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What Would Taker's Surgery Mean?


Getting Noticed By Management
I'm sure many of you have read about The Undertaker possibly be needing major shoulder surgery soon. It's said that this surgery may inhibit him from participating in the next WrestleMania. This is definitely devastating news for the WWE and it's universe. Taker is a MAJOR draw for WrestleMania and they will really need to come up big with their story-lines and other main-events if he cannot participate.

What does this mean? I think a few things:

-First of all, I think this should cement that Cena is not turning heel. There's only so many ways you could turn Cena heel and this was one of them. Without rivaling Taker, what is there to do? Align with Barrett? And then how do you plan on ending that and what would it's point be? With each and every night it looks sooooooooo unlikely that Cena will just give in and be like "oh what the heck Wade, you're a good guy afterall." I don't want to turn this into a 14 year olds crying about how Cena sucks and how he only has 5 moves, but face it he's the biggest draw in the company and if they don't have the ABSOLUTE BEST reason for him to turn heel, then they won't do it. Especially now while sales are down to begin with.

-Rumors are (again from this article that WZ has posted, that's the only place I got my info here from) that Vince thinks he has "Taker vs Lesnar in the bag". If that is so, I guess that means he doesn't think Taker will need the surgery? If this surgery came up after Vince had made these plans, if there are any plans at all (which I doubt...), then will we still see Brock back in WWE now? I don't think there are any plans for Taker vs Brock because that would have meant they knew Brock was going to lose - and UFC isn't staged. How could the UFC World Heavyweight Champion be on another wrestling programs main ppv? It wouldn't happen.

-I think this also means that Kane is going to drop the belt very soon. I think this Kane title run was to have one more rivalry between these 2. With Taker now presumably off the scene for awhile, I think Vince will get the title off of Kane. I love Kane, huge Kane mark over here check out my username. But in the end, if Vince REALLY wants Smackdown! to be the #1 show, then they need to get the belt off of Kane. Plain and Simple. I am glad though that Kane has now established himself as a big main event heel for SD!... However long that lasts.

-What does this mean for Edge? Is Edge now going to be the main FACE on SD!? I LOVE heel-Edge but as many have said before he started to get real dry on RAW. Right now, he is kicking everyone's ass on Smackdown! and did work in the Bragging Rights ppv. He is being a great tweener and with SD!'s biggest face off the books (again, presumably) does Edge fill that role? I hope so!

-What does this mean for all these heels? With one less face to be involved in Mania, who is going to turn? The big-name heels seem to out-number the big-name faces for now... even HHH said he wants to be a heel again (if and when he comes back). So who turns face? Barrett? Sheamus? Miz? Punk? Del Rio? Kane? Jericho (if he's back by Mania)? I do think that at least one of these guys will be a face by Mania. I hope it's not Barrett, Sheamus, or Punk because they are absolute brilliant heels and I hope it's not Miz because that would probably mean he is getting a bigger push and honestly that guy just blows ass. Del Rio wouldn't make much sense with such a quick turn and he seems like he was made to be a heel. I don't think face Kane does much. So possibly a quicker return for a FACE Jericho? I think it's more of a possibility now.

-Now this point is a long-shot, but without Taker at Mania they will need something that will be a MASSIVE draw. Austin's said don't rule him out from one more match, there's the Lesnar rumors now, The Rock rumors have been around since he's left, Goldberg has said he'd like one last match, but what about guys in the WWE right now? What I mean is... the 2 biggest draws right now are quite easily Cena and Orton. Although their rivalry has been gone OVER AND OVER AND OVER again, Orton is a different character now. Do you think the WWE could turn to a Cena vs Orton WrestleMania match (which I'm pretty sure has not been done yet) in order to make up at least a little bit of what they will lose with Taker possibly not being there?

There's so many more things to be discussed if Taker does have surgery that prevents him from participating at Mania.


