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What was Vince upto????


Best in the World!
In 2003, Triple H was on a roll as the leader of Evolution and He was the main headliner from Raw for the better part of the year. One thing to note about it is that Triple H ran rampant on all of WCW's talents throughout the year....lets take a look back....

Defeated Stiener at No Way Out;:disappointed:
Defeated Booker at Wrestlemania;:banghead:
Defeated Nash in Hell in a Cell at Badd Blood.:wtf:

What was Vince upto?? After burying the WCW talent in the Invasion storyline, was Vince trying to feed all the WCW stars to his soon to be Son in law???? or was this just a mere coincidence that Hunter had encounters with these three stars one after the other? I know this Burying business came to a halt when Triple H faced another WCW STAR, Bill Goldberg, but I think vince Spared Goldberg from this 'cause Vince in my opinion, had already planned the dream match between goldberg and brock at Wrestlemania (though the match sucked), and wanted the people to think of Goldberg as the Unstoppable force which he was during his WCW tenure. Otherwise, I think Vince would've continued with presenting Triple H One WCW Star after another to bury till He would be satisfied that He Made WCW completely irrelevant.
well, 2 of those 3 WCW superstars also wrestled in the WWF before the invasion (Nash as Diesel, and Steiner with his brother Rick), so the only true WCW superstar in my eyes was Booker
look at it this way before wwe bought wcw hhh was 1 of the top 3 guys in the best era in the history of wrestling. he was better and bigger than booker,steiner,nash obviously goldberg was bigger and that is why he went over hhh. but of course it helped being vince's future son in law and a big ego but he should of beaten steiner,booker,nash so i think he was built right in 2003. he was the main guy who was an unstoppable heel.
I don't think burying WCW was the motive here (Vince had already done that), but rather, building Triple H up as a dominant heel. I'm willing to bet that it's just a coincidence these three were former WCW talents, and the fact that they were established faces was the main reason they were fed to Trips. Also, just look at the rosters at the time as well. The Rock, Hulk Hogan, Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar, Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero were all kept on Smackdown for the most part while Raw was pretty limited in the way of big stars. I'm pretty sure this was intentional to ensure Triple H was numero uno come Monday nights, but I digress.

I wouldn't read to much into this.
Triple H didn't run rampant through Scott Steiner, he was completely dominated by him the entire feud and got out with a cheap win at the end. Rewatch the feud and you will see how silly this thread is.
Actually I think just about everything Vince did here was perfect. HHH was(besides maybe lesnar who was still not quite at his peak) the face of WWE at the time and the "untouchable leader" of pretty much the greatest faction since DX, Evolution.

Steiner was nowhere near HHH and didn't deserve to win/carry the title.

Nash being an old friend and not really needing the title had a great HiaC match where HHH RIGHTFULLY won and continued his dominance.

Booker is the only one that I think some people could make an argument to have won the title but between the other title changing hands that night and HHH being more over as a heel than Booker as a face, I think Vince chose right.

Goldberg was the first LEGIT feud with HHH(One of my personal favs in WWE). He was EXTREMELY over as a face and had the physical dominance to face off w/HHH. While Vince still somewhat burried Goldberg later on, not letting him reach top babyface status, HHH was the guy in the main event that year and was still on top of his game. So maybe besides making Goldberg look stronger in the end and build to Mania XX better I really didn't see any problems with HHH destroying WCW guys.
People often blame Vince for holding a grudge on the WCW guys and making them into an example for future competition once they signed with WWE. DDP's stalker feud, Goldberg's failure, the end of nWo, its not hard to see that most of what WWE got from WCW's purchase was used as a way to make WWE look superior. Its one of the reasons why Sting didnt sign with the WWE. When he saw Rock ask Booker T who he was, as if he didnt already know, Sting realized how Vince was trying to burry WCW and its talent. I believe this to be true so for those who keep asking for WWE to buy another company like TNA, you should be made aware that TNA would be at the risk of suffering the same fate as WCW's superstars.
The only one who was really any use to the company at that time was Booker T. Nash was already getting old and was never going to be a big time player again. Steiner was well Steiner... As a singles wrestler he's always been over but more because he's mental than anything else no right minded company would have him be a top star in your company and if he'd beaten Hunter at that time that's what he would have had to be. So in reality those results aren't as bad as they look. Triple H was over as a heel at a time don't let dislike of him cloud that and with the Evolution storyline it made sense for him to go over a lot of people otherwise it would have been a huge waste of a great storyline.

So yea the only one that probably could have benefited/deserved to go over Triple H at that time was Booker.
Vince was up to making sound business decisions building for the future.

In 2003 if HHH didn't have the reign of terror, then when he lost to Benoit in 04 or Batista in 05, those wins would have done NOTHING for those 2.

the fact is, in order to set the next generation on the path to success, someone needs to do what HHH (03) and JBL (04) did. Be a heel who is champion for so long and so slimy that the person who finally beats them is immediately so over that they CAN carry the show.

