picking guys like Danielson/Punk? Or would you choose something totally different and unexpected entirely?[/B]

WWE prides itself in reinventing their own game. So I think the game would change a whole lot no doubt, so I think WWE would be different. We would probably go back to seeing more technical wrestling then Attitude Era offered, but I don't think WWE is ready for another hardcore path. Just get in the people that can do something- Daniel Bryan is a fan favorite. Push him and see if the money draws. If not, rethink your strategy.
1.Do you think the WWE would even be able to survive the loss of Cena , Orton , and Miz all at once?
The simple answer is yes, they would. When a big star leaves, it is initially hard on the company, but in the past it has proved to create new stars. Stone Cold left, the Rock left, times were looking grim, and then Cena comes along. I assume a star will be found, or will be made. Additionally, Vince has a great wrestling mind; he'll know what to do.

2.Who on the roster if anyone at all could possibly step up and fill their shoes?

The veterans (HHH, Undetaker, Christian etc.), and some new comers that have proven to do well in the main event (Sheamus, Swagger, etc.).

3.Who would you PERSONALLY have fill their shoes? Would you take options more akin to Cena/Orton such as Dibiase/Rhodes , or would you take the hardcore wrestling fans wet dream path by picking guys like Danielson/Punk? Or would you choose something totally different and unexpected entirely?
See the answer to #2. I think that would be the best move for the company.
1.Do you think the WWE would even be able to survive the loss of Cena , Orton , and Miz all at once?

Even leaving the Miz out of this, I don't know if WWE would die, but it would be in bad shape. You guys are not looking at the whole picture here. When Stone Cold left HHH was there UT was there, Angle was there, Brock was there, if Orton and Cena we're to get injured subsequently for about a year it would be unprecedented. There are no stars on the roster right now that are anywhere close to their level. The Miz is miles away from them right now.

Think about this, WWE is so scared of losing John Cena's merchandising that they will not make any major revisions to his character or let him look like any type of loser. Orton and Cena realistically should be feuding with each other right now because I think in the fans minds they are the only ones capable of beating each other, but WWE is so afraid of stopping either one of their momentum that they had to seperate them. Honestly, if ever there was a time to end the brand split it is now.
I will now be answering my own questions now that some of you responded as well

Gaga777 said:
1.Do you think the WWE would even be able to survive the loss of Cena , Orton , and Miz all at once?

2.Who on the roster if anyone at all could possibly step up and fill their shoes?

3.Who would you PERSONALLY have fill their shoes? Would you take options more akin to Cena/Orton such as Dibiase/Rhodes , or would you take the hardcore wrestling fans wet dream path by picking guys like Danielson/Punk? Or would you choose something totally different and unexpected entirely?

1.I think they would survive , it would be weird and they may take a massive hit to ratings/merch (Unless the 3 mentioned guys were lost by dying then I think it would potentially boost ratings/merch sales)

2.Realistically ,Barrett/Zack Ryder would fill their shoes I think

I feel that Wade Barrett could be the #1 heel in the company (So lets say hes in Ortons shoes) and that ... well honestly I'm going to have to go with Zack Ryder for Cenas replacement... hes a well loved face character who actually does talk and has catch phrases and people do like to buy his merch. There is not a more loved more merch ****ing face I can think of for the job.

3.Same as #2 I think

As Mr. Blue Chipper said , Swagger & Sheamus. Those would be good choices to go with as well. I'm thinking oddly enough it would have to be Swagger heel and Sheamus face TBH though.

But then it almost doesn't make sense... could a pale redheaded guy who speaks with an irish accent TRULY take Cenas spot? So Swagger would possibly have to just have some sort of miraculous face turn I suppose while Sheamus would just be the new Orton by being the loved badass

Someone else had said Mysterio to take Cenas spot , hes getting older and is supposedly not resigning when his contract expires plus I really don't think he could truly take Cenas spot because his finisher is so horribly unrealistic that it ruins his matches plus he can't even touch Cena on the mic. So while hes a well liked face I'd have to say he couldn't pull it off , he could only halfway fill the void or something.

