What Will / Should Be "The 6th Move" ??


The Future Mr. Kelly Kelly
Many people here on the WZ forums claim John Cena is a "5 move" wrestler (I don't necessarily agree, but it's hard to argue).

One of those moves is obviously the STF, but given current storylines involving the Big Show, Cena won't be able to use the STF at Extreme Rules. If you saw Judgment Day, he tried to slap it on Show four times and it appears as if he can't reach his head / neck while stepping over his leg.

That being said, their match at Extreme Rules is going to be a submission match. Show will no doubt use his crappy looking Camel Clutch, but what submission move will / should Cena use ??

I vote for the Torture Rack :icon_razz:, but hypothetically there's no way Cena could hold Big Show for that long, or can he ???

Pick your move and tell us why.
It should definately be the sleeper hold with the assistance of a step ladder. In all seriousness though. I am certain that Cena will win using the STF. The only reason he could not put it on Show at JD was ecause they wanted to set up this match. I am also sure that Cena put the Stf on the Great Khali once. If he can put it on Khali, he can put in Show.
I agree I think it will be the STF, but if I had to guess another move, it would be an armbar or maybe the Crippler Crossface......you never know.
Figure four leglock. Why ? Why not, it's a classic submission move and it's the only one I could see him using outside of what everyone already said that he will get the STF locked on Show.

Maybe he could ask Flair to teach him the finer points of the FFL since he came to Ric's rescue! :p

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