what superstars are connected with ppv's?


*Note, I made a thread about if superstars are booked to be stronger in certain ppv's then others... if this is similar then please move it but i think this is a topic all to its self

Now on to the topic... which superstars are synonymous with a ppv? For instance you say WrestleMania... you think [name of superstar that has made his name synonymous with said ppv]

Here is a list, feel free to add more

Royal Rumble
Elimination Chamber
Survivor Series
Money in the Bank
King of the Ring
Night of Champions
Hell in the Cell

have fun debating and talking about this!
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Royal Rumble - Tie between Bret and Shawn. Bret because I remember him winning then winning the title at WMX and Shawn cause he won it twice and won it from the number one spot.

Elimination Chamber - RVD. Just wondering what he would pull off in the first one. Which happened to be at Survivor Series.

WrestleMania - Hogan. The man that without we wouldn't have Manias today.

Summerslam - The first person that comes to mind when I think Summerslam is Warrior. Because of the whole hold up for more money thing.

Survivor Series - Don't really think of anyone when I think Survivor Series.

Money in the Bank - Jericho. It was all his idea.

King of the Ring - Bret and Owen. Just them winning it back to back and it playing into the whole Owen trying to get out of his brother's shadow storyline.

Night of Champions - Don't really think of anyone one person for this one either.

TLC - I think TLC and it is E&C, Hardys and The Dudleys.

Hell in the Cell - Taker. It was his playground.

I know some of my choices have are more about that match and less the PPV, but that is just the way the mind works.
Royal Rumble-Kane, Stone Cold Steve Austin
Elimination Chamber-Chris Jerico
Wrestlemania-Shawn Michaels
Survivor Series-I have to choose a match for this one. Survivor Series, 1990
Participants: Ted DiBiase, The Undertaker, The Honky Tonk Man and Greg Valentine (with Virgil, Jimmy Hart and Brother Love) vs. Dusty Rhodes, Koko B. Ware, Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart.
Money In The Bank-Just the ladder match from Wrestlemania too i say Edge.
King of the Ring-Stone Cold Steve Austin
Night of Champions-CM Punk
TLC-John Cena because he loses most of the time.
Hell in the Cell-Undertaker
No Way Out-NWO
Summerslam-TLC match 2000
Royal Rumble-I'd have to go with Shawn Michaels. He set the bar for Rumble performancs, and really began to develop his ability to be a big match person at the Rumble.

Elimination Chamber-Chris Jericho. He has the most appearances, most eliminations, and has always delivered during his appearances.

Wrestlemania-Shawn Michaels. You don't get the title "Mr Wrestlemania" for nothing. Hogan may have put Wrestlemania on the map, but Michaels guaranteed a must see match whenever he stepped in the ring (post Rockers)

Survivor Series-Undertaker. He won his first title at Survivor Series. It's the only real thing that sticks out to me, at least at this point.

Money In The Bank-CM Punk. He won the actual Money in the Bank match before it was a PPV, but his title win at MitB 2011 was one of the best moments in WWE in the last decade.

King of the Ring: Stone Cold Steve Austin. It's where it all began. Austin 3:16 was born, and it was one true time that winning the event actually served to push a talent straight through the WWE glass ceiling.

Night of Champions: CM Punk. His appearance(s) are the ony thing that has stuck out to me from this PPV. For a ppv with such a grandiose title, it's always been rather lackluster.

TLC-John Cena. His TLC Match with Edge provided perhaps the ultimate highlight moment from a TLC Match. Plus it's proven to be his kryptonite, as others have stated.

Hell in Cell: Undertaker. Triple He could have taken this spot as well, but Undertaker vs. Mankind was a defining moment in both of their careers, and whether meant to or not, made the match legitimately dangerous.

No Way Out-Hulk Hogan. His last good run in WWE started with his return with the NWO.

Unforgiven: Honestly, I can't think of any one superstar that really makes this ppv stand out.

