What TNA DOESN'T need


Occasional Pre-Show
For awhile I've been on this website reading the forums and the writers opinions on what TNA needs to do to make to big time or just better themselves.

Some people say bring in a big name wrestler like Goldberg

Some people say bring in some on the creative side like Paul Heyman

And then there is a small group of people who think TNA should raid the ROH roster for more talent.

In my opinion TNA DOESN'T need any of those people, I'm not saying TNA is in the best spot right now but they are not doing themselves any favors by shelling out more money. I don't know how TNA is doing money wise, but it doesn't take a genius to realize that if you spend constantly without seeing a return in profit you will go broke !

It's like this, people like Goldberg and Heyman were great (by great i do not mean In Ring Talent) back in the day but the key words in this sentence is "back in the day" . What they did back then may not work now, It's like asking the 1984 U.S Men's Hockey team to come back to the olympics today and perform a mircale again...it's not going to happen.

As far as bring in more ROH guys, my question is WHY ? Whats wrong with your current roster ?

If i was Dixie Carter, first i'd get off of twitter (aka her hype machine) stop making talking about surprises that will change the company. Then i'd go thru the roster and cut some dead weight (EV2.0 would be at the top of my list). Then i would start looking for a different location because like stated before on these forums 70 % of the audience are tourist who heard Hulk Hogan will be on the show.

And my last and most important thing i would do is stoping throwing money at part time wrestlers (RVD) and every (and i mean EVERY) former WWE wrestler. Don't get me wrong guys like Kurt Angle are great, but that doesn't mean everybody who came from there is great. Just because Batista is a free agent doesn't mean TNA needs him. (Besides his price tag is way to high especially for someone so injury prone)

These are my opinions on what TNA needs and what it DOESN'T, What are your thoughts and what would you do if you were in charge of TNA ?
If i was Dixie Carter, first i'd get off of twitter (aka her hype machine) stop making talking about surprises that will change the company. Then i'd go thru the roster and cut some dead weight (EV2.0 would be at the top of my list).

I agree. I think cutting the over 40 crowd and stop bringing in "household names" is what Carter REALLY needs to be considering right now. Hogan brought in curiosity, but nothing else that drew attention to TNA, and now he's just collecting a pay check. Same thing with Bishoff. In fact, cut payroll by cutting most of the former WWE/WCW guys: Steiner, Nash, Hogan, Flair, Sting, Van Dam, Hardy & (and I hate to say it, unless he's willing to become a commentator with Tazz) Mick Foley AND all of EV.2. (I have no problem with any of those guys working off-air or as road agents btw - save for the biggest names on that list)

I would keep Angle because as long as he's healthy he can still go and has done the most as an outsider to keep TNA relevant.

I respect those guys, I really do; but NONE of them have helped elevate TNA's own talent, but sure can keep themselves in the spotlight. TNA has SO much talent on their own they need to learn to cultivate and make household names in their own right. Sure, I have no problem with them bringing in former WWE mid-carders and cultivating them (because for the most part they've done well in that area; so long as they conform to TNA so the promotion can continue to cultivate their own identity(keep in mind the origins of all 4 of their next PPVs main eventers). DO NOT continue down the road of WCW, because at this rate, Vince WILL own TNA in around 2 years when they're broke.

Cut the commentators too; Tenay and especially West grate on me so badly, THAT is what makes me turn the channel 90% of the time. They're supposed to narrate the story, not ruin it for you.

The Knockouts division needs to be re-evaluated too, but fmale wrestling always seems to be a work in progress.

TNA needs to get rid of Russo, and restart their booking as well. I've seen to many of the "big events" in the history of wrestling redone in TNA the past few months. If everything has been done, go back to the 80's and put a new spin on old angles. Don't re-do the Montreal Screw Job with Kurt Angle (esp. when Bret was in the midst of returning to the WWE), or the "Invasion" angle, you're just seen as a low grade imposter.

