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What TNA/Impact Wrestling Needs


Getting Noticed By Management
Yeah, been a bit on this one. "Wrestling Matters". Yes, we have heard it. We have seen the sigs and the commercials and the words in Blue. I like TNA. It's getting harder to though. It's time for Wrestling to Matter again. TNA needs to stop with the over thought storylines. Really, here you go people. Everyone complains about the "Vets" needing to go. No WWE rejects and all that crap. I am telling you that all of that doesn't matter. TNA needs to book matches, not write stories. If I want "Sports Entertainment" I'll watch WWE programming. I can say that it makes me sad to write this because I am not complaining really, it just seems that when TNA started the "Wrestling Matters" line of thinking, they were headed in the right direction but then slowly reverted back to what Impact was shortly before that. Always starting the show with people blowing their lips. It's a staple of the i9ndustry these days. Yeah, just sad. I hated it then and hate it now. Can we just get wrestling matches? Wrestling on a wrestling show? I remember back in the day when a wrestler had like a three or four minute interview and then the matches would commence. Yup, and you only got like three per show. Was quite a bit more fun back then. Let the matches tell the stories, please. Any thoughts on this at all?
You are right that Impact Wrestling does need to put quality programming out there with more matches and less talk. When they had Destination X, a lot of people were talking good things about it. Not only it was the X Division being showcased, it was more wrestling and less promos. That is what TNA/IW needs. Put more emphasis on the talent (especially X Division). I want TNA to do well, but the way things are running right now I can't watch their show and thus I became an indirect follower of their stuff.
Your always going to want a mix and match of the entities you mention. Your always going to need a good promo, to help build the story, and the match. Right now, Impact has the mindset that the X division is needs a huge push. Instead of having Abyss come out, and try to take that title, and make it part of the Immortal vs. Impact feud, they should do something different, and have a damn good X division match.

I think having a large heel stable, take on the rest of the faces is just stupid. Really bad use of talent. I would rather see a small stable of heels be dominant, then a giant stable of heels try to beat everyone up when things aren't going their way.

So much stupid backstage crap as well. The last episode of Impact had Sting running around in a suit, with a raven, pretending to be the guy in charge. I think the days of having the corrupt man in charge gimmick is really stale. You could of put on a great X division match on. You could of had a decent Tag team match on as well.

But, now, the one thing I stress most about Impact wrestling (Formerly known as TNA) is the fact the show isn't on the road. The impact zone is such a nasty place to do business in my opinion. They have some decent talent, and would have no problem selling out 3000 or 4000 people venues. Have some good promos, get some good matches booked, give the people their money's worth.
Are we watching the same show here?

Impact Wrestling since I started watching in late 2009 has been more actual wrestling from what I've noticed than talking. Even if I notice the abundance of talking segments, the actual matches are usually worth tuning in for and the storylines TNA have actually make a lot of sense and use logic.

They have the amazing matches and the great, logical storylines already, all they need now are people to actually tune in and watch and for people to stop jumping on their backs over nothing when they as a company have been doing everything right as far as their tv and ppv products for the last year and a half/almost two years.
So much stupid backstage crap as well. The last episode of Impact had Sting running around in a suit, with a raven, pretending to be the guy in charge. I think the days of having the corrupt man in charge gimmick is really stale. You could of put on a great X division match on. You could of had a decent Tag team match on as well.

I actually enjoyed that. It was sort of making fun of the constant need in wrestling to have a network exec or a man in charge and also, Sting's crazy. He lied and made matches and Bischoff and Hogan let it happen because they believed him.

The show was great for what it was and I enjoyed watching it. Much better than the crap I forced myself to watch for a couple of weeks in July on monday nights.

Impact wrestling (Formerly known as TNA)

Are you talking about the show or the company?

The company is TNA. The tv show is Impact Wrestling.

Unless you watch Raw on mondays and Smackdown is a completely different company. I remember watching Sting become the Nitro champion multiple times in the 90s. Also as a kid I saw Sandman become a 5 time Hardcore TV champion. I cheered when I saw Christian become the Smackdown champion too at MITB.