Summerslam: Going way back on this one...but I'm going to say Mr. Perfect. Summerslam was always a show case event for Perfect, whether it was selling his ass off to put over The Texas Tornado, or having an in ring classic with Bret Hart. At Summerslam, Curt Hennig made guys
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Royal Rumble-Kane, Stone Cold Steve Austin,Shawn Michaels
Elimination Chamber-Chris Jerico
Wrestlemania-Shawn Michaels
Survivor Series-Randy Orton from 2004 to 2006 was last man standing in 3 consecutive Survivor Series matches
Money In The Bank-Edge and Kofi Kingston he always has managed to do something new and exciting in this match
King of the Ring-Stone Cold Steve Austin
Hell in the Cell-Undertaker
Summerslam-The Rock and Shawn Michaels
WrestleMania-Of course Undertaker.

Royal Rumble-Rey Mysterio when he won it was huge for me at the time.

Survivor Series-Randy Orton.

Elimination Chamber-John Cena.

Money in the Bank-CM Punk.

King of the Ring- SCSA.

Night of Champions-Nobody sorry.

TLC-Edge and Chrisitian.

Summer Slam-Rock vs Brock.
Royal Rumble - Stone Cold for me, '99 (I believe) being my favorite
Elimination Chamber - Y2J barely edges out HHH for me
WrestleMania - Taker, I put the streak a little above HBK's monicker.
Summerslam - I'm thinking Rock, but I honestly don't know when and why, it's simply what I associate with it.
Survivor Series - Montreal Screw Job, Vince, Bret, HBK and Earl. I know the topic is superstar, but I have to include all 4, they all pop into my head.
Money in the Bank - Edge, 2nd in line is CM Punk, but Edge built his singles career from it.
King of the Ring - Stone Cold 3:16, when he started becoming huge.
Night of Champions - This one was tough for me, I had to look at some old cards, and I can't give anyone, this show just seems to be random matches for me
TLC - Edge and Christian, but I think that my mind is more about the match type than the actual PPV, since when I think TLC, I just think of the 3 way tag tlc from WM
Hell in the Cell - Undertaker, this one's the only no brainer.
Royal Rumble: Kane for his numerous appearances and Shawn Michaels for his spectacular Rumble performances.

WrestleMania: UT for the streak, and once again, Shawn Michaels for his many great matches.

Survivor Series: Bret Hart because of the Montreal Screwjob.

TLC: Edge and Christian. They pioneered the match.

Hell in the Cell: Undertaker and HHH. These two are experts at this match type, and have had more than anyone else.
Royal Rumble-Stone Cold Steve Austin,most RR wins
Elimination Chamber-Triple H,he has helped this match become famous and has contributed the most here
WrestleMania-Undertaker,The Streak beats everything else
Summerslam-Cant think of anyone
Survivor Series-Randy Orton,he has been involved in numerous Traditional SS matches and was the sole survivor for 3 years in a row
Money in the Bank-CM Punk,for his win last year
King of the Ring-Again SCSA,
Night of Champions-none
Hell in the Cell,Undertaker
another good thread. similar to the previous one, but different enough that i enjoyed both.

royal rumble: undertaker because he has so many returns during this ppv. kane for the eliminations. triple h and hbk because of their match together, rumble wins and title matches that were pretty good (hbk vs. taker in a casket match and triple h vs. foley in a street fight, respectively). stone cold for his 3 wins. so a lot of names here.

elimination chamber: hbk because he won the first one. triple h because he's won a ton of them. jericho because he's been in a ton of them. eric bischoff for the idea.

mania: hogan, austin, rock, hbk, triple h, angle, cena, taker and vince. pretty standard guys there.

summer slam: triple h, austin, taker, rock, etc. cena and batista also come to mind. warrior for the stand-off thing.

tlc: sheamus. break-out match for a break-out performer.

money in the bank: jericho for the idea. cm punk for the double wins and the match last year with cena. edge for the first win and the whole heel cash-in idea that has been duplicated a hundred times since.

judgment day: taker and his rematch against hogan.

survivor series: taker for his debut and first title win. bret and hbk for the montreal screw job. big show because of his world title wins there.

hell in a cell: definitely undertaker. for the match and the ppv.

king of the ring: definitely austin. austin 3:16 of course.

bash at the beach: hogan for the heel turn.

can't think of any others right now. but those come to mind. definitely think of flair for a bunch of the older ppv names, like starrcade and war games, etc.
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You can tell there are alot of young people here. Shawn Michaels does not equal Wrestlemania.