Also I gotta agree with the one guy who said that when they lost Austin/Rock etc that other guys like Angle/Lesnar were around , who were already basically on that level

Overall I gotta stick to my guns on this and stick with Barrett & Ryder as my answers , just about everyone feels strongly about the two whether it be negative or postivie and I feel both can peddle merch off the shelves and the website harder & faster than the other options. Both better on the mic as well. So yeah I'm sticking to Ryder (Cena) and Barrett (Orton) as the would be replacements.
The WWE is a business they would definitely survive.They been through it before. They would find other people to push. No problem.
2.Who on the roster if anyone at all could possibly step up and fill their shoes?
(REALISTICALLY) Jack Swagger would be an all american face by now. Possibly the Kurt Angle of the Company, CM Punk would be the top heel. There wouldn't even be a contract dispute, he would be resigned by now. Wade Barrett or Mark Henry would be the guy on Smack down by now. Christian would be a face either trying to get the title or holding the title. I think they would've capitalize on Zack Ryder by now instead of bringing him along slowly. Rey would probably move up for one last run also.
1.Do you think the WWE would even be able to survive the loss of Cena , Orton , and Miz all at once?

Yes. Stone Cold, The Rock, etc. left and Eddie Guerrero, Brock Lesnar, Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, Goldberg replaced them. Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar, Goldberg left; Guerrero and Benoit died. Orton, Edge, Cena, Mysterio, Batista replaced them. WWE is a cycle.

2.Who on the roster if anyone at all could possibly step up and fill their shoes?

Wade Barrett, Alex Riley, David Otunga, Sin Cara, Sheamus, Christian, Big Show, Rey Mysterio, Kofi Kingston.

3.Who would you PERSONALLY have fill their shoes? Would you take options more akin to Cena/Orton such as Dibiase/Rhodes , or would you take the hardcore wrestling fans wet dream path by picking guys like Danielson/Punk? Or would you choose something totally different and unexpected entirely?[/B]
Well personally, I want Punk to resign and become a Stone Cold like character. But the odds of that happening are slim to none, so I'd push David Otunga as a "Hollywood"-type Rock character. Alex Riley would become an Orton like character, not the silent one we see now, but the cocky, arrogant one we saw right around Wrestlemania 22 when he was fighting Rey Mysterio and Angle for the title. Kofi Kingston would step up.

But honestly as I look at this list, I would only believe CM Punk as a World Champ. I think WWE needs to focus on creating another "supernatural" type character, akin to Taker and Kane. They need another believable big man that's not Henry, Kane, or Show, they are all pushing 40.

All in all, WWE needs to cut the fat. Cena is approaching 35 and that means times are changing.

If Orton got injured, there would be no major face on Smackdown. I think WWE needs to really evaluate their writing staff and main event scene. I mean the top heel on Raw has been complaining about "Little Jimmies". We went from Orton the Legend Killer to "Little Jimmies".
1) well only orton and cena are huge marks in the wwe, miz is just awful plus they have del rio so that solves one problem. orton and cena could be replaced but all the guys that could replace them arent being used or are out on injury, or leaving the wwe. the wwe would moszt likely sink completely.

2)the miz: alberto del rio
randy orton: uhh i guess the new guy from touch enough could maybe take over for him?
super cena: simple, just pick a random guy and make him never lose, and be the champ most months outta the year lol.

3) sheamus, punk (if he were to stay), mason ryan, big zeke, skip sheffield (if he ever returns), the winner of tough enough whos name i dont remember atm.
These types of forums are fun. What if....

The truth is, when the 80's ended, and the Monday night wars began, who would have thought the WWE could survive the loss of Hogan, or a pair of tag team specialists in HBK and Brett Hart would take over. Or the beginning of Attitude, who would believe Rocky in his purple tights, and a pair of WCW cast offs in Ringmaster and Cactus Jack would be the men that put butts in the seats. Or further along former tag team specialist Edge would carry things along after.

Wrestling is cyclic, as a previous poster mentioned, and predicting who catches fire when the big guys move on is a fools game. But to the OPs questions:

1.Do you think the WWE would even be able to survive the loss of Cena , Orton , and Miz all at once?

Absolutely the WWE could survive. It has lost its stars for many reasons in the past and kept going, drawing both from within and without as I mentioned above. Those three guys suck a lot of oxygen from the program, and without them, other guys will be given more time to show whether they can carry the ball or not. Will we get programs like the masked Patriot, or WWE Champions that are massive and speak no English, or other ridiculous gimmicks and false starts? Of course. Will the wrestling fan tune in? Of course, if only to see how creative fills in the gaps.

