What the WHC is lacking


"The Apex Predator of the WWE"
Many people have said it "The World Heavyweight Championship should disappear" but I disagree! The WHC is lacking something something and that it its competitors! We see people from the mid card come up and go for the title, the WHC needs people that are already over like KOfi, Cm Punk, Ziggler, Cody Rhodes, Ryback, Big E (people that aren't doing anything but that are over and deserve better). You have Kofi who hasn't done much but gets good reactions from the crowd he has chased the tag titles, US championship but he needs to move to the WHC picture! We have CM punk who will make a great WHC he is in a feud at the moment but should be in a title picture, people are saying he will go for the IC champion but CM punk deserves better! Ziggler had a chance but all was gone when he suffered a concussion, he needs a 2nd chance as he never really got a 1st! Cody Rhodes is someone who needs this he has so much momentum at the moment and needs to get away from his brother (gold dust) as a tag team and have him in a feud with him for the WHC! Ryback at the moment is not doing so well he isn't getting a lot of a good heel reaction but if WWE build him up the monster he is he would be come a good WHC. unlike Ryback Big E gets a pretty good reaction and is good on the mic, he needs some building up but if done right he also can become a monster who is hungry for the WHC!

WWE needs the WHC, it is a belt used to see if the WWE Superstar has the "it" factor and can move up to have a chance at the WWE championship belt!!

Do you agree or disagree?
i think the world title took a huge drop when it went to smackdown it was going ok but soon fell and i knew it would it happen and now its a stepping stone to the wwe title.

as for
what its lacking, big stars are not holding it.
It needs unifying by a newer talent and then successfully pushing them... Jericho was the right pick in 02 but was booked completely wrong thanks to Triple H. Sake of argument Barrett, he is someone who people say could step up with the right gimmick...

Let's say this debacle right now over the WWE title spills over to the WHC when Sandow etc cashes in... Vince comes in and says enough - we're gonna have one champion, crowned at Mania 30 and 4 guys will be in the running. One of them the winner of the Rumble (Barrett), one of them the first Undisputed champion (Jericho), Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton.

Now logic says Bryan is the guy who wins this but just what if Barrett (or whoever from the midcard) is able to do what Jericho did? Only not as a cowardly heel there after but beating the big names consistantly for 9 months -year afterward... THEN the WHC serves a purpose.

At the moment it's basically the WCW International title - While it once meant something, it is an albatross round the neck of whoever is holding it!
good stories, a more credible champion, and its own show the be featured on.

This, to me is the biggest tragedy to the brand split ending. I think it has an easy solution though... instead of splitting the rosters, the other superstars are free the move between the shows, but the Champions/top contenders stick with the brand. So Champ and current challenger(s) stay with the show but the rest appear on both. Smackdown "The home of the World Heavyweight Championship". just an idea

once this is established you can blur the lines a little, WWE Champ can appear, cut a promo. but make sure the WHC is involved in the main event angle
I disagree that the WWE needs the WHC but it is fun to have around. The intercontinental championship did the job of the WHC for years and it seems like its even been compromised by the WHC which is a shame.

The WHC can never truly be the top prize in WWE that will always be the WWE championship no matter who has it or which brand it's on.

The WWE championship is just the heart and soul of WWE and it will never be and never has been a second prize.

I disagree with TheNew_ApexPredator's opinion about Kofi Kingston, Dolph Ziggler and Big E Langston. Those guys are not championship material for mine.

I do think CM Punk, Ryback and Cody Rhodes are though, however CM Punk is more a guy for the big one (WWE championship).

Personally I think where the WHC is now which is around the waist of Alberto Del Rio is the correct place for it to be. Del Rio sure is championship material, he could be a solid heel WWE champion too.
If I could the only thing I would change would be to give him his manager back so I can just one more time hear the over exaggerated announcements of Del Rio's victories, that was the balls.
The WHC is lacking something something and that it its competitors!

Well, yes. It's been treated as the "B" championship because it's tied to the "B" show. The big boys stick pretty much to Raw, so it leaves Smackdown with the lesser roster, with occasional forays in from guys the "A" list.

