What was the point of that John Cena/Cryme Tyme faction?

CM Steel

A REAL American
A few years ago on RAW there was faction that casted with John Cena featuring Cryme Tyme called "CTC", Cena Cryme Tyme or something like that? But the stable didn't last that long as John Cena got injuried at the hands of Batista at that years Summerslam after a standing Batista Bomb in the ring. And soon after Cena's return he began another single's run at the World title. While in time Cryme Tyme broke up.

So really what was the whole point & logic of a faction with John Cena & Cryme Tyme involved? Because if it was to boost John Cena's so-called "Street Cred" from his rapping days in the Chain Gang. It didn't work (out).
good point I have no clue where this was going, I remember they even spray painted someones limo i think jbl, spray painting "ctc" and "jbl is poopy" something along them lines..
I really just think it was to help Cena with his shenanigans against JBL, nothing more. I don't think it had much to do with his street, but rather show the difference between sophisticated rich JBL, and the "alternative" hustle style of John Cena.
Whats the point of so many forgotten angles in the WWE? They need no reason, they tried something forgot about a month later. No harm no foul.
I read a report on WrestleZone that said the CTC thing was supposed to be a long-term deal to solidify Cena's role as a main-eventer and leader and also to build up Cryme Tyme as a bonafide top tag team. As was mentioned, Cena got hurt and when he returned it never materialized. Perhaps another "imaginary brass ring" from Vince. Or maybe it was a one-shot deal like when HHH and Stone Cold formed the Two-Man Power Trip. HHH got hurt and when he came back, they never revamped the team.
It was just meant to be a short term thing with Cena showing his thug style against JBL rich persona. I don't think it was supposed to get Cryme Tyme over, if they really wanted to get them over, they should've given them the tag titles which I'm a surprised they never did
It was boring because cryme tyme sucked and had no mic skills but they were exciting to watch in the ring. Shad left because he could see that his career with WWE was slowly falling down the drain along with JTG's which I believe that jtg will be released very soon, I just wish WWE would use him over Kofi Kingston or Dolph Ziggler. th
From what I can remember it was WWE's build up towards Survivor Series having some credible teams involved rather than just bunched together and thrown out.
CTC had potential but more so to get Cryme Tyme over with cred with rolling with Cena but all in all the faction failed due to Cena's injury. Shame really because it added to both Cena and Cryme Tyme's characters to be rolling with one another.
well if you remember they feuded with JBL, Teddy Jr. and Cody Rhodes. Except Chryme Tyme, Dibiasi and Rhodes gained absolutely nothing from it. It was one of the more random and quickly forgotten things I have ever witnessed. Also yes, they did write JBL is poopy on the limo, so edgy.
Not everything has to have a long term plan. I highly doubt the creative team has long term plans for every idea they come up with. They need to come up with a new show every single week. When you watch a sitcom do you ask what the point of a particular episode was if it didn’t create a long term story? I don’t. If it was an entertaining episode it’s good enough for me. Most likely the point was to fill some segments of Raw for a few weeks. Simple as that.
i felt like if they would have let them run with it they had potential. it wouldn't hurt cena any because he was already very credible as a main eventer and it would have helped get cryme tyme over. i didn't think they would be a stable like the four horsemen or anything more like a loose alliance though.

whenever cena gets over whelmed he teams up with the closest black guy

cryme tyme with jbl

r truth with the nexus

and i remember him and kofi teaming up a lot awhile ago

just thought it was funny
CTC stood for Cryme Tyme Customs, since they were "customizing" his limo. I don't recall ANYTHING coming of it, therefore, it meant nothing. How many other times has Cena partnered up for a brief thing with someone and it meant nothing in the end (Hello, Zack Ryder)?

Some people over-analyze EVERYTHING in wrestling. Sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar.
Actually, CTC stood for Cryme Tyme Cenation. They were going to combat the Legacy. They were a faction briefly but I believe Cena went down with an injury causing the abrupt ending.
The hell? They were never really a faction. They had a little alliance for a while and just helped each other out from time to time. They were likely just trying to give Cryme Tyme a bit of a rub by associating them with Cena. I highly doubt there were any long term plans to keep them together, nobody would have gained anything from that. Taking your top babyface and putting him in a stable for no reason is never a good idea.

The angle was shot in New Orleans. The "CTC" that was spray painted stood for "Cut Throat City" which is a part of New Orleans where alot of the "thuggish" type people can be found. As for whether or not the Cena/Cryme Tyme deal was supposed to be long term, i doubt it. No matter what WWE did with Cryme Tyme, they always seemed to back track on their "pushes", if you want to call them that. Cryme tyme had no chance. They only let them roll with Cena because of their sneaky shenannigans.
something tells me that they were going to "toughen" Cena up and move him a little more towards that thug image again and they thought teaming him with Cryme Tyme would do it. it was really funny because a few weeks before that they never showed them together, then they were best friends, then they were gone again. it is like most things with Cena - he fights alone until it becomes too unbelievable, then they find him friends for a couple weeks, then he is on his own again.

i also think they were trying to give a little rub to Cryme Tyme but no one cared about them period.
I think the point was pretty obvious, really: Cryme Tyme were over with the fans and the WWE wanted Cena to get a rub from being alligned with them (get some street cred as it was).

What WWE should do as they really are pushing R-Truth right now and doing something with him, is bing back Cryme Tyme and allign them with R-Truth. I think that would be a good fit, it would elevate R-Truth even more, and it'd be interesting to see him leading cronies in a faction against the Jimmy's.
The point of this alliance was to elevate Cryme Tyme. Rhodes and Dibiase were helping JBL at the time who was feuding with Cena. WWE decided to try to use this angle to help Cryme Tyme AND Team Priceless. Other than stealing the tag belts and destroying JBL's limo Cryme Tyme ended up not really doing anything. Then Priceless formed Legacy under Orton, so the plans got changed. Whether it worked or not there WAS a purpose for the Cena and Cryme Tyme alliance it just got cancelled and it was likely due to fans not caring enough about it.
The idea was simply to give Cena a little crew to back him up while feuding with Legacy. As John had been using the rapper/street thug gimmick previously, it made sense to put him with Cryme Tyme and it also was designed to give JTG and Shad a little bit of a push.

It didnt really do much though, as they never even won the worthless tag-team belts, but I understand why they were put with Cena.

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