What will happen with Edge??


Pre-Show Stalwart
I watched Smackdown and was blown away by the talent displayed by Ziggler and Edge. But Vickie has banned the Spear, and Edge used it. She SAW HIM USE THE SPEAR!!!! Come on!!! I like the belt on Edge, but WWE has got to follow through with their stipulations! They did when Vickie banned the Hell's Gate and stripped Taker of the title, why not do it to Edge?
Your thoughts?
How you see this storyline's progression?
Good Thread!!

I Really dont know. . . :S maybe Theodore Long will reuturn next week or something....

I dont think that Ziggler should win is first major tittle like that...
I mean he can do better, by far...

But is scheduled to last week the TOP 10 Superstars fight ina heel vs face superstars or somthing...

So Edge is going to EC Champion
Isn't the rule that if Edge uses the spear, he 'loses the title'? I say Edge is stripped of the belt but it can't be awarded to Dolph because he lost the match. Belt goes up for grabs at EC and Vickie announces Dolph's pod will open last or some such advantage.
I was just about to make a thread on this myself. We saw as SD! went off the air last night that Vickie and one of the refs was arguing over this and WWE.com is also playing this thing up. Since Edge used the spear in violation of Vickie's order, it would seem that Edge is no longer WHC. There's the question of who gave Chad Matthews "authorization" to act in an official capacity as a ref.

The WWE is furthering the speculation with a message that Dolph Ziggler posted on Twitter: "Last night was a success! Kent State won the MAC Conference & I won the World Heavyweight Championship! Best Dolph Ziggler Day EVER! ;)"

So it'll be interesting to see where this goes. It's possible that the title could be rendered vacant for the EC match at the ppv.
Vickie saw the set up not the spear itself first of all.

Second WWE has a rule the officials ruling stands.

Third if official is unable to do the job for some reason another one is to step in.

So the only debate is who gave Chad Matthews "authorization" to act in an official capacity as a ref. like Jack Hammer said.

Going by the rules of WWE Edge will still be Champion till Vickie can see it and strip him before the bell or comes up with another way to screw him.
This is a tough one to figure out. I had just assumed that Edge retained since Clay Matthews came from the backstage are. I got to assume that he was officially recognized as an official to replace an injured Vickie. It's not as if he just hopped over the barricade.

But now I see that they are playing up the controversy to get some interest in Smackdown. I highly doubt they're going to strip Edge of the title right now, and I really don't think they're going to vacate the title 2 days before the EC PPV just to give it right back to Edge. I'm thinking Vickie is going to try to strip Edge of the title only to be foiled by a returning Teddy Long.
I think Vickie will strip Edge of the title for use of the spear. She saw him use it obviously, (Not the first spear where there was no ref, she saw him do it the 2nd time) however she won't for some reason award it to Dolph.

What that reason is i have no idea. Maybe Teddy returns or something, but the Title will be vacated til EC and Vickie will make Dolph's pod open last and Edge start or something like that.

Either way, i only see 2 possible outcomes of EC. Edge wins or Mysterio wins.
Vicky was "injured" outside of the ring, so by default a new ref. comes out and takes over. It has happened many times when a special guest ref. gets knocked out or get injured. So Edge will most likely still be champion by Elimination chamber. And even if he was stripped of the title he gets another shot in the 6 man elimination chamber. so it doesnt even matter if he lost the belt, he just has to defend it in a week anyways.
I think Vickie will award Ziggler the World title on Smackdown, but then Vince will return to Smackdown and overule. He will announce the title vacant, and to be won in the chamber.

Thats my logical response. Realistically, Vicki made the rule, she was the referee and wasn't knocked out, she saw the spear, therefore Dolph should be the champion, but they wont want him to win that way headed into mania (unless they want Dolph-Del Rio-Edge) which I personally think they do.
I'm definitely excited for this angle and what will come of it, it's going to be hard to avoid those Smackdown spoilers this week, but it'll be worth it as this angle could be explosive to watch.

If I had to make a prediction, I'd say Vickie and Dolph start the show off and say that they demand Edge to come down to the ring to turn over the World Heavyweight Championship to Dolph Ziggler. After some anticipation builds, Edge's music hits and he slowly makes his way down to the ring with a confident look on his face. He teases handing over the belt a few times, before putting it back on his shoulder. Vickie says that Edge has left her no choice, and then The Corre hit the ring and subdue Edge, but Big Show and a few Smackdown faces come out for the save. Edge manages to hold onto the belt, but this sets up another match with a ridiculous stipulation for Edge, but he manages to pull out another victory.

With that whole set up on RAW where Del Rio picked Edge over Miz, I think it's safe to say that the WWE wants to have Del Rio vs. Edge at Mania. It's possible that they throw another name in there, but I sincerely doubt it, as Christian is no where to be found and Dolph Ziggler could be better utilized in another match.
Vickie will strip edge of the title for use of the spear and say that he had been told the spear was an illegal move and he would lose the title for using it, which he did twice and that he is no longer the whc and that he is also out of the elimination chamber.

Que Teddy Long's music.

Long comes out and reveals who attacked him and it turns out to be ziggler(the injury was to the back of his head-zigzag---> simple to explain). He then says that although he can't overrule edge being stripped of the title as he did break a stipulation that was in place, he can overrule ziggler being handed the belt and so it will remain vacant up until EC. He will then say that since edge is no longer in the chamber or champion he will have to qualify for his spot and his match will be against dolph ziggler and that if anyone interferes then dolph will be out of the chamber.

That's what i think will happen
I am posting in this thread because i believe a new thread is not necessary for what I am going to say.

Assume Edge retains the Championship at elimination chamber, leaving Edge vs Del Rio for the WHC, Christian returns but attacks Del Rio causing a DQ finish. Edge turns heel because pissed off that Christian interfered, starting a feud between edge and christian

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