See what I did there? Despite the tv show being rebranded as "Impact Wrestling", the actual company as owned by Dixie Carter is TNA Wrestling. Please, for the love of whatever god you worship get that right please.
all tna needs is a chart. one side says face and the other heel..organize from there. it would save them so much trouble cause im sorry seeing kennedy turn heel to face vice versa multiple times is annoying..but it is tna
I think they have gone backwards a bit, but with the injection of Austin Aires into the X divison you know you are going to get some excellent matches, i just wish they had done the same and put Low Ki back on the impact roster (he would have suited the wrestling matters direction).
Honestly, with the roster they have they are able to put on some sweet matches, it's just cutting down the time spent on over thought story lines (as previously mentioned) that needs to make way for the real wrestling.
tna needs a second show on tues day nights

i think tna has made some good cuts and some good recent signings to revamp the roster

austin aries,kidkash and zima ion is way better then orlando jordan and generation me

hopefully they sign lowki soon to add to the roster

so far i think tna has a solid roster right now and will probally get better in the future
Are you talking about the show or the company?

The company is TNA. The tv show is Impact Wrestling.

I believe the company is called Panda Energy International, and Impact Wrestling is the wrestling promotion, Dear God! I hope I got that right.

Anyways, call me nuts, but I do recall Justin LaBar did a report on TNA ripping off someone's gimmick and promo. Might I add, someone trying to get a job at IMPACT wrestling none the less. The reverse Joker role, kind of strange, but hey if ya like it.

But anyways, what the post asks for... What Impact wrestling needs.

Push that Tag team division and X-division to the moon. No scripted promos, better talent scouting, and taking the show on the road. And doing that show live. Oh yea, and cut down backstage stuff. Don't do away with, but, no need for it, every five minutes.

Oh yea, and it really isn't Dixie Carter's company... I think it's her dad's. I also do believe, that Dixie Carter had to step down because of some lawsuit. So I think it's the Carter's family company...
Guys, I will say it again. I cannot fathom why ANYONE is watching a product with Hogan and Bischoff in control of it. What Impact needs for me to ever watch again (my apologies to Sting, AJ, and Joe) is to LOSE HOGAN, BISCHOFF AND FLAIR!!!! WCW 1996-1999 was some damn fine stuff. NWO was not my cup of tea, but I cannot argue with WCW smacking down Vince for 88 weeks straight. But the 3 dip$#@!'s time is LONG PAST! I only liked Bischoff when he had to do what Vince told him to! I will not watch any product with these 2 in any amount of control. I understand (but have no idea why) that I am in the extreme minority on this but I had to get it off my chest.
Are we watching the same show here?

Impact Wrestling since I started watching in late 2009 has been more actual wrestling from what I've noticed than talking. Even if I notice the abundance of talking segments, the actual matches are usually worth tuning in for and the storylines TNA have actually make a lot of sense and use logic.

They have the amazing matches and the great, logical storylines already, all they need now are people to actually tune in and watch and for people to stop jumping on their backs over nothing when they as a company have been doing everything right as far as their tv and ppv products for the last year and a half/almost two years.
Coming from someone who started watching mid/late 2008, I can tell you there was much, much more wrestling AND better quality matches before 2010.

And i'm not doing this a pointless knock or wearing the rose-tints.

Impact is so bogged down in its own sh!t now that it's just incredibly boring to attempt to follow. I've pretty much given up on it now unfortunately, and this is coming from someone only a year ago that was sticking by them and encouraging others to watch.

I thought Ultimate X was the turning point where they'd almost flick the 'reset' switch and do business in a different direction, but no.... Instead, the next night we had nothing but promos, promos, and more promos, about the same old stuff. "This is PERSONAL, brother!", "the boys in the back", Jeff going to Mexico in some hugely hyped angle, to come back a couple of weeks later...


A show with nothing but wrestling matches might entertain you, but it would fail. People need a reason to care. Not even the UFC is all matches. There is always a back story and a reason to care. Look at TUF, that lets you in on who these guys are and makes you care about them even more. Without stories in pro wrestling, you don't care about the matches.

What TNA needs is consistency and someone to filter their shit. Absolutely no reason to have a Ladder match, an Ultimate X match, and a Cage match in 2 shows. Not a single match in a blood feud or advertised much in advance or even worked as the match of those caliber deserves.

