What was the best & worst Wrestlemania's ever?

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CM Steel

A REAL American
I think that the best Wrestlemaina of all-time was Wrestlemania 17 in Houston, Texas. That was one of the last mania's were all the title's (well maybe not the light-heavyweight title) were on the line. We saw the infamous TLC 2 involving Edge & Christian, The Hardyz, and The Dudleyz. A street fight match betwwen the McMahon men. And Stone Cold Steve Austin against the Rock for the WWF/E championship, with Stone Cold turining heel in the process.

Wrestlemania 17 must had been a make-up for the Wrestlemania before that one a year earlier, with that being Wrestlemania 16 in southern California. It was just the matches were all thrown together in a weird format. Road Dogg & X-Pac (DX) vs Kane & Rikishi in a tag team match. A "time limit" match for the WWF Hardcore title. And the main event was just sloppy.

But in your opinion, what was the best & worst Wrestlemania that you've seen over the years?
This has been done to death, but hell, why not. Wrestlemania X-7 is the best WM ever. 75-90% of people who have seen that event would agree, too. It is the measuring stick of Wrestlemania's. Nothing really needs to be said about it that hasn't been said a million times before.

Now, as for the worst...I really can't say. The last few have let down a bit, apart from the Taker matches. But it's all down to opinion to be honest.I'd say the last 3 haven't been that great, but I've still enjoyed them. I dunno, I guess.
Worst has to be WM15 or 16.

WM 17 was excellent. Last one I saw was 20, which was quite poor for such a big celebration, although it did have a couple of good moments.

18 could have been huge if it were handled right, but too much let it fly past unnoticed, apart from rock vs hogan. WM 19 was just generally poor for me. I can't even remember who held the titles, who they fought, etc! Rock/Austin... again... yawn... didn't even watch that match.

I suspect there are some very poor showings in earlier WMs, but haven't really watched them or know about them.
Worst has to be WM15 or 16.

WM 17 was excellent. Last one I saw was 20, which was quite poor for such a big celebration, although it did have a couple of good moments.

18 could have been huge if it were handled right, but too much let it fly past unnoticed, apart from rock vs hogan. WM 19 was just generally poor for me. I can't even remember who held the titles, who they fought, etc! Rock/Austin... again... yawn... didn't even watch that match.

I suspect there are some very poor showings in earlier WMs, but haven't really watched them or know about them.
Worst has to be WM15 or 16.

WM 17 was excellent. Last one I saw was 20, which was quite poor for such a big celebration, although it did have a couple of good moments.

18 could have been huge if it were handled right, but too much let it fly past unnoticed, apart from rock vs hogan. WM 19 was just generally poor for me. I can't even remember who held the titles, who they fought, etc! Rock/Austin... again... yawn... didn't even watch that match.

I suspect there are some very poor showings in earlier WMs, but haven't really watched them or know about them.
Are people forgetting WM 26 ? here's a list of why it should be concidered the worst Ever:

1.) 25 second IC Title match & a poor send off for JBL. Did people for get at one point in time the Ultimate Warrior Battled Hogan (WM 6) in the Main event for this Very title ? Years later it dosn't even get a full 30 Seconds.

2.) Santino/Santina Winning the First "Ms. WM" Match ever. Did we really need a Transvsetite at Wrestlemaina, Is that what the Divas deserved ?

3.) ECW title wasn't even mention at WM 26 or ECW itself for that matter.

4.) John Cena winning a predictable match at WM, was there ever any doubt that he would win ?

As Comic Book Guy would say: Worst Wrestlemania EVER !!!
It's tough to argue that WM17 wasn't the best, but I consider it a very close second to WM19.
HBK/Y2J might be my favorite match of all time.
Throwing that into Angle/Lesnar, Hogan/McMahon, The Rock/SCSA III ,,,its a tough one.
I also think Mysterio/Matt Hardy was a great opener, Undertaker mixing in with Big Show was neat to see, even if we had to endure A Train.
Booker T/HHH is underrated and it also shows off a classic tag team match, which is a lost thing these days in Los Guerrero's/Team Angle.
All around a solid event that atleast matches 17 for best.
Pound for Pound Honorable Mentions would be: WM24, WM22, WM14, WM8

Worst is also tough. Between WM's 9/11/15 its a suckfest.
WM2000(16) is bad but not abomidable. You had least had two real strong matches (the triple threat & tag team ladder).
WM15 atleast had the 1st epic Rock/SCSA showdown.
WM11 had a showstealer in HBK/Diesel.
WM9however is just a lost cause all together.
Are people forgetting WM 26 ? here's a list of why it should be concidered the worst Ever:

1.) 25 second IC Title match & a poor send off for JBL. Did people for get at one point in time the Ultimate Warrior Battled Hogan (WM 6) in the Main event for this Very title ? Years later it dosn't even get a full 30 Seconds.

