What was your favorite wrestling show


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I was think of all the wrestling shows that got canclled and thought that which one could WWE bring back and make it some what intresting, I thought WCW saturday nights should be recreated.
None. The only wrestling show WWE ever needed and that ever made sense to return has already been done. ECW. And that wasn't even a show.

WCW wouldn't make sense because there were absolutely nothing special about WCW. WCW was basically just another promotion producing something like WWE. As opposed to ECW which was straight hardcore matches.

Therefore there would be no use in bringing back any of the shows. They could just create their own. Because it would serve the exact same purpose.
I say WWE should start building the shows they have already got, besides starting another one right now, They are not at the best at this moment, and I would love to see them start having better shows, like they have been having lately, so lets just focus on what they already have, and see what happens,
I have to agree with other posters, they don't need a new show, but rather need to keep focusing on their current product. If they do feel the need for a new show then they need one that has proper expectations. By that I mean they should not expect another show to get ratings similar to smackdown or raw. I really don't feel they have another show like that in them. What I wouldn't mind seeing though is Superstars going back to it's old format. By that I mean squash matches that showcase bigger name talent. I always enjoyed Superstars as a kid so maybe it's just nostalgia speaking, but I think it would be a great way to supplement the other shows. As for any WCW shows if anything they should bring back the Clash... though we know they won't since on their dvd they said how foolish wcw was for giving away the clash of the champions rather than charging for it.
it would'nt hurt 4 the WWE 2 bring Saturday Night's Main Event back 2 TV, as a Hulkamaniac back in the day, I would always look 4ward 2 seeing Hogan in action on SNME, since it was very rare 2 see him wrestle on "Superstars of Wrestling" or "Wrestling Challenge" back then.
another favorite show of mine had 2 be the "World Championship Wrestling" program on TBS back in the day, there was something special about seeing Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes & the rest of the wrestlers in that studio that made the NWA what it was @ the time.
it would'nt hurt 4 the WWE 2 bring Saturday Night's Main Event back 2 TV, as a Hulkamaniac back in the day, I would always look 4ward 2 seeing Hogan in action on SNME, since it was very rare 2 see him wrestle on "Superstars of Wrestling" or "Wrestling Challenge" back then.
another favorite show of mine had 2 be the "World Championship Wrestling" program on TBS back in the day, there was something special about seeing Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes & the rest of the wrestlers in that studio that made the NWA what it was @ the time.

oh yeah. agree on SNME and WCW when TBS used to be 5 minutes later than everything else.

i loved hearing "You're My Obsession" as the intro to SNME and being allowed to stay up that late, even if it was a saturday night.

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