Royal Rumble - Steve Austin. After all he did win 3 of them.

Elimination Chamber - Triple H. I don't know why people say Jericho. Being apart of a match so often but only winning once? That's like saying the Royal Rumble is synonymous with Hacksaw Jim Duggan. Like...what?

WrestleMania - Hogan or Undertaker. Hogan was Wrestlemania before HBK was anything special. Undertaker is 19-0.

Summerslam - Nobody in particular.

Survivor Series - Randy Orton.
He survived so many times in the past decade.

Money in the Bank - CM Punk. Although his two MitB contracts were won at Wrestlemania, he still is the face of that PPV. Most importantly, however, was his WWE Championship victory over Cena last year.

King of the Ring - I can't say for sure. Bret Hart, Owen Hart, and Steve Austin all come to mind.

Hell in the Cell - Undertaker. Need I explain?
Royal Rumble - Shawn Michaels
Winning two years in a row once from No.1 and plus it was the 1st ever wrestling related thing I ever saw.

Elimination Chamber - Triple H
This match just scream's The Game to me.

WrestleMania - Shawn Michaels
I was going to say Hogan for putting it on the map or even The Undertaker for the streak. But you can't ignore "Mr Wrestlemania"

Summerslam - The Ultimate Warrior
As soon as I thought of Summerslam, Warrior dethroning The Honkytonk Man for the I.C Title instantly popped into my mind.

Survivor Series - The Undertaker
Quite a no brainer. Made his debut, won his 1st title at the event.

Money in the Bank - Edge
First Two time winner & the original Mr Money in the Bank.

King of the Ring - Stone Cold Steve Austin
The birth of Austin 3:16

Night of Champions - Wade Barrett
For some reason I thought Wade Barrett?

TLC- Hardyz, Dudleyz & E&C
The originators of TLC = The Hardy Boyz, The Dudley Boyz & Edge & Christian

Hell in the Cell - The Undertaker
Its HIS Match afterall.
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Royal Rumble - Ric Flair. I remember having the VHS of his win.

Elimination Chamber - Bischoff for creating it, and Goldberg for the Spear.

WrestleMania - Bret Hart. One of my first VHS tapes was 'Mania 10, when he beat Yokozuna for the title. I remember him being ridiculously over.

Summerslam - Brock Lesnar. I remember really anticipating his match with The Rock at SummerSlam.

Survivor Series - No one really springs to mind here. Probably The Rock from the 'Deadly Games' version.

Money in the Bank - Edge. Holding the briefcase fitted his character perfectly.

King of the Ring - Billy Gunn.

TLC - E+C, Dudleyz, Hardys.

Hell in the Cell - Foley. Say no more.
Royal Rumble

Stone Cold Steve Austin
Because he is the only man to win three rumbles!

Elimination Chamber

Triple H.
I just always picture him when I think elimination chamber.


Hulk Hogan & Undertaker
Hogan back then because he made Wrestlemania what it is today, And Undertaker because in todays life he is a very big reason people tune in to watch Wrestlemania.


Shawn Michaels.
No Earthly Idea why but he just seems like he's always in the spot, One match I remember was him with Hulk Hogan when he made Hulk look 'Strong?'

Survivor Series

Just because it was an iconic debut.

Money in the Bank

CM Punk
Won Money in the bank twice in a row, and had one of the best Main events of 2011. Kudos chum.

King of the Ring

King Bookah?
Never really paid attention to King of the Ring, So ill throw Booker a bone.

Night of Champions

Mark Henry.
Simple, He won his first ever ECW Championship in 2008. And Won the World Heavyweight Championship in 2011. Seems to be his Pay Per View. Or this could be a little something for me =]


This PPV Made us turn our heads towards the Irish Chap.

Hell in the Cell

For Obvious Reasons.
Royal Rumble Ric Flair
His win was for the WWE title. The first and only time this format has been used. Got to be Naitch.

Elimination Chamber Triple H
Was in the first one and won the most

Wrestlemania Macho Man Randy Savage
Great match with Steamboat at III, wins tournament at IV, faces Hogan at V, great feud with Flair, good match vs Warrior. He is the REAL Mr. Wrestlemania.