The next "big announcement that will change TNA forever" that I want to hear is that TNA will make the cuts, and move away from what they're doing lately. Let the great talent you already have move the company forward. Then once you've risen above the rank of "the little engine that couldn't" use all that money you saved on "big" names and pay back those who have been holding it down since the begining.
These are typical smark comments
get rid of anyone over 40? Uh hello TNA's best rated segments are with guys in their 40's!!
ROH doesn't sell tickets, that's why they are an indy fed.
I agree with you about the commentators, especially Tenay ! It's funny that the cameras will catch tenay reading off a list...for example Tenay: OMG Tazz, do you see what going on in the ring it's madness ! while saying this the camera is on him and he is looking down at the desk LOL
These are typical smark comments

Typical TNA fan boy acting like nothing is wrong, you would probably be one of those people on the titanic saying "oh that hole isn't that big" or " I hear ships likes these can floats for days or weeks even with this much damge"
For awhile I've been on this website reading the forums and the writers opinions on what TNA needs to do to make to big time or just better themselves.
May God, help us all.

Some people say bring in a big name wrestler like Goldberg
Who said that?

Some people say bring in some on the creative side like Paul Heyman
Those people are dumbasses.

And then there is a small group of people who think TNA should raid the ROH roster for more talent.
That's actually not a bad idea, because no one in Ring Of Honor wants to work there if they can get a better job somewhere else.

In my opinion TNA DOESN'T need any of those people, I'm not saying TNA is in the best spot right now but they are not doing themselves any favors by shelling out more money.
You're right TNA doesn't need them

I don't know how TNA is doing money wise, but it doesn't take a genius to realize that if you spend constantly without seeing a return in profit you will go broke !

Hang on, you state that you have no idea what TNA's finances are like then you imply they're not doing well. Should've just said I don't know what TNA's finances are like and stopped there dude.

As far as bring in more ROH guys, my question is WHY ? Whats wrong with your current roster ?
Nothing, absolutely nothing is wrong with TNA's current roster.

If i was Dixie Carter, first i'd get off of twitter (aka her hype machine) stop making talking about surprises that will change the company.
Well unfortunately you aren't a successful business woman who's been making money for the past 20 years. So I'll stick with what she's doing.

Then i'd go thru the roster and cut some dead weight (EV2.0 would be at the top of my list).
The concept of "dead weight" doesn't work here, because they're paid by appearance.

Then i would start looking for a different location because like stated before on these forums 70 % of the audience are tourist who heard Hulk Hogan will be on the show.
Ugh this old argument.

And my last and most important thing i would do is stoping throwing money at part time wrestlers (RVD) and every (and i mean EVERY) former WWE wrestler. Don't get me wrong guys like Kurt Angle are great, but that doesn't mean everybody who came from there is great. Just because Batista is a free agent doesn't mean TNA needs him. (Besides his price tag is way to high especially for someone so injury prone)
TNA hasn't said anything about Batista, Batista is going to Strikeforce. Why bring him up? As for Van Dam, he's pay per appearance.

These are my opinions on what TNA needs and what it DOESN'T, What are your thoughts and what would you do if you were in charge of TNA ?

Your opinions suck and are generic dime a dozen crap that's been posted here a million times by the same useless ***** who read a handful of articles and think they know the entire wrestling industry inside-out. You aren't original, you're boring. Stop being a boring poster.

No-Sell Sean said:
I agree. I think cutting the over 40 crowd and stop bringing in "household names" is what Carter REALLY needs to be considering right now.
Why exactly do these guys need to be cut? Oh, cos you read Paul Heyman's blog a few weeks ago.

Hogan brought in curiosity, but nothing else that drew attention to TNA, and now he's just collecting a pay check. Same thing with Bishoff. In fact, cut payroll by cutting most of the former WWE/WCW guys: Steiner, Nash, Hogan, Flair, Sting, Van Dam, Hardy & (and I hate to say it, unless he's willing to become a commentator with Tazz) Mick Foley AND all of EV.2.
First lol, Steiner's been gone for close to a year. Anyway, let's cut the pay per appearance wrestlers like Van Dam, Hardy, Flair, Foley and EV2 then we can...