For a time, I thought CM Punk was going to win the WHC and accomplish two functions: legitimize the WHC title and keep Punk away from Cena for a time, while still affirming his champion's status.

It didn't happen, but now there's a possibility that John Cena will win the belt. If he does, I can't think of anything that will boost the WHC to equal (or almost-equal) status as the Raw belt.

Of course, it might be WWE's desire to keep the WHC as the lesser belt. If that's what they want, they can keep things going as they've been.
I think one of the main problems with the WHC is the name of the title itself. It sounds very generic unlike the WWE Championship which bears the name of the company and is hence automatically considered the biggest prize in the organization. This prevents it from EVER becoming the flagship title of the company.

Now there are people who say that back when the WHC was on Raw and HHH held it, it was more important than the WWE Championship but I disagree. Even back when it was on Smackdown the WWE title was the no.1 prize in the WWE and the WHC was always the runner up title. Brock Lesnar was the face of the company back then, not HHH. If you remember, the WHC was reintroduced and just handed over to HHH after Lesnar left to Smackdown, it was a consolation prize even back then.

Putting the WHC on par with the WWE title is impossible no matter how hard the WWE try because of its generic name and shorter history(2002-present) compared to the WWE title which has been around since the 1960's. It will always be considered the runner up title if they try to put it on equal standing with the WWE title.

Now the WWE could go out of their way and make it even more important than the WWE title if they wanted to but why would they? The WWE title is the company's original world title with a much longer history and moreover the WHC is just the remains of their deceased rival WCW so they'd never put it over their own title, although I was surprised to see them discontinue the original tag titles in favor of the new ones but I don't think they'll ever do that with the world title.

The only thing the WHC has over the WWE title is its iconic Big Gold Belt design whereas the WWE title designs have been awful ever since Cena got his hands on it.
Have you even been watching WWE programming as of late? they just announced that the biggest star in the entire company will be contending for it! If anything is going to elevate that title it's John Cena!
He may still be the biggest star in the company but he is already a 13-time world champion, has already done everything there is to do in the business and is past his prime which is why they're looking to the future and pushing Daniel Bryan as the next face of the company. Although Cena winning the title will definitely boost its credibility it still won't put it on equal footing with the WWE title.
Maybe it's just me, but it seems like ALL of these various championship threads are only repeating the same things over and over again. Either this guy needs to be carrying a title, or that guy needs to be the next challenger, this title ought to be unified with another title, there are too many titles, there aren't enough titles, this title needs to be retired, they should reinstate this championship, etc. It's all pretty much the same old, same old. That doesn't mean there's anything particularly wrong with that, but it definitely gets redundant when a number of title complaint threads are created within a similar time frame. Whenever it comes to how a title is used, how we think it should be used, who gets it, etc., it ALWAYS seems that perfection is always just around the next corner or over the next hill.

As far as the WHC goes, and this is only my opinion, I see nothing going on in terms of using the WHC to elevate stars that couldn't be accomplished with the Intercontinental Championship. It's unlikely that the World Heavyweight Championship is ever going to be on the same, or at least a similar, level as the WWE Championship. The primary reason the title still exists is because WWE likes to have every house show they run main evented by a World Championship match. If WWE wanted to, as I alluded to, they could easily use the IC title in order to fulfill that same primary purpose. Personally, I think most people would respond positively to seeing WWE put more focus on it. I think the desire that a World Championship HAS to main event every house show is something of an example of Vince's near obsessive micro managing of details that seem important in his eyes but are trivial in the eyes of many others, in my opinion. Maybe he believes that people will be dissatisfied if they go to a house show and there isn't a World Championship main event. Doing away with the WHC and merely upping the ante once again on the IC title, I believe, could easily curtail such a concern. What people care about more than the name of the title that's in the main event is that the champion who carries it is someone in whom they want to invest their time and attention.
Listen, the Championship structure in WWE is actually really, really good. There's lots of flexibility and more guys get opportunities with the current crop of available championships. Shows like Night of Champions and Money in the Bank would be hurt greatly by taking away the WHC. If you're a younger fan, i can see why you would want less championships: it tells you more clearly who is a "top guy" in the eyes of Vince and it makes it easier for you to pick the front runner wrestlers. We have choices in the current setup. If I dislike the WWE Title program (like Triple H vs. Kozlov years ago, blech) there's still another main event with the WHC to enjoy. This idea that the WHC has to "step aside" so the IC title can mean more is bullshit. The IC CAN mean a lot, it just depends on available talent and good booking.

