What superstars perform best in gimmick matches?


Pre-Show Stalwart
So, Gimmick matches are usually good fun to watch in most occasions right?

Who do you think is most talented and most entertaining when it comes to gimmick matches? Who uses their whereabouts to their advantage the most and who uses the perfect mix of psychology AND spots. Who tells the best story and keeps you on edge throughout the match.

People who first come to mind for me Undertaker, HHH, Edge and Mick Foley.

These guys own in gimmick matches, whether it be HIAC, , Ladder matches, Cages or your typical street fight no DQ match you know you're going to get a good quality entertaining match and not just your plain spotfest.

So who comes to mind straight away when you think of Quality Gimmick match wrestlers?
i agree undertaker edge mick Jeff all have great gimmick match along wit Kane triple h matt shane (yes shane hav had sum good gimmick matches) Rvd and sum others
You can't talk about Ladder matches without mentioning the name Jeff Hardy...You can throw Matt Hardy in there too but Jeff Hardy is the one that shines in the TLC and Ladder matches...

Shawn Michaels is another one that comes to mind.. He put the Ladder match on the map and last year against Jericho, proved he could still put on an entertaining ladder match..He's also the originator(along with The Undertaker) of the Ironman Match and the Hell in a Cell...He's WON the first ever Ironman match, first Hell in a Cell, first Elimination Chamber... HBK's been in 3 Stages of Hell, Tables matches, and always puts on his best performances.. He doesn't pull of as many "Holy Shit" spots as Jeff Hardy but he arguably performs just as well.

Chris Jericho..Jericho has performed MANY successful Ladder matches including last year's classic with Shawn Michaels.. He's also been in 2 or 3 Elimination Chambers, a Hell in a Cell(with Triple H), a 2 outta 3 Falls match, and always brings out the best.

Edge...Edge has competed in TLC Matches, Ladder matches, Tables matches, Hardcore matches, Elimination Chamber, and Hell in a Cell.. He's got an impeccable record in TLC matches, including defeating The Undertaker last year...Edge put the TLC match on the map as part of the EC/Hardys feud.

The Undertaker.. He's the originator of alot of classic gimmick matches...The Casket Match, The Hell in a Cell, Buried Alive, and even the Inferno match(with Kane)..He's got a dominating record in Casket matches..His HIAC match with Shawn Michaels and Mick Foley had many classic moments aswell as The Deadman's performance in the Elimination Chamber and the TLC Matches last year.

Christian.. Along with Edge and The Hardys, Christian put the TLC match on the map..He's also competed in multiple Money in the Bank matches and tables matches...He's also put up good performances in KOTM matches and Six Sides of Steel matches in TNA.

Mick Foley...He always puts out one dumbass spot per match..He's been in HIAC, Six Sides of Steel, Barbwire, Hardcore, and always leaves fans breathless everytime the action spills to the outside.

Triple H..He's got only one blemish in 1 on 1 Hell in a Cell matches(I COULD be wrong on that stat.. I think his only loss is to Batista.)...He's been in more Elimination Chambers than anybody and he's won 3(I think) Elimination Chambers and has participated in ALL 3 stages of Hell matches, winning two.

Honorable mentions include Kurt Angle(HIAC, Ironman, Six Sides, Submission), Tommy Dreamer, Raven, RVD, Shelton Benjamin, John Morrison, Kane, Matt Hardy, and Rey Mysterio.
When it comes to Hell in a Cell, the first person that comes to mind has to be Taker. But thats not the only answer. Triple H is just as big when it comes to the structure. If you look at all the Cell matches in history, each and every one has involved one of these two, besides one between Kane and Mankind off Raw that no one really remembers unless they've seen the Hell in a Cell DVD. Yeah, a lot of people think of Taker throwing Mick off the cell when they think about the match, but an image that stands out to me is Hunter bleeding a shitload. Every match he is in, he bleeds like, in the words of JR, "A stuffed pig". He takes a beating every time, but it is usually pretty enjoyable to see.