(I have no problem with any of those guys working off-air or as road agents btw - save for the biggest names on that list)
Give them permanent paying positions? This is going to save money? How?

I would keep Angle because as long as he's healthy he can still go and has done the most as an outsider to keep TNA relevant.
So why does Angle get a pass but Sting doesn't?

I respect those guys, I really do; but NONE of them have helped elevate TNA's own talent, but sure can keep themselves in the spotlight.
HEY STING, you know how you made that huge speech last year about passing the torch to AJ then losing to him at BFG and putting him over as Champion? Apparently you weren't elevating him.

HEY FLAIR, you know that faction of up and coming stars you've got squashing those older wrestlers in EV2 and getting over as a dominant power faction? Apparently, you're not elevating them.

And Kevin Nash, all that work you did with Alex Shelley, nah that doesn't mean shit because you're not elevating anyone.

Please someone tell me, how are these guys who routinely lose to the younger talent and work with them in mentor roles are not helping the younger talent? Please, explain it.

TNA has SO much talent on their own they need to learn to cultivate and make household names in their own right.
Yeah see, you know NXT? That shitty show where the FCW guys wrestle eachother and no one reacts to them? That's what a show with no Star Power looks like.

Sure, I have no problem with them bringing in former WWE mid-carders and cultivating them (because for the most part they've done well in that area; so long as they conform to TNA so the promotion can continue to cultivate their own identity(keep in mind the origins of all 4 of their next PPVs main eventers).
You have no problem with TNA bringing in former WWE guys unless they were successful, then it's BAD!!!!

DO NOT continue down the road of WCW, because at this rate, Vince WILL own TNA in around 2 years when they're broke.
And in 2 years a giant shark will attack the town.

Cut the commentators too; Tenay and especially West grate on me so badly, THAT is what makes me turn the channel 90% of the time. They're supposed to narrate the story, not ruin it for you.
West? WEST?! He's been gone for over a year you dolt. Also, "narrate a story" get the fuck out of here. Commentators call the action in the ring, the moves, the sequence.

TNA needs to get rid of Russo, and restart their booking as well.
Why? Do you know anything about Vince Russo besides what you've read online from the biased opinions of people who wish they had his job? Nah.

I've seen to many of the "big events" in the history of wrestling redone in TNA the past few months. If everything has been done, go back to the 80's and put a new spin on old angles.
Don't redo angles from the 90's, redo angles from the 80's. THAT MAKES SENSE!!!

Don't re-do the Montreal Screw Job with Kurt Angle (esp. when Bret was in the midst of returning to the WWE), or the "Invasion" angle, you're just seen as a low grade imposter.
Oh yes a nod to Bret Hart's return on RAW, evil. And what "invasion" angle? Who's invading? No one? Oh.

The next "big announcement that will change TNA forever" that I want to hear is that TNA will make the cuts,
Yeah, let's cut people who don't cost us anything unless we're using them. That'll save money that we're already not spending, it will.

and move away from what they're doing lately. Let the great talent you already have move the company forward. Then once you've risen above the rank of "the little engine that couldn't" use all that money you saved on "big" names and pay back those who have been holding it down since the begining.
Like I said to the other guy, you're boring. You say the same shit over and over and everytime you're wrong. Understand, you are wrong about everything. STOP SAYING THINGS THAT ARE INCORRECT.

World_Series_Attiude said:
I agree with you about the commentators, especially Tenay ! It's funny that the cameras will catch tenay reading off a list...for example Tenay: OMG Tazz, do you see what going on in the ring it's madness ! while saying this the camera is on him and he is looking down at the desk LOL

Or you know, that monitor built into the table, nah couldn't be. When's that ever happened in wrestling. :confused:

Typical TNA fan boy acting like nothing is wrong, you would probably be one of those people on the titanic saying "oh that hole isn't that big" or " I hear ships likes these can floats for days or weeks even with this much damge"

You're the typical "the end of the world is nigh" poster. No the end is not nigh, shut up and learn to develop your own opinion instead of parroting back whatever you read.