Wow, this thread made me realize one thing. If THAT MUCH of the company hinges on the well-being of one person, they are SCREWED! Yes Taker is a big deal, but if him being in or out affects that many different aspects and storylines, yikes. I think WWE is smarter than that. Don't put too many eggs in one basket or whatever the saying is. I'm sure Taker has an affect on some things, but hopefully not that much. If they want to turn Cena heel, they will. If they want to take the belt from Kane, they will. I think you're overstating the affect his absence would have.

Taker is a big draw but is getting old and now needs surgery, so they better not have a million different issues riding on him alone.

I'm surprised to see this Brock/Taker thing starting to turn into rumors, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised anymore. I for one don't believe any of it yet. I don't think Vince is trying to set anything up between them. I don't think Brock wants back in the WWE, unless he wants to make one big appearance for the paycheck.
Triple H as a heel again? sorry, but i hope not, talk about zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, after awhile it stops feeling "realistic", so to speak. Of course, they all say they'd rather be heels, because it gives them more freedom, but how many times have we seen Hunter flip-flop? he is at the point in his career, where the fans respect him no matter what. What could he possibly do at this point, to get the same kind of heat he used to?? Turn on Cena? nope. He will stay a face, he will get a huge reaction when he comes back, and should feud with Sheamus. The only thing i could see is him being behind Nexus to whole time, and feuding against Vince in some sorta company takeover. But thats kinda been done a gazillion times already.

As for Jericho, the Y2J chants were getting more and more rampant each time he came out towards the end of his most recent run. I think his whole "suit and tie gimmick" was starting to get a little stale towards the end there as well. And the fans were dying to see some of the ole "rock n roll" type Jericho again. Problem is, Jericho was most popular when he was able to say the raunchy stuff (especially when feuding with Rock, Stephanie, etc"

Short-haired, "PG" face Jericho didn't pan out, when he came back in 2007. It lasted all but 2 months i think before he started the feud with Shawn Michaels. Unless it was designed that way. His feud with a heel Orton came off pretty weak , if i remember correctly.
I believe this is how they are setting up for the main event at WM28.....

It appears as if we are headed for an Edge vs The Miz matchup somewhere down the line. Could this be the WWE/World Championship Unification match that we have all speculated about for a while now?

Edge is most likely the next feud with Kane. Sometime over the next few months Edge will take the World Championship from Kane. And then I think Miz enters into the Royal Rumble match. But before the actual Rumble match, Miz cashes in and takes the strap off of the WWE Champion after the WWE Champions match at the Royal Rumble. The Miz then goes in and wins the Royal Rumble. The Miz then challenges Edge for the World Championship match in a unification match at WM28.
I think this will certainly turn this into the most unpredictable wrestlemania's. Especially considering that in the past two or three years it has always been the Undertakers match which people have bought the show for. Sure there are always some other good matches, but we never know about them, whilst Undertaker is nearly always a guaranteed good time.

I totally agree that someone will have to turn face soon. My prediction is the Miz. Crazy I know, but I have a feeling he will cash in against Kane for that title, giving a believable way of taking the title from Kane whilst not ruining his monster credibility and at the same time giving the Miz a fresh brand with fresh feuds. It also stops kane being forced into a rubbish feud that we all know will end with the other person winning the title.

If I'm honest I believe Undertaker will be at WM. Keep in mind the past couple of years that Edge, Cena have both had surprise returns for RR. Now I'm not saying taker will jump in and win the rumble, but I think there will be a "surprise early return", jumping in on a feud at the right time. Maybe a monster destroying people like Sheamus or Barrett.

I think that WM main event will be the Miz this year coming, no idea who against, but he will be that fresh face that could steal the show.
Wow, this thread made me realize one thing. If THAT MUCH of the company hinges on the well-being of one person, they are SCREWED! Yes Taker is a big deal, but if him being in or out affects that many different aspects and storylines, yikes. I think WWE is smarter than that. Don't put too many eggs in one basket or whatever the saying is. I'm sure Taker has an affect on some things, but hopefully not that much. If they want to turn Cena heel, they will. If they want to take the belt from Kane, they will. I think you're overstating the affect his absence would have.

