What to do with Tyler Breeze?


Occasional Pre-Show
I have been becoming more and more concerned and the time draws closer to his main roster callup, how WWE plan to introduce Tyler Breeze to RAW & SmackDown! programming?

His current gimmick works fine at Full Sail, but much like Enzo & Cass' gimmick, I can't see it translating well to the larger arena tours on the main circuit. With the "Prince Pretty" gimmick as it stands, I see Breeze and a career midcarder at best. Which is a shame considering his ability.

I think the best bet (personally) to get him over, is to make him into a bit more of a badass. Dye his hair black, heavier intro music, almost a Seth Rollins like treatment.

The guy can work, has progressed phenomenally in his time in NXT, and his promos get better every time I see him. Big call, but Breeze could be the next Shawn Michaels if he is managed, booked, and repacked properly.

How would YOU book Breeze's callup to the main roster?
Tyler Breeze is very talented in my opinion, and he's made a gimmick that, quite honestly shouldn't work, work very well. It would be a shame to see all the work he's put into his "Prince Pretty" gimmick go to waste after a call-up to the main roster, because the guy has a very unique character that he's created mainly by himself. However, I'm with you on the thought that his current gimmick as is, won't get very far with the main roster crowds and it will need some tweaking. I wouldn't go as far as dying his hair black or turning him into a bad-ass, in fact I would go the opposite route... Breeze needs to act more like a heel than he does in NXT, and play up his flamboyancy to an almost disgusting degree. Almost like a mix between 01 Jericho and 98 Shawn Michaels.

Make the crowds absolutely hate his guts, other than trying to play the "cool" heel. If he could find his true inner heel, than I think he could make some waves on the main roster.
If Breeze makes it to the roster and IF, IF, IF Vince doesn't turn him into the next Fandango themed comedy jobber, I've little doubt that Breeze could be a big star in WWE. However, notice that I used three "ifs" in there because I just don't see Vince resisting the urge to go down that road with Breeze. Breeze's metrosexual, narcissistic model/pretty boy gimmick puts me in mind of an updated version of the "Nature Boy" gimmick as there are a number of similarities between them with both of them centering on the shallow, arrogant, handsome guy who takes a ton of pride in his appearance, his conquests and his capability.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that Breeze is the next Ric Flair necessarily, but I do think he's someone that could go far on the main roster if he isn't sabotaged by Vince's chaotic booking.
In my opinion, Tyler Breeze's push as a main event guy was moved back when NXT started seeing the influx of new talent (Balor, Steen, Itami, and Joe). Breeze is talented in the ring, but I see two areas of opportunity in order for him to get "over" once he gets called up to the main roster: 1 - His gimmick won't translate to success. 2 - His finisher is weak; it's essentially a leg lariat. Personally, the fact that his push was put on hiatus when these other names showed up proved to me that the powers that be don't see money in Tyler Breeze.
One idea i had for bReeze a little while ago was back when Mizdow was being the stunt double for the Miz, i was thinking they could have Breeze join them as maybe Mizs makeup artist and turn them into a little pun-hollywood faction with miz as the leader. Breeze would be checking the Mizs face as he comes to the ring or ringside everytime Miz got punched and him and Mizdow would interfere to protect Mizs face at all costs.?
Breeze could be in trouble on the main roster if he keeps this gimmick. There's no way he does any better than Adam Rose or Fandango if he retains the same gimmick when he gets promoted to Raw. Honestly, he's better off remaining in NXT. Perhaps in a role similar to what Tyson was doing during Neville's NXT Championship reign. Breeze can get some good matches out of the top guys on the NXT brand, and all of them will need someone to get wins over. That may be his best option as I don't see him getting the belt anytime soon with Balor, Itami, and Samoa Joe all being there. Maybe he could form a tag team with The Miz or something if he did need to get called up to Raw.
I have mentioned before that they stop the bull crap with fandango, bring up breeze and make them a tag team until he's ready to ala Michaels break up and leave fandango behind. They could do the power boy thing but add a man steak once you touch their faces.
Been a big Breeze supporter for a long time, and it's great to see his slow burning progression through NXT. He could do quite well simply staying put, and after Balor gets promoted out, becoming the face of the brand.

Have said for a while also, I would love to see a Breeze/Ziggler tag team.
The very important thing that one ought to inhibit when he/she makes the debut to the Main Roster is, they should be real. Changing him into some kinda Seth Rollins certainly will not work, especially with Seth Rollins already a top star. I like Tyler Breeze's gimmick, but yes in the Main Roster there's a big void if he would become a top star. I guess he'll become a pretty solid MidCarder. Personally I don't think being a Midcarder will affect their career only if, I mean only if WWE give importance to their Midcard championships.

These guys, Tyler Breeze, Dillinger and many others can bring relevant back to the midcard titles like Intercontinental, United States and the Tag Titles if they utilize them properly. They don't need to be a top star to Mainevent a PPV. If they have a memorable midcard title run, then certainly they are top stars, aren't they?

I've seen a few times where Tyler Breeze has been compared to Shawn Michaels so why not give him a Diesel? Baron Corbin would be the perfect Diesel to his Michaels. If Corbin can't cut it on the Mic then do Michaels/Sid Vicious where Tyler does the talking Baron does the ass kicking. The gimmick is perfect for NXT and can easily work on the main roster. They would be great as a tag team and be the top heel team in NXT of the bat.
It's all in the booking. I see a lot of comments about the surface similarities to Fandango, and if he shows up and loses (like Fandango) then yeah he won't go anywhere. Breeze is basically working a Zoolander gimmick, not dissimilar to Adam Rose working an Aldous Snow gimmick. The difference is that Breeze is booked as a threat.

Adam Rose showed up and ran around effininately with his arms at his side. Breeze shows up with the selfies, another effeminate trait, except he drops it when he hits the ring, and wrestles some hard fought matches.

Breeze has failed to capture the big one in NXT, but he bounces back and constantly looks threatening. If Breeze arrives on the main roster just to job, yes he will be another Rose or Fandango. WWE had the attention span of a fish on the main roster when it comes to a lot of young guys, so if they book Breeze strong and give up, he'll follow the other guys downward.

Breeze is a better wrestler than the former Johnny Curtis and he's much younger than the former Leo Kruger. He's got a lot more upside than both men. I don't see any point of slapping him in a tag team, he's always been a solo show. I think the intercontinental title would be a perfect fit for a globe trotting model. That's likely the ceiling on his career though. His height will likely hold him back in a VKM era WWE.

Breeze isn't in a rush to the main roster. He should be in developmental until at least the night after Mania 32. I don't like the idea of changing his look to something more generic. Look at what happened when WWE threw dark dye is Dolph Ziggler's hair. He looked like a neutered Randy Orton. Same will become of Breeze if they turn him into a generic badass.

My idea would be to give Finn Balor his WWE Bullet Club consisting of NXT guys. Balor, Breeze, Itami, and maybe one or two other guys tops. The better idea would be to make the other two guys some main roster guys who are getting lost in the shuffle like Rose in addition to the aforementioned three. This sets up more stables for a reunited Shield to feud with in a few years.

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