What were the big "surprises"??

Its amazing how everybody has a opinion and really in the end no one posting on this topic is right. Look if you think that this was going to be a ECW PPV from the 90's then you were disappointed, if you hate TNA and from what I've read there are a lot of you here then you nit picked the hell out of it before it even came on. If you don't like the product of TNA then stop posting about it. It is that black and white.

I don't think your correct on that. I don't watch TNA nor do I watch their PPV's. But when I heard the ECW talent was in control of Hardcore Justice I wanted to see it. And overall the PPV sucked.
I've gotta say, OVERALL, this sucked. Anyone that says it was good, you're drunk.
Dream/Raven was good. Sabu/RVD was good. But 2 good matches does not equal a good PPV.

This was the first Pay-Per-View that I've bought since Wrestlemania 25 (2009). I wanted to see what 'surprises' were in store and the Original guys back together. I tried to hold off on reading all the rumors, the list of 'confirmed' guys, etc.
No use of BWO, using a 'fill-in' Blue Meanie, Justin Credible couldn't use his name, Kohonas instead of Ballz. (I'll stop there) I understand the reason (WWE owning their names) but it just didn't feel right.

To me, the rebirth/end of ECW was the 'One Night Stand' PPV in 2005. You had 95% of the original guys there, the crowd was ELECTRIC, music sounded like their music, the matches were extreme, RVD & Heyman had shoots that geeked you up! If you've never seen it, go rent it/buy it/download it. I still pop that in now and again, it's epic stuff!
Ya know I didn't watch the ppv cause I had to work, I was expecting a big surprise like Heyman showing up or the TNA guys running down to beat the shit outta the ECW guys or even Abyss since that would further his storyline, but I read the results an hear you all bitch moan an complain that it sucked, well I am from Texas an when I watched the old school ECW from Philly before it was on TNN or owned by Vince from reading the results last night, I got the feeling of exactly what ECW was to me, low budget, trying the hardest, decent matches surrounded by bullshit matches, and a few things I hadnt expected, (i.e. Joel "The Quintessential Stud Muffin" Gertner, and Mustaphfa, Tracy Smothers FBI not the fake one that Vince tried to pull off, Francine, an the TNA showcase memory interviews werent horrible) but you all are complaining because you expected TNA to use their money an budget an lighting an special effects an shit to run a Remember the way ECW WAS pay per view, the fact of the matter is that yes it sucked Lynn was hurt, but without people wanting to participate in fear that TNA would do the same shit Vince did with ECW they chose not to, I wish Shane Douglas would have been there, or Chris Chetti, or Danny Boring, or Amish Roadkill, or Saturn, or Corino it would have been AWESOME to see that, but those guys either didn't want to see TNA go down the path Vince did with ECW or want to forget their past wrestling lives. I can not say for them, but I was pleased to read the results an see it was just like an ORIGINAL ECW event NOT a WWECW or even a Vince trying to kiss Heyman's ass to get him to come back an work for him event, So if you didn't like it, like WWE did almost 8 years ago YOU CAN GET THE F OUT, if you want to just bitch an moan an complain about TNA there's the fucking door.......I for one do not go into the WWE side of these boards an bitch an complain or rag on WWE so please give us TNA fans the courtesy of not doing it either. And I wish the event last night would have been better, an few people who werent there would have been, but ya know what its in the past, they had their fun, an they are moving on, and reading those results last night I got to relive sitting in my parents living room at midnight on friday nights, tv turned down real low to not wake them up, chanting ecw softly an going crazy and to me, that was a lot better than an event that Vince McMahon had final say over......and anyone who thinks that he didn't an that RVD an Heyman did, wake up an smell the fucking coffee, even RVD has said in the past Vince controlled it all with the exception of Heyman's thank you at the beginning.
As far as surprises go, it might be possible that Dixie's Twitter fluffs really just don't much apply to people who read spoilers and check wrestlezone and 4 other sites a day. Seriously, the people who are complaining that there were not enough surprises because they checked a backstage update 20 minutes before the show, or got daily updates *after* the tweet, well, y'all were the kids who unwrapped your christmas gifts, then re-wrapped them, right.
Similarly, complaining that guys who are 40 don't take quite as many chances as guys who are 20, well,
If you bought that ppv thinking that somebody was gonna get chokeslammed through 4 tables, well, who *could* do that now? Super Eric, that's who.

Folks, I've had to issue four or five infractions from this thread alone, so I figure this is worthy of an in-thread warning:


That means you are required to provide reasons for your opinions, not just your opinions.

Please keep the discussions on point or I'll have to remove this thread.
I think the big surprise was that some of the people they had appear at that card were still alive. Honestly, some of those stars were so low-rent even when ECW was hot, I thought some of them had died the way wrestlers tend to do in their 40's, and no one cared enough to post a news update.

