What was your favorite Ric Flair Fued?


Getting Noticed By Management
Ric Flair has had many fueds over the years,

Dusty Rhoads,
Ricky Steamboat,
Lex Luger
Magnum TA
Roddy Piper
Hulk Hogan
Randy Macho Man Savage
Curt Henning
Bret Hart

All come to mind when I think of the great fueds he had in the past.

I guess my favorite would be Macho Man since they are the only ones in history to lose the World Title to one another on different federations (WWF/WCW) All there matches were classic in WCW and In the WWF.. I did like his other fueds but what was your favorite?
The best series of matches that Flair had was probably with Ricky Steamboat. My personal favorite though was when he feuded with Sting, especially back in the late 80's-early 90's. Flair was the #1 heel and Sting was the #1 face and both had tons of charisma. Had Flair not had all those problems with the office and left WCW for the WWF, they probably would have had one of the all time best rivalries.
for me it has got to be the stinger, i got to meet the both of them at the great american bash in baltimore in i believe 1990, that was such a memorable night for me as a kid.
Flair vs. Sting was the most iconic feud in WCW history. It's impact was still there on the last Nitro when Sting vs. Flair headlined the company's farewell, and their embrace at the end of the match was one of the coolest memories I have from watching wrestling. The moment that really put that feud into orbit (Sting being kicked out of the Horsemen) was the inspiration for another major event; when Evolution turned on Randy Orton.

It really says something that, despite the enormity of the Sting/Hogan feud during WCW's peak as a company, the Sting/Flair feud remains the more revered and timeless of the two.
I'm gonna go off of the suggested list here and say my favorite was when Flair feuded with terry Funk.

Funk had been on break making movies, and came back to the NWA to be a judge during a Flair/Steamboat World Title match. After the match Funk challenged Flair, who responded with something like "go back to hollywood." Funk then proceeded to piledrive Flair through a table. They eventually met at The Great American Bash, where Flair won. The feud lasted a while longer with them meeting at Clash of the Champions in an "I Quit" match. I think Funk actually tried sufficating Flair with a plastic bag at one point.

This probably wasn't the best Flair feud, or the most memorable, but it was my favorite.

The first run with Savage was classic. Especially the doctored photos of Natch w/ Elizabeth and Flair yelling "She was mine before she was yours WOOOOOOOOOOOOO."
I have a couple of Ric Flair fueds i like. I am a big sting fan so those were always top of my list. The whole kicking Sting out of the Horseman was a classic that has been copied many times. Steamboat always put on some great matches with Flair. But the best fued that i think he had was against Terry Funk, the one that led up to their i quit match. It was violent and just great, this is a few years before terry went Hardcore. It played out like it truly was personal. You would have thought the 2 of them truly wanted to kill each other.
I like those minnie fueds in the mid 80's like Ricky Morton. It was classic when he scrubbed Mortons nose on the pavement. I like the Road Warrior Hawk match, Jimmy Garvin, Barry Windham match, to me all the old NWA stuff was classic. I wish they would bring back War Games or Starcade or either Clash of the Champions on TV. It isn't the same I tell you!!
I would have to go with either Flair VS Dusty or Flair VS Magnum TA, I might have to give the edge to Flair/Dusty because the both of them were insanely over at the time.
While Flair/Steamboat exhibited some of the best technical wrestling ever, I will have to go with Flair and Dusty Rhodes as Flair's best feud. Think about everything that Flair did to Rhodes and vice versa especially when Flair was a member of the Horsemen. Flair/Sting was awesome and also Flair had his run-ins with the Von Erichs but to me, the best Flair feud and the best feud of the 80s was The Nature Boy and the American Dream.
My favorite would have to be against Terry Funk. The whole damn thing was done brillantly. From the turn in Nashville after the Steamboat match, all the way to the final I Quit match. Just classic stuff. I bet you will never see a feud last that long and keep you interested like that these days.
i loved the feuds with steamboat those were awesome matches, you were on the edge of your seat every match, but the ones with dusty were good also you had the common man vs the rich man which made a lot of sense back then because the flair was the only one that was flashy back in the day
Flair versus Macho Man

The whole Liz was mine before yours Randy. The naughty photographs of Flair feeding Liz strawberries. Heenan shouting about how great Flair was and "it's not fair to flair, it's not fair to flair!" This whole fued when he was introduced to all the WWF fans was pretty cool to a young boy.
Ric Flair vs. Randy Savage 1992 -

I'm familiar with a lot of Ric Flair work now, overrated hack that he is, but in 1992 I didn't know too much about him. He was just that guy who was on that shitty wrestling show on ITV that I just couldn't get into. Then he comes into WWE and frankly, he just ain't as intresting as Sid Justice & Jake Roberts and his title isn't as cool as the WWE Championship.