They also need guys who know how to teach the younger guys to work a match that makes sense in a storytelling form. Not RVD's theory of "do a bunch of flippity shit and land on your head, if you fuck up a spot, just get up and retry it, don't worry about it looking phoney" but more like terry funk's "convince yourself everything that's happening really is happening, sell well because you've convinced yourself you REALLY do feel it".

I'd suggest just opening up a developmental territory, shit just be affiliated with the Funkin Conservatory if that still exists, pretty sure it's in Florida. That's what TNA really needs. You have guys like Gunner and Crimson coming in, looking good, able to do the moves, but don't add emotion, selling, or storytelling to their matches and guess what, people stop giving a shit.
The problem with TNA/Impact wrestling is that it's so hit or miss. They have some good angles, and then they have utter crap, they put on some phenomenal matches, and then they pile on the suck... They need consistency, consistency in having logical storylines that are followed through from beginning to end, consistency on who is a heel and a face (obviously turns happen, but constant back and forth is absurd), and consistently good work in the ring. I do think they should tone down the segments to some extent and focus more on ring work as part of a way to distinguish themselves as truly different from WWE, but not ALL matches either. They need to find their balance and stay with it.
The problem with TNA/Impact wrestling is that it's so hit or miss. They have some good angles, and then they have utter crap, they put on some phenomenal matches, and then they pile on the suck... They need consistency, consistency in having logical storylines that are followed through from beginning to end, consistency on who is a heel and a face (obviously turns happen, but constant back and forth is absurd), and consistently good work in the ring. I do think they should tone down the segments to some extent and focus more on ring work as part of a way to distinguish themselves as truly different from WWE, but not ALL matches either. They need to find their balance and stay with it.
The funny thing is, some things that some people think suck, others really like and vice versa. I mean, I LOVED Kendrick's performance, someone else said it was "awful as usual".

TNA's real main problem is, as Heyman said, they're trying to please too many masters. Instead of blending it like Cena vs Punk, you have one smark catered segment, one mainstream catered segment, one nostalgia catered segment, and you mix in ****** booking decisions like making random matches money maker gimmick matches and shitting on the whole thing and it becomes a mess.

TNA needs to try to do things that either appeal to the group that will make them the most money, or do things that can appeal to everyone.
I think TNA needs a face of the company. WWE has always had the one guy that stands out from the others, one guy that will always make money whether it be PPVs or merchandise, one guy that they can always go back to if they're in a ditch etc and it works for them. TNA never has really had that and in my opinion is why they can't compete with WWE. They need to focus on one guy whether it's Bobby Roode, Matt Morgan or someone else. It needs to be a young guy, it needs to be a guy that hasn't been with WWE or atleast is more known for his time in TNA, it needs to be a guy who can make money. If TNA focuses on one guy and always puts them on PPV posters and everything else they will then become more famous and then maybe become a house hold names that people will think hey I know that guy's name and then people will buy the PPV or watch the show.
Time and little to nothing else.

They certainly don't need to "GET RID OF HOGAN AND BISCHOFF BEACUAZ THEY SUCK!!1!" and they don't need to "JUST GIVE UP AND SELL TO VINCE" or enact any other mildly mentally challenged idea of the same unintelligent and uninformed ilk.

Time is what will solidify the company into a sure-fire, solid alternative to WWE. What a lot of people take for granted is that while the company has been around for 9 years, they've only been televised since around 2004/2005, most of which was only a single hour of programming on FSN/SpikeTV. That may seem like ages to you as a fan, but it takes companies, especially wrestling companies who aren't backed by a never-ending pool of money, a while to truly plant themselves.