Ladder matches make people think of many wrestlers, mainly Jeff and Edge, just because of their tag matches and the singles matches that they've had with ladders over the years. But you have so many other guys that can pull off a good ladder match, like Christian or Matt, HBK, Jericho has been in some good ones, among the other guys. I'm not a huge Hardy fan, but I enjoy his ladder matches just because he will pull some insane spots, especially in his younger days trying to establish himself.

Cage matches are hard to think of anyone for me. If I had to pick anyone, it would probably be Snuka, just because of the epic leap off the cage in 82. No one seems to make their mark in cage matches anymore, just because, IMO, they've become such a joke. Not a joke really, to correct myself, but they just aren't the imposing structure that they used to be.

When it comes to a "hardcore" or No-DQ match, I think you gotta try and picture guys that aren't normally in that situation, so throw out guys like Raven or RVD or anyone else from ECW. Again, I really think of Trips here. In these matches, when they get brutal, he's not afraid to sacrafice his body and put on a show for the fans.

Now in two of these match types I mentioned Triple H. Most people in the IWC really hate the guy. I'm not a huge fan myself, but I do think that he really rises to the occasion in some of these matches. He wins a lot, but say what you will, he bleeds a shitload and doesn't dominate the entire match.
You can't talk about Ladder matches without mentioning the name Jeff Hardy...You can throw Matt Hardy in there too but Jeff Hardy is the one that shines in the TLC and Ladder matches...

Shawn Michaels is another one that comes to mind.. He put the Ladder match on the map and last year against Jericho, proved he could still put on an entertaining ladder match..He's also the originator(along with The Undertaker) of the Ironman Match and the Hell in a Cell...He's WON the first ever Ironman match, first Hell in a Cell, first Elimination Chamber... HBK's been in 3 Stages of Hell, Tables matches, and always puts on his best performances.. He doesn't pull of as many "Holy Shit" spots as Jeff Hardy but he arguably performs just as well.

Chris Jericho..Jericho has performed MANY successful Ladder matches including last year's classic with Shawn Michaels.. He's also been in 2 or 3 Elimination Chambers, a Hell in a Cell(with Triple H), a 2 outta 3 Falls match, and always brings out the best.

Edge...Edge has competed in TLC Matches, Ladder matches, Tables matches, Hardcore matches, Elimination Chamber, and Hell in a Cell.. He's got an impeccable record in TLC matches, including defeating The Undertaker last year...Edge put the TLC match on the map as part of the EC/Hardys feud.

The Undertaker.. He's the originator of alot of classic gimmick matches...The Casket Match, The Hell in a Cell, Buried Alive, and even the Inferno match(with Kane)..He's got a dominating record in Casket matches..His HIAC match with Shawn Michaels and Mick Foley had many classic moments aswell as The Deadman's performance in the Elimination Chamber and the TLC Matches last year.

Christian.. Along with Edge and The Hardys, Christian put the TLC match on the map..He's also competed in multiple Money in the Bank matches and tables matches...He's also put up good performances in KOTM matches and Six Sides of Steel matches in TNA.

Mick Foley...He always puts out one dumbass spot per match..He's been in HIAC, Six Sides of Steel, Barbwire, Hardcore, and always leaves fans breathless everytime the action spills to the outside.

Triple H..He's got only one blemish in 1 on 1 Hell in a Cell matches(I COULD be wrong on that stat.. I think his only loss is to Batista.)...He's been in more Elimination Chambers than anybody and he's won 3(I think) Elimination Chambers and has participated in ALL 3 stages of Hell matches, winning two.

Honorable mentions include Kurt Angle(HIAC, Ironman, Six Sides, Submission), Tommy Dreamer, Raven, RVD, Shelton Benjamin, John Morrison, Kane, Matt Hardy, and Rey Mysterio.

