What was your favorite & least favorite Elimination Chamber match?

CM Steel

A REAL American
So may say that the Elimination Chamber is the next best thing since the Hell in the Cell. But in it's 11 year history. What was your favorite & least favorite Elimination Chamber match? Mines personally...

Favorite: Summerslam 2003, Triple H (Champion), Chris Jericho, Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash, Randy Orton, and Bill Goldberg. That Elimination Chamber match was just epic! And 3 out of those 6 guys were big names in the defunct WCW.

Least Favorite: New Years Resolution 2005, John Cena (Champion), Shawn Michaels, Kurt Angle, Kane, Carlito, and Chris Masters. That line-up for the match was just thrown together for some reason. And two of those guys (Carlito & Chris Masters) had no business in that match for the WWE strap.

I just hated how both of those matches ended at the end of those matches.

But in your opinion. What was your favorite & least favorite Elimination Chamber match?
I actually lliked the *2006 one. While Carlito and Chris Masters didn't belong in the match for the title, they told the story of two guys teaming up to take on guys who were better than them I liked the story telling in that match.

My least favorite are the ones from 2012. Both were stupid we already knew CM Punk and Jericho were going head to head at Mania because they had already started the story and the Smackdown one was silly. And both champions retained and I feel like that shouldn't happen and that was the first time I felt like the elimination chamber was as devastating and horrific as they portrayed it.

I think for favorite I'm going to go for the Smackdown one from 2009. It was unexpected to have Edge eliminated first and the ending with Undertaker and Triple H was awesome. Either that or the first one.
Least favorite was the Extreme Elimination Chamber for the ECW World Championship at December to Dismember 2006, The Big Show (C) vs. Bobby Lashley vs. Hardcore Holly vs. Test vs. Rob Van Dam vs. CM Punk. That match was god-awful and the booking was idiotic and ass-backwards. Either RVD or Test should have won, not Bobby Lashley.

Favorite was the Elimination Chamber Match for the World Heavyweight Championship at Elimination Chamber 2011, Edge vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Wade Barrett vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Kane vs. The Big Show. It started with Edge and Mysterio, and ended with Edge and Mysterio. Absolutely incredible match from start to finish. The only problem is that this match should have closed the show. There was absolutely NO logical reason for any other match to close the show but this one, and yet it took place second on the card. The card placement dampened what should have been a career-defining title defense for Edge.
Favorite Elimination Chamber match was the first ever Elimination Chamber at Survivor Series 2002 (Triple H vs Booker T vs RVD vs Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho vs Kane). This match is also the longest Elimination Chamber match in history and lasted about 40 minutes. Another favorite of mine is the Summerslam 2003 Elimination Chamber (Triple H vs vs Goldberg vs Kevin Nash vs Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho vs Randy Orton). Both great matches and very well played out.

Least favorite are both the Elimination Chamber matches from 2012. Both were predictable and the matches just sucked. The 2011 Elimination Chamber which Cena won sucked as well.
I'm not sure about least but I really loved the first one not only was there great story telling, but too be really honestly I really marked out at the end where HBK won the title and confetti was raining from the roof, and it was at a time where I wasn't using the internet as a source to follow wrestling, so wrestling was really exciting to me back then. maybe there were better Elimination Chambers after that one but the first match was my personal favourite and HBK having his moment at the end made it that much better.
Favorite was 2005. I loved the beat the clock, HBK as special referee, the backstory with Evolution, and the match itself was great. HHH, Batista, Orton, Jericho, Benoit and Edge. They told a great story and we had so much personal feud in there.

Least favorite was probably the latest one where Swagger won. Not much story heading into it, bland characters and a winner who did nothing going forward to WM.
The only two worth a damn as far as I'm concerned are the first two Elimination Chambers won by Shawn Michaels and Triple H, respectively. For the first, the match was entertaining, it had a great ending, and the whole concept at that time was original. It was understood why each guy was in that ring. The second had Goldberg being an absolute monster in the match, and there were some fantastic spots in the match. Since then though, it's become a placeholder match that's been largely devoid of drama. Now that WWE is largely PG, it's lost even more of that edge that would make this match somehow dangerous....it's a poor cousin to Hell in the Cell and WarGames.
Easy decision for me. My favorite was the WHC EC match from 2009. Earlier in the night Edge lost the WWE Championship. Before the WHC match, he jumped Kofi Kingston and took his spot in the main event. It was a fun moment that highlighted Edge's obsession with being champion. Plus, the quick Cena elimination was shocking and the plate glass spot with Mysterio was awesome.

