What to do with the US title?

I think HHH's attentions will now turn to destroying the Shield, as there has also been a bit of Twitter back and forth between the 2 sides.

The idea of them forcing Dean Ambrose to defend more often is also a possibility now, and would be welcomed.
Although, I do hope, as I mentioned in a couple of other threads, that Seth can win the IC title and the MidCard titles can be unified in a match between Ambrose and Rollins at WM31.
US Title and IC Title should now be merged to give prestige.

Night Of Champions is a redundant PPV anyway. Pointless but if it stays it can survive off WWE Title, IC Title, Tag Title, Divas Title and NXT Title.
Its gonna take years to make the United States title relevant again. Same with the Intercontinental title. You will need characters whom the crowd is interested in; people like Cesaro, Ziggler, Ryder, Xavier Woods, Kofi Kingston etc. That is the first step.
Now the second step is that you need those guys to show that they care for the title and are willing to fight hard for it. Defending the title against random opponents every week will not bring back prestige to it; you will need memorable feuds for the title. Why are steel chairs and the announce tables used only for the heavyweight title? Use them for the mid card titles too. Special guest referees, managers, long rivalries, bitter fights... bring them all in here as well.
Every time we have a new IC or US champion, he goes to a radio show or podcast and says how he will bring prestige and focus back to the title, but all that happens is the same old- (champion gets upper hand on Raw, then challenger gets upper hand on Smackdown, again champion beats up challenger next Raw, and so on)... And in Dean Ambrose's case, its the worst case scenario- where its not even defended or talked about seriously on television.
I don't know how to explain the next part, but the reason why anyone below the upper mid card is considered a filler performer these days in any show is because of the irrelevancy of the two mid card titles, and the fact that they do not have any importance anymore.
I know this might not seem like a good idea to most but WWE Superstars has a pretty static roster with the same guys on the show. Well I think superstars could become it's own little show with storylines and the US title becomes the championship for that show. I don't know how well that would work out but I think it gives guys who work hard a championship opportunity and at least for sometime it gives Superstars some cred.
After the attack on The Authority, I could see The Shield being punished & Ambrose having to defend the US Title against the likes of Kane or possibly even Orton.

I don't think we need to see Orton vs Bryan again for a while so maybe HHH will give Orton & Kane the role of dealing with The Shield while Batista & HHH go after Daniel Bryan.
The US Championship should be kept around, and it needs to be defended more often. I don't see much going on in the immediate future of this belt which is a sad thing. Ambrose's reign is approaching the one year mark and has not even begun to touch on the potential that it had. They are making the belt almost seem pointless which is a shame, as it should be the belt chased after by the true midcarders. The Intercontinental Championship should be chased after by the upper midcarders and the former World Champions who have nothing else to do. They'll probably end up unifying the midcard belts at the rate things have been going lately. I'd rather that not happen, but they may be heading in that direction with the belt's continued loss of relevance. If they do unify them then I hope they save that for Night of Champions, for obvious reasons. Or they could start building the importance of the belt back up. Ambrose would have been a great candidate for this, had they used his reign in its entirety for that. It's going to be an uphill climb, but the federation can make the US Championship matter again if they truly wanted to.
I'd actually have wrestlers recognize the United States title. I'd have Orton try to get it off Ambrose. HHH held the IC title in his prime, in 2001. Why can't Orton do it?

Making the title apart of major storylines would be a huge plus. If The Authority hires The Wyatt Family as their new hired guns, a fued with Bray over the title would be beneficial
Turn it into the Television Title that must be defended weekly on television on one of the four television programs they have, Raw, Smackdown, Superstars and Main Event. The lower midcard Title.

Boom. Now you have a slot for new guys, cruiserweights and career midcarders like Zack Ryder and R-Truth to shine. Could be used to warm up a crowd and it guarantees it's champion and contenders television time.
Huge Stars used to hold the US Title. In fact, many World Title Contenders would hold the US title in between the World Title Runs. Sting, Ricky Steamboat, Vader, Luger, Flair, Goldberg, DDP, Steiner, Booker T, Bret Hart, and Dusty Rhodes all held the US Title after they had already been World Champions. I wish the WWE would make this title prestigious once again. I do not have a problem with Ambrose holding this title. He is a great wrestler. I just wish they would have him defend it, let's say at least once a damn month! Is that too much to ask? If it is, do away with the US title and make the Intercontinental title prestigious once again. It wouldn't hurt guys like Orton, Cena, Show, Henry, and Del Rio to step away from the WWE/WHW Title picture every now and then and compete for the Intercontinental title to make it interesting and worth caring about. I mean we once had Rick Rude, Warrior, Razor Ramon, Bret Hart, HBK, Piper, Bulldog, etc. wrestling for this belt. It was interesting. I can't tell you the last Intercontinental title match I was interested about. I did like the tournament on RAW last week, hopefully it is the beginning of a good change.
Obviously The Authority wanting to get it off Ambrose is a way to get the spotlight on it, and they can even play up that Triple H never booked him to defend it as a reward for him doing The Authority's bidding.

Even though Ambrose has had it nearly a year without doing much with it, I think to make it matter again requires keeping it on him a bit longer, if they just have The Authority screw him out of it in his first defense in months it doesn't do much for the guy that beats him.

What I'd do is have Triple H set him title defenses and have Ambrose keep defending it successfully, all the while cutting promos about how he never needed protecting and how he respects the lineage of the title, name dropping the greats that have held it.

By Summerslam Ambrose and the US title should be looking strong and then a heel gets it off him, maybe a guy like Rusev who can then be booked as an unstoppable Champion for months, maybe even a year, make him undefeated the whole time and showcase him as an attraction.
It's pretty clear that the wrestlers feel about the Us title as we mostly do..It's worthless. Not just because it's barely defended but because of the quality of wrestlers that fight for it. What I would do is after the shield breaks up have Ambrose go full heel. Let him talk about how he is the longest reigning US Champion and that really he just doesn't care. Let him toss it around like it's nothing let him use it as a coaster really treat it like its a toy then......Keep John Cena out of the main event longer by having him come out and say what that title means to him. It was his first Championship, he won during his Wrestlemania debut, its where people started to believe in him, and he's not gonna watch where his legacy started be tainted and disrespected. Ambrose will begin to want the title just because Cena wants it, creating a good feud, let Cena build up the Mid-Card let him make it feel like its worth something, throw challenger after challenge, and have Ambrose continue to try and screw Cena over because now this title means something to him, and really it would mean something to us.
Don't unify da belts but make dean defend it. I like da bounty idea that was mentioned earlier. Have Dean n a ling term feud over da title w/maybe miz sheamus or even rvd. This is wwe fault 4 not spotlighting their midcard titles more. Da US title is very prestigous and should b treated as such. Austin sting flair steamboat windham dusty rhodes all legends and many more that i haven't named have held that belt. I wish wwe would stop shitting on it and its history

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