2.) Santino/Santina Winning the First "Ms. WM" Match ever. Did we really need a Transvsetite at Wrestlemaina, Is that what the Divas deserved ?

3.) ECW title wasn't even mention at WM 26 or ECW itself for that matter.

4.) John Cena winning a predictable match at WM, was there ever any doubt that he would win ?

As Comic Book Guy would say: Worst Wrestlemania EVER !!!

That was Wrestlemania 25 the anniversary your talking about there. You need to rent you some Wrestlemania DVD's dawg.

Wrestlemania 26 was a year later. And it was more of the same like John McCain.
dude WM 19 was a great PPV. the 3rd Rock V Austin was a solid match. only bad thong about it was Lesnar botched the finish in is match with Angle.
WM 17 is the best, period. It had Rock/Austin, the TLC match, Benoit/Angle, and Undertaker/HHH. It's really hard to argue against it.

Worst Wrestlemania? Probably WM 9. Nothing on this card is worth mentioning. In fact, some of them should never be mentioned, ever (Doink vs. Crush, UT vs. Giant Gonzalez, etc.) Then there was that pathetic ending. Hart vs. Yokozuna was bad enough, but that bullshit with Hogan? Come on.

Two things save WM 16 for me, the Jericho/Angle/Benoit match, and the triangle ladder match.
Wrestlemaina 17 one if not the best wrestlemaina ever. had an extremely strong card with great wrestlers matched up well, Jericho Regal, Taker HHH, Austin Rock. And really was a great show to also end the Attitude era as well with Stone Cold siding with Vince
I would say WM 17 was the best WM. Watching it now on tape doesn't do any justice, You just had to be there at the time to know how great it was. Apart from a few matches, it was a very enjoyable PPV. You had the best TLC match ever, classic commentary from Bobby Heenan, I remember he said "By the time Iron Sheik comes down to the ring, it will be Wrestlemania 38" ROFLMAO and a great shocker of a ending to the PPV. Also Limp Bizkit's My Way being the theme song of the show just made it even more sweet, I absolutely love & cry everytime I watch the post WM highlight video playing to My Way, just brilliant.

I'd also go for WM 21 as being one of the best. The card looked great on paper except for two matches and it actually lived up to it's expectations, despite only 3 matches (Cena, Sumo & Womens Title), the rest of the PPV was great. Angle vs. Shawn was an awesome match, Orton was pretty convincing of ending Taker's streak and the company had made their two new biggest stars of the company on that night, Cena & Batista. And the movie parodies featuring the WWE wrestlers were hilarious.

The worst would have to be WM 9 or WM 11. Not worth mentioning from either show. They both looked bad on paper and they were bad on PPV except Tatanka vs. Shawn on WM 9 was actually good.
Wrestlemania 19 was a GREAT wrestlemania! It's dead even with 17 for me and had a killer card with a hall of famer in every match!

1 Matt Hardy/Rey Mysterio
2 The Undertaker /The Big Show/ A-Train
3 Trish Stratus /Victoria
4 Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas /Los Guerreros /Chris Benoit and Rhyno
5 Shawn Michaels /Chris Jericho
6 Triple H /Booker T
7 Hulk Hogan /Vince McMahon
8 The Rock /Steve Austin
9 Brock Lesnar /Kurt Angle

There wasn't one match that was less than 3 stars on this card and the last 5 matches were off the charts good. People sleep on 19, you should go watch it again before you underestimate it.
I say the Wrestlemania 9 was the worst. Mr. Fugi throwing salt in Hart's eye was a cheap title switch at Wrestlemania for Yokuzuna. Also, Hulk Hogan coming in at the end and defeating Yokozuna for the title was probally the worst sendoff of Wrestlemania ever.
Other Mentions:WM 11, WM 16, and WM 27

The best Wrestlemania is either WM 17 or WM 19. They were both really good. At Wm 17, u had Stone Cold/Rock 1, Taker/Triple H 1, TLC for Tag Titles, and McMahon/McMahon. At Wm 19 u had Hogan/McMahon, Stone Cold/Rock 3, Lesnar/Angle, HBK/Y2J, and a decent handicap match between Taker/Big Show/ and A-Train
Other Mentions:WM 3, WM 18, WM 22, WM 23, and WM 24
The Best in my opinion would have to be Wrestlemania 19, The main events were great, and not to mention that the undercard matches were 4 star, the only disappointing part was the Taker vs Big Show & A-Train which was a decent match, jus not "Streak worthy" match