Taker is a big draw but is getting old and now needs surgery, so they better not have a million different issues riding on him alone.

I'm surprised to see this Brock/Taker thing starting to turn into rumors, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised anymore. I for one don't believe any of it yet. I don't think Vince is trying to set anything up between them. I don't think Brock wants back in the WWE, unless he wants to make one big appearance for the paycheck.

This is very interesting. If Kane loses the belt, who would he lose it to? Edge, hope not. Edge hasn't regained the form he had, in fact no where near it. CM Punk is on RAW, so who does that leave that's credible. WWE buried Swagger again. But as far as BROCK people say it would be for one night, does he really need the money. UFC pays him don't they. I've always been huge on BROCK and obviously so has UFC and WWE that's why they want him. But after his bad loss to Cain which Lesnar mostly did himself in one has to wonder. How much longer will he want to continue doing it. Lesnar's a pretty boy and he just continues especially the last two fights to get cut up badly and stitched up i mean bad facial damage, eventually he is gonna say fuck it and leave. I can make this money doing wrestling again. Then that will be huge news for wrestling fans. So i think Vince has resigned Lesnar to lesnar's terms. Huge.
Undertaker, IMO, doesn't have much time left. I personally think this WM will be his last. He's carried the flag for quite some time, and "The StreaK" is impressive, but I think all this work and his age are finally catching up to him.

In response to your points:

1. I don't think this necessarily cements Cena as a face. While Taker is arguably the biggest WM draw and the fact that he could miss it is pretty substantial to WWE, Vince has shown that he will pretty much do whatever he wants to do with his workers. It's been rumored that Taker could face Sheamus, Kane or a few others. If he does have the surgery and is out, Cena pretty much becomes the biggest draw, or possibly Mysterio. It will be very difficult to turn Cena, but it can be done. However, will it? He's still wearing his gear even though he's with Nexus in this defiance angle, so Vince obviously isn't tossing his merch yet. Just remember, in this day and age, no one is unturnable.

2. If Vince actually has Taker/Lesnar in the bag, I'd be surprised. Not saying that it's out of the realm of possibility, but I just can't see Brock coming back to WWE. I was never a big fan of Brock to begin with. He's thoroughly entrenched in UFC now (or is he, after losing to Velasquez?), and those two companies are battling for the same demographic. Brock fighting Taker would be pointless. But, I could be wrong. Maybe Vince offered him huge money to come back, more than Dana White could.

3. I agree that Kane drops the belt soon, but to who? Edge? Mysterio? Big Show? Kane's nearing the end of his career too, IMO. He's got his "Citizen X" political life to lean on once he's done, and he's making more and more appearances in regards to that. I'm glad they put the strap on him again for a while, but rumors are that Vince is down on a Kane/Taker match at WM. Or, since they're in the business of merging belts again (Tag Team, Diva), maybe they decide to merge the top two belts again and run with the WHC belt. In that case, maybe he drops it to whoever the WWE Champ is.

4. Edge is not the main face on SmackDown, just the main tweener. The biggest face on SmackDown is Rey Mysterio. He may not be in the main event picture right now, but he can be put in there in a heartbeat. I'm guessing he's their top merch seller, since SmackDown has been geared more toward kids in recent years. I'm not in love with his current feud with Alberto Del Rio (another Mexican vs. Mexican feud, Vince? Really?), and he's probably still not 100 percent (or ever will be). Can Edge be the main face on SmackDown? Perhaps. Face Edge isn't that bad. Heel Edge works better, but Face Edge can be used if needed. He's not the strongest WM main eventer, but he can work if Taker's out.