WCW, for example, opened it's doors in 1988, but it wasn't until 1995 they started to turn the tides becoming that mega-million dollar giant who nearly sunk the WWE/F. Do the math. That's 7 years of "start-up" before the boom. How long has TNA been televised for again? 6/7 years. ;)
Look guys, im a casual fan. I only watch TNA because the storylines are pretty awesome compared to WWE. Love hulk hogan comming in. love bischoff. LOVE sting. Sting is easily the best thing in wrestling right now. Probably even more fun to watch then punk. WWE opens raw every week with 2 guys saying nothing. 'HUNTER you have a big ego, but im the best in the world.' blah blah. It's the same every week and it never matters. CM Punk had one glorious moment a few weeks ago but TNA is getting better and better as the months go on. They just need better young guys. Most of their roster is boring. They need the young Y2J and rey mysterio.
It's easy. TNA should be an alternative. TNA should have an identity. For example when you watched ECW you watch it for blood, high risk spots etc. when you watch ROH you watch for matches instead of gimmicks and storylines when you watched WCW at that time you watched it for more realistic and deeper characters storylines, cruiserweight talent when you watch WWE you watch it for more entertainment than wrestling as opposed to other promotions but TNA don't have that they try to have an identity but they fail. If you want your show to be watched more you should give people a reason to choose your product over WWE. For example what does TNA stand for Total Nonstop Action so build your product as more of atlethic skills and higher speed matches. No I'm not talking about something like ROH style. Entertainment side should keep it's focus but when you watch IMPACT Wrestling you should think that WOW I can never see a shit like this in TNA. So Wrestling Matters and IMPACT Wrestling brand was a very very good idea but executed poorly at least belove expectations. I know many people think that if you constantly put high quality matches on free Tv no one would ever buy PPVs but thats bullshit. People don't pay for the quality of the matches. Yes they want to see wrestling but the reason behind the sales is the storylines, the wrestlers that are put on matches, excitement value etc. For example if you book Austin vs Hogan for WrestleMania 28 with a great build up and storyline everyone would buy it even though either of them cannot really put on a great match like they used to.

So my point is IMPACT Wrestling should brand itself like we are the promotion where the real wrestlers play. You can't see this stuff on WWE. We have the best talent in the world we have the most exciting competitive matches in the world. I'm not saying kill the entertainment side. But when you watch a IMPACT Wrestling show you should think that yeah it's something that's rarely we see on Raw. You can't be better in what they do because why would someone choose you over a show thats been airing for over 15 years while they can see that stuff in the show which they are used to watch. So you should be different and a solid alternative for example six sided ring was a good way to give an identity for your product. So TNA should brand itself more like a show that is more action paced than WWE and still have people like Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle, Mr Anderson, Rob Van Dam that WWE audience do know.

They try to do it right now which I appreciate but they fail. TNA should honor it's name it should be more of Total Nonstop Action matches(I'm not talking about spotfests) but at the same time still have some air times for feuds, storylines and character developments because those are the things that make people care about the matches. But the key point is giving a product an identity and making it an alternative for WWE.
TNA's real main problem is, as Heyman said, they're trying to please too many masters. Instead of blending it like Cena vs Punk, you have one smark catered segment, one mainstream catered segment, one nostalgia catered segment, and you mix in ****** booking decisions like making random matches money maker gimmick matches and shitting on the whole thing and it becomes a mess.

I think they've officially realized that. But let's be honest. Nothing TNA will do will ever get credit, praise or anything else.

Two years ago, people complained about them not pushing young talent. Then one year ago, It became even a bigger roar of the IWC of TNA not pushing young talent or homegrown stars.

2011, Crimson, Gunner are pushed but they have zero personality, no potential and unknowns according to the IWC. Despite the fact, they are marketable than AJ Styles and draw more segment ratings than AJ Styles. If your not from ROH or Dragon Gate, you suck.

2009-2010, people complained about shitty PPVs and lack of X-Division focus. TNA rebuilds the X-Division, gives them their own PPV but after a great show with Destination X. WWE has MITB and everyone jumps on their bandwagon instead of admitting both PPVs were great for wrestling.

TNA has build the correct perfect formula for Impact Wrestling and it still gets zero credit or respect. 6 matches booked on the show and no credit there. Less promos, no credit there. Proper build for a PPV and no credit given whatsoever. Best thing is, TNA doesn't care and continues to deliver.

I haven't see anyone give credit to the BFG series which has been great overall for the show.