Back when WCW was in business you had choice, you could watch Raw or Nitro and there were champions on both shows. Now, you have Raw and Smackdown and there are champions on both shows. The same goes for the midcard. Less titles means less chances for greatness, and if fewer talents hold titles, then fewer talents ever look credible for ANY title. This kind of relates to TNA and how it seems like only guys who've been in WWE or been with TNA from the very start ever hold titles. Looking at the entire WWE roster, a lot of the guys have held a championship at least once, therefore making them more credible to hold a title again.

The WHC got what it was lacking thanks to Vickie Guerrero on Raw: She initiated a storyline with Del Rio that further established him as a slimeball, she walked the line of being a hilarious heel and being a little bit of a cunning face, and she inserted WWE's BIGGEST star into the World Heavyweight Championship scene. Cena's definitely the man to bring the WHC back up to a main event level. Those of you who consider the WHC below the WWE title are honestly wrong. The two championships are equal, they both represent the main event of wrestlings' 2 highest rated TV programs. If they MUST have distinction, this is what I propose: The WWE Title is the "exclusive" championship for the proven superstars. This is the way it seems to be booked anyway, looking at the last 2 MITB matches for the WWE title. This makes the WHC scene the "breakout" championship, the one that you put untested talents (Ziggler, Sandow,Barrett, Swagger, etc) into the main event with and see if they're ready for the main event. Honestly it's booked very closely to what I just described as is, I think fans just want championships to be treated like BIGGER deals than they are, which I can understand but you have to relax sometimes and just enjoy the show.
WWE needs the WHC, it is a belt used to see if the WWE Superstar has the "it" factor and can move up to have a chance at the WWE championship belt!!

Do you agree or disagree?

This is the reason why the World Title needs to go. IT will always be seen as less than the WWE Title because it's being used to test new stars. A non title feud with a top star like Cena, Punk, Orton, or HHH will do more to put a young talent like Cody Rhodes over than giving him a belt and having him feud with other midcarders.

Midcarders should not be world champions until WWE is absolutely ready to push them to that main event level.
For me, it's not so much an idea that requires people who are over to be put in the championship spotlight. They have to be put there properly, which is something that the WWE has failed miserably in doing because they like to knee-jerk their push of performers they like personally. Shaemus and Del Rio for example, the idea was that if they're allowed immediate success through title reigns and royal rumble wins that the fans would simply accept it. When their appeal unto the fans waned to the point of there being no point to even using them in the fans' eyes, they were already world title contenders and would look even more silly competing for lower level championships. The obvious choice, unto the dipshit that made these decisions (hunter), was to make them mainstay contenders unto the World Heavyweight Championship. So we ended up having Del Rio vs Shaemus matches that nobody cared about for a championship that became worthless by association.

If a guy like Kofi or Ziggler is pushed to status as a WHC contender, it should come with at least six months of build. The build-up should all be prior to any actual challenge for the belt, let the crowd be excited on behalf of one aspect of their saga at a time. Have the eventual contender fued with (ugh) Curtis Axel or Damien Sandow to a point where some kind of storyline event makes them dig deep and discover who they really are. A few golden promos later, whoever they're pushing to the status of number one contender for the WHC comes through in an upset win at Elimination Chamber or beats the odds to win the Royal Rumble in what would be the most surprising finish to either of these events in a long time.

I agree that the belt is necessary. It's up to the WWE (hunter) to undo all the bullshit that they've pulled in making that belt seem like an illegitimate excuse for a world title.
My main gripe with what the WHC championship is lacking is the amount of time spent on working a "pre-champion." What I mean by "pre-champion" is building enough credibility into the next wrestler to where he is a no-brainer for the title, but without the title chase involved until it's absolutely necessary.

