What will Seth rollins role in WWE be?


Now as you may,or may not know, former CZW,ROH, champion Tyler Black is in WWE's develpomental deal as seth rollins, if you have never heard of rollins i recomend you watch some of his stuff on youtube, he has great mic skils, good in-ring bility and the fans love him. My question is what will be his role a lot of people compare him and CM Punk because of their mic skills,in-ring similarities, and other thing. could you see him becoming the new punk guy in WWE, or could he team up with punk as a new SES, or maybe even punks Nu-Nexus. and with Tough Enough returning,even though wwe hold open tryouts to anyone who submits a tape do you think he would be on that. the possibilties are endless. so good people of wrestlezone hwat do you think? do we have a new Punk on our hands, a new nexus member, or just another guy to get buried on national TV?
Im not sure what will happen with Black/Rollins.

Is this current season of NXT officially the last one? Is Tough Enuff taking over for NXT? Or are there more seasons of NXT on the horizon? I would think that Rollins ends up on the next season of NXT- if there is one.

Although- I wouldnt mind seeing Punk add some new members to Nexus. Four just doesnt seem like "enuff" to me at all. We were used to seeing 6, 7 or even 8 members. With the "loss" of Slater and Gabriel last week- I'd like to see some more memebers added. Wade Barretts "nexus" added Zeke on Friday. So who's to say Punk cant add guys that were not part of any NXT seasons?

I'd like to see Rollins added to the roster & have something to do with CM Punk. All that means is- it probably wont happen like that
Man that ring name seriously offends me. Tyler Black was a great name, Seth Rollins just sucks!!

As for his chances of success in WWE? I think Rollins has arrived at just about the right time, as WWE are looking for main event talent right now, the majority of the company's stars are aging or have left in the last few years. Undertaker, Edge, HHH, Jericho, Mysterio, Kane are all veterans, or close to being. WWE are looking for guys to take over from these superstars, obviously The Miz is one, CM Punk is another, Morrison, Sheamus, Swagger, Barrett, Daniel Bryan etc are these guys.

If Rollins is similar to CM Punk, then that bodes well for him as Vince seems a bit more willing than in the past to give new talent a chance. There are more rookies in the WWE than I can remember right now, so if Rollins can do something to stand out, and make the crowd notice him, then he has a good chance of success. A lot of the new talent is weak on the mic, and Rollins isn't, so there's a good way to make an immediate impact.

I would like to see him involved in CM Punk's Nexus as well, I think it would be a good way to get his face notoced, get some promo time and get some exposure. Punl has lost some followers in recent weeks, so Nexus needs reinforcments. Rollins could be one of the reinforcements.

I have seen a bit of him in ROH, and he is good, much better than guys like Slater and Otunga, so I would like to see him be the one to eventually try and break away from Nexus, and end up feuding with Punk. That would be a great match, I could see those two having great chemistry
I'm sure this will attract a lot of crap but eh, it's just my opinion. I've never been sold on Black. That's not to say he's bad. He's quite good, in fact. It's just that for all of the hype he gets I don't see what makes him so special.

He looks like a typical, bland indie guy. His mic skills don't thrill me. Also, based on what I've heard he's posted/removed from social networking sites he comes off as somewhat arrogant. That could just be his personality or that could be for him getting pushed so much, so quickly in ROH thanks to the simultaneous exits of McGuiness and Bryan. Whatever it is, I don't think he'll be successful in the WWE.

People will probably just say that the WWE isn't willing to push guys with indie fame. That's fine. But in my book, it won't be true. Bryan is getting a solid push. Kaval? I think he was a victim of his own ego because he couldn't stand the WWE wanting to humble him for a few months. Looking at how depleted the current Smackdown midcard is I'd say he made a stupid decision. When I see Kofi's IC reign ended by a very solid five months for Ziggler only for the belt to go back to Kofi, I get the feeling that it would have been Kaval if he just had managed to check his ego at the door.

But back to Black, he could turn out to be a solid hand. He's probably just as likely to stick around for a few years and be nothing more than a fairly talented dude stuck in midcard purgatory. Truth be told? I don't think it'd be any different if he went to TNA. Call it cliche, but Black lacks the "it" factor. That's why I don't like the CM Punk comparison. Punk is naturally funny. He's quite capable of dramatic promos. He has something that circumvents his look, size, and roots that makes him compelling to all fans. Black? Nah. He's nowhere near that.

I wish Black all the best but the Punk comparisons are - more than anything - just insulting to Punk.
My guess. On a RAW sometime in the future they announce a new addition to the roster and introduce WWE superstar Seth Rollins. He comes down to crappy to decent pop. He goes to the ring, gets on the mike and screams as loud as he can "I'm not CM Punk I'm FUCKING Seth Rollins!" Then leaves at which point the entire crowd is silent and dumbfounded except for one guy wearing an ROH shirt who starts cheering uncontrollably.
:lol: Oh if only.

Seriously, who the hell knows. However, I did think of a cool gimmick for him that might work very well. Half Stone Cold, half Jack Swagger with a pinch of Undertaker thrown in to create "The All-American Nightmare". A hard fighting, hard rocking true blue boy with touch of the dark side in him. I heard the song "All American Nightmare" by Hinder and thought it could be a great theme and a gimmick as well.
My guess. On a RAW sometime in the future they announce a new addition to the roster and introduce WWE superstar Seth Rollins. He comes down to crappy to decent pop. He goes to the ring, gets on the mike and screams as loud as he can "I'm not CM Punk I'm FUCKING Seth Rollins!" Then leaves at which point the entire crowd is silent and dumbfounded except for one guy wearing an ROH shirt who starts cheering uncontrollably.
:lol: Oh if only.

Seriously, who the hell knows. However, I did think of a cool gimmick for him that might work very well. Half Stone Cold, half Jack Swagger with a pinch of Undertaker thrown in to create "The All-American Nightmare". A hard fighting, hard rocking true blue boy with touch of the dark side in him. I heard the song "All American Nightmare" by Hinder and thought it could be a great theme and a gimmick as well.

HAHA, that would be funny to see.

Interesting thought with the gimmick too. I doubt they would use the name "All American" due to Swagger still being in the WWE, but I like the idea. Something like that could be pretty decent to see. Good thinking man, I really am not sure what Rollins will be like when he comes up to the main roster, probably just a bland character with little or no distinguishing features, like most of the NXT crew.
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I think it's a very hard thing to predict right now. After all he got the WWE contract while he was a Ring of Honor champion, but I don't think it has any play in where he will be brought up within WWE, as well as I don't think that he will end up in the "low" end of the roster any time soon.

I could see him debuting on Smackdown of some sort, perhaps replacing the hole that Kaval left, not as a jobber but the Ring of Honor talent on there that could put on a pretty good match, and I think he could serve as a pretty decent mid-card wrestler, perhaps let him challenge for Kofi Kingston's Intercontinental Championship. But then again, come to think of it, Smackdown's mid-card is severely lacking face characters, and I think that might also have a play in whether he debuts as a face or a heel.

I don't know what role he'll have, because I think it's too early to predict, but I doubt it'll be anything super major from the get go.

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