TNA needs to try to do things that either appeal to the group that will make them the most money, or do things that can appeal to everyone.
Which is why signing certain guys from WWE should not be a problem. Ken Anderson was marketable, Hardy is damn sure marketable. I think their realizing they will build their own fanbase without the Internets help.

137 countries watching your show and 10%ers think they can boss you around and still haven't given credit where credit is due.

"sign austin aries!"

He's signed, gets a huge push.

"he should be fuckin main eventer"

Why? He just arrived and you can't even be happy that he's in the X-division getting pushed?

Things like that is why TNA should ignore them and continue to deliver for the 2 million viewers.
Dizzy said:
137 countries watching your show and 10%ers think they can boss you around and still haven't given credit where credit is due.
Are you *still* bleating about the 10%er thing, complaining about people who pretend to know more than they can? After you tried to tell me I must have no idea how television works, and I proceeded to correct you on about every point you made on television marketing?

The great thing about the whole "ten percenter" shpeal is that you don't have to think to use it. You can just yell "OMG, you don't like the stuff I do and say so, you're a 10%er!!!!1!!" It's a great invention of Eric Bischoff's, because his guppies that are using it (you) no longer have to think of logical counterarguments for discussion, but instead can yell "this is what Eric meant by ten percenters!!!!11!" while often embodying that definition themselves.

We get that you think TNA/IW is absolutely perfect in every way. In a public forum, you are going to run into people who disagree with you no matter what your opinion is. Get used to dealing with disagreement, because parroting words out of someone elses' mouth because you mistakenly think it brings something to the conversation does nothing for anyone.

Also, you were one of the most vocal proponents of Gail Kim absolutely coming to TNA/IW- I believe you said it would happen, "100%". Haven't heard anything about you willing to take up the Gail Kim Challenge against me though! There's a link in my sig if you'd like to get your balls up with some minor stakes on the line.
Are you *still* bleating about the 10%er thing, complaining about people who pretend to know more than they can? After you tried to tell me I must have no idea how television works, and I proceeded to correct you on about every point you made on television marketing?

The great thing about the whole "ten percenter" shpeal is that you don't have to think to use it. You can just yell "OMG, you don't like the stuff I do and say so, you're a 10%er!!!!1!!" It's a great invention of Eric Bischoff's, because his guppies that are using it (you) no longer have to think of logical counterarguments for discussion, but instead can yell "this is what Eric meant by ten percenters!!!!11!" while often embodying that definition themselves.

We get that you think TNA/IW is absolutely perfect in every way. In a public forum, you are going to run into people who disagree with you no matter what your opinion is. Get used to dealing with disagreement, because parroting words out of someone elses' mouth because you mistakenly think it brings something to the conversation does nothing for anyone.

Also, you were one of the most vocal proponents of Gail Kim absolutely coming to TNA/IW- I believe you said it would happen, "100%". Haven't heard anything about you willing to take up the Gail Kim Challenge against me though! There's a link in my sig if you'd like to get your balls up with some minor stakes on the line.

I agree. I posted something like that a couple of days ago about embodiment of the definition of 10%ers by their criticizers. But back on topic what tna needs are better and more more creative and intresting storylines and less backstage stuff. More guys with great cutting great promos wouldn't hurt either. But I like the direction they're are going in so there is still room for improvement.
Are you *still* bleating about the 10%er thing, complaining about people who pretend to know more than they can? After you tried to tell me I must have no idea how television works, and I proceeded to correct you on about every point you made on television marketing?

Are you still attempting to be a wise ass? Every time someone says 10%ers you get defensive. It's interesting.

The great thing about the whole "ten percenter" shpeal is that you don't have to think to use it. You can just yell "OMG, you don't like the stuff I do and say so, you're a 10%er!!!!1!!" It's a great invention of Eric Bischoff's, because his guppies that are using it (you) no longer have to think of logical counterarguments for discussion, but instead can yell "this is what Eric meant by ten percenters!!!!11!" while often embodying that definition themselves.
It's not about liking and disliking. It's about "You should sign petey williams! i book better than u!" Everyone has a fucking opinion. There is no reason to force it and proclaim, you are better when you haven't worked a one day in the business.

I never once and never have gone around proclaiming I can book a wrestling company like WWE or TNA. 10%ers who would rather watch the show and complain about it instead of not watching it at all does that.