The worst had to be Wrestlemania 16, it had so much hype for it and the Fatal 4 Way maine event was horrendous, especially with the crappy ending, the undercard matches were ok, but this PPV lacked Stone Cold Steve Austin and Undertaker, which were the 2 of the top 3 stars at that time
Wrestlemania 17 is the best of all time, but I'm gonna go for a Wrestlemania not yet mentioned as second place:
Wrestlemana 26
ShowMiz (The Miz and The Big Show) (c) defeated John Morrison and R-Truth- an ok short match but a good way to get these guys on the card and will go down in history as the miz's first wrestlemania

Randy Orton defeated Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase- A good match to end Legacy and it made Rhodes and Dibiase look good in the process by dominating Orton, while at the same time having the right guy win it

Jack Swagger defeated Dolph Ziggler, Shelton Benjamin, Drew McIntyre, Christian, Montel Vontavious Porter, Matt Hardy, Evan Bourne, Kofi Kingston and Kane- A way to get all these guys on the card and while not the best money in the bank match ever, still a very good contest

Triple H defeated Sheamus- pretty good match that made Sheamus look very good and it gave Triple H another wrestlemania moment

Rey Mysterio defeated CM Punk (with Luke Gallows and Serena)- It didnt go very long but it was a great match in the time they had. CM Punk's first singles match at Mania

Bret Hart defeated Mr. McMahon via submission- Not really a match but ended one of the biggest storys in wrestling history

Chris Jericho (c) defeated Edge- Great match, had awesome spots and Jericho was a surprise winner

Michelle McCool, Vickie Guerrero, Alicia Fox, Layla and Maryse defeated Beth Phoenix, Kelly Kelly, Mickie James, Gail Kim and Eve Torres- Terrible but it was very short

John Cena defeated Batista- The two biggest guys in the WWE in the last 5 years had a very good match that made us think batista could actually win

The Undertaker defeated Shawn Michaels- One of the best ever enough said
Like so many people, I say WrestleMania 17 was the best.

For the worst, I nominate WrestleMania 20. Goldberg and Brock Lesnar's eagerly anticipated showdown was nothing but a big letdown. Sable, Torrie Wilson, Stacy Keibler and Jackie Gayda stunk up the ring so badly that not even the fact that they were only wearing lingerie could save it. That match was also the reason Molly Holly had to commit career suicide and get her head shaved to get a Women's title match on the show. Undertaker's return match with Kane was nothing special.

The saving grace for this show was Chris Benoit winning the main event over HHH and HBK, and the celebration with his family and Eddie Guerrero afterwards. However, in light of the events of late-June 2007, this is now stricken from the record.
Okay first off a lot of people here are idiots and I know this is an opinion thread, but when you say WM19 was poor and 18. I mean come on, they all cant be WM17 which is the best WM of all time, best WM card ever

WrestleMania is carried by a few big bouts always, it just happened to be an overall great card that year in 2001

but WM20, 19, 18 were awesome though they didnt have cards like WM17

WM25, 26, 27 arent close to worse

I Get ppl's issues with the latest WM's and that ppl criticise more of what's most recent, but really this event isnt just about wrestling and all who state that any WrestleMania past 15 is bad is just dead wrong considering the production quality of the show and how it's evolved since then, the usage of celebrities, the badass special entrances or live entrances and all the other side shit that makes it WrestleMania not to mention it turning into a week long celebration

When you wake the fuck up and see that you'll realize that the worst Mania of all time by judging everything that makes WM what it is, HAS to be an earlier one, it's not WM 1, WM 3 but I will say you take WM 2 and line up WM 4-15 and you'll find the worst in there. And really I would say 2, and 4-13 because I seriously think a WrestleMania below that was the worst

I'll say my pick later, I'll have to go check but I am heavily certain and I have seen em all, but I've gotta refresh, but I KNOW the worst one is in that bunch

But before I come back with that answer I do KNOW this...

the worst WrestleMania strictly from a live event pov. (not tv but as far as attending) is DEFINATELY WrestleMania 2

How the fuck do you do that shit?! I would hate to spend money to get 1 third of an event and to be honest that may be the worst of all time. that stupid shit

But hey, I'll update my answer for overall thats just my worst for attendance, to be in one of three venues for the biggest event of the year isnt very fair/appealing, Imagine going to WM 24 wanting to see Flair's last match but only getting one great match, MITB and Finlay/JBL I believe it was and some other bs match

thats shit!

but NO Mania since 2000 has been the worst, its always delivered in some way or another, but not one way, many, it expands but you all only think small-term, you arent considering how much it really has grown, a week long event, how so many more benefit than just you and how you are entertained, how the WWE have helped kids through that week, sick kids, charities etc, what about that.
I mean its real what they say, WrestleMania is one day but its a week celebration we've got the HOF now