If HHH didn't go over Steiner-Nash-Booker in 2003 (all 3 being seasoned vets who didn't need the title to be over) then his loss to Batista in 05 especially would have been meaningless.

Yes, it doesn't look good for HHH's ego, but at the same time, without it, Batista wouldn't have been "The guy who beat HHH 4 (I think) straight times on PPV in 05" and Benoit wouldn't have been "the guy who made HHH tap out at Mania"
Ok, so 2 of the 3 had MAJOR heat with Vince before WCW folded...

Scott Steiner - Go back to 1993, the Steiners were given a major tag push with a view to one end... Scott fighting Rick and taking a main event push thereafter... The brothers chose to stick together and refuse to fight each other... hence their swift release... Vince had no need for Rick, but he saw Scott as the main eventer even then... Scott, like Shane Douglas before him chose not to play ball...they then fought each other in WCW... gonna piss Vince off? Just a bit...

Kevin Nash... Vince took a WCW jobber, made him a bodyguard, made him IC/Tag champ and then World Champ within 18 months.... Nash CHOSE to go to WCW for the money after causing the biggest ruckus in WWE to that date at MSH... do you really think there would be no blowback when he came back? He lost to Trips just as Trips jobbed for him for a year...

Booker got shit on... it was wrong but it happened... the problem was Jericho and Benoit had already come over and was established.... had it been Booker who jumped in 1999/2000, I think he'd have had a whole different career and be one of the true legends of WWE... but..
look at it this way before wwe bought wcw hhh was 1 of the top 3 guys in the best era in the history of wrestling. he was better and bigger than booker,steiner,nash obviously goldberg was bigger and that is why he went over hhh. but of course it helped being vince's future son in law and a big ego but he should of beaten steiner,booker,nash so i think he was built right in 2003. he was the main guy who was an unstoppable heel.

I kinda like this take on it. I think people forget that HHH was one of the top three during the attitude era. HHH losing to Booker and Steiner at that time just wouldn't have sat well with me. Steiner was over, but at the same time very overrated. Booker was the main event of WCW during its darkest days. Not saying he wasn't good, but he didn't exactly carry the company to new heights by any means. Nash is the one that I thought would have got the best of HHH. They are friends, and Nash was WWE champ as Deisel so I could have seen him at least beating HHH once. Goldberg was huge and I agree with a previous poster that he had the Lesner match in mind from the beginning. All in all I think it played out as it should have and maybe some special treatment was given, but I don't think the intent was to finish the burying job of WCW.
Triple H didn't run rampant through Scott Steiner, he was completely dominated by him the entire feud and got out with a cheap win at the end. Rewatch the feud and you will see how silly this thread is.

You really can't say that steiner ruled throughout the feud.yes he dominated triple h on a few raw episodes and triple h got a few ups too over him, courtsy Evolution and it was necessary to build Evolution as a threat to all the faces on raw. But if u go check the no way out match in its entirety, u'll see that triple h won that match preety easily.... Yes evolution interfered again but the interference didn't proved to be the match decider. Same thing happened at 'mania where triple h won without much resistance from booker.

How many times do we have to ask this quesiton before the answer sinks in. Did Vince favour his own guys over those who came in with the huge oinflux of talent after WCW was bought? Yes. Of course he did.

I think the WCW storyline showed that Vince had no long-term plans for the company and as such, was more than happy to use their roster to build his own stars, even if they didn;t really need it.

As Vince said when speaking of HHH going over Tazz in a WWE Champion vs ECW Champion Match - I'm sure he thought it was the right thing to do at the time, even if retrospectively it seems highly questionable in judgment. But, simply put, we have always known that loyalty and your word means a hell of a lot to Vince.
Booker T, of those three, is the only one that should have beaten HHH. I have always hated that booking decision. Booker T going over would have been a major moment, and would have made total sense. Those other two? pfft, HHH went over because it was the best decision for business.
To be fair, the WCW brand was severely damaged by Bischoff, Russo etc. The booking of WCW was so poor it was beyond a joke after early 1999 onward. I feel that in those days, NWO was 3 years old and it just ruined the WCW brand. They had no idea where to go once that idea had burned out. When the WCW stars arrived in WWE to start the invasion angle, there was no stars amongst them apart from with Booker T. If Vince had shelled out money for Hogan, Nash, Hall and Goldberg at that time, then the invastion angle could have been used to push younger stars.

By the time 2003 rolled around, HHH had to go over the WCW stars (apart from beating Booker T at WM - that was a mistake).
people love to talk shit about vince and what he did to ecw and wcw but what would you have done wcw tried to put him out of business and he won he had every right to make them look like shit but he really didnt booker has had a great run in wwe king of the ring world title and just recently given at spot in the match at mania goldberg beat the rock and hhh why would vince if he wanted to make wcw guys look like shit let one of wcw's top guys beat 2 of his top guys ya makes no sense

and if you think vince is out to make wcw guys look bad just remember someone named y2j great wwe career that has totally overshadowed anything he did in wcw

vince is about making money and at the time HHH was the guy on raw why would he lose to any of those guys their not in his league maybe booker but the rest lmao please

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