What To Do With Wade Barrett?

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With money in the bank fast approaching, and the Corre breaking up, and of course the amount of heels-to-faces on Smackdown, what is there for Wade Barrett to do? The Corre I feel, smashed a large part of Wade's momentum after the Nexus, and even winning the IC title seems to have done him little good. So, if Wade Barrett doesn't capture the briefcase, what would you do to build Wade Barrett back up to the masterfull Nexus heel that we knew and (loved to) hate?
When I fisrt saw the thread title, I immediatley thought Mr. Barrett should go back to the lead role of RAW's New Nexus and fill CM Punk's position once he leaves. After thinking it through, I then realized Wade has been wallowing in factions for the better part of his WWE career. Leading another isn't the way to go. Here's what Wade Barrett needs: The Money in the Bank contract. Yes, this will solve all of his problems. Out of everyone currently in the Smackdown Money in the Bank ladder match, Wade Barrett needs it the most. Wade has lost a substantial amount of steam since his Nexus days and the WWE needs to do something before it's too late to save him. Have him carry the case around for a while warning both the WWE and World Champions about a potential cash in. Wade needs help. He needs help quick before it's too late to save him. Money in the bank is the way to go...
Wade Barrett needs to become Money in the Bank, he is such an underrated superstar that makes me almost cry...

He can't be lost in the shuffle, he is the best talent that they had in NXT, he is a very good wrestler, not awesome, but very passable (maybe changing his finisher would be better), his mic skills are great, one of the bests in the WWE, he wasn't overshadowed one single time when he was with John Cena and it means something...

I hate these ideas of forming a British Stable, he can be better he just needs that win to be a very over player...
He needs to form some kind of personality, more than the leader and the cocky heel or he will be lost in the shuffle!!

If he loses the Money In The Bank ladder match, I would like to see a Daniel Bryan vs Wade Barrett feud, they have history already and it could be great for both of them or Wade Barrett feuding with Mr.Money In The Bank for the briefcase!
Good stuff from Hamler and FutureShock as usual, and I agree with alot of what they said. I think that he needs the Money In The Bank more than anybody else in the Smackdown MITB and that it's his ticket to the next level of his career. He has the talent, he's good in the ring, exellent on the mic and the only critisism's I have are that his finisher is horrible and he needs to break out as a singles star who doesnt need a stable behind him to get shit done. I believe having him win MITB is the perfect oppertunity for him to do that and because of that I am picking him to win it, the only other person in the match who deserves to win it as well is Cody Rhodes but his gimmick has helped him find plenty of sucess recently. In Barrett's case he is sort of floating around since losing his IC title to Jackson, and he needs to get into something relevant before he starts to fade from the public's view.
I really loved him with his feud with Cena in the capacity of Nexus leader. His character has taken a back seat right now. Only reason i see for the same could be 'Selling' the carnage that cena had brought upon Nexus and his leader. Otherwise i don't any reason for him not being in a main event feuds, especially after delivering such an intense performance as Nexus leader last year. But still i would bide some more time to build him again as a bigger and devious danger than before.

His character of a cocky, articulative, manipulative and dominant heel was all over my mind last year. But i don't want to see that same thing again unless there is something done to establish and explore his character further.
He appears
-- to have make peace with himself about his defeat from Cena
-- to have make peace with himself about loosing the leadership of Nexus
-- to not to worry about his under-marketed and bit of non-intimidating finisher
-- to not adding more members into his team through manipulation, showing that in a way he can eclipse the talent of WWE by just ticking them into joining his team using articulation.
I haven't seen him
-- being threatening or a danger to his opponents, saying that he has nothing to loose.
-- putting up long and dramatic solo matches (other than Cena) with other potential main-eventers.
-- randomly choosing a target in every alternate show, thus creating an expectation 'They can come to you anytime'.