Thread is full of dumbasses.
These are typical smark comments
get rid of anyone over 40? Uh hello TNA's best rated segments are with guys in their 40's!!

I'm not going to argue that fact, but guys like Nash, Sting, Flair & Hogan were elevated at some point; they came from indies & smaller promotions themselves.

But if they're NOT doing anything to help the guys coming up, or in just hitting the prime of they're career; then they're not bringing anything else to help the company outside of the current segment they're invovled in.

I thought it was awesome when Nash and Eric Young had they're program together! The same to a degree with Hogan and Abyss (which then went too hokey). But if they're going to be on the payroll, and SAY they want to give back to the business then do it or step aside.

And if they're not willing to, Dixie and TNA management need to make the tough decisions to keep they're company viable for the future.
What TNA doesn't need is some of the so-called 'bigger stars' being paid these ludicrous salaries, which they are not worth. As big a fan as I am of Sting for example, I'm not sure anyone could honestly argue he is worth his six figure asking price, no wonder they only use guys like him and Nash sparingly, they simply cannot afford them. TNA needs to implement some kind of cost cutting measures and that's why I'm unsure if they should keep these huge earners around when their deals expire, are they really worth it? Don't get me wrong, I love seeing Sting on my TV still, but only a fool would argue he's worth a six figure sum at this point of his career...

I like the idea of TNA possibly coming to some arrangement with the like of ROH, perhaps they could have a talent exchange type deal, which would allow the ROH guys mainstream exposure and provide TNA with some new faces, just an idea.

I personally wouldn't mind Paul Heyman being given some type of role in TNA, he has the business know how and by all reports is genuienly a creative guy who could help give TNA direction. You know it's bad when Abyss and Hulk Hogan were involved in a storyline over a WWE Hall of Fame ring, what better way to say 'we are inferior to WWE'...

I like the Fortune faction thus far and think it can be good for the young talent associated with it, so long as Flair does not become the focus of attention...sure have him as a mentor and occasional mouth-piece but allow AJ Styles to be the true leader.

I'm not a fan of EV2.0, it just strikes me as TNA attempting to gain whatever it can from a bunch of old ECW people who haven't been relevant in a long time, if they even were relevant in the first place. I understand that Hardcore Justice was a one off, feel good show for the sake of nostalgia but it will not have done TNA any long term favours which will surely render it meaningless. Here is a company trying to carve out an identity of its own and they decide to hold a PPV featuring none of their own talent? Yeah...

Don't get me wrong, TNA has some positives going for it, it's tag team division is fantastic, it has some truly talented wrestlers who despite some suspect storylines, don't let them get in the way of their in-ring ability. I like TNA and I want it to succeed but it can be frustrating at times, but that's wreslting for you...
You know what I think is funny. People that get on here and completely smash other peoples opinions of different things by calling them dumbasses or whatever else I have read. What TNA DOESN'T need is really nothing but pay cuts or releases on current contracts. The way they are going right now is a great direction...I just wish Dixie Carter would come through with an actual groundbreaking announcement. Their roster is stacked right now...I think they have to many people.They need to have only a few extra people on the roster. that way they can change up some matches instead of having almost all singles matches every show. Cut the guys you barely ever put on the air. The guys over 40 are what made this company great. I see nothing wrong with having them on the roster. With older guys it makes it look like TNA is the place to be. If there are even some older guys the younger guys will want to come there. Anyone who says no to a TNA contract is STUPID!!!! It's not everyday you get to work with guys like Flair,Nash,Hogan.Bischoff, and sting. If it wasn't with the help of flair and hhh as well Orton and Btista never would have been as big as they are. So TNA needs to keep what they have except for people that are on tv once every month as placeholders.
i think the question of the day is what is they? i think we have to take this with a grain of salt, remember Vince Russo doesn't operate under logic

if he did
Heyman, lesner, Lashley and Batista would be coming in all those 4 men left on their own terms, all have something to do, lesnar is a ppv draw to say the least,and two out of the four are still young.