Or maybe the "big surprise" is yet to come, where after pissing away so much of Panda Energy's money and promoting a PPV with people who had the highlight of their careers playing in bingo halls in the 1990's, Bob Carter doesn't say "enough, Dixie, at least you tried".

Maybe the "big surprise" was for the office folks in TNA, being stunned beyond belief that there were still people they could sell this crap to.

Or maybe it was that none of the wrestlers, knowing how many of them are one-and-done for this PPV, went off message to talk about how every time a promotion gets in trouble, they call up the ECW guys to see if they can't get a ratings bump.

But it's a bad sign that we have to guess at what a "big surprise" is, or, rather, what the "big surprise" is for this particular week. In a couple weeks we'll have a new big surprise, and I'm sure there are still plenty of suckers who are still going to wonder what non-existent event is about to go down.
There was no really big surprises other than Joel "Well, Well, Well" Gertner. Double J stated a week or 2 ago that the so called big surprise is yet to come. Last night's Hardcore Justice was way better than Letdown oh I mean Lockdown. The dance off was great seeing Big Sal dancing. So we have to wait for Double J's big surprise we'll have to wait. There is another TNA PPV next month before Bound For Glory and it's called TNA No Surrender. They're hypin B4G like WWE hypes their big event months ahead.
Its not wwe haters dogmanx23

Its people getting pissed off with TNA useing the words Big Surprise then deliverying someone that people dont give 2 shits about or even worse NOTHING

Sound to me you just dont want to admit that TNA gets worse every week (Which is sad as TNA was once a Great Company with a bright future)

As for surprise in wrestling i cant remember reading anything about the start of the nexus angle . Can Anyone else ? No because its a surprise and your not ment to know about surprises maybe TNA can learn from that

Maybe its poetic justice they just done a ECW PPV as like ECW TNA is heading for the WWE Video Libary
Well if the surprises were the unannounced wrestlers, it was stupid of them.

In an ECW themed PPV you expect to see everybody, not to mention all the internet leaks.

What is the issue with just keeping your mouth shout and letting people decide whether or not something is a surprise, rather than constantly hyping "surprises" that wont be surprising to most of your audience.
Well if the surprises were the unannounced wrestlers, it was stupid of them.

In an ECW themed PPV you expect to see everybody, not to mention all the internet leaks.

What is the issue with just keeping your mouth shout and letting people decide whether or not something is a surprise, rather than constantly hyping "surprises" that wont be surprising to most of your audience.

Oh, gee, I dunno – maybe because they want to actually positively influence and hype their own market? Nah, couldn't possibly be that...

The "surprises" were all the unconfirmed wrestlers, which for anyone who appreciated watching ECW in it's heyday, was a treat. You may not have thought it was worthy of being noted as a "surprise" that was hyped by Carter, but that doesn't make it any less a surprise or fulfilling for those who did enjoy it.
A lot of folks is right, that Hardcore Justice had nothin to do with TNA.
I didnt see any TNA wrestlers AT ALL. As A longtime classic ecw fan, I kind of found this ppv to be annoying. Dont get me wrong, nostalgia is good, but, it just didnt seem the same. ECW back then was a LOT more innovative and creative back then. Not even HALF of the stuff they did back then was in there last night. Dont know what TNA was thinking. If anything they tried to do the same that WWE had done with ONe Night Stand.

Im not a TNA or WWE mark, but at least wwe was smart in the one night stand. And it wasnt just in any arena, it was in the ballroom. Had everybody taking about it the next day and week. TNA's attempt to bring back the ecw originals last night was a thing of desparation by the company. Im sure most of the tna wrestlers were glad to rest and recooperate for "thurs night".(tuesday)
A lot of folks is right, that Hardcore Justice had nothin to do with TNA.
I didnt see any TNA wrestlers AT ALL. As A longtime classic ecw fan, I kind of found this ppv to be annoying. Dont get me wrong, nostalgia is good, but, it just didnt seem the same. ECW back then was a LOT more innovative and creative back then. Not even HALF of the stuff they did back then was in there last night. Dont know what TNA was thinking. If anything they tried to do the same that WWE had done with ONe Night Stand.

Im not a TNA or WWE mark, but at least wwe was smart in the one night stand. And it wasnt just in any arena, it was in the ballroom. Had everybody taking about it the next day and week. TNA's attempt to bring back the ecw originals last night was a thing of desparation by the company. Im sure most of the tna wrestlers were glad to rest and recooperate for "thurs night".(tuesday)

One Night Stand and the old days ECW had one thing TNA didn't have last night, thats Paul Heyman involved. Show would have been different if he was involved but I still thought it was a good show.
The big surprises were most likely intended to be the performers that appeared. I get why many felt let down by the so called big surprises. The show just didn't really have that true ECW feel to it. No one could really be surprised by the ones that showed up. Considering most of them work for TNA or have at least appeared on Impact recently.

I think promising huge surprises to hype a PPV and not delivering is going to eventually alienate even the biggest TNA fans. It's not the first time TNA has not delivered on big surprises.

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