Needless to say, all those things mentioned above is not helping his cause.
I would like him to be in the following story lines
-- He and punk convincing each other (both of them believing that it was their own ideas) to joining this 'breaking fourth-wall' brigade and go nuts on vince and his family.
-- Start cutting backstage promos talking to other members of the roosters to recruit them in their team, thus starting the 'Rise of nexus' storyline.
-- Start a 'Clean the smackdown rooster of incompetents' storyline.

I don't want to rush him again to the main event, but rather make him look like making his own way up.
Personally I think Barrett has been completely wasted since his move to SD. The Corre gets my vote for worst WWE faction ever. Wades IC run was meaningless.It's like WWE ran out of ideas for him. The truth is he has main evented ppv's(even if his matches were just a backdrop to a John Cena storyline) He's a good talker,is capable(although not great) in the ring and given the lack of star power in WWE(and smackdown in particular) I cannot for the life of me work out why he has been so wasted. MITB for Wade?Let's hope so.He is the only guy in the match who could feasibly be world champ inside the year.
And,on a personal note as a "little englander" would be great to see my fellow countryman as world champ.
Well guys, i think his chapter with the NEXUS is over.

to be honest, i liked him as the NEXUS leader. He had all the qualities. He is cocky, badass, ruthless, and really awesome. He reminded me of HHH (when he was the leader of evolution).

now, how to use him,

well i will let him to win the MITB. He will then start threating World Heavyweight Champ. When he will get the chance to crack his MITB, he would be totaly stunned with the entrance of Jerico. Jerico will say that he feels awefull, by seeing that his rookie is actually a jobber. He feels ashmed of being the pro of Barret. Jerico will say that Barret doesnt deserve to hold the MITB. And being a experienced WWE superstar he would challenge barret for the first ever MITB title. Let this fued be long?

guys what do u think?

hell yah...
I think that the first thing that needs to be done to Barrett is to make him stay away from factions. We have seen him as a faction leader twice and while one of those factions was average due to Cena's involvement while the other one just plain sucked. In a way, it was probably a mistake to put him in the lead of a faction so early. Faction leaders are generally guys who are veterans who are depicted as guys past their primes and ones who need help to win. For a young guy to be booked in the same manner is a dumb move as it pretty much hinders developement. Also the numbers game routine gets boring after a while especially if the babyfaces are no charismatic enough to carry their end of the feud.

I'd like to see Barrett feud with Daniel Bryan. They have some history together as guys who started out from NXT. Bryan was also kicked out by Barrett from the Nexus for showing remorse. Bryan could set it up by saying that he is thankful to Barrett for kicking him out of Nexus because had he not done so, he would have probably ended up as a loser like the rest of the lot. It could be a beneficial feud for both men as they are both without feuds.
The only thing that could have really gotten Barrett over needed a clean win vs Cena during their program last year.

What could make him relevant again is a program with the Undertaker if Taker can even work a program at this point. WM27 was 4 months ago and the "Dead Man" hasn't seen the light of day since. The background for this story is already in place from when Barrett and Nexus crew attacked Taker last year. The only issue with this is, Barrett needs to beat Taker, cleanly in order for it to work.
I hate these ideas of forming a British Stable, he can be better he just needs that win to be a very over player...
He needs to form some kind of personality, more than the leader and the cocky heel or he will be lost in the shuffle!!

I agree 100%. To me ever since he left the Nexus he hasn't really showed much in personality. Granted he couldn't stay the Nexus leader (or a leader of a faction) forever but at least that gave him a personality.

To me, him winning MITB would be nice, but really what will it do. The problem isn't him not winning matches, the problem is WWE Creative not having anything special for him. Granted the whole British Stable/Gimmick has been used way too much, but giving him that "I am from Britain and I am better then you Americans" Gimmick for a little while may at least make him relevant until the WWE can figure out a real gimmick to package him with.