My least favorite was the 2010 WWE Title chamber match. The match was okay, but I didn't like how Sheamus went down early and how Cena won the title only to hotshot it to Batista. Not fun or creative. Just there. Thumbs down.
The first two are my favourites. Every man in those matches could conceivably be in the main event. I think it loses effect when they shoehorn the matches in on the way to Wrestlemania and add in mid-card guys because they have to have the Elimination Chamber PPV.

The ECW one (December to Dismember?) one was the worst. You could tell that was the result of tensions in the booking office because it was a mess.
Toss up between New Year's Revolution in 2006 or Summerslam 2003. I love the story told in both of those (though I really think Goldberg should have gone over at the end of 2003's event) and I honestly can't choose between them.

Can't say what's my least favourite because a few in recent years have been atrocious
I personally like the first 3 way more than most of the others that have followed it, with the exception of the SD Chamber Match in 2009 (Jeff Hardy eliminates Edge in the first 2 minutes, eventual ends with Triple H pinning Taker to win) and RAW's Chamber Match in 2008 (4 top faces battling for the main event spot in HBK, Y2J, then HHH pinning Hardy for the win).

The first one was epic - what a great match with 6 legendary competitors to bring in this new exciting and revolutionary match type. Not to mention it was Shawn Michaels' first (and only) World Title win of the decade, it was like the boyhood dream came true all over again. I think that may have been the best roster we have ever seen inside a Chamber Match and the story-telling was definitely the best in my honest opinion.

As for worst, I've seen people say ECW's Chamber and the Chamber match with Carlito, but I haven't seen either. Based on the participants it does seem lackluster compared to other matches but I will not judge before I see them. I honestly think you could pick any Chamber match from these new ppv's and put them in as the worst
My favorite is probably the 2005 one where HBK was the ref. It was my first one. Plus, I don't think I ever saw a better collection of WWE Superstars in 1 match.

Least favorite: The ECW one. I remember feeling ripped off when Sabu "got hurt" and wasn't in the match. He basically was the only reason to watch the match so we could see the crazy stuff he could do inside the chamber.
In terms of the actual match quality and how much I enjoyed watching (and this may sound crazy), I'm actually going to go with this year's. Granted, Swagger had no earthly business winning that, but I watched solely to see Henry go ape-shit on everyone involved, and I was not disappointed. Especially when he marched back in after being eliminated and just WSS'ed whoever was left.

Now with all things considered (i.e. the winner and the booking), my favorite would then be the 2005 Chamber with Carlito and Masters ganging up on the competition, Cena just barely pulling out a win and Edge cashing in directly afterwards.
The Chamber from 2003 just seeing Goldberg go crazy. Even before he came in, the match was entertaining with HBK/Y2J beginning it then Nash/Orton. It didn't like HHH going over, hell, he was the only guy to pin Goldberg twice on his WWE run. Way to go mr. Egomaniac!

That's another story, but the other one I liked was Raw's Chamber in 2008. I thought Jeff Hardy was going over, but again there was HHH screwing it lol

The least one I liked was the ECW one. That wasn't that bad, RVD and Punk got good spots, but I remember when Lashley eliminated Test (R.I.P.), there was a very large time mistake. I believe Lashley eliminated Test to early, seeing as we had to wait more than a minute to see Big Show come out. Even Tazz and Joey Stiles didn't know what else to say, they went blank lol
Favorite has to be the 2005 Elimination Chamber. You had so much going into that match; HBK as the ref, Edge's beef with HBK, the slow tension building within Evolution, Orton and his beef with HHH, the fact that Benoit & Y2J also had problems with Evolution and the fact that the World Title had been vacated at that time.

I also liked the fact that Benoit/Y2J/Edge/HHH/Orton/Batista had already had issues with each other months prior before all this. Remember the RAW Locker Room revolt against Evolution. It was like this match began taking shape around the end of Fall.

The match itself was amazing. I literally have no complaints about it. It was long, it was bloody, and it was entertaining.

Can't say what's my least favourite because a few in recent years have been atrocious

My favorite is the one Goldberg was in. I'm not gonna lie, every time I watch it I just fast forward to when Goldberg comes out. Man he runs over everybody in that match. He was untouchable until the screwy Triple H ending.

If I could pick a second favorite it would be the Smackdown one from No Way Out 2008 with Taker, Batista, Khali, Mark Henry, Big Daddy V, and Umaga I think? The whole match was full of monsters and Taker Tombstoned Batista for the win.

I can't really think of a least favorite, it's probably something I forgot about.

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