What The Fuck, Milky?!

I red repped Milky the first day I registered on here. I didn't know how rep worked and I thought it was just a kind of "I liked/didn't like this particular post" thing and he reamed some guy's ass and I thought it was a little harsh so I disapproved. I've since come to realize, though, that kind of thing isn't exactly a rare occurance around here and Milky doesn't mean anything by it so... Milky, I don't imagine you even give a shit but still, I apologize for the red rep.

Pretty sure I green repped him a day or two ago to make up for it anyway so it's cool. Feel free to take revenge, though.
I red repped Milky the first day I registered on here. I didn't know how rep worked and I thought it was just a kind of "I liked/didn't like this particular post" thing and he reamed some guy's ass and I thought it was a little hard so I disapproved. I've since come to realize, though, that kind of thing isn't exactly a rare occurance around here and Milky doesn't mean anything by it so... Milky, I don't imagine you even give a shit but still, I apologize for the red rep.

Pretty sure I green repped him a day or two ago to make up for it anyway so it's cool. Feel free to take revenge, though.

Heh, I take no rep personally. You'll find out, it means nothing sooner or later. I don't dish out much red, only if I find they're spamming. Or am just in a bad mood. No appology needed, it was gray. I assumed it was supposed to be green. :lmao:

Tdigle said:
Well, here are some things that I'll spread around for:

1) HHHate

2) Jeff Hardy love

3) Hernandez love

4) Matt Morgan bashing

5) Gail Kim love

Heh, I hate Jeff Hardy, Love HHH, I'm indiffrent on Matt Morgan and Gail Kim. Looks like I'm just S.O.L Right? Whos Hernandez?
Heh, I take no rep personally. You'll find out, it means nothing sooner or later. I don't dish out much red, only if I find they're spamming. Or am just in a bad mood. No appology needed, it was gray. I assumed it was supposed to be green. :lmao:

Heh, I hate Jeff Hardy, Love HHH, I'm indiffrent on Matt Morgan and Gail Kim. Looks like I'm just S.O.L Right?

You must be in a bad mood everytime you read my posts.

You must be in a bad mood everytime you read my posts.


Heh, nah. I just don't enjoy the whole rep****ing factor. I was once a rep****e, and Luthor broke me of it. By doing the same thing I do to anyone else he asks for rep. Red rep the fuck out of them. While you're not high on my list of beloved posters, Its just a pet peev of mine.

I was in a bad mood during that whole "Milk deez nutz" one though.

48.7 said:
Milk, stop rep trolling.

Says you. Hypocrite.
Well, here are some things that I'll spread around for:

1) HHHate

2) Jeff Hardy love

3) Hernandez love

4) Matt Morgan bashing

5) Gail Kim love

I can only give you 4 of those things tdigly.

I like Jeff and Gail, I really liked Hernandez when he was a heel in LAX. Recently though, I haven't been too much into what he is doing. Matt Morgan I honestly do not mind. I don't love him but I don't hate him either.

Triple H I like.

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