If they don't do anything he will be lost in the shuffle.
I think that the first thing that needs to be done to Barrett is to make him stay away from factions. We have seen him as a faction leader twice and while one of those factions was average due to Cena's involvement while the other one just plain sucked. In a way, it was probably a mistake to put him in the lead of a faction so early. Faction leaders are generally guys who are veterans who are depicted as guys past their primes and ones who need help to win. For a young guy to be booked in the same manner is a dumb move as it pretty much hinders development. Also the numbers game routine gets boring after a while especially if the babyfaces are no charismatic enough to carry their end of the feud.

I agreed with you until you mentioned that making Barrett leader was a mistake. He was the most dominating and the most intimidating of the group and therefore fit the role of leader perfectly. It wouldnt have made sense to make a veteran the leader of Nexus since the whole idea of Nexus was a group of rookies coming in and taking over, which they did. The NXT season one rookies really were the most promising out of the entire series, and looking back they deserved the opportunities they got.

Anyway, I think Barrett needs to win the MITB. The whole Christian/Orton/Sheamus thing is getting old and we know that none of these guys pose a threat to Orton's championship reign. Barrett has the experience of working with a world champion before and certainly built a great deal of credibility by getting a clean victory over Cena a while back. I think if they do a rivalry where they bring that up, then they can certainly make Wade one of the most anticipated cash-ins in the last couple of years. Plus it would be great to continue the feud with Orton mentioning that the only way they've been able to take a world title from him has been by cashing in the MITB, twice in a row.
I do think Wade has really improved in the ring since coming to SD. Sure, he has been jobbing to anyone they put him in the ring with (he has lost a whooping 23 times on TV/PPV this year). He has become much more intense in the ring and he balances it well with his chickenshit selling. I was blown away with how good he was in that match with Kane last week, and it was mostly him on the offensive.

I do think the biggest reason he isn't as over as he was this time last year is because his lack of promos. No, I am not one of those people who think giving someone promo time is the ONLY way to get someone over. What I mean is that Wade didn't get over and stay over on Raw by having *ultra-competitive* matches weekly; He got over by running his mouth. He was much more character driven than, say a Sheamus, and he got much more heat from it.

I am with those he say MiTB winner. Yet, at the same time, I do think Wade has an weird presence. Unlike The Miz, Edge, or Punk (three guys that needed a title to make that big jump the main event), Wade being built as one of the top stars just seems to fit him. He has a great look and demeanor that just screams main event heel. And please, no more factions. Two in one year was overkill.That and I was really disappointed as this year went on to see how he was only used to get Zeke over (whom is iffy).

He was suppose to be a big deal to SD when he made the jump. This is a guy who main evented (or in the case of HIAC, had the most important match regardless of spot on the card) the later half of 2010. They could've left him on Raw if they wanted him to just become another dude on the show. :disappointed:
Honestly, the only time I ever enjoyed Wade Barrett was during NXT. My biggest problem with him is how he always give the look of a man who loves control. Nexus was probably his best gimmik so far and that lasted 6 months. I wish it would have gone farther but then came Punk and Nexus was history (seriously, the whole concept is crap now). The Corre was something I enjoyed because it consisted of 4 extremely talented wrestlers (believe it or not, Heath Slater is pretty damn good) who all worked as a whole unit. His mistake was after the infamous would-be attack on Cena and the Rock was how he excluded himself from the blame of the attacks fail. Wasn't his worse move thouh. That goes to his brilliant idea to ditch Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater twice in concecutive weeks. Now, MITB draws closer and he shall find himself facing both Justin and Heath to try and grab the blue suitcase with the contract. -.- Give me a break. I think we all know how that's going to end. Do I hope Wade's career gets better? Yes, I do. He's an amazing athlete and deserves a shot. But he needs to establish himself as a (for lack of better terms) loner who can win matches. So far he's showing that he needs back up to do well, and until hedrops that look he won't get anywhere near the rand prize. I say, start him out small with lesser promoted compeitors and see how he does there. Then gradually bring him up and once he's settled in start showing him off. Hopefully he will be WHC someday (as a face I hope) but when he's ready to carry it. What I mean by that is be able to hold it and face the guys who go after it constantly (hint, Orton, Christian) and still manage to keep it. Sure, he kept his IC title against Kofi Kingston but look what happened when he faced Ezekiel Jackson WITHOUT the Corre! He needs some time I think. This is no bash on Wade, I have mad respect for the guy, this is just how I feel. But if I'm the only one who thinks so, I'll just be quiet.
Virtually everyone seems to think that giving Barrett the win at Money in the Bank will "fix" all of the issues with him. I couldn't disagree with that more. Remember what was going on with Jack Swagger prior to him winning the briefcase? He was on the losing end of almost all of his matches, including Santino of all people. Barrett is in the same spot right now.

