What will be the BFG main event?


Championship Contender
Will it be for the world title or will it be something involving ev 2 and fortune or abyss?So there are a few questions what will be the TNA main event?Also i would like you to include what you would want it to be?
I think it will be a 3 way Anderson,hardy,and Angle.This will be a lame match if they go with it.If it was my choice i would have Angle and RVD for the title.It was dumb for TNA to use all RVDs dates b4 BFG.Plus it was a dumbway to get him off tv.The blood looked so fake.If you were like that wouldn't you be dead?
I would have it be an elimination match between Angle, Anderson, and Hardy. I don't think that particular match equals terrible booking but i agree it was messed up the way RVD dropped the belt.

I'd shock everyone by having Angle lose first, like Taz did in his last ECW match as world champ, just to shock people. If Hardy wins the belt TNA is stupid. He has a great following but is nothing without WWE booking. So I'd give the belt to Anderson if Kurt wasen't retiring. Personally I dont see Kurt retiring, I see him winning.

And IMO Angle vs. RVD wouldnt be that great of a match. I just dont see their styles blending. Hardy and Angle work because Hardy is great at selling.
Id hope for Anderson vs. Angle. Because what with Jardy's court dates its just stupid to have him go over or even be in the match!

Angle and Anderson ahve already gave us 3 great matches this year and im sure they can give us a fourth!
I'll stick with Angle v. Hardy v. Anderson unless they plan on narrowing it down to either Anderson-Hardy or Anderson-Angle. I really don't see a problem with it; they are the three most over/marketable people in the company right now with RVD out (argument for Pope and Styles accepted) going into one of their biggest ppvs.

I would like to say Abyss will likely do a midcard hardcore match against one the EV2 guys. I would lean towards Raven since they already have a long history together, and it'd be nice seeing Raven in the face role for once. However, he has that stupid "they" crap going on and I imagine whatever inevitable disappointment they've been jerking us around with will probably get some decent highlighting, potentially main event.
Without a doubt, Anderson vs Angle. These guys had a pretty good feud with each other and I've always enjoyed their matches together. I'd give the clean win to Angle. I don't see Angle retiring if he is still in great shape. If he doesn't win the title, this whole "TNA Top 10" storyline was a complete waste and it would really be a huge let down if anybody but Angle gets that title. I see Anderson winning it from Angle later on however.
I think Angle against Anderson would be the most logical option here. I'm sure they'll throw Hardy into the mix, but I agree with earlier posters that with his legal issues, he's be a risky booking option right now, either as champ(outstandingly stupid) or a participant who could need to be replaced. I would personally love to see Joe thrown in there somehow, but I don't see it in any way. That's just wishful thinking on my part, but he and Angle really need to lock up at least one more time.
That's why TNA is not that good... No one really knows where their company is headed! BFG is suppose to be the BIGGEST PPV of the CENTURY and 4 weeks out no one stills has any idea where the organization is headed with their storylines. THAT IS TERRIBLE! First off the FORTUNE EV2 fued is just DUMB! U have a bunch of old BASTARDS well past their prime fighting for an ORGANIZATION THEY NEVER WERE A PART OF! Then U have a storyline about a group of guys simply known as "THEY"! This has been going on for like 4 monyjs now without going anywhere! I'm just saying the WWE gets ready for WRESTLEMANIA almost 5 months in advance! They set up the SHAWN MICHAELS UNDERTAKER story 6 months out! Well 4 weeks out not only do U not have any idea where they R going but THEY DON'T EVEN HAVE A SHOW THIS WEEK! So U have to set up for your BIGGEST PPV in ONLY THREE WEEKS! GARBAGE!
freezeisgawd this is not a tna terrible forum is it?Didn't think so..Ur talking about tna but wwe is so predictable and thats why I like TNA more.If you don't like tna then thats fine why would you watch it when you don't like it because apparently you watch it i mean you knew what was happening in tna so don't watch and dont reply if you dont like.besides what kinda name is freezeisgawd anyway?WOO WOO WOO You Know It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!And all TNIX millions and I mean millions of my fans know it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's why TNA is not that good... No one really knows where their company is headed! BFG is suppose to be the BIGGEST PPV of the CENTURY and 4 weeks out no one stills has any idea where the organization is headed with their storylines. THAT IS TERRIBLE! First off the FORTUNE EV2 fued is just DUMB! U have a bunch of old BASTARDS well past their prime fighting for an ORGANIZATION THEY NEVER WERE A PART OF! Then U have a storyline about a group of guys simply known as "THEY"! This has been going on for like 4 monyjs now without going anywhere! I'm just saying the WWE gets ready for WRESTLEMANIA almost 5 months in advance! They set up the SHAWN MICHAELS UNDERTAKER story 6 months out! Well 4 weeks out not only do U not have any idea where they R going but THEY DON'T EVEN HAVE A SHOW THIS WEEK! So U have to set up for your BIGGEST PPV in ONLY THREE WEEKS! GARBAGE!


Anyways.. I really want to see Angle vs. Anderson with no one else even remotely involved. TBH, Hardy would make this match less interesting for me. I've always thought that main events of your biggest events should be one on one, and the concept of the triple threat is fun but it looks unprofessional. Just the groundwork alone that is layed out for this feud makes Anderson vs. Angle not only the most logical choice but the most marketable choice for the BFG main event.
I'll put in a weak vote for RVD vs Anderson. Then have Angle and Hardy have an Ironman number one contenders match. That is unlikely though. I'd prefer a one on one main event so if they do that I'd like Angle-Anderson and think that is most likely. The triple threat option could add a nice swerve potential.
It's gonna be the triple threat match for sure. Angle vs. Hardy vs. Anderson just look at the bound for glory website, it's those 3 as the poster for it.

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