Summer Slam Jake 'The Snake" Roberts
I'm going with strictly the best moment on this one. Snake and Taker interrupting the reception at that time was just a classic moment. No highlight reel of Summer Slam would be complete without a scene of this moment. Pure wrestling wise I give this one to Bret Hart, Perfect/Bulldog etc, he just always seemed to put on a clinic at SS

Survivor Series The Undertaker
Still remember his debut. And ever since most of his gimmick matches happened here.

Money in the Bank Edge
Though he won at WM he is the originator. The beginning of the REAL Rated R Superstar after first win.

King of the Ring Stone Cold
Again one of those classic moments etched in tone

TLC E/C, Dudleyz, Hardys
Got to go with the orginators again.

Hell in the Cell Mick Foley
He's the one who took the "bump heard around the world" making Shawn thrown through the table look like child's play
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Royal Rumble - Stone Cold 3-time Rumble winner says it all
Elimination Chamber Triple H the cerebral assassin been in the most and won the most
WrestleMania - Undertaker 19-0 need anymore?
Summerslam Brock Lesner - I was only young but I was buzzing for his match with The Rock
Survivor Series Montreal Screwjob
Money in the Bank - Edge and CM Punk, Edge built his singles career off and Punk took his career to another level with his win last year
King of the Ring - Stone Cold where it all started
Night of Champions - Nobody
TLC- Edge & Christian, Hardy Boyz, Dudleys
Hell in the Cell Undertaker/Mick Foley
Royal Rumble
Elimination Chamber
WrestleMania - Between The Undertaker and HBK. HBK = THE Show Stopper but Taker has THE streak. I think I have to go with Taker here.

Summerslam - The British Bulldog - I was at the London Summerslam when Davey Boy beat Brett Heart and, ye, thats all really! A close 2nd would be Rowdy Roddy Pipper due to his match (also) with The Hitman. But then Bobby the Brains commentary in that match was amazing "What the hell, use the bell!" love it

Survivor Series - a lot of people say the Undertakers debut, but I think The Undertaker Vs Hulk Holgan the year after. The first time a none tag-team elimination match took place at SS.

Money in the Bank - The first MITB at WM. Dudleys, Hardy's and Edge & Christian. I know it was not the stand alone PPV but it was one of the matches that spawned the PPV so I include it here.

King of the Ring - Austin 3:16

Night of Champions - Meh, forgot this existed. Pity how little the main players respect the "lesser" titles now.


Hell in the Cell - two here. Not sure if either happened at the PPV event though. First is the Mankind incident. What an insane amount of punishment he took there. Not a great match, but to be thrown first off the top of the cage through the announce table then to come back and be thrown through the cage down to the ring??? WoW!

Then the 6 man mahem with Stone Cold, The Rock, Angle, Rikishi, HHH and the Undertaker. Just seeing a man the size of Rikishi thrown off the cell into a truck. Amazing. And the way the King and JR called the match, even explaining why Vince came down....
another good thread. similar to the previous one, but different enough that i enjoyed both.

royal rumble: undertaker because he has so many returns during this ppv. kane for the eliminations. triple h and hbk because of their match together, rumble wins and title matches that were pretty good (hbk vs. taker in a casket match and triple h vs. foley in a street fight, respectively). stone cold for his 3 wins. so a lot of names here.

elimination chamber: hbk because he won the first one. triple h because he's won a ton of them. jericho because he's been in a ton of them. eric bischoff for the idea.

mania: hogan, austin, rock, hbk, triple h, angle, cena, taker and vince. pretty standard guys there.

summer slam: triple h, austin, taker, rock, etc. cena and batista also come to mind. warrior for the stand-off thing.

tlc: sheamus. break-out match for a break-out performer.

money in the bank: jericho for the idea. cm punk for the double wins and the match last year with cena. edge for the first win and the whole heel cash-in idea that has been duplicated a hundred times since.

judgment day: taker and his rematch against hogan.

survivor series: taker for his debut and first title win. bret and hbk for the montreal screw job. big show because of his world title wins there.

hell in a cell: definitely undertaker. for the match and the ppv.

king of the ring: definitely austin. austin 3:16 of course.

bash at the beach: hogan for the heel turn.

can't think of any others right now. but those come to mind. definitely think of flair for a bunch of the older ppv names, like starrcade and war games, etc.

