What the Hell is Up With Abyss and TNA?

Fallen Angel 21.3

Getting Noticed By Management
I was watching TNA tonight and it was towards the end and the fans see Kaz and Brain Kendrick walking down a dark hallway and out pops Abyss saying that the X-division is dead and now the X title is now the EXTREME TITLE. Then he started quoting from the book the Art of War which is written by Sun Tuz. There is was just 2 things i found wrong with this whole promo/whatever you want to call the shit TNA does, first off Why is TNA changing the title that put the company on the map for being different from WWE granted i know its a storyline but comeon that title is not the stupid fucking TV/Global/Lengends title. Also why was Abyss quoting Sun Tuz this isn't a war between two or more countries, this is wrestling, those two are completely different things. Also TNA comeon if you were going to quote Sun Tuz right, he was the general that beat any odds. He could make the smaller army beat the larger so if you wanted to connect the two Sun Tuz battle tatics would work better for the X-divison guys who are trying to take the title from Abyss. Because the X-divsion is the smaller guys who are trying to defeat the larger one.

What does everybody else think on what TNA is doing:
1. Changing the TNA X-divison title to the Extreme Title
2. Abyss quoting The Art of War, written by Sun Tuz
They aren't changing the title.. Mike Tenay even said "X-Division Championship three way or as Abyss calls it.. The Extreme Championship." It's not permanent.. they probably are just testing it out to see if it would work with the audience.

Myself, I would love to see some hardcore wrestling again. I'm a hardcore fan. But I'm also a fan of the X-Divison.. maybe they can bring them together... or split them..

And as far as the book quoting I think I remember like a month ago Eric Bischoff started having Abyss read that book or something.. idk why.. maybe to motivate him..
The reason Abyss is quoting Sun Tsu is because they are slowly trying to bring Abyss into this strange "Demented genius" angle. When Immortal started and the fans learned Abyss was acting all the wrestlers were giving props to Abyss for "fooling" them. Now that Abyss is reading the Art of War he might learn that he is stronger than Hulk or EB and might secretly defect against Immortal.

Just a strange thought that popped into my head.
Abyss (the guy not the wrestler) must have some super strong backing with some higher ups because he keeps getting cool gimmicks that just don't fit him. The Hulk Hogan/Ring rub just seemed off for what his character is. This Sun Tzu gimmick can be super awesome but again, on Abyss it just doesn't really work.
Pretty sure it was Sun Tzu. Anyways....

Abyss's character is supposed to be insane. He's a guy who throws himself into thumbtacks quite frequently and who talks to a board with nails in it. His character is probably a little too nuts to grasp the difference between group warfare and a wrestling match (not that certain knowledge from the book COULDN'T be applied to a one on one situation). If he's screwing it up, it just makes it work better. Abyss isn't supposed to be a genius; he's supposed to be a sadistic, obsessive lunatic. In the past he's become obsessed with various people or items (Sting, Hogan, Janice, the hall of fame ring, etc); now it's a book. Maybe Bischoff bought him the book as a gift? Even lunatics read.

Personally, I've loved Abyss's character as of late. His strange, yet effective interpretations of "The Art of War" just give his character that detached, confused feeling that a nutcase should have. He also seems far more unhinged, and dangerous.

As for the Extreme title, I'm pretty sure it's just an angle; something to allow Abyss to rattle off some more Sun Tzu wisdom. If the change is permanent, however, than I have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, I've always hated mid-card belts that don't have a kayfabe purpose, and an Extreme division would make more sense than an "it's not about weight limits, but no limits" division (as that doesn't mean anything). On the other hand, the X-division is what defined TNA for years, it's legacy is beloved, and the existence of the division allows for some pretty spectacular matches. Personally, I'm guessing this is just a storyline leading into Kaz regaining the title and implementing a weight limit restriction, to once and for all give the title some concrete kayfabe purpose.
i just dont care for the fact that for awhile he was with james mitchell..then he was all insane and going thru therapy with Dr. stevie, then he was like mick foley's apprentice or whatever and rockin flannel shirts, then he was all about hogan and his super powers when he put on the HOF ring. ..then he was the TEYAN TEYAN TEYAN "immortal representative." now he is a philosopher. i get the whole character building and evolution. but why stray so far off from what the guy is supposed to be? an unstoppable monster. this is getting ridiculous. book him as a psychopath and let him rip dudes apart when hogan/immortal let him off his leash.
Maybe Bischoff bought him the book as a gift? Even lunatics read.