if he operated under logic
SCSA would be "they" who better to take out hogan? still get's a pop

if he operated under logic,
the ROH would be They. Makes sense, they could use the stage, TNA could use the workers

but vince russo doesn't operate under logic so my guess
a rebirth of the dungeon of doom and kevin sullivan
It's like this, people like Goldberg and Heyman were great (by great i do not mean In Ring Talent) back in the day but the key words in this sentence is "back in the day" . What they did back then may not work now, It's like asking the 1984 U.S Men's Hockey team to come back to the olympics today and perform a mircale again...it's not going to happen.

Well seeing how the 1984 U.S. hockey team went 1-2-2 and finished in 7th place out 13, they probably could preform this same "miracle". Heyman and Goldberg would easily be able to hit that mark u made in your simile. However if your trying to refer to the 1980 team that actually won you might be right about goldberg being able to come in, but heyman still has a chance. TNA's booking right now sucks anyway, Heyman would def help bring more of an egde and make things more entertaining.

And now to make somewhat of a point so i dont get flagged for spamming. what tna is doing wrong is simple.

They talk way to much. For a show that suppose to be non-stop action, we see very little action but hear alot of promos. Ive been watching for the past 2 weeks( i know its a small simple pool so it doesnt help much to back my point but this is tna im talking about so im willing to go out on a limb and use only 2 shows to back my point). Every single person almost has cut a promo, and when there has been a match it hasnt lasted more than 3 mins.

No one wants to see a bunch of 40 year old ex ecw guys running around(if they want to wrestle again, Tommy can dish out the money return to New York and start his own wrestling company with the old guys instead of using TNA) They cant wrestle anymore, their promos arent that strong, and its been so boring to watch.

Mainly what tna needs to not do is push old wwe/wcw talent. Hell when the Main Event mafia was going we got to see Samoa Joe, Daniels, and Aj styles in the main event. It was great to see them push their talent. Now MCMGs finally have the tag belts and to me the tag belts are the most interesting thing Tna has going for them. I can care less who wins this tourney they have to the championships cuz its 4 ex wwe guys fighting for the tna belt. If i wanted to see wwe guys win belts ill watch wwe.
I can care less who wins this tourney they have to the championships cuz its 4 ex wwe guys fighting for the tna belt. If i wanted to see wwe guys win belts ill watch wwe.

And that's the main problem with morons like you. You see four ex-WWE guys, I see three great wrestlers ( Fuck Hardy ). In fact, you should be seeing two ex-WWE guys, because Pope and Angle are pretty much all TNA right now and have been for the last few years.

I see Mr.Anderson - magnificent mic skills, good in-ring presence and pshychology. I see Angle - awesome wrestler, awesome mic skills, awesome everything. I see Pope - charismatic, athletic, fresh, cool gimmick, cool presence. And then there's Hardy botching his ass off.

Now that I'm done with that, what TNA doesn't need...hmmm. It could really, really, REALLY go without all the pointless hype they give themselves. I love TNA and all, but seriously, stuff like "This is the best company in the world brother" make ME giggle, even though they're the best in my eyes. It's just weird to say such a thing in a basement of an arena, it really is.

Some people said that TNA's roster is "stacked" and they don't use a lot of people. They should have a few extra wrestlers and that's it. I must agree. Here's a list of the people who ( I suppose ) are under TNA contracts, I got this from their roster page, don't know if it's legit.

Amazing Red, Daffney, Eric Young, Hamada, Hernandez, Kiyoshi, Rob Terry, freakin' Shark Boy, and Suicide who is Kiyoshi but whatever.