2.Who on the roster if anyone at all could possibly step up and fill their shoes?

This is the fools game, but I'll give it a go anyways. Cena is the face of the company, who would they try out first it fill in the whole he would leave. As I think about this, and look at history, the WWE has done a disservice by ignoring tag teams, as the break up of over tag teams have be a great source of fill-in and a launching pad for some really great draws.

Guys I could see in that mix could be A-Ry, DZ or ZR. A-Ry and DZ have the traditional look and could develop the promo skills especially if they are given the oxygen. A-Ry even looks like he has a comparable moveset to Cena, although probably too green. I see ZR as a dark horse in this role, mainly because he is smaller and would have to work with bigger guys every week in the role, risking physical breakdown quicker than the other two. But he has shown personality and could go over if given more exposure. But I really think DZ could do a face turn and with more exposure could be the big babyface that could stand the role.

Looking at Orton, I'm stuck wondering what role he has. Is he a face or a heel. I believe he's booked as face, but moves like the punt, and his in ring psychology, really suit a heel. Even Austin in his face turn was really an over heel, and really needed a huge heel in Vince to keep him face. But you need a really special performer to be a beloved heel, and I don't know if we got one on the roster.

But guys like Sheamus and Swagger could fill the gap as a hated champion everyone wants to see finally get there come uppance. I favor Sheamus because I believe he could do better promos and his accent is good for free heat in the US market. I just don't know is Swagger has the promo skills to pull it off. As things stand, CM Punk would be ideal as an Orton replacement, his promo skills and in ring psychology are top notch, but I honestly believe he is leaving.

The Miz. The guy we looooooove to hate, so annoying yet so compelling, we want him beat to a pulp and lose it when he comes out on top. We know hes about to cut a promo that will be a mix between chalk board nails and gold, and are compelled to watch him.

For many people the answer would be ADR. Personally ADR has too much nails on the chalkboard in all aspects of his performance and not enough gold, but he is over with many. So I won't discount him. I've been treated to many wrestlers over the years I didn't care a lick for and wished would go away quickly and quietly, yet they made money. I wouldn't say a guy like R-Truth, whom is far more funny than heel, kinda reminds me of Psycho Sid, supposed to be deranged but is far more funny, especially in the context that he's not supposed to be.

3.Who would you PERSONALLY have fill their shoes?

Well, After working out the choices above, I honestly have to say, those would be my answers here as well. I might not necessarily like these guys, as in the case of ADR, but as things stand in this hypothetical, I stand by them.

Yes I'm a Ryder mark. But as you may recall, I was hugely over for Disco Inferno too
1.Do you think the WWE would even be able to survive the loss of Cena , Orton , and Miz all at once?

Of course they would. Most of what the past 2 years has been about is pushing a younger card into the spotlight to replace the likes of Edge, Triple H, HBK, Taker, Jericho etc. People are still talking about the WWE without those guys and much of the main event scene this past year has been testing the waters of who can hold themselves at the top. So Sheamus, Barrett, Riley, R-Truth, Del Rio, Punk and Morrison have all been in PPV main event spots to varying success. All they'd have to do is speed up the process to cope without 3 more guys.

2.Who on the roster if anyone at all could possibly step up and fill their shoes?

Sin Cara for merch sales. Cody Rhodes to take Orton's spot as main heel (yes I know he has gone face over the past six months but the five years before that he was the baddest heel). Punk looks just ready to hit the heavens. A-Ri has the Cena bodybuilder face thing down. Del Rio has the charisma and ability to main event many PPVs.

3.Who would you PERSONALLY have fill their shoes? Would you take options more akin to Cena/Orton such as Dibiase/Rhodes , or would you take the hardcore wrestling fans wet dream path by picking guys like Danielson/Punk? Or would you choose something totally different and unexpected entirely?

If I was Vince and I was suddenly unable to use Cena and Orton I'd try to make it a more all-rounder show less reliant on star names. There are about 10 guys who you could see in a PPV main event bout, and with some creative thinking, making an impressive Wrestlemania. Taking an approach that could divide up a year's worth of shows means you can potentially keep people interested easier, keep people on their toes as to who will win a match when the stakes are more even, cover more ground promoting the company outside the company to more specific markets and cover for injuries or personal time.