5. Yes, Triple H has said he'd like one more heel run before he hangs it up and moves to the front office officially, but desperation may not allow that. Out of the ones you named, I can see Miz, Punk or Jericho turning face. Their characters are more realistic and can be turned more easily than the others. I can see maybe Jericho or Miz turning face and switching shows to become a top face. Miz is in line for the biggest push out of that group, but neither will to be a top face on Raw with Cena, Orton and a returning Triple H there. They've got more of a shot on Smackdown, if that's the route Vince takes with them.

6. A Massive draw? Hmm. Austin's always there, but I don't see a match. Same with Dwayne "Don't Call Me The Rock" Johnson. I pray it's not NoSellBerg. A heel Cena vs. a face/tweener Orton? That's an idea.
First of all, McMahon would NEVER allow Brock Lesnar back in WWE. Why? It's simple. He's a UFC guy. Brock will NOT be back in WWE full-time or part time, if he EVER goes back ( and he won't ) it'll be for one night only. His mere presence in a WWE ring promotes UFC. Whether Vince likes it or not, UFC is butt fucking WWE in almost every department. It's bad business.

As far as 'Taker goes -- who the fuck cares? Taker is old, slow, can't wrestle to save his dick. I don't care WHAT he does, if he has a match at 'Mania or not. The dude is not good to watch. Like Madden said -- when can we stop pretending that 'Taker is anything more than an entrance?

I hope he heals quickly, has his last match soon and that's it. He's beat up, he's fucked up, can't move, can't do nothing. Time to go.
First of all, McMahon would NEVER allow Brock Lesnar back in WWE. Why? It's simple. He's a UFC guy. Brock will NOT be back in WWE full-time or part time, if he EVER goes back ( and he won't ) it'll be for one night only. His mere presence in a WWE ring promotes UFC. Whether Vince likes it or not, UFC is butt fucking WWE in almost every department. It's bad business.

As far as 'Taker goes -- who the fuck cares? Taker is old, slow, can't wrestle to save his dick. I don't care WHAT he does, if he has a match at 'Mania or not. The dude is not good to watch. Like Madden said -- when can we stop pretending that 'Taker is anything more than an entrance?

I hope he heals quickly, has his last match soon and that's it. He's beat up, he's fucked up, can't move, can't do nothing. Time to go.

-If Vince could get Brock full-time, then he would. If he was under a full-time contract with WWE it would not be supporting UFC. That is an idiotic statement. That is like saying Kurt Angle is supporting WWE even though he is full-time TNA. As for UFC "butt fucking" WWE... they are completely different entities. Different crowd, different channel, different everything. One is staged, one is real. It's really not even close. To think they are anything alike is actually kind of ignorant and belittling to both organizations.

-What do you mean "who the fuck cares"? Are you kidding me? Whether he can impressively compete anymore is a moot point to many, MANY people. The guy is a massive draw. End of story. He puts asses in the seats and that's why the WWE cares and if he puts asses in the seats then those asses care too.

Surprised all this WWE bashing is directed towards the age of a certain superstar from a, what seems to be, TNA fanboy. You do realize you have Hogan, Bischoff, Jarrett, Flair, Foley, etc in the middle of everything... right? Just wonderin'.
First of all, McMahon would NEVER allow Brock Lesnar back in WWE. Why? It's simple. He's a UFC guy. Brock will NOT be back in WWE full-time or part time, if he EVER goes back ( and he won't ) it'll be for one night only. His mere presence in a WWE ring promotes UFC. Whether Vince likes it or not, UFC is butt fucking WWE in almost every department. It's bad business.

As far as 'Taker goes -- who the fuck cares? Taker is old, slow, can't wrestle to save his dick. I don't care WHAT he does, if he has a match at 'Mania or not. The dude is not good to watch. Like Madden said -- when can we stop pretending that 'Taker is anything more than an entrance?

I hope he heals quickly, has his last match soon and that's it. He's beat up, he's fucked up, can't move, can't do nothing. Time to go.