Even with a win at Money in the Bank and a subsequent title reign, the fact will remain that he isn't over enough or ready to be in a main event position. Swagger had a roughly two month reign, lost the title, and has been spinning his wheels since. That would be identical to Barrett should he win.

I won't pretend I like or appreciate Wade Barrett. He strikes me as just another guy who gets glorified for all of these "great" attributes to try to cover his flaws. Face it, if he was as great as many have claimed we wouldn't have this thread in the first place. He isn't anywhere close to the main event because he doesn't deserve to be.

This is going to take time to get him to the next level. He is still very new to the WWE, and thus is going to need to be built up slowly. Some won't like that, but that's wrestling. He needs to work hard on perfecting his work in the ring, on the microphone, and his character motivation. He needs to become more distinct from others on the roster. Stand out, then the move up the cards will follow.
Virtually everyone seems to think that giving Barrett the win at Money in the Bank will "fix" all of the issues with him. I couldn't disagree with that more. Remember what was going on with Jack Swagger prior to him winning the briefcase? He was on the losing end of almost all of his matches, including Santino of all people. Barrett is in the same spot right now.

How in the fuck are Swaggie and Barrett comparable? We've seen Wade in the biggest storyline of the year and the only time he falter was when he had to work with Orton. And that wasn't because he looked like he wanted to shit himself out of pressure; It was because he was green in the ring and working with Orton doesn't do many green guys favors.

Even with a win at Money in the Bank and a subsequent title reign, the fact will remain that he isn't over enough or ready to be in a main event position.

Again, how can you compare them? Wade has proven if you use him as more than just a jobber, he can get over. It is called mic skills and charisma, buddy. The only time Swaggie has gotten a decent reaction in comparison is when he was a lacky for Cole.

Swagger had a roughly two month reign, lost the title, and has been spinning his wheels since. That would be identical to Barrett should he win.

Swaggie couldn't handle the pressure. Look at his match with Rey last year. The guy looked like he was wrestling in fast forward. Maybe he thought if he wrestled faster, the match would be over faster. idk.

I won't pretend I like or appreciate Wade Barrett. He strikes me as just another guy who gets glorified for all of these "great" attributes to try to cover his flaws. Face it, if he was as great as many have claimed we wouldn't have this thread in the first place. He isn't anywhere close to the main event because he doesn't deserve to be.

Nah. I think the fact that Wade spent the first 6-7 months on Raw being Da Next Big Thang only to be shoved off the face of the earth is what got this thread going. :p

And you are just being negatively bias towards Wade. :)

This is going to take time to get him to the next level. He is still very new to the WWE, and thus is going to need to be built up slowly. Some won't like that, but that's wrestling. He needs to work hard on perfecting his work in the ring, on the microphone, and his character motivation. He needs to become more distinct from others on the roster. Stand out, then the move up the cards will follow.