Or: Punk (tweener), Rhodes (heel), Sin Cara (baby face) and Morrison (baby face).
1.Do you think the WWE would even be able to survive the loss of Cena , Orton , and Miz all at once?

Yes. Honestly, the WWE could lose their entire roster in a horrific plane crash and survive. People would forget everybody who died in a year. There's far more talent out there than one company can ever showcase - there's enough for 3 to thrive, as we saw in the 90's, but right now the WWE is the only one that knows how to do it properly.

2.Who on the roster if anyone at all could possibly step up and fill their shoes?

Punk, Christian, Swagger, Sheamus, Kane, and Mysterio are all capable former champions. Truth, Barrett, Morrison, Ziggler, Del Rio, and Wade Barrett are all guys who have tested the main event waters and held their own. Then there's guys like Kofi, McIntyre, Rhodes, DiBiase, Ezekiel Jackson, Daniel Bryan, Evan Bourne, Sin Cara, Mason Ryan, and Riley who have established themselves as midcarders with potential. That's not even mentioning a lot of guys who haven't gotten a chance to show what they can do yet. (like Zach Ryder)

The roster is stacked with guys waiting for the right gimmick and right push. They have to earn it, but if Cena/Orton/Miz disappeared, the WWE would start pushing them hard and see which ones stick.

3.Who would you PERSONALLY have fill their shoes? Would you take options more akin to Cena/Orton such as Dibiase/Rhodes , or would you take the hardcore wrestling fans wet dream path by picking guys like Danielson/Punk? Or would you choose something totally different and unexpected entirely?

I'd leave that up to the crowd. The WWE universe. I'd give all those guys I mentioned above a chance. Let them all carry the ball and see who runs with it. I wouldn't just pick somebody and push them to the moon, and I wouldn't expect it to happen overnight. When Hulk Hogan left, it was years before Stone Cold emerged. In the meantime, there was Yokozuna, Bret Hart, HBK, Diesel, Sid, Undertaker, etc. They didn't just personally pick Stone Cold and make him the next Hogan, he made himself the next Hogan. Then you went from Stone Cold to Rock right away, but after Rock it was years before Cena emerged. In the meantime, there was Triple H, Undertaker again, Brock Lesnar, The Murderer, Eddie Guerrero, Kurt Angle, etc. And the were pushing Orton and Batista as they were pushing Cena. Cena made himself stand out and he emerged as the face of the company. You can't force it. Book the shows, and the crowd will tell you who can fill their shoes. Personally, my guess is CM Punk would stand above the rest and I don't think it would take long.
Of course, build new stars ASAP.

They would need to push Christian and R Truth as the two top heels along with Del Rio since Punk is leaving, and also add Ziggler, Swagger, Rhodes, and push Brodus Clay as this huge monster heel and also repush Sheamus as one of the top heels.

As for the faces they would need to push A-RI and John Morrison as the two top faces, and also push Kofi and Sin Cara and Daniel Bryan to the ME level.

And of course give these guys suitable gimmicks like A-RI I would love to see him as this badass face of the company rather than a superman like Cena, Daniel Bryan needs to be a force to be reckoned with like Chris Benoit was, Ziggler needs to be the cocky main event heel like Orton was back in 2005-2008, and Sin Cara can take over Rey Mysterio already.

So I think the WWE would survive without those top 3 names, they just need to build young guys better and make them look really good.
First of all, I'm sick of this he's being shoved down our throats! garbage when it comes to Randy Orton. The only fans who dislike Randy Orton reside within the IWC. Regular, general fans love the guy. They go absolutely insane for him. Hell, they turned him babyface. He's not being shoved down our throats, he's in demand. If you think I'm wrong about that, you're an idiot.

Cena -- well, he is booed out of most buildings, but, if he weren't creating cash, he wouldn't still be holding the place he holds. So, once again, most of you are wrong about that.

What would they do without these guys? Move on. It's really as simple as that. They would elevate someone, create new stars, etc. It happens, once every few years, and when these guys are finished, it won't be any different. They are already pushing more younger guys than old, so it's quite easy to see how it would all shake out.
First of all, I'm sick of this he's being shoved down our throats! garbage when it comes to Randy Orton. The only fans who dislike Randy Orton reside within the IWC. Regular, general fans love the guy. They go absolutely insane for him. Hell, they turned him babyface. He's not being shoved down our throats, he's in demand. If you think I'm wrong about that, you're an idiot.