But Sarah Palin doesn't (sorry couldn't pass that up)..

I don't watch TNA to often after seeing that I kind of like the character (even though the hooded nut job reminded me of Cody Rhodes) looked to me like Abyss is trying to divide the x division pulling some of them to his side and have a feeling one of the 2 x division guys in the match will turn on the other and start a split in the division which may turn out to be Abyss plan..
I really dug the promo. Abyss for the first time since 2007 seemed not stupid. Like he actually had a full blown vision and wasn't under anyone's orders. yeah, he's not exactly steering the Art Of War book right, but he seemed competent, well spoken and malevolent. Not like the neurotic man-child from from 2008-09, Abyssamania,Hogan's lackey or a mash between Mankind and Kane. He seemed like his own character.

Doubt it. What's Big Zeke doing reading The Cat In The Hat?
What does everybody else think on what TNA is doing:
1. Changing the TNA X-divison title to the Extreme Title
2. Abyss quoting The Art of War, written by Sun Tuz

1. It's not changing, Terrence & Eric said at the start of the show that 'the network' wanted the XDivision. This is just Abyss trying to meld the division in his own image.

2. Abyss may be the larger athlete but he is taking on a whole division, which would make him the overall smaller force. This would make Sun Tzu quotes relevant and appropriate.

I quite like the new Abyss, it's nice to see him more cerebral and playing mindgames. In the past he's been portrayed as, basically, the bastard son of Kane and Eugene. He has also always been reliant on others so now he finally seems to be standing on his own two feet. Going by recent in-ring performances, this appears to be agreeing with him.
can anyone recommend a "best" abyss match that i could show to a tna hater and hopefully convert them? hell any match abyss or not
can anyone recommend a "best" abyss match that i could show to a tna hater and hopefully convert them? hell any match abyss or not

Dunno about an Abyss match, but you could try showing them some Ultimate X or Steel Asylum matches from years gone by.

Tell you what, while I'm not all that upset that they took away the six sided ring, I am severely disappointed that they haven't made a new square Steel Asylum. Those are always mental spot-fests.

If you want to show your friend some quality wrestling, the AJ vs Angle 20 minute time-limit draw from Impact a year or two back is a great example of the best and worst of TNA all rolled into one. Amazing match with typical shitty TNA finish!

Just for the record this is not that match. I struggled to find that one. This match was also awesome. This match also had annoying interference.​
i just dont care for the fact that for awhile he was with james mitchell..then he was all insane and going thru therapy with Dr. stevie, then he was like mick foley's apprentice or whatever and rockin flannel shirts, then he was all about hogan and his super powers when he put on the HOF ring. ..then he was the TEYAN TEYAN TEYAN "immortal representative." now he is a philosopher. i get the whole character building and evolution. but why stray so far off from what the guy is supposed to be?

For a while Rocky Maivia was a happy-go-lucky kid who liked really bright, cartoonish ring attire. Then he became a fist-raising, black power soldier. Then he became a trash-talking douchebag and corporate champion. Then he became "The People's Champ." Then he became a Hollywood diva who'd forgotten his fans.

Point is... Abyss may have had several different phases but he probably hasn't had as many core changes as a guy like The Rock. I could even make the same argument for Triple H (from DX to Corporation/Evolution... really?). Despite the nuances you mentioned he's still always been "The Monster." The difference has been who (Mitchell, Hogan, Immortal) was influencing him at the time, making him somewhat of a chameleon. That's a very common element to psychopaths, so it works with Abyss.

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