Sorry, some of us were watching last year when he became the single most interesting person in the WWE. His character was very complex, but at the same time simple enough for the kids to understand. He just drew the short end of the stick for being a green guy who had to work with Orton. He needs to work on his mic skills and character motivation? Now I am really baffled. :confused:

Wade can and actually PERFORM at the main event level.
Wade=Mr.Money in the Bank For SD!,
Point blank,we all know hes winning it,other than him the only person worthy of winning it is Cody Rhodes since hes been shining lately,but no we all know Creative nor Vince want Rhodes in the Tittle picture just yet, But...If Wade does Not win it,then my suggestion would be have him Cost Mr.MITB his shot, start a feud with him or something,or maybe do what, if i recall right RVD did To Mr.Kennedy/Anderson, challenge the winner for the case and Wade wins,i believe that would give Wade a bigger boost then winning it in the PPV itself. Now Like HAMLER, i also thought about sending Wade back to Raw and take over new nexus again but that IMO would Drop him back to square one, So Pretty Much Wade Needs MITB,
What to do with Wade Barrett?

When he was leading Nexus and fueding with Cena I realized something. Well .. or I gave him a nickname I guess

That nickname being "Possibly the 2nd coming of Jesus" , the guy is AWESOME

With that said , he should be given MITB this month and run with it , just be himself as world or WWE champion. Works for me!

Mainly I have been thinking that maybe this scenario should happen :

Step 1 : Cena loses at MITB.
Step 2 : Vince comes onto ramp tells cena hes "FIIIIIIIIRRRRREEDDDD"
Step 3 : CM Punk is now walking out for the last time w/ the title.
Step 4 : Wade Barretts music hits and he comes out with the MITB! He saves the WWE!

He would now be on RAW as the WWE champion , Vince McMahon would thank and praise him for saving it and put him over big time

Or I suppose he could also take the "2nd coming of Jesus" thing to heart and use that as his gimmick and call himself as such and say he saved the WWE. Which would be ridiculous in an R-Truth Lil Jimmy gimmick sort of way , but I'm totally sure it would get him more over , probably as a heel because people wouldn't appreciate him being so arrogant and crazy like that.

Also with Punk out of the way he could possibly take back the Nexus in addition , but I'd say no unless Slater/Gabriel/Sheffield all come back to it with him cause Otunga/McGillicutty aren't worthy of being his lackeys and thats not a big enough stable anymore

Best case scenario , everything I said happens and Wade and the Nexus are then over as face , Cena returns as a disgruntled HEEL (Somehow , I don't know how this would work with the majority of the fans being so.... typical I guess) and fueds with them again!

I feel the need to respond to Eboney's response to me. I read through your post and saw that you twice mentioned that his work against Orton was the reason he "fell off the face of the earth". If I'm not mistaken, Randy Orton is firmly entrenched in the main event and not going anywhere. If Barrett is truly ready, he must be able to work with the best in wrestling today. You can't lay it on Orton for his failures to capitilize. Barrett was then given a second group to lead and the Intercontinetal Title. That isn't exactly pulling the plug on him. It just didn't work.

You also said if he was used as more than a jobber he could get over. To a degree, you are right. But the fact is Barrett was used as a main player for a long time as leader of Nexus. You said he was the most interesting character on Raw for "6 or 7 months". Again, if that was the case wouldn't he be in much better shape than he currently is. Barrett was given a monster push, but it simply didn't take. You can't look past the opportunities he was given and truthfully try to justify your position.

I admitted I don't like Wade Barrett. But please be honest with yourself, you are a fan of his. You even have "I love Wade Barrett" written in your posts. That's fine, root for whomever you want. Just don't pretend I'm so misguided in my views because I don't share your appreciation of him.

You asked how Swagger was comparable to Barrett. In terms of how they work and character, nothing really. My point is they share a similar position on the card going into Money in the Bank (Wrestlemania in Swagger's case). Putting the title on Barrett as is right now would make him a transitional champion at best. The reason for that is no one, no one would believe in him. We have been given no reason to. He has been portrayed as a coward, traitor to his own cause, and a loser. Those are not the attributes of a world champion.