We've got WrestleMania AXXESS

We've got dark matches before the event

it pours money into the economy

It's been flawlessly evolved since 2000, maybe you do get a bit here or there that didnt follow up the preceding Mania as well, but you'd have to be crazy not to realize its an earlier Mania for sure when the roster wasnt as good, when you didnt have huge stars of today as big as they were yet, when WWE was getting killed in a ratings war and losing stars, when now more than ever since 2000 you have MORE dream matches that can actually happen

and gives WM the feel it needs even if only one match (WM 25 comes to mind and I was there too, was awesome)

WM has had those big time bouts though and especially since WCW and ECW went under we had even more, along with retired legends who could return, anything from that to celebs (Aki Bono, Floyd Mayweather, Snooki)

I mean WM just gets bigger every year in ONE way or ANOTHER of many ways

WM 17 best

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say WM 2 right now until I get another look back but its gotta be that or one in between WM3-15
Are people forgetting WM 26 ? here's a list of why it should be concidered the worst Ever:

1.) 25 second IC Title match & a poor send off for JBL. Did people for get at one point in time the Ultimate Warrior Battled Hogan (WM 6) in the Main event for this Very title ? Years later it dosn't even get a full 30 Seconds.

2.) Santino/Santina Winning the First "Ms. WM" Match ever. Did we really need a Transvsetite at Wrestlemaina, Is that what the Divas deserved ?

3.) ECW title wasn't even mention at WM 26 or ECW itself for that matter.

4.) John Cena winning a predictable match at WM, was there ever any doubt that he would win ?

As Comic Book Guy would say: Worst Wrestlemania EVER !!!

It was Wrestlemania 25. At first I thought it was a typo, but you said it twice.

JBL didn't need a send off. I'm sure he was happy with that since it fit perfectly with the character.

ECW not being mentioned during WM 25 doesn't make it the worst.
Being predictable also doesn't make it the worst.

Having HBK vs Taker automatically doesn't make it the worst.

The best is Wrestlemania 19. Every match was good to great from top to bottom.
This has been done HEAPS. Oh well.

The best WM/s are...

WM 19- You had Michaels vs Jericho, Lesnar vs Angle and other great matches on the card. Very entertaining.

WM 17- Undisputedly the greatest Mania of all time. Every match was atleast good and the majority were V. Good or Excellent. It had Austin side with Mcmahon, TLC 2(greatest TLC ever) amoung other great moments. Even the Divas match was kept short and sweet. Near perfect WM.

The Worst WM is...

WM 11 -This was SHIT. There was nothing good here at all. For all the people sayin 'Mania 9 was the worst, atleast it had 2 decent matches in Michaels vs Tatanka and Headshrinkers vs The Steiners. WM 11 was headlined by a retired football player vs Bam Bam 'fucking' Bigelow. The only match that was any good on this card was Diesel vs Michaels. There was one decent match. MY GOD, THIS WAS AWFUL. Wait I forgot this was 1995 WWF wasn't it? The year where everything was royally screwed up. No suprise this event flopped then.

Honourable Mention: WM 2. From 3 locations. What a recipe for disaster. There was like 5-6 matches in total and I would be epically pissed off if I saved up to go to the event because you don't pay to see 1/3 of a show, you go to see the whole show. Most of the matches were completely crap quality as well.

I know it may have seemed complicated and different Vince but complicated and different does not a good show make.
For me the Best WrestleMania is WrestleMania III. That particular Mania is really only remembered for two matches, but the build up for it was honestly one of the best buildups for any PPV. Every match had a solid 4 to 6 month build up with the exception of the opening bout and the Koko v. Reed match. WrestleMania 17 is great and has alot more memorable matches, but in comparison to build up there isn't one. there really isn't much from that PPV that you go wow this is so much different from all the other stuff that occured in 99-2001. WrestleMania III felt like it was huge and honestly it was the peak for the WWF in the 80's.

Worst WrestleMania is by far WrestleMania XI. Bundy vs Taker? are you serious? yes lets put taker who has one of the best finishers against someone who can't be tomb stoned. Not to mention Bret v. Backlund and the horrible disappointment of that match here you have 2 great wrestlers have a match that was so poorly portrayed and Backlund didn't even utter the words I quit. Surprisingly the LT and Bam Bam match wasn't bad, but i felt at the time and i still feel this way today that they are just going for media exposure and that is it....Bam Bam seriously carried him all the way though. Diesel and Shawn was a decent match the only problem was that Shawn buried Diesel's entire title run in that match. Shawn cut all of Diesel's momentum with having Diesel beat and the ref being out.. Diesel really had not had a real clean victory over anyone who was big at the time and Shawn could have given him that 1st big win, but nope Shawn was being the way Shawn was at the time and sure as hell couldn't let anyone get over him...even his friends.
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