I became a moderate fan after the Royal Rumble, great performance by him and a surprise win at the time. Then I became more of a fan during his feud with Randy Savage. It was as much Randy Savage as it was Ric Flair, without Savage's jealousy schtick it wouldn't have worked. But I loved all the photos that Flair presented saying that he'd been with Liz and it culminated in a pretty great good match at WrestleMania. Shame I turned right back off Flair after that match he had with Curt Henning in 1993.
Flair vs sting hands down!! Second favorite would have to be Undertaker. Taker beat the hell out of his son, and they went through hell at Wrestlemania 18 to culminate this feud!
The whole Black Scorpion thing persona that Ric Flair took on, while he was mask was original at the time. Yes I remember it like it was yesterday. It was also the first time Flair ever cut his hair short. It was not only the greatest feud in NWA/WCW, but it was the greatest ever. Don't give me this crap about the WWE. The best thing about the Flair, Sting feud is that technically, it's never died. They didn't even have to be currently engaged in differences. It they were having a match, it was selling out. Clash of the Champions, or any payperview. Sting vs Flair was gold.
I loved his feud with Rick Rude. It was near the end of Rude's career. I loved seeing Flair get screwed for the world title. A lot of people probably don't remember this feud, but I loved those times in WCW.
From a promotional standpoint..I would have to say STING,He was Flair's Frazier as to his Ali,not sure if that make sense,BUT I mean in a way where one lifted and challenged the other to even higher levels of greatness.It lifted NWA/WCW out of regionalism into a new orbit!
They even used it to push how huge the whole NWO angle was in its early stages...remember when the nwo attacked the backstage area of a nitro..they took out both Arn and Luger,and to further sell how "serious" the nwo "problem" was...you saw Flair and Sting share an ambulance?!
That is the one visual from the whole nwo storyline I can still remember.

From a technical wrestling perspective...without a doubt STEAMBOAT!!
I could sit there and watch these guys go for 30,40,50, even 60 minutes at a time and be in awe,back in the 80's these 2 guys were true masters of their craft!!
The only time I saw a rivalry come close to the level of technical greatness that they showed on a regular basis...the Eddy/Dean matches from the original ECW.
Mine was his early feuds with Steamboat in the NWA (and the epic matches that resulted) and his extremely-entertaining face feud with "The Real Nature Boy" Buddy Landell who was managed at the time by Bill Dundee. Some great promos came out of that.
If not for WWE no one would even say Steamboat. Most of his matches with Flair were not televised. Unless you were a nerd like me and had one of those old L Band satellite systems... The feud was great, but if we're talking about feuds that were actually televised either on Payperview of the Clash, it's Flair vs Sting. Who remembers the Black Scorpion angle. GOLD
Flair versus Ricky the Dragon in '89. One of the greatest feuds ever between two of the greatest wrestlers ever. Put on some great shows.
the one that ill always remember most people probably dont know much about,.
in the late 70s early 80s i really cant rember which, flair and blackjack mulligan had a feud in nwa/jim crockett promotions that played out mainly on the weekly tv tapings in n. carolina.
on week blackjack comeout during on of flairs matches wearing one of flairs feathery robes and tore it to shreads, the next week flair came out with blackjacks cowboy hat and ripped it apart. i really cant rember how it all ended but it was a big deal at the time because these 2 were formerly partners.
at the time these were my 2 favorite wrestlers and i really got a kick out of them feuding.
personally, I always enjoyed when he wrestled Great Muta. Especially when it was in Japan, it just always felt like a big deal.
if I had to pick from the stated options tho I would have to pick Macho Man. Their feud in WWE when he had Mr Perfect as his mgr was classic. I still feel like they dropped the ball by not having a feud with Hogan but that is for another thread.
another quick note here ,im kicking myself for not remembering in my first post and its hard to believe no one has said his feuds with harly race in the early 80s for the nwa world title ,this was kind of the passing of the torch and this is where flair became the man.
Has anyone said Harley Race yet?

Shit, man, this was the feud that brought Ric to the spotlight. This was what made Ric a star, and was probably the best work he's ever done. His Steel Cage match with Harley at Starrcade is my second favorite cage match of all time, right behind Magnum and Tully's "I Quit" match. This was the feud between the two best workers in the history of professional wrestling (Terry Funk may actually be better than Flair, potentially), with the most spine chilling promos to ever come out of the NWA. These guys would regularly travel the country, putting on Broadways that no one even wanted to try and match. Harley has put Ric over as the best worker he's ever been with, and Ric in turn put him over as the toughest worker.

Besides that obvious reasoning right there, I'd be remiss to ignore that without Harley Race, Ric Flair wouldn't even exist. Flair needed someone like Race to put him over, otherwise no one was going to take him seriously as a professional wrestler. He was a good worker, but even then, he was seen as a guy with no legitimate shooting skills. Back even in the eighties, if you didn't have an ounce of credibility as an amateur wrestler, you were seen as not one of the boys. Sure, Flair would have been seen as a good worker in the NWA, perhaps maybe even go to the WWE, and work out as a mid card heel. But he wouldn't have been anywhere near the legend he is now without Harley putting him over as the greatest worker in wrestling. With Harley's word, all of Flair's shortcomings as a tough guy were erased. Sure, he couldn't shoot, and perhaps he was a bit girly in his mannerisms. But damn it, he got a vote of confidence from Harley, and that went miles into establishing his credibility, both to the boys in the back, and to the gritty fans of the NWA.

Flair wasn't going to get over in the WWE; he just didn't have the body Vince was looking for. And he didn't have the toughness to be taken seriously in the NWA. That is, until Harley made him a superstar. Pretty much everything that Ric Flai has ever achieved in this business, he owes to Harley fucking Race.
I started watching wrestling in the late 80's, and I am going to have to say Flair's biggest feud or enemy was Sting (the same goes for sting) without a doubt. which I find very funny for the fact that Sting is now siding with Flair in TNA (I bet we all know now this one is going to end). I know I will catch some heat for this, but in the past 20 years has there been a longer, more heated rivarly then these two. (and NO............ HBK-Hitman is not even close)

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