Cena -- well, he is booed out of most buildings, but, if he weren't creating cash, he wouldn't still be holding the place he holds. So, once again, most of you are wrong about that.

I love Randy Orton (I've bought 2 of his shirts , some action figures that I ended up losing , and even wanted him to end the streak when he had the chance) but I wanna see some fresh faces get that world heavyweight title spotlight that Ortons currently hogging , Wade Barrett , Mark Henry , you know... stuff like that. I wanna see something different.

The problem with Orton for now is hes always evolved , 1st he was just a Bob Ortons kid , then he was a midcarder , then evolution , then the Legend killer (Favorite thing) , then he came up w/ the punt , then the snake crap. But now hes been on the snake crap for so long , I wish he would re-invent himself yet again if hes going to be soaking up all the spotlight even more

Cena I like , hes not my favorite but I like him , but hes been the exact same way/gimmick for like... forever... would love to have HEEL Cena!

And then also I have seen some mention Sin Cara but I think they at LEAST have to let him talk... once he talks then we could see but no silent mask wearing man could be the face of the company unless it was a strictly lucha company
1.Yes. WWE has lost many "top" stars before. Nash/Hall left making a opening for guys lke Rock/Austin. etc. etc. as history goes. Btw, the Miz is terrible and so is Riley.

2. Realistically Miz is not a "draw" you would swap out Mysterio for his spot. (Let's say they both get hurt leaving them both out.) That leaves face Big Show, heel R Truth, and face John Morrison as the WWE top 3. Supplement ADR, Cody Rhodes and Christian as the backup "heels"

3. I would make WWE more wrestling orientated on RAW ala SD!. Cena/Orton is Truth/JoMo. John Morrison is the biggest candidate for the main face role of WWE. Let him speak like his ECW Championship persona as he can already wrestle great matches. WWE should build him up as the "realistic" face that wins when it matters but loses matches that seem plausible. (No SUPER CENA or SUPER Orton stuff that dies) Draw sympathy for JoMo like how HBK in his last years had all types of issues. (money problem with JBL, Family feud with Jericho, Kane crushing his throat etc.) Make JoMo as real as possible so fans can relate to him more.

R Truth is gold currently and the same with Big Show. Just keep them in big name feuds and place a strap on one of them.
There is probably a thread in some archived forum in depths of internet history entitled 'What would happen without Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage and The Ultimate Warrior'

What happened?

Seriously though. WWE is a cycle as somebody said, and one that makes a lot of money. Sure, sometimes they push people and it doesn't turn out, but every single show someone is being pushed and when it works new stars are born relatively quickly.
Let's take a look

If Smackdown Lost Orton....smackdown would be in a tad bit of trouble. Right now Orton is a huge part of the show, with him gone we would have to see a new face turn, you choose; Sheamus or Barrett would be the best because they have the ability to step it up if need be. If all else fails they could bring someone over from Raw.

If Raw lost Cena...Well, Raw has more people to take the place overall. Rey could even step up and be a main eventer until someone fills a more prominent role. Mason Ryan push, Alex Riley Monster Push..maybe. Morrison's long awaited shot, who knows.

If Raw lost Miz, why is this part of the thread? CM Punk is a much bigger loss than the Miz.

In all honesty If Vince lost either of his top two guys I think he would freak out a bit and we would see Chris Jericho or HHH back in trunks pretty damn quick.
I love Randy Orton (I've bought 2 of his shirts , some action figures that I ended up losing , and even wanted him to end the streak when he had the chance) but I wanna see some fresh faces get that world heavyweight title spotlight

WWE is currently pushing young guys, or "fresh" talent, like crazy. Miz, Riley, Del Rio, Sin Cara, Cody Rhodes, Mark Henry, R-Truth, Sheamus, etc. All of these names are new to the main event scene.

that Ortons currently hogging

Hogging? He isn't "hogging" anything. When you're that popular, you keep the title. There really isn't much more to it. Those other guys should feel honored to work with Cena and Orton, the two top guys in the company. Oh, and we probably shouldn't forget about the small fact that Orton has only held the title FOR 2 FREAKIN' MONTHS! If you think that's a long enough title reign to call it "hogging the spotlight," you must be new, and very, very impatient.