In all fairness to Barrett, the booking of him has largely undermined him. He had tremendous momentum during the Nexus angle, so much so that I wouldn't have been opposed to him winning the title at that point. It would have at least made sense and had believability. That is long past though, and largely forgotten. Barrett needs to be re-established as a viable player before moving back up the cards. I may not like him, but I can admit he has tools to work with. It's just a matter of timing.
im not sure WWE will give Barrett MITB, though he deserves it. but instead he will just sort of the midcard of smackdown jumping around here and there having matches with daniel bryan and sin cara. I know it sucks but thats basically whats going to happen
he doesnt really have much steam since new nexus (obviously) and he seems to lose without help, actually i know thats just cause of the whole group thing which was stupid, when wade went to smackdown he should have been flying solo, at least then, when he captured the IC title it would have been good for him, now hes on a losing streak, i do agree that he needs to win the MITB briefcase (even though i hope he doesnt, mainly cause im cheering for sheamus to win it), on subject if he won the MITB briefcase he could cash in (on a vonurable champ of course....) and win either the wwe or WHC, hmmm, maybe after cm punk wins the wwe title? would sound like a VKM thing to do wouldnt it?q sorry speaking out loud, but if he won a world title that would get him a hell of alot of steam.
I have to believe WWE has big plans for Barrett in the future. Feuding with John Cena and Randy Orton is a BIG deal, so WWE must plan on doing something big with him in the future.

Although, Wade has been on a downward spiral since he was booted from the original Nexus. Barrett's IC title reign went nowhere, and this reign wasn't anything to remember. Also, The Corre was a horrible stable. The bulk of the gang attacks were forgettable, the feud with Zeke was mediocre at best, and The Corre never took off. This stable was very bland and boring, and they didn't have the same fire that the original Nexus did at first.

Wade's momentum swing has took a huge dive. Last year this man was feuding with two of WWE's top guys. But now, Wade is stuck in the mid-card, and he hasn't done anything memorable in a while. A MITB win could help him get back on the right track, and I do think Wade needs the briefcase, because his future doesn't look too bright without it.
I feel the need to respond to Eboney's response to me. I read through your post and saw that you twice mentioned that his work against Orton was the reason he "fell off the face of the earth". If I'm not mistaken, Randy Orton is firmly entrenched in the main event and not going anywhere.

Then, in theory, he should've been able to pull much better matches out of a green Wade. He doesn't have the talent to carry anyone.

If Barrett is truly ready, he must be able to work with the best in wrestling today. You can't lay it on Orton for his failures to capitilize. Barrett was then given a second group to lead and the Intercontinetal Title. That isn't exactly pulling the plug on him. It just didn't work.

Did you watch because he didn't lead them. The few times he was barking orders got the crowd going. But for the most part, Wade was there so Zeke wouldn't have to job. Gabriel and Slater were there so Wade wouldn't have to jump. Either way, the thing that made Wade interesting on Raw was him running his mouth. In six months on the blue brand, he has maybe had six promos. Getting better in the ring will only get the crowd to care so much.

You also said if he was used as more than a jobber he could get over. To a degree, you are right. But the fact is Barrett was used as a main player for a long time as leader of Nexus. You said he was the most interesting character on Raw for "6 or 7 months". Again, if that was the case wouldn't he be in much better shape than he currently is. Barrett was given a monster push, but it simply didn't take. You can't look past the opportunities he was given and truthfully try to justify your position.

You need a prolonged, consistent big push to stay over. They haven't done that with any new guys since 2005. Wade was solidly getting his reactions for like two months. Then they just stopped booking him for people to care. He was used as a jobber for The Big Show, Kane, and Zeke. Would you care to jeer someone who only put over big fucks?

I admitted I don't like Wade Barrett. But please be honest with yourself, you are a fan of his. You even have "I love Wade Barrett" written in your posts. That's fine, root for whomever you want. Just don't pretend I'm so misguided in my views because I don't share your appreciation of him.