Man you do just say the dumbest things. How does his presene in the ring promote UFC. If anything it will promote WWE. The UFC fans will want to see Brock, and of he is in the WWE they will probably watch, atleast some will. And with the comment you made on Taker is just awful. Don't even know what to say to that.
Wow, this thread made me realize one thing. If THAT MUCH of the company hinges on the well-being of one person, they are SCREWED! Yes Taker is a big deal, but if him being in or out affects that many different aspects and storylines, yikes. I think WWE is smarter than that. Don't put too many eggs in one basket or whatever the saying is. I'm sure Taker has an affect on some things, but hopefully not that much. If they want to turn Cena heel, they will. If they want to take the belt from Kane, they will. I think you're overstating the affect his absence would have.

Taker is a big draw but is getting old and now needs surgery, so they better not have a million different issues riding on him alone.

I'm surprised to see this Brock/Taker thing starting to turn into rumors, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised anymore. I for one don't believe any of it yet. I don't think Vince is trying to set anything up between them. I don't think Brock wants back in the WWE, unless he wants to make one big appearance for the paycheck.

These things I raised aren't so much "issues". There are always "Plan B", "C", and "D". You missed the point of the post. It is not "Undertaker is gone so we are all doomed". No, rather it is more like "Undertaker is gone so what happens now?". I think you got a negative-vibe from the post as if I was implying that now a bunch of things are going wrong. Absolutely not. But I do argue, however, that this will indeed change the plans that they had because you are now taking a major player out of it. That can't really be argued.

But with that said, it still isn't finalized that Taker is having this surgery from what I've read.
Hahaa. Wow you guys are coming up with some of the wildest things. Seriously, when is Undertaker ever on TV or around for more then 3 months? Think of it.. I will wait. Taker gone just mean more younger stars will come up. Right now, we need to stop living in the past and let the new generation take over. We don't want this to be WCW all over again... I mean the 2nd coming of TNA.

Taker is gone. Albert will not be feuding with him, Jack Swagger will not be on his radar, a Heel turn for MVP is not coming towards you. It make Kane the dominate force. Also, it will help establish him as the last true heel that the people had boo'ed with the title on his waste.

Randy Orton, people cheered when he punted people

Chris Jericho, people laughed when he called people idiots

CM Punk, his fans still adore him because of the SES

Edge was the last person because he just down right annoying and mess up everybody online prediction because they think they had it correct. That was one year ago and he is a face.

Taker gone is going to make Kane look dominate, open the doors for the future stars to show up and might even put over guys like Kofi at the Main Event.

I don't care if you overlook this like any other post or don't comment it. Taker is way past his prime and people still think he got it. When was the last time he did the Old School? I can't remember. Taker has that Ric Flair syndrome, don't know when to put the trunks up. Taker you time is up and we will all miss you, but you being gone is going to help the future stars get a shot.
The main thing I am thinking about at this stage is Kane's next challenger. With Undertaker out, who can Kane really face at Survivor Series? There are limited options, but I agree Kane needs to drop the belt quick.

I guess Rey, Edge and Show are the three main options, but personally I wouldn't like to see any of those matches. I can see it being Edge since he has momentum after earning Smackdown the win last night. It would actually make sense for T-Lo to name Edge the #1 contender as a reward for scoring the deciding pinfall and bringing home the trophy for Smackdown, though it would be a little harsh on Rey. Maybe as the two last men standing they have a match for it? Or maybe a triple threat at SS?
This is part of the reason Undertaker can not be heel again.

They should ahve just made the last Mania his final match. Right now he's just blocking other guys from stepping up by either gaining the title, being the #1 contender, or being shelved cuz of injury. All due respect to him, but his time is up.