Now, I don't know for sure, but it is possible that these guys are paid per appearance. If that's the case then TNA has nothing to worry about. They're not paying him unless they're using them. If that's NOT the case and if these idiots are paid to sit at home, then the payment per appearance thing NEEDS to be the case if you plan on using them for something. IMO All of them should go except for Daffney.

And last but so not least, TNA doesn't need all the negative flak they get by total and absolute morons. I'm looking at the people who do not watch the show and just blindly bash a product in wild abandon of common sense or logic. Logical criticisms backed up by facts, well argumented and everything - that's what we can all respect. Stupid shit like "They Hire ex-WWE guys" is not a criticism, it's just nothing. I don't see an ex-WWE, I don't look at where he worked before, I'm looking at where and HOW he's working now. If he/she/it is entertaining, good in the ring and can "go" - I couldn't give two flying fucks where he came from.

If a wrestler is over 40, that doesn't automatically mean that he/she/it sucks. Fuck with Tommy Dreamer all you want, he looks like a piece of shit and he can be a piece of shit in the ring, but to me, Jeff Hardy's doing a FAR worse job in and outside the ring than Tommy Dreamer is right now. Tommy doesn't have a look, we know that, but the guy can somewhat go in the ring and I've never hated him on the mic.

If the WWE fans can go ape shit for The Undertaker who's well over 40, he can't move that much anymore but is great on the mic, I don't see what the problem is.

TNA could deffinitely go without the bad reputation they've got, created by the blind masses. I've never heard anybody say "Their wrestlers suck" or "They can't talk". All I hear is some idle shit which doesn't determine whether a product is good or not, whether a company is going well or not. Production, old guys, ex-WWE guys, small arena, they're like WCW, they're like ECW - how does that make a product bad, that's what I wanna know.
Know what TNA really doesn't need...Hulk Hogan/Eric Bishoff !

I don't care who's paying their salaries TNA, Panda or Spike TV. Because all the hype behind them has led to nothing. What have they done that was exciting ? Can anyone tell me what hogan and bishoff have done that made you step back and say wow ?

P.S Random Thought: If Jeff Jarrett wasn't the founder of TNA, i would gotten rid of him a long time ago and free up some payroll.
I think TNA is fine just the way it is at the moment. They may have a lot of over the hill wrestlers, but they contribute a great deal to the overall product and get the casual wrestling fan's attention. Some may be stealing the spotlight but they're usually stealing it and putting it over other guys.

EV2 is getting old quick I agree and I was firmly opposed to the Hardcore Justice PPV, but they are massively putting over Fortune along with Ric Flair.

What would TNA really be like if they got rid of all their over 40 wrestlers. Would Fortune be interesting? Maybe but no one in the stable has mic skills that make them standout ala Flair, to actually make people give a shit about what they're doing. Would AJ be as popular without Flair and Sting? To TNA fans yes but to casual fans no.There would be no drawing power. No casual fan gives two shits about Samoa Joe because they've never heard of him. But because they hear Hogan and Nash are going to be there they flip the channel, decide to watch IMPACT! and then they can see Samoa Joe do his thing and either fall in love with it or hate it. But at least it gets attention.
Just look at MCMG vs Beer Money. 5 outstanding matches that no casual fans would have cared about if not for RVD being in the main event that night or Sting going crazy with his bat again. What's wrong with using established names to draw viewers in while using your young talent to keep them there? That's a pretty sound strategy imo. Especially when said established names aren't getting weekly pay checks, they get payed per appearance.

I am not the biggest TNA fan but I am a fan and have been for several years now. Somedays I love everything about it and others I am scratching my head, more than the former unfortunately. But you get that with WWE as well and almost any form of entertainment. They have the right formula and a good solid product with a good respectable roster, they just fuck up a lot. Once most of the screws are tightened TNA will become a true second and actual competition to WWE. Which will only benefit wrestling fans in the end.
Also TNA doesn't need Mick Foley, he's not a full time wrestler anymore and there are way too many on screen authority figures in TNA right now. So what can he do besides hang out with the EV2.0 guys ?