Someone is taking me too seriously. Your fault. :)

You asked how Swagger was comparable to Barrett. In terms of how they work and character, nothing really. My point is they share a similar position on the card going into Money in the Bank (Wrestlemania in Swagger's case). Putting the title on Barrett as is right now would make him a transitional champion at best. The reason for that is no one, no one would believe in him. We have been given no reason to. He has been portrayed as a coward, traitor to his own cause, and a loser. Those are not the attributes of a world champion.

Huh? No one thought Swaggie would win. People at least are giving Wade a shot to win. Swaggie didn't have a history of being screwed out of the main title.. Wade does. :shrug:

In all fairness to Barrett, the booking of him has largely undermined him. He had tremendous momentum during the Nexus angle, so much so that I wouldn't have been opposed to him winning the title at that point. It would have at least made sense and had believability. That is long past though, and largely forgotten. Barrett needs to be re-established as a viable player before moving back up the cards. I may not like him, but I can admit he has tools to work with. It's just a matter of timing.

I really think Wade has the tools to skip all that boloney. Just look at last year. Sure, the Nexus's first night was HUGE. But the way Wade carried himself was almost unheard of for someone new to the company. Even when the Nexus angle was losing steam, Wade was able to pick it back up by at least making the crowd give a damn by saying something they didn't like and not giving a fuck. We have seen guys in the past who take months, and even years for some, to handle that kind of spotlight. Which is a big reason they rarely give anyone that much of a shot.

Wade made the best of his push last year, probably outperformed everyone's expectations, and really only stunk in his matches with Orton because Wade was green in the ring. However, having shitty matches have never stop main eventers from being main eventers (I ain't talking about Cena). If Wade was indeed just a flavor of the month, that was a hell of a lot of time to devote to a guy. I do think it would be a big shame considering the marketability Wade has.
I think Barrett needs to win the blue briefcase. If he doesn't then he could still restart his feud with Orton from last year again because of immediately being put into feuds with the two top guys. It is obvious that WWE had big plans for him during the Nexus angle. Hopefully he can back into the main event. All he really needs to do is either win the blue briefcase or confront Orton demanding a title match after squashing a few people to build himself back up. I enjoyed the Orton and Barrett feud on Raw last year, they should do it again but with Barrett winning the World Heavyweight Championship in the end.
Wade Barrett needs to become Money in the Bank, he is such an underrated superstar that makes me almost cry...

He can't be lost in the shuffle, he is the best talent that they had in NXT, he is a very good wrestler, not awesome, but very passable (maybe changing his finisher would be better), his mic skills are great, one of the bests in the WWE, he wasn't overshadowed one single time when he was with John Cena and it means something...

I hate these ideas of forming a British Stable, he can be better he just needs that win to be a very over player...
He needs to form some kind of personality, more than the leader and the cocky heel or he will be lost in the shuffle!!

If he loses the Money In The Bank ladder match, I would like to see a Daniel Bryan vs Wade Barrett feud, they have history already and it could be great for both of them or Wade Barrett feuding with Mr.Money In The Bank for the briefcase!
I can't think of anything else to say. He should and is most likely to win MITB, but if not, a feud with DB would be great seeing they have plenty of past problems.
What should be done with him? Honestly, I think WWE should sit him down, apologize for pushing him into main events long before he was ready, promise to hold a place for him in the WWE roster, and send him to FCW until he can learn how to put on entertaining matches.

He is great on the mic, I think he has charisma, but he is one of the most boring wrestlers on the roster right now. I blame the WWE actually. You can't push someone that green that fast and hope his skill catches up to the level you've placed him at. It caught up to him, and now the WWE doesn't seem to know what to do with him, so you've seen him job and become forgettable.

I think some time away from the WWE to hone his skills, give us a break from him, and then he can reenter the stage in a big way once he's ready. That would be the best thing for him.
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