just thought of a couple more...

armageddon: vince. i just remember his street fight with triple h and also his attemped interference during the 6-man hell in a cell match.

night of champions: mark henry. his two world title wins happened here.
Royal Rumble - Shawn Michaels
Elimination Chamber - Triple H and Shawn Michaels
WrestleMania - A shit load of people
Summerslam - Bret Hart
Survivor Series - Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels
Money in the Bank - CM Punk or Edge
King of the Ring - Bret Hart
Night of Champions - No one particular
TLC - Jeff Hardy
Hell in the Cell - Triple H, Foley, Undertaker, Michaels

I literally just copy and pasted the list and went off naming them as they came to me immediately. I didn't read the thread, I only read the OP, and I did this to give as authentic a response as possible with no influence from anyone elses posts. No deep contemplative thought or anything, just quick fire responses. It might seem odd but they all make sense to me at least. Unfortunately I feel like I'm kind of "dating" myself as I look back at the list, lol.
Royal Rumble - Stone Cold Steve Austin
Elimination Chamber - HHH
WrestleMania - Hulk Hogan
Summerslam - Bret Hart
Survivor Series - Undertaker
Money in the Bank - C.M. Punk
King of the Ring - Bret Hart
Night of Champions - Got nothing for this one
TLC - Hardyz, Dudleys E&C
Hell in the Cell - Undertaker, HHH
Royal Rumble
Kane, Shawn Micheals
Both are names that come to mide. Kane for his 12 years straight appearances, and for his most eliminations.
HBK for his number 1 entry to the win, and his 2 years winning it.

Elimination Chamber
Edge, HHH, HBK, and John Cena
Just the 4 names that come to mind. Shawn for his World Title Win. HHH for his time in the Chamber. Edge and Cena for the 2006 Camber.

Mr. Wrestlemaina Shawn Micheals
The Undertaker for obvious reasons.

HBK and The Rock
Just two guys who stand out for some reason.

Survivor Series
HBK and Bret Hart for the Montreal Screw Job.

Also- for some odd reason I always think of the match with DK, The Hardys, and CM Punk vs. Team Rated RKO match. All of Team DX survived. I remember it mostly because it was one of my favorite PPV's I have ever watched.

Money in the Bank
CM Punk. Maybe not the PPV, but the match in general.

Night of Champions
Not many memorys here.

Cena, DX
Still a fairly new PPV.

Hell in the Cell
HBK, The Undertaker, HHH
These three for mainly the match. DX vs. Legacy at HiaC was pretty memorable.
Royal Rumble - Kane
He has the most eliminations in one rumble at 11. He has one of the highest total eliminations as well. And he had the most consecutive appearances in a rumble. Was very disappointed when he wasn't in the match this year.

Elimination Chamber - Triple H
He has been in the most elimination matches and he has won the most.

WrestleMania - Undertaker and HBK
The streak and Mr. Wrestlemania are pretty self explanatory

Summerslam - No one in particular

Survivor Series - Bret Hart and HBK
The first thing I thought of was Montreal Screwjob so I guess these 2 would be appropriate.

Money in the Bank - Edge
He was the first winner even though it happened at Wrestlemania. The name reminds me of his first cash in on Cena after the Cena had won the Chamber. It was one of those really cool moments that stick out for me.

King of the Ring - No one. KOTR was big before I started watching wrestling. The recent ones haven't been that memorable.

Night of Champions - No one in particular

TLC - Reminds me of the first TLC matches with the Dudley Boyz, E&C, and the Hardy boys.