I think i read on world wrestling news a few weeks ago that TNA was working on a angle where Samoa Joe would join fortune and then beat the living hell outta foley something on a RVD/Abyss w/ janice bloody beating level. I hope TNA goes thru with this cuz Joe could use the rub from taking out a hardcore legend
Damn Reddannihilation, these forums really get your blood pressure up huh?

Back to the topic, it is quite obvious that TNA has a large roster. And contrary to what some believe I think that not all the over 40's need to be cut. There needs to be a select few that can help take the brand forward.

Look at the WWE. When Vince McMahon brought in WCW or ECW talent, he re-packaged them to be WWE branded guys. Just to pull a name out of the hat, look at DDP's WWE character compared to his WCW character. He was the 'peoples' champ in WCW but in the WWE, Vince re-branded him as the self help guru 'that's not a bad thing, that's a good thing'. Guys who came over from WCW who kept their WCW gimmicks didn't do so hot, ala Goldberg. Sure he got over and was World Champ, but he didn't connect with the fans as much as many had expected.

To get back to the point, this is what TNA needs to do with former WWE talent. They have done this with some, such as The Pope, and he is putting out some of the best stuff I've seen in a while. Mr Anderson's same-same gimmick still seems to be getting over, which goes against what I have said, but has been tweaked with the whole 'asshole' thing. Guys like Foley, Jarrett, and RVD are all clinging on to their old WWE-style gimmicks, which does very little to help TNA establish themselves with a different identity.

With only two hours of TV a week, and with an inflated roster, its easy to see that the roster either needs cutting, or there needs to be another TNA wrestling broadcast during the week.

One thing that TNA has that the WWE hasn't had in many years is its tag team division. And a great one at that. Anyone who doesn't believe me just has to refer to the best of 5 series with the MCMG's and Beer Money. Those guys are the real face of TNA wrestling and the Fourtune groups is also going a long way to helping establish TNA as a really good alternative in the market of pro wrestling.

What they don't need right now is EV2, but who am I to decide what it IS that they need. That is something that the talent, and Dixie have to work out for themselves.
They talk way to much. For a show that suppose to be non-stop action, we see very little action but hear alot of promos. Ive been watching for the past 2 weeks( i know its a small simple pool so it doesnt help much to back my point but this is tna im talking about so im willing to go out on a limb and use only 2 shows to back my point). Every single person almost has cut a promo, and when there has been a match it hasnt lasted more than 3 mins.

im guessing your new to the way Vince Russo writes.. for any promotion hes with.. he to this day still believes more about the in-depth story lines and vignettes etc then he does the in-ring work and the wrestling itself.. and that is one thing that has never changed with him through WWE to WcW to early TNA and even when he was rehired back at the start of the year (think hes still with them now hes been quiet lately not causing any problems)

but early TNA was pretty much 90% action in a show and very little talking (im talking back in the weekly ppv era) and even early TNA and up to id say about the time the MeM came in it was still almost nonstop action but its been this way since

you have to agree and disagree with that in the facts that yes more action is always awesome but if you have all action and little to no story lines whats the point? you get people fighting for belts and everything just because "omg he just challenged him for the world title!" "why on earth would he do that!?" "I dont know maybe he talked smack about his momma in the back!" sorry i dont mind story lines

and yes no one likes the ECW guys their hell I don't even know why hogan has said RVD was the company and he was the one to help blast them off.. sorry dont make me laugh ive never liked RVD and that redneck haircut that he hasnt changed in 20 or so years as corny as the "omg he butched him with janice!" was im just glad hes not champ anymore i doubt the ECW story line will last that long but who knows they dragged out the MeM for over a year.. :D!

you say that if you wanted to see ex-wwe members fight you would just watch WWE.. are you an old school wrestling fan? did you say the same thing back in the WcW/WWF wars? i quite enjoyed WcW back in the mid 96 era up till around 98 and who ran the company? exwwf guys and i would have much rather watched them as Hall/Nash/Hollywood hogan more then razor/disel/american made hogan..

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