Keep believing your own bullshit, pal.
We get that you think TNA/IW is absolutely perfect in every way. In a public forum, you are going to run into people who disagree with you no matter what your opinion is. Get used to dealing with disagreement, because parroting words out of someone elses' mouth because you mistakenly think it brings something to the conversation does nothing for anyone.
I never said it was perfect. I find your attempts at attention funny.

Nobody cares if you have people that disagree or not. It's natural life. There is a BIG difference to disagreeing and saying "Fuck Obama, I can fix this shit on my own! he doesnt know what he doin I do!" BIG difference.
Also, you were one of the most vocal proponents of Gail Kim absolutely coming to TNA/IW- I believe you said it would happen, "100%". Haven't heard anything about you willing to take up the Gail Kim Challenge against me though! There's a link in my sig if you'd like to get your balls up with some minor stakes on the line.

Because, she has a history there, tweeted "She wasted her talent doing nothing and shes free" which tells me she plans on maybe wrestling elsewhere...? She had friends there? It's called logic. I said 100% Ken Anderson and Jeff Hardy would end up in TNA. Look how that turned out.

I'm not doing no stupid shitty bets. You need a life.
I think they've officially realized that. But let's be honest. Nothing TNA will do will ever get credit, praise or anything else.

Two years ago, people complained about them not pushing young talent. Then one year ago, It became even a bigger roar of the IWC of TNA not pushing young talent or homegrown stars.

2011, Crimson, Gunner are pushed but they have zero personality, no potential and unknowns according to the IWC. Despite the fact, they are marketable than AJ Styles and draw more segment ratings than AJ Styles. If your not from ROH or Dragon Gate, you suck.

2009-2010, people complained about shitty PPVs and lack of X-Division focus. TNA rebuilds the X-Division, gives them their own PPV but after a great show with Destination X. WWE has MITB and everyone jumps on their bandwagon instead of admitting both PPVs were great for wrestling.

TNA has build the correct perfect formula for Impact Wrestling and it still gets zero credit or respect. 6 matches booked on the show and no credit there. Less promos, no credit there. Proper build for a PPV and no credit given whatsoever. Best thing is, TNA doesn't care and continues to deliver.

I haven't see anyone give credit to the BFG series which has been great overall for the show.

Which is why signing certain guys from WWE should not be a problem. Ken Anderson was marketable, Hardy is damn sure marketable. I think their realizing they will build their own fanbase without the Internets help.

137 countries watching your show and 10%ers think they can boss you around and still haven't given credit where credit is due.

"sign austin aries!"

He's signed, gets a huge push.

"he should be fuckin main eventer"

Why? He just arrived and you can't even be happy that he's in the X-division getting pushed?

Things like that is why TNA should ignore them and continue to deliver for the 2 million viewers.

So you are saying that TNA has the perfect formula, and should keep on doing what its doing so it can continue to achieve 1.1 or 1.2 Ratings and have 8k PPV Buys?

If anything, that says their Formula is unsuccessful and they need to change things up. It seems as though besides the random shock value title changes, the ratings dial does not move very much in either direction.

IMO what TNA needs to do is work towards shedding the perception that it's show is crap. Outside of its fan base and some of the IWC, most casual fans see TNA as garbage. I just think they need to make a simpler, easier to follow product that fans can easily grab onto, instead of constant heel and face turns, stable wars, etc.

Of course, most of the IWC turned on TNA 4 or 5 years ago after it went from an awesome Wrestling Show to more like Sports Entertainment (I know TNA Fan loathe hearing that, but it is true).

But I will agree with you on a few things, TNA rarely gets credit when it does something awesome, and this is because of the natural bias that TNA sucks. They also have tried pushing some younger guys and home grown talent, but IMO TNA doesn't have the machine to really build and push young talent like WWE does.

So what does TNA need per say? They need to clean up their product and make it easier to follow for casual fans. One thing in today's business world is things need to be more streamlined and simple (same thing applies to Television). Look at Day Time Soaps, they have been dumped for Farming games on Facebook.
We get that you think TNA/IW is absolutely perfect in every way. In a public forum, you are going to run into people who disagree with you no matter what your opinion is.