Good points, but with Triple H, he has more than one blemish. He also wasn't the victor in the Armageddon Hell in a Cell. I don't know if you wanna count that, since there were 4 other losers too, but he didn't win. Other than those matches, he has won them all though!
I believe that Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker, Chris Jericho, Triple H, and Mick Foley put on the best gimmick matches. Shawn and Taker are well into their 40's, and they can s till put on enjoyable matches. Chris is very good too, he has performed with some of the best, and is arguably the best. Say What you want about Triple H, but he puts on one hell of a performance every time there's a stipulation to a match. And he bleeds like hell. Mick Foley is not the greatest wrestler, but entertainer? one of the best. He can make you laugh, make your jaw drop, make you think he's insane (personality wise) his name goes right with the word hardcore.

Honorable mentions are obviously the Hardy's, edge, christian, Anyone from ECW.
Four names come to mind. HBK, Christan, AJ Styles, and Tommy Dreamer. Foley would also go on the list if he was not so broken down.

HBK Ladder matches, Iron man
Christan Ladder matches, King of the mountain, table
Styles King of the Mountain, ladders, tabbles, Leathal Lockdown
Dream no DQ

I am sure there are others I should have mentioned. Jeff Hardy, Kane, and Raven...maybe.
Edge hands down. He's put on some of his best matches in gimmick matches. His match with Taker at Summerslam a year or two back. His hardcore match with Foley at WM a few years back. His recent match vs Jeff Hardy. The list goes on and on.

The Undertaker is next due to some of these same matches with Edge and Jeff Hardy. Remember the first time Jeff Hardy had a world title match vs the Undertaker on Raw in a Ladder match? Taker vs Lesner Hell in a Cell.

Jeff Hardy has made a name for himself in gimmick matches, its his bread and butter.
Good points, but with Triple H, he has more than one blemish. He also wasn't the victor in the Armageddon Hell in a Cell. I don't know if you wanna count that, since there were 4 other losers too, but he didn't win. Other than those matches, he has won them all though!

Yeah..Thats why I said strictly One on One HIAC matches.. I choose not to count that Armageddon HIAC on anyone's HIAC record except Kurt's because he won it lol
A lot of people have been said already and I agree with just about all of them.

Jeff Hardy is simply known for his gimmick matches, especially early in his career where he thrived. The early ladder matches, the tag team table match at the Royal Rumble 2000, and TLC. The cage matches he has he is always trying to pull off a Swanton off the top, or he will pull out Whisper in the Wind.

Edge is best known for his ladder and TLC matches. These two, ladder and TLC, are his bread and butter, they are his gimmick and he doesn't disappoint. He has also had a few very good cage matches, a good HIAC vs. Taker, and also his hardcore match against Foley was pretty good.

Undertaker was the one who brought us Hell in a Cell, the first which brought us Kane, and the second had two huge spots, throwing Mick off the cage and then chokeslamming him through the roof of the cage. We should not forget his casket, or buried alive matches.

Triple H also does a hell of a job when it comes to Hell in a Cell, Elimination Chambers, and 3 stages of Hell matches. He has won the majority of each of these matches that he is in, and had some memorable spots as well. When he flips Cactus Jack over through the roof at NWO 2000, truly a memorable moment. I believe he has won all but one Elimination Chamber match he has been in, except for the first one where HBK won, I am pretty sure it is usually Triple H FTW, whether we like it or not. But I digress.

Now for hardcore and some of the sick shit we love seeing. I know Raven, Sandman, Sabu, RVD were some crazy mofos and had some killer hardcore matches. But I am going to go with Terry Funk later in his career for hardcore matches. Hell in the late 70's he was in the earliest recorded barbed wire match against Dusty Rhodes. Most of Terry Funk's matches in his later years are memorable just for being sick and twisted.

Honorable Mentions- HBK, Tommy Dreamer, Christian, Raven, plus more but I just woke up so I can't think of them.
I'd say Edge, pretty much all of his classic matches are gimmick based e.g. his ladder/TLC tag matches, which were awesome. Also, I think Undertaker vs HHH in Hell In A Cell needs to happen before they retire - they're BOTH the masters of it and it would be an epic build up.

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