Cody Rhodes would be a prime example. He would mow through all of the mid-p card, take out Ambrose (and the Shield) with the help of Goldust in a tag team program up until Elimination Chamber. During the time of Rhodes' build up, Sandow cashes in the MITB contract, and keeps the title until WM. A storyline has already been established beforehand with Sandow's betrayal, and what better build up with two separate programs, to have Rhodes come back at WM and screw over Sandow (or have Goldust screw over Rhodes).

Del Rio is stale. Great Mexican representative for a WHC, but where does he go from here? John Cena? Rey Mysterio? Mark Henry? Cena is a rehash. He doesn't need the title anymore to hold for ratings. Mark Henry is another rehash and needs to be put in the WWE championship if anything. Rey might be a possibility, but lingering injury threats don't do a thing for his remaining career.

Sandow needs to cash in as the transitional champion.
The problem with the WHC at the current moment anyway, is that its being treated as the WWE championship, no not in the way of being the major championship, but in the way of over a 3 month span the title is defended against the same wrestler, and usually not defended on free tv. Having Del Rio vs Rvd for 2 ppv's in a row, before that it was Del Rio vs Ziggler for a few months, or the Del Rio and Christian rehash.

Since WWE has made it clear that the WHC isn't the top belt, and that its not headlining any ppv's (at least until Cena is WHC champion, sure that will change things), but I would like to see the belt defended more on free tv, and new contenders every month, not only that let others compete for the belt, just by the chance the fans catch on and that guy catches fire.

Like for instance month by month as an example here is how I wouldn't mind seeing it;

HIAC - WHC vs Cena
November Raw - WHC vs Santino (make it interesting)
Survivor Series - WHC vs Kofi
December Smackdown - WHC vs Goldust (make it interesting)
December Raw - WHC vs Miz
TLC - WHC vs Ziggler
January - Smackdown WHC vs Bourne (make it interesting)
Royal Rumble - WHC vs Cody Rhodes
Elimination Chamber - WHC vs... Cody, Kofi, Ziggler, Ambroes, Reigns

Example just being its someone different each month, instead for some reason once Sandow wins the belt I could see it being Sandow vs Cody for a few months, or Rio vs Cena vs Sandow in some form for a few months. I just get so sick of this modern era of rematches every month with a stupid gimmick being the only new thing. All the rematches done so quickly just ruins any future the 2 will ever have at feuding again, Orton vs Cena is an example of that, or HHH vs Orton.
The WHC needs a nice firm cock pressed against its backside and she'll shine like she just left the beauty parlor. But really, it just needs some really new guy instead of ADR or Ballph Tiggler. You may think Im kidding, but that belt is the new IC and generally, that's the track it has to take so it can matter again when the WWE gets more guys that people give a damn about. But I can see that taking awhile, so scrap it(no pun intended, but yea) and keep the US belt because that thing still matters, looks better, and is a WWE design. how convenient.
Have you even been watching WWE programming as of late? they just announced that the biggest star in the entire company will be contending for it! If anything is going to elevate that title it's John Cena!

yeah i have actully, but i dont think thats going to happen by the end of the PPV Damien Sandow will be your new WHC "Your Welcome!"

I dont think WWE would give John Cena the WHC and as you said "he is the biggest star in the entire company" if he is (which he is) shouldnt he be going for the no.1 title in the company???
It's simply lacking good characters, storylines, and care. WWE just doesn't care about their product anymore, its all about promotion, and partnerships with other companies. The only way for the company to be as great as it once was, is to go private again.
I think it needs competitors that will make it worth watching. I strongly dislike Del Rio meaning I am not interested in the belt he holds, and I'm sure many think the same. If they had guys that had more all round talent and that were waiting for their chance then I would immediately become interested. Names like Barrett, Sandow, Ziggler, Rhodes, Big E are all good examples of people that can be used to make the belt interesting.
The problem with the WHC isn't who's competing for it. It's where the wrestlers go after they've won it. Winning the WHC should firmly put you in the main event. After someone has held the WHC they should be competing for the WWE Championship. If not then the WHC doesn't mean shit. It doesn't make sense for former WHC title holders to be competing for IC or US Chamiponships.

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