Wade Barrett , Mark Henry , you know... stuff like that. I wanna see something different.

Maybe one of these men will take the title from Orton. Point is, Orton deserves the title. He's the number one guy, and he's only had it for two months.

The problem with Orton for now is hes always evolved , 1st he was just a Bob Ortons kid , then he was a midcarder , then evolution , then the Legend killer (Favorite thing) , then he came up w/ the punt , then the snake crap. But now hes been on the snake crap for so long , I wish he would re-invent himself yet again if hes going to be soaking up all the spotlight even more

Why would he? He's the hottest thing in pro wrestling, right now, doing exactly what he's doing. I doubt WWE's going to consider switching gears with someone who is drawing the kind of crowd reaction Randy Orton is.

Cena I like , hes not my favorite but I like him , but hes been the exact same way/gimmick for like... forever... would love to have HEEL Cena!

See what I said about Orton.

And then also I have seen some mention Sin Cara but I think they at LEAST have to let him talk... once he talks then we could see but no silent mask wearing man could be the face of the company unless it was a strictly lucha company

I don't think he speaks English. If he does, it's very little.

WWE has plenty of options. Obviously they know how to create stars. If they lost some of the top guys, they just build new ones. That's the cycle.
First of... The Miz? Da fuck...

Second, Cena is really the only guy that has any noticeable effect. From a television perspective, him not being there would hurt. He is the center of the WWE Universe. ALL of the characters are molded after him in some way. The other faces have the same morals (without the tacky shirts) and all of the bad guys hate Cena's morals. But more importantly: the guy makes almost half the merchandise sales himself. No matter how shitty his shirts get, people buy them in droves, I tells ya.

Third, and I know Nicky is gonna get on me (haha), but if how bad Orton has tanked at the top of SD financially, I don't think he would be missed at all. Orton is suppose to be Batman because Cena is Superman, but I don't think he is that strong of a draw to be so. Rey Rey would be a better choice from a business standpoint than Orton.
I'm flip-flopping this post, because it works better for me. And no, your opinion doesn't anger me. You just need some educating.

Third, and I know Nicky is gonna get on me (haha), but if how bad Orton has tanked at the top of SD financially, I don't think he would be missed at all. Orton is suppose to be Batman because Cena is Superman, but I don't think he is that strong of a draw to be so. Rey Rey would be a better choice from a business standpoint than Orton.

Financially? This would mean he's making less money for the WWE than he was on Raw. You have no proof of this. You cannot prove his t-shirt sales are down, etc. Uninformed is the best way to describe this opinion.

I suppose you could point to television ratings, but, you'd be wrong again. Orton hasn't increased ratings, but ratings surely haven't tanked. The average rating for Smackdown, from 2009-2011, is roughly the same, even up a bit from last year (so far). Smackdown doesn't draw. No one draws on Smackdown. Not The Undertaker, not Edge, not Rey Mysterio, not HHH, and no, not even Randall Orton. Smackdown has several problems (being taped, on Friday nights, being on the SyFy network), but Randy isn't one of them.

No way on Earth you can convince me (or any sane person) that the most over guy in the company isn't a draw. That just doesn't make any sense. Seriously, if you drop the fangirl-ish hatred for 10 seconds, you'd realize what I'm saying is true.

Second, Cena is really the only guy that has any noticeable effect. From a television perspective, him not being there would hurt.

Actually, according to television ratings, you're wrong. The WWE did fine while Cena was out in late 2007. The ratings stayed the same. Does this mean Cena isn't WWE's biggest draw? Of course not. See. You can talk about a wrestler you don't care for without attempting to completely bury the guy :)

Would Cena improve the rating on Smackdown more so than Orton has? Obviously, he's the face of the company. I'm not saying Orton is the bigger draw, never have. I think he's more over with fans, but a bigger draw? Nah. However, if Orton had taken over Cena's spot on Raw (with Cena on Smackdown), I doubt the Raw rating would drop. You cannot ignore how over Orton is. That plays into how big of a draw you are.

However, back to the topic at hand. WWE has shown over the years, given the ratings examples I've talked about, that it can overcome the loss of a major stars. Why? Because WWE is a brand. WWE is the draw. This wasn't true in the 80's, but, it is today. New stars can be built and pushed to take the place of old stars, because the brand name is strong enough to ensure that's possible.

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