Let him wrestle one last mania, and considering shoulder surgery shouldn't really take 5.5 months to rehab from, I don't see why he can't just compete in that one last match. It doesn't have to be agaisnt Brock Lesnar, Goldberg, Sting or anyone that would make it a "dream matchup." Obviously somebody important, but how about Taker v. Sheamus? Taker v. Barrett? It can be anybody, heck, even Taker v. Danielson would be a matchup we'd all love to see. just take somebody who won't botch everything and let Taker end it at Wrestlemania. Undefeated streak & all. Although I don't like that he's never lost at Mania, if HBK failed twice to do it, might as well just let him finish it off at the mack daddy.
This is part of the reason Undertaker can not be heel again.

They should ahve just made the last Mania his final match. Right now he's just blocking other guys from stepping up by either gaining the title, being the #1 contender, or being shelved cuz of injury. All due respect to him, but his time is up.

Let him wrestle one last mania, and considering shoulder surgery shouldn't really take 5.5 months to rehab from, I don't see why he can't just compete in that one last match. It doesn't have to be agaisnt Brock Lesnar, Goldberg, Sting or anyone that would make it a "dream matchup." Obviously somebody important, but how about Taker v. Sheamus? Taker v. Barrett? It can be anybody, heck, even Taker v. Danielson would be a matchup we'd all love to see. just take somebody who won't botch everything and let Taker end it at Wrestlemania. Undefeated streak & all. Although I don't like that he's never lost at Mania, if HBK failed twice to do it, might as well just let him finish it off at the mack daddy.

Taker vs Cena is too big of a match for them to miss out on. Obviously the Lesnar match is a bigger match from a business perspective as the buyrate that would do would be insane, so if there is a possibility of that they should go for it, but if not, Cena is the man. It would be a great match and it would be a real waste if they let Taker retire without Cena challenging him at Mania.

Taker vs Sheamus would be good but it would seem underwhelming as his last streak defence. Not many would buy into the possibility of Sheamus being the guy to end the streak. I'd like to see the match but not at Mania, unless he's going to be around to face Cena at Mania 28.
Undertaker, IMO, doesn't have much time left. I personally think this WM will be his last.

There, that's your answer.
People are saying that Taker won't be around for WM next year, but if it's his last one, think about it clearly.

Taker knows how big his fanbase is and how much people love him. Even if he's 0%, he will fight at WM, he could cut promos for a month before it without wrestling, and still put on the best show he could.

He will do it no matter what, but it's gotta be his last. As much as I don't wanna say it, Takers time is near an end.
Taker needs to retire soon, I'm a big fan of him and all but come on, he's getting old and even though he gets massive crowd reaction, he wont be there to live it up, he gets injured most of the time and is not in his prime anymore, best to just have him have one more match at WM27 and call it quits.
First of all, McMahon would NEVER allow Brock Lesnar back in WWE. Why? It's simple. He's a UFC guy. Brock will NOT be back in WWE full-time or part time, if he EVER goes back ( and he won't ) it'll be for one night only. His mere presence in a WWE ring promotes UFC. Whether Vince likes it or not, UFC is butt fucking WWE in almost every department. It's bad business.

As far as 'Taker goes -- who the fuck cares? Taker is old, slow, can't wrestle to save his dick. I don't care WHAT he does, if he has a match at 'Mania or not. The dude is not good to watch. Like Madden said -- when can we stop pretending that 'Taker is anything more than an entrance?

I hope he heals quickly, has his last match soon and that's it. He's beat up, he's fucked up, can't move, can't do nothing. Time to go.

what the hell?

taker is still very good in the ring ok he's no kurt angle but he's good at what taker does.
he's better then half the tna roster and wwe's for that
also as said to you before by other members Tna has the wrestling old people's home going off. now i am not bashing tna i am a fan of most of there younger stars but i don't understand how you can say that when tna has hogan as the main stage of there show and he's can't even pull of the one wrestling move he could do any more.
now back to taker i just hope if he goes at mania he does not job to some "new star" that will no one will care about in in 5 years

Sorry for the rant
just my 2 cent
what the hell?