Wow, really? There's people in the IWC who don't like TNA? Well that's a wake up call. I guess I'm just gonna have to get used to a little TNA bashing on the internet every here and there. :rolleyes:

On topic, I am interested in seeing where they go with Crimson's streak, and if it will work.
So you are saying that TNA has the perfect formula, and should keep on doing what its doing so it can continue to achieve 1.1 or 1.2 Ratings and have 8k PPV Buys?

1.2 ratings? They draw atleast 1.8 million viewers which is about 2 million viewers without counting DVR ratings. That's pretty successful considering SmackDown viewing audience has always been within that range.

8K PPV buys? Did you really believe that? You can't report a PPVs buyrates 3 weeks after the PPV ended. Not even WWE released buyrates that quickly. That's bullshit.

2011, TNA PPVs has been within the 20,000 range. Obviously not great but It's not 8K.

Nowhere near perfect either.

If anything, that says their Formula is unsuccessful and they need to change things up. It seems as though besides the random shock value title changes, the ratings dial does not move very much in either direction.
IMO what TNA needs to do is work towards shedding the perception that it's show is crap. Outside of its fan base and some of the IWC, most casual fans see TNA as garbage. I just think they need to make a simpler, easier to follow product that fans can easily grab onto, instead of constant heel and face turns, stable wars, etc.
Isn't that what the BFG Series is there for? Basic simple matches with a common goal? But fans have a way to shit on that as well. Nothing TNA does will be good enough. If they brand their product like SmackDown and go a simple rout with everything, fans will say they have a boring product compared to WWE.

I haven't seen any constant heel and face turns either. Everything going on now has been there since 2010. I agree they need to shed the stable wars which will obviously end in October/November.

Of course, most of the IWC turned on TNA 4 or 5 years ago after it went from an awesome Wrestling Show to more like Sports Entertainment (I know TNA Fan loathe hearing that, but it is true).

The IWC is full of shit. If they enjoyed that TNA then why would they criticize TNA drawing 8,000 "reportedly" ? If you loved TNA 4-5 years ago, buy Destination X. If those low buyrates are true that tells me the IWC is full of shit.

TNA gave you the product they used to have and you did not buy it. So, why should they go back to it?
But I will agree with you on a few things, TNA rarely gets credit when it does something awesome, and this is because of the natural bias that TNA sucks. They also have tried pushing some younger guys and home grown talent, but IMO TNA doesn't have the machine to really build and push young talent like WWE does.
They bult and pushed The Beautiful People, Beer Money, Motor City Machine Guns, AJ Styles (even though he isn't a draw), Kaz, Daniels, Joe.

Why can't they create and push a new group of talent again? Considering TNA is way bigger than they were in 2003.

WWE does not create and build STARS. They push "young" wrestlers and think fans will give a crap when they really do not. The IWC takes pride in their youth movement which has gone nowhere.

CM Punk is the biggest name right now and he was never apart of it. John Cena was never apart of it. Orton was never apart of it.

Sheamus gets a huge push. Nobody cares about him now. Miz gets a title reign and I don't remember it. McIntyre was the future billed by Vince but he's on Raw and basically forgotten, gets no heat and has zero personality to be a face. Wade Barrett went from title shot/leader of a faction to....? Who knows. Swagger is basically useless after being a World Heavyweight champion.

Anyone remember when Kofi Kingston looked like he was a main eventer? Remember when Kozlov was undefeated and challenging for the WWE title? Nobody does. When I say nobody, I mean WWE fans.

The WWE creating and pushing young talent thing is totally flawed and wrong. I would agree 100% if they made one. They still rely on Orton and Cena.

So what does TNA need per say? They need to clean up their product and make it easier to follow for casual fans. One thing in today's business world is things need to be more streamlined and simple (same thing applies to Television). Look at Day Time Soaps, they have been dumped for Farming games on Facebook.
I agree but casual fans seem to understand it more than the IWC fans.

TNA is looking to define the X-Division with several new talents that they have signed. I think we will see more basic booking soon.

We've already seen a handful of younger talents being pushed and signed. There shouldn't be an issue with that now.

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