What was the dumbest way to start off a feud?

CM Steel

A REAL American
I've been a fan of the WWF/E for over 20 years. And I often wonder to myself in this male soap oprea that is wrestling. What was the dumbest storyline to start a feud in WWE history?

My pick. The feud between Rob Van Dam and Kenzo Suzuki on Smackdown in 2004. Suzuki attacked RVD from the back to get the feud started. A week later on SD, Kenzo Suzuki explained his actions saying that the reason that he attacked Rob Van Dam is because he saw RVD driving a foreign car to the show. This was when Kenzo Suzuki was going through his "pro-american" faze.

So to me this was the dumbest way to start off a feud that was second rate in the first place. Many people say that the Katie Vick storyline was the dumbest storyline EVER! But what was really the dumbest way to start off a feud in the WWE?
jericho spilling coffee on kane, although id be pretty upset about that too and would probably devote the following month of my life to attacking that unjust person
The Batista vs Kid Fan, who could forget that epic moment, "I hate you Batista!", "I hate you too!". Both were amazing mic workers and their feud should've culminated in a career vs title match at WM with the kids parent as a special guest referee.
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They are all pretty lame to be truthful, but we keep watching and we keep buying the PPV...So who really is the dummy...

I personally thought the Miz/ R-Truth feud start was stupid...R-Truth was killing it as a heel and they turned him face again too soon...
The Rock vs Vanessa Hudgens: DisneyMania
Rock made Vanessa wet on the set of Journey 2, now it all begins again - again!

Coming in at a close second is D-Von Dudley vs Kurt Angle's groin.

Coming in with a serious answer is Hulk Hogan vs Yokozuna at WrestleMania IX.
The gist of it was "Bret Hart, my friend, if you lose your title match, I will go out there and win! To maintain our friendship, you won't get a title match for a while!"
So he goes out and wins a squash match in a feud he started by saying so. Absolutely ridiculous.
May have a few facts wrong here. My apologies. It was a long time ago and I can't find the segment on YouTube. :)
Edge and Booker T feuding over a shampoo commercial leading up to Wrestlemania 18. Absolutely shit idea and buried both. Booker deserved much better at his first Mania and Edge should have had a better angle leadiong into his home town Wrestlemania
It may not be the worst of all time, but I definitely think it could have been better...

DDP stalking the Undertaker's wife

Page was one of the biggest stars in WCW, and incredibly popular. So, he signs with the WWE after Vince buys the competition, and is reinvented as a creepy stalker, who is obsessed with Undertaker's wife, Sara. A complete waste of Page, who was very talented and WWE could have introduced him in a much better way. Basically, the feud just led to 'Taker destroying Page when the 2 of them got in the ring, and treating DDP like a jobber, which was a shame.
what about when Big Bossman and Big Show fueded over the death of Big Show's dad. They showed on GTV Bossman and the cop who told Big Show about his dad were laughing because Big Show was crying about the death of his father. Bossman is even showed up at the funeral and stole Big Show's dad casket That whole fued to me was just a pretty silly one.
Booker T/Edge, Shampoo.
The reason for that storyline was it was put together last minute, WWE had intended to have Edge/Regal 4 in a cage match (I believe) but their brass knucks on a pole match at No Way Out didn't go to well with the crowd so WWE ceased the feud.

WrestleMania 18 felt like half of the card was announced like the week before hand,
i read something about Yoshi Tatsu and Tyson Kidd feuding over a doll or something at some point last year? I don't know, one of their matches made the top matches of 2011 list on WWE.com.

However, excluding all of the minor and lower-card feuds that we stupid, I'd have to say that the worst beginning to a feud that I can think of right now would be Kurt Angle, the only Olympic gold medalist in the history of the WWE, one of the roughest toughest competitors in the business, having his gold medal stolen by Eugene. No offence to people with down syndrome or ******ation, but that gimmick made me cringe at the shear fact that WWE would even try and run with such a gimmick...

Another stupid feud I remember was Simon Dean and Bobby Lashley having a loser-eats-cheese burger match.

Also, I think it's fair to rule out 95% of divas matches as being completely stupid and starting in the worst ways thinkable.
I remember Big Boss Man feud with AL Snow over a dog being pretty dumb. Then again I remember being pretty entertained.
I guess Raven feuding with Perry Saturn over a mop was pretty dumb too.
when i read the title of the thread, the first feud that came to mind was the booker t against edge feud at wrestlemania 18. it all started over some japanese shampoo comericial? i mean come on, thats just stupid, and makes me think they had no idea how to start the feud and just came up with the first thing that came into their heads lol.
Wow a couple of people beat me to it. Edge vs Booker over a Japanese shampoo commercial. I would have loved to be in on the creative meetings when they decided that was where they were going.
Many feuds started off for ridiculous reasons like Booker T and Edge fighting over a Shampoo Commercial and Tyson Kidd and Yoshi Tatsu fighting over a doll's well-being. There is also the matter of Hunico being offended he wasn't invited to DiBiase's posse and Jean-Pierre stealing Bret's jacket. But one feud has recently out-shown them with the weakest start in history:

John Cena vs. Kane started off over a T-Shirt slogan. Enough said.

Now it has involved Eve, Ryder, the fans, and a clash of values between both men, but we must all remember that Kane returned just to beat up John Cena over his T-Shirt. This is definitely the weakest start of all time.

Runner-up will soon be Chris Jericho and CM Punk fighting over who owns a catchphrase. Yeah, because no one has ever called themselves "Best in the World" before. *eyes roll*
Well I'm sorry all the other choices everyone made are great ones but I have TWO that come to mind:

DX vs Hornswoggle over Hornswoggle wearing their clothes and the whole legal notification crap.

Alex Wright vs. Disco Inferno (to think Alex Wright defeated HHH in 1994 at Starcade lol) over Alex dancing in his intro to mock Disco Inferno.

Dumbest way to start off a feud?

Lance Storms run-in during a mixed tag match to kick off the Invasion angle is the absolute worst in my opinion. Not because it was the silliest, nor the most nonsensical, but the most underwhelming given the context in which it happened.

Look, I liked Storm plenty... loved him with Justin Credible as the Impact Players in ECW. Alone he was pretty solid as well. As an isolated incident, in and of itself, Lance Storms run-in was fine. It was a surprise during a fairly ho-hum mixed-tag match. It got a good pop from the live crowd.

The problem is, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. That is, Storms run-in was the event that was supposed to kick off the epic WWF vs. WCW feud that fans of either promotion never really got. That single event should've been a bona fide WCW star doing a run-in between two bona fide WWF stars. Lance Storm was a mid-carder at best in the old WCW.

Not all of the real WCW stars were sitting out their contracts with Time Warner. Somebody bigger than Storm could've been called in or put out there to get things rolling. I'm simply not buying that the best guy to introduce the biggest feud in the history of the industry was Lance Storm. Like I said, I liked the guy and all but I just don't see him as the spearhead for what was supposed to be one of the most epic battles in pro-wrestling history.

The only thing it succeeded in doing was setting the tone for the rest of the garbage that played out during the Invasion angle. As for Storm himself, it wasn't too long afterwards that his straight-laced style was labeled "boring" by Steve Austin and his WWF career was effectively killed.
I still chuckle thinking about Kane chokeslamming Chris Jericho every week after Jericho bumped into him and spilled coffee on him. It's somewhat "dumb", but with this being KANE, he doesn't need much reason to make someone's life a living hell.

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