taker is still very good in the ring ok he's no kurt angle but he's good at what taker does.
he's better then half the tna roster and wwe's for that
also as said to you before by other members Tna has the wrestling old people's home going off. now i am not bashing tna i am a fan of most of there younger stars but i don't understand how you can say that when tna has hogan as the main stage of there show and he's can't even pull of the one wrestling move he could do any more.
now back to taker i just hope if he goes at mania he does not job to some "new star" that will no one will care about in in 5 years

Sorry for the rant
just my 2 cent

You make me smile on the inside. How did turn into a TNA discussion? Anyway, I'll do what you WWE suck ups DON'T do and talk about WWE in the WWE section and TNA in the TNA section.

Do not act like 'Taker is the shit. He is visually struggling with injuries, his age is taking its toll on him. He is not as good as he used to be, and really, Taker has ALWAYS been as good as his opponent. Put him in the ring with HBK - match of the year. Put him in the ring with Kane - piss break. Call it whatever you want, that match sucked. As a matter of fact, all of 'Taker's recent matches with Kane sucked. The promo package was better than the match.

Just calling it like I see it.

P.S: Hogan doesn't wrestle, numb nuts.
You make me smile on the inside. How did turn into a TNA discussion? Anyway, I'll do what you WWE suck ups DON'T do and talk about WWE in the WWE section and TNA in the TNA section.

Do not act like 'Taker is the shit. He is visually struggling with injuries, his age is taking its toll on him. He is not as good as he used to be, and really, Taker has ALWAYS been as good as his opponent. Put him in the ring with HBK - match of the year. Put him in the ring with Kane - piss break. Call it whatever you want, that match sucked. As a matter of fact, all of 'Taker's recent matches with Kane sucked. The promo package was better than the match.

Just calling it like I see it.

You are so far away from the point of this thread that I think it's beyond worth trying to salvage. It does not matter how 'Taker is in the ring anymore, the fact that you keep bringing it up is just a sad attempt at trolling his fans who STILL even agree with you that he is NOT so great in the ring anymore. The point that is standing in front of you waving its arms on fire and you STILL can't see it is the one that he is a huge huge huge draw and no matter how he does in the ring he is still going to attract audiences.

You're trying to turn this into a 'Taker sucks in the ring' thread and that's never what it was supposed to be. Quit trollin'.
You make me smile on the inside. How did turn into a TNA discussion? Anyway, I'll do what you WWE suck ups DON'T do and talk about WWE in the WWE section and TNA in the TNA section.

Do not act like 'Taker is the shit. He is visually struggling with injuries, his age is taking its toll on him. He is not as good as he used to be, and really, Taker has ALWAYS been as good as his opponent. Put him in the ring with HBK - match of the year. Put him in the ring with Kane - piss break. Call it whatever you want, that match sucked. As a matter of fact, all of 'Taker's recent matches with Kane sucked. The promo package was better than the match.

Just calling it like I see it.

i agree about the taker and kane matches promos have been good but the matches not that great. but i guess thats what you get with moden day wrestling the feuds are built a round promos more than matches and matches don't mean as much as the promos any more there just a filler to the next angle or promo

p.s lance storm has little piece on how that happens now heres the link

You are so far away from the point of this thread that I think it's beyond worth trying to salvage. It does not matter how 'Taker is in the ring anymore, the fact that you keep bringing it up is just a sad attempt at trolling his fans who STILL even agree with you that he is NOT so great in the ring anymore. The point that is standing in front of you waving its arms on fire and you STILL can't see it is the one that he is a huge huge huge draw and no matter how he does in the ring he is still going to attract audiences.

You're trying to turn this into a 'Taker sucks in the ring' thread and that's never what it was supposed to be. Quit trollin'.

So when I don't like something -- I'm trollin'. Right. I forgot how it works on these forums.

Taker DOES suck in the ring. So what does that mean? That means one uninteresting match LESS. Taker is an ode to the 80's. If WWE expects us to believe that this guy is really dead, or that we're supposed to be excited for a burried fucking alive match, which by the way wasn't even good enough for me to ignore the fact that it was total bogus, then they're more delusional that I thought.