Hell in the Cell - Undertaker
This could go to Taker or HHH I guess but I've always come to associate the match type with Taker first so I'll go with him.
Royal Rumble - Stone Cold Steve Austin 3 Royal Rumble wins
Elimination Chamber - Chris Jericho, always puts on a good match and has the most eliminations
WrestleMania - Shawn Michaels, you know you're going to get a great match out of HBK, but WrestleMania is when he really puts out all the stops
SummerSlam - The Rock main-evented three consecutive SummerSlams and were all pretty good damn matches especially the one against Brock.
Money in the Bank - Edge it's where the Rated R superstar was born and was the first ever Money in the Bank winner
King of the Ring - Stone Cold Steve Austin - the WWE changed that night and Austin 3:16 was born
Night of Champions - I gotta say John Morrison because he filled in for Chris Benoit (RIP) and beat CM Punk for the ECW Title, and then two nights later he ditched the Jonny Nitro gimmick an became JOMO
TLC - Hardyz E&C Dudleyz
Hell in a Cell - I'm going to go three here and say triple H Mick Foley and Undertaker all three were essentially made in this match, who could forget Taker throwing Mick off the Cello The Game backdropping Mick threw the cell and the ring,poor Mick has been on the recieving end quite a few time lol
Royal Rumble - Stone Cold Steve Austin 3 Royal Rumble wins
Elimination Chamber - Chris Jericho, always puts on a good match and has the most eliminations
WrestleMania - Shawn Michaels, you know you're going to get a great match out of HBK, but WrestleMania is when he really outs out all the stops
SummerSlam - The Rock main-evented three consecutive SummerSlams and were all pretty good damn matches especially the one against Brock.
Money in the Bank - Edge it's where the Rated R superstar was born and was the first ever Money in the Bank winner
King of the Ring - Stone Cold Steve Austin - the WWE changed that night and Austin 3:16 was born
Night of Champions - I gotta say John Morrison because he filled in for Chris Benoit (RIP) and beat CM Punk for the ECW Title, and then two nights later he ditched the Konny Nitro gimmick an became JOMO
TLC - Hardyz E&C Dudleyz
Hell in a Cell - I'm going to go three here and say triple H Mick Foley and Undertaker all three were essentially made in this match, who could forget Taker throwing Mick off the Cello The Game backdropping Mick threw the cell and the ring,poor Mick has been on the recieving end quite a few time lol
The Wrestling Classic - Junk Yard Dog, He won the whole thing
This Tuesday in Texas -Jake the snake and Randy Savage, this lead to some major feuds down the line.
King of the Ring -Stone Cold Steve Austin its where of Austin 3:16 all started
In Your House -British Bulldog, he was in alot of the earlier one and had great matches both singles and tag.
Bad Blood -Kane makes his debut
Over the Edge -Owen Hart
Fully Loaded -Undertaker, but I would also include Austin they vs'ed and were a tag team
Invasion -Austin
ECW's One Night Stand -RVD and the fans that kept throwing Cena's shirt back at him
One Night Stand -Edge
Extrem Rules -Jeff Hardy and CM Punk
December to Dismember -Bobby Lashley
New Year's Revolution -Edge
Unforgiven -Undertaker and Kane
No Mercy -the tag teams in the tournament in 2002
Cyber Sunday - Batista, he was in 2 out of 3 of them.
Taboo Tuesday -Ric Flair
Backlash -Chris Benoit
Judgment Day -HHH
The Great American Bash-Jericho and HBK (I know alot of you will say Hogan cause of the turn, but this is for the WWE)
The Bash -Randy Orton
Breaking Point -CM Punk for beating Taker, good match
Fatal 4-Way - Rey Mysterio
Bragging Rights -I like the team matches, But Orton did take the L for Cena and Barrett
Capitol Punishment -Randy Orton
Armageddon -Kurt Angle
No Way Out -the NWO, it was the perfect PPV name for them.
Vengeance -Chris Jericho, he beat the Rock and Austin
Night of Champions -CM Punk or Jeff Hardy
Over the Limit -John Cena
Money In The Bank -Edge, it all started with him and it has the concept of TLC too.
Elimination Chamber - HHH, man he fought them all in this match.
TLC- have to agree with you's on this. Hardyz, Dudleyz & E&C. The originators of TLC = The Hardy Boyz, The Dudley Boyz & Edge & Christian
Hell in the Cell - The Undertaker, but I would also say mankind aswell, they took the match to a whole other level

Royal Rumble -Austin and HBK
Servivor Series The Undertaker, he made his debut. You could also say Bret and HBK cause of the screw jobs and there was also alot of great tagteams aswell
Wrestle-Mania -Shawn Michaels he is Mr Wrestlemania, but now it seem all about Undertaker.
Summer-Slam -Bret Hart. Had some of his best matches with Owen, Bulldog, Taker.

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