What Specific Changes Are You Hoping for in 2015?

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
We know TNA/IW are debuting a new logo.
We know they'll be introducing a new re-cap show for Saturday mornings.
We know they'll be moving to Friday nights as of January 16th.
We know they're keeping the six-sided ring.
We know they're keeping most of the roster they closed 2014 with.
We know they've re-signed Mike Tenay, but are almost certainly transitioning the play-by-play to ex-WWE caller Josh Mathews.

Aside from the reports of what we know is actually true and/or what is quite likely to happen, what other specific changes are you actually hoping for going into 2015?

I'm seeing a lot of old faces/names talking about being excited for TNA again with this shift to Destination America, who are going to be "giving TNA a chance again", so really, you are actually who I am most curious about the answer to this question from.

What, exactly, are you actually hoping to see changes about this company going into the new year and the new network?
I'm just hoping they stop doing 20 minute plus promos. Keep Dixie off of TV and run decent storylines and not give up on someone in an instant. I also hope TNA would stop being ECW Jr and focus on being TNA.

It's simple to me, just focus on being a wrestling company and keep it simple. Wrestling, wrestling and add in great storylines and go with that. None of the shock and swerve that happened every week. Along with that no POWER STRUGGLES!!!! That'd work for me, and either way come on January!
Like the person above me said no Dixie, I was hoping TNA would start getting top indy talent and use them and put on great matches.

But nope, NXT is doing that. I hope they can start just putting on great matches that fans want to see. I mean they don't have to bring in superstar names, but it would be great if TNA can bring in stars from around the world, and just focus on a serious product, and put on great matches.

I've always thought TNA should take an UFC approach to there matches, when it comes to promos, and how UFC promotes their fights, TNA should do a similar thing.

Though that's my opinion.

Get some great indy talent, continue to push the talent they have (Especially EC3 When he comes back) and just put on a good product.

And advertise better, so people who have never heard of TNA, can know that it does exist.
Get some great indy talent, continue to push the talent they have (Especially EC3 When he comes back) and just put on a good product.

Kevin Steen (Owens), The Young Bucks, Johnny Gargano and others have addressed this. There is no point in signing for TNA unless it is the final option. The Young Bucks signed for TNA and TNA didn't understand how to use them, they left and now they're one of the top acts in several promotions and are in their own words making more money then they've ever made, anywhere.

Take into perspective that TNA can't pay what they used to be able to, the restrictions they place on performers (Britanny/Santana Garret rejected a one year contract and left last week because TNA tried to cut her wage and wouldn't let her work specific indies where she'd make more money) and the fact that the product isn't going to be seen as it used to be and there is zero reason for any indie star to sign for TNA. Plus there is a stigma that if they sign for TNA that WWE won't be interested.

Davey Richards and Austin Aries had no other options but to sign for TNA. Aries burnt his bridges with everyone but TNA and until he signed with TNA, was telling people he would retire. Davey Richards was rejected by WWE, burnt his bridge with ROH and couldn't even go to Japan because of his reputation. Eddie Edwards knew he was worth more $$$ as an American Wolf then as simply Eddie Edwards.

That has nothing to do with what TNA should do.

What TNA should do is present a completely unique viewing experience compared to WWE, but also simplify things. No more swerves, no more power struggle angles, no more stupid backstage segments that look like they're being shot on a mobile phone, no more stupid match endings, no more stupid gimmicks - just go back to exactly what they were presenting in 2006, literally to the fucking tee. There is a saying that if it isn't broken, don't fix it, the old TNA was never broken and they broke it so that it needed fixing and they've never done it. Go back to go forward, to the best of your ability.
I would like to see TNA stay away from the WWE and appeal to a different fanbase, Seeing that WWE is more family orientated perhaps try to appeal to a more adult orientated audience rather than competing over the same demographic, Even having edgier storylines would at least offer an alternative rather than a cheap copy to viewers. Also make the world title mean more rather than giving nearly everyone on the roster a turn at being champion.
Kevin Steen (Owens), The Young Bucks, Johnny Gargano and others have addressed this. There is no point in signing for TNA unless it is the final option. The Young Bucks signed for TNA and TNA didn't understand how to use them, they left and now they're one of the top acts in several promotions and are in their own words making more money then they've ever made, anywhere.

Take into perspective that TNA can't pay what they used to be able to, the restrictions they place on performers (Britanny/Santana Garret rejected a one year contract and left last week because TNA tried to cut her wage and wouldn't let her work specific indies where she'd make more money) and the fact that the product isn't going to be seen as it used to be and there is zero reason for any indie star to sign for TNA. Plus there is a stigma that if they sign for TNA that WWE won't be interested.

Davey Richards and Austin Aries had no other options but to sign for TNA. Aries burnt his bridges with everyone but TNA and until he signed with TNA, was telling people he would retire. Davey Richards was rejected by WWE, burnt his bridge with ROH and couldn't even go to Japan because of his reputation. Eddie Edwards knew he was worth more $$$ as an American Wolf then as simply Eddie Edwards.

That has nothing to do with what TNA should do.

What TNA should do is present a completely unique viewing experience compared to WWE, but also simplify things. No more swerves, no more power struggle angles, no more stupid backstage segments that look like they're being shot on a mobile phone, no more stupid match endings, no more stupid gimmicks - just go back to exactly what they were presenting in 2006, literally to the fucking tee. There is a saying that if it isn't broken, don't fix it, the old TNA was never broken and they broke it so that it needed fixing and they've never done it. Go back to go forward, to the best of your ability.

Exactly what I think. They decided on going to much storyline and not enough action in recent years.

If I could change anything other than what Dragon Saga said, I would add a couple of Indy stars or former WWE mid/lower carders and build them up to stars the way they have with EC3 and Christian before him. Bring in Curt Hawkins and Tyler Rex as a tag team to add dynamics to the tag roster. Even Cryme Tyme would be cool. Del Rio would be a great add but won't happen. Drew McIntyre would be the perfect add for TNA. Find great free agents with tv exposure and/or indy darlings to help build up the brand to what it could/should be. A great alternative to WWE
Wrestling. Give us wrestling.

I remember watching back in 2009 when we had those Wolfe/Angle matches, those were awesome. Back then, you could argue that TNA had a better wrestling roster than WWE. The X-Division was a big part of that and I hope they go back to it.

They have a few good young pieces in guys like EC3, Kenny King, Bram, etc. I'd use those guys more to give them bigger roles. Should phase out the older guys because they just aren't delivering imo. Everyone wants to see new people added to the roster but I think that'll come in time. I wouldn't really rush adding and dropping people though.

But overall, wrestling. Just give us good wrestling and this re-brand of TNA will be off to a good start.
I'd like to see guys like Kenny King be utilized beyond being a lackey in a stable. And I agree that doing 15-20 min promos is overkill; if i want to see stuff like that I'd go back to watching WWE. The focus should remain on wrestling. Try to keep stars in storylines relevant yet don't jumble stars into plots that no one will get behind (Gunner/Shaw).
I'd like to see more grit than flashy, polished product. The WWE is already a master at that, any attempt to emulate it or math it will fail in a very obvious and humiliating way. Be gritty, be dirty or anything else, just not WWE's style of production. That's what I'd like to see. And less boring things. K thx bb cya
-Tell Dreamer to fuck off, & keep Dixie off TV while there at it.

-Bring the X-Division back to where it was years ago with no limits,& loads of fast paced, high flying action, & get rise of that stupid fucking Option C, D, E, F, G, etc. bullshit.

-Give indy talent a reason to want to come to TNA, this company needs to fresh new stars to build around, give them some sort of incentive to come to TNA, if you can't pay them as much as they'd make on the Indys, then at let them work the indy's while working with you. TNA can give them what most indy's can't, television exposure.

-Stop trying to push guys like EY as your champion, it's just dumb & unbelievable, you never saw WWE pushing Santino as their top guy, or ROH putting their World title on RD Evans, because they know is fucking stupid & nobody is going to beleive it for a second.

-My last thing (for now) is, like just about everyone else has said, enough with the long drawn out promos, this is wrestling, I want to see these guys wrestle dammit! Nobody has ever tuned into a wrestling show to listen to somebody talk for a half hour, & wrestle for 8 mins.
More original programming - if you want a big enough roster to make Impact successful, then two hours original programming is simply not enough to highlight enough of the talent.

Top indie talent is nice and should happen but they still need to try and sign recognizable stars - whether it be their own alumni (which Dixie has indicated will happen), guys like EC3 that the WWe never fully fleshed out (I'm thinking specifically of Sally's favorite Scotchman who has flourished since being future endeavored) or past quality WWe talent (like an ADR or JoMo).

Embrace all the things that used to differentiate them from the WWe - the XDivision, Tag Wrestling and Knockouts have all had high quality periods... they can return.

You are an international company - embrace it. Maximum Impact Tour in the UK is a start but how about Impacts from Japan or Australia? If they present themselves as a big deal alternative, maybe... just maybe, the roster and the viewers might believe it too...
TNA doesn't need anything except for writers. I think Bischoff is still technically under contract with TNA, so they should use him. If he's not, then find some writers. I don't care where they come from, just as long as they can write a wrestling program. And put someone in charge that can be the overall boss behind things. Someone like Bill Watts needs to be running the company. Someone who knows what to do, and has the balls to tell his writers no.

As for people bashing Dixie, I have no problem with her being on TV. In fact, I think it's a great idea. Vince is known as the owner of his company and gets involved, Bischoff was the on camera authority figure and got involved, so why can't Dixie? She doesn't have to have much backstage control, but keep her involved creatively. It just makes sense to me.
Sort out the writing team. Apparently Big John is basically in charge of everything from talent relations to writing team. This needs to change.

Improve entrance videos. Instead of just plastering the name of the talent on the video, how about adding their achievements and move set to the video.

Create their own brand, TNA hire New York and have Team 3-D, Al Snow, Rhyno, Dreamer show up, they don't need to do that. Promote 'originals' like Storm, Roode etc, and they've The Hardy's, Angle, Lashley, MVP, Anderson, they have enough veterans that the fans should know without delving back into history.

Improve the X-Division & Tag-Division. Bram, ECIII, EY, these guys should compete for the X-Division title if they're not in contention for the World Title, and if not then create a hardcore division.

Tag-Teams, instead of throwing teams together, hire one or two teams to compete against The Hardy's, Wolves & Bromance and you've got a quality division again.
1. Get off of friday nights. That is the worst slot they could have got. People go out on Friday nights whether it's to bars, parties or hanging with friends. No one wants to watch wrestling on that day. Tuesday-Thursday would be a million times better.

2. No more Dixie Carter on TV. I know she wants to play a heel character, but she is annoying. She is no where near Steph McMahons level at getting heat. Dixie gets heat because she is annoying/boring, not because we want to boo her.

3. Copy TNA 2002-2006 exactly when it was at it's best. No more WWE/WCW rejects.

4. Rotate wrestlers from around the world like they did back in the day. Bring back the X division so it is amazing.

5. Stop giving away the titles so freely to everyone on the roster. Not everyone has to be a world champion. WWE is too strict with making Cena champ 24/7 while TNA is too loose in letting any joe schmo hold the title. Both companies need to meet in the middle. WWE clearly shows main event, mid-tier and jobbers. TNA treats everyone like equals/world champions which is annoying and makes me not care.

6. Quit copying WWE's storylines. It is beyond annoying and obvious. The worst offender was the whole Eric Young ripping off D-bryan. Stop the Power Struggles. When Brock Lesnar became champ, Bobby Lashley became champ. There is tons more examples. Just stop it.

7. Target adults like you have been doing. No kiddy stuff at all like WWE. TNA appeals to me.

8. No more stupid annoying things like "Dixieland", that "Feast or Fired" garbage and just get rid of the whole "southern" vibe in general. I know they are in Florida, but I don't want to watch a hick wrestling company. I am Canadian and I much prefer the New York and European shows they did. Much better.

9. Speaking of Canada....WTF TNA? How am I supposed to watch you guys? Fix this quick. Sign some new contracts. You have A LOT of Canadian fans. We are very passionate about our wrestling. Don't mess around with us.

10. Upgrade everything. Camera's, sets, music, video's, lights, presentation....EVERYTHING. This is your opportunity to give TNA a new fresh look and feel. Don't waste it by doing the same old ****.
New name: Although it's unlikely now, as the new logo is out and they probably would have already announced it, I think it's time for them to either change the name into something that has "Pro Wrestling" or "Championship Wrestling" in the title or something that has nothing to do with Impact or Total Nonstop Action at all.

Now is the perfect time for them to reinvent themselves. Something like Impact Zone Pro Wrestling or Impact Pro Wrestling Federation or something to that effect would be cool. They could even go for something more unique like Six Sides of Slam. Who knows? I'm just throwing out ideas but now is the perfect time to cut any ties to the tarnished brand image of TNA and even the tarnished brand image of Impact Wrestling. With a new name and a year's worth of high quality product, their brand worth and prestige could definitely be back to where we view them as legit competition to the WWE.

New color scheme: This may seem like a little thing, but they need something that sets them apart. The red and yellow was cool, I liked that more than the blue/white. But even with that, it did kind of look like Raw/Nitro. The blue/white definitely has to go, I've probably said it a million times, but it looks like a Diet Smackdown. You think of Smackdown when you see blue/white on a wrestling show, and that's not good for TNA because of the disparagement in brand history and prestige between Impact and Smackdown. Green, Orange, Purple, Yellow, etc. etc. anything is really better than Blue or Red. It's been done to death.

New set/Production Values: This kind of ties into the color scheme thing, as I'm sure the current set would look a lot better with different colors, but find out the image you're trying to present and execute it. You don't have to have a huge tron, but find something unique. Pre-Bischoff/Hogan, the hexagonal tunnels that had faces and heels coming out of different sides and the yellow/black traffic tape on the entrance ramp was a perfect example of how to set yourself apart without having to spend a lot of money. Everything needs to be revamped from the set to the animations on screen. Don't have enough money to do so? Excellent, because that ties into the next point.

New stars that we can take seriously: It's sad to say, but the time of the Roode's/Storm's/Samoa Joe's/Hardy's/Kennedy's/etc. as leaders of