What it means is that the dude will take time off, we won't see many slow, old people going around, taking spots that guys like ZIggler and Danielson SHOULD have. Get my point, chump change? If WWE was supporting this shitty "youth movement", they would build their company around guys like Ziggler and Bryan Danielson, not Under-fucking-taker and Kane, doing the same shit they've been doing for the last 10 years and doing it worse.

The biggest downer will be if 'Taker doesn't make it to Mania. Not that I'm dying to see him do what he does every year, but it's the only thing that makes WrestleMania special aside from the fireworks and the production.
i agree about the taker and kane matches promos have been good but the matches not that great. but i guess thats what you get with moden day wrestling the feuds are built a round promos more than matches and matches don't mean as much as the promos any more there just a filler to the next angle or promo

p.s lance storm has little piece on how that happens now heres the link


Yeah if that's the case I don't agree with modern day wrestling. Don't get me wrong, this feud brought out something in Kane I haven't seen. The promos were fantastic, but by NO MEANS am I going to put up with the fact that modern wrestling works by having great promos and shitty matches. That's not an excuse for not having a good match. If I wanted drama, I'd watch a movie. I watch wrestling for the drama and the big pay off that the feud ending/continiung match which is usually on a PPV where I pay my hard earned money. If WWE's not providing that, I won't buy their PPVs and I haven't done that in over 10 years because of the reason I just mentioned.
It means he should lose this year at WM. I know everyone will hate me saying it, but the streak needs to end. I love wrestling & have since the 80's, but its fake. Saying this streak is like Cal Ripken's, Bret Farve's, Jerry Rice's, etc streaks is stupid. This streak won't help any wrestler in a few years, won't keep any fans in a few years, & won't mean much to new generations of fans coming in. But if he loses someones career is imediately put on the next level. Its great to have records set in wrestling, but its also great to have them beaten. The Taker retiring with this record does not help the business or the fans in any way. Cena defeats him to turn heel in a tournament finals to unify the titles! You get the Taker a few more Mania wins & Cena will automatically become the most hated person since Hogan turned.
So when I don't like something -- I'm trollin'. Right. I forgot how it works on these forums.

Taker DOES suck in the ring. So what does that mean? That means one uninteresting match LESS. Taker is an ode to the 80's. If WWE expects us to believe that this guy is really dead, or that we're supposed to be excited for a burried fucking alive match, which by the way wasn't even good enough for me to ignore the fact that it was total bogus, then they're more delusional that I thought.

What it means is that the dude will take time off, we won't see many slow, old people going around, taking spots that guys like ZIggler and Danielson SHOULD have. Get my point, chump change? If WWE was supporting this shitty "youth movement", they would build their company around guys like Ziggler and Bryan Danielson, not Under-fucking-taker and Kane, doing the same shit they've been doing for the last 10 years and doing it worse.

The biggest downer will be if 'Taker doesn't make it to Mania. Not that I'm dying to see him do what he does every year, but it's the only thing that makes WrestleMania special aside from the fireworks and the production.

Oh no please don't call me names like "chump change". That hits real close to home...

Make up your mind, you act like it's the greatest thing since sliced bread if he doesn't wrestle at Mania and then you end it with "the biggest downer will be if 'Taker doesn't make it to Mania." OOOOOK. WrestleMania always has the best story-lines, most of the time - matches, memorable moments, and greatest production out of all the WWE PPV's each and every year. So while a lot of the attention rides on the Undertaker despite his in-ring ability, (which I guess you have... learned through this thread?) decisions still have to be made if he cannot be there. I don't even know where you are coming from with this anymore because this post contradicts a lot of what you've said.

Either way,

Taker = Big Draw

No Taker = Need to adjust, make better story-lines/matches to make up for no Taker

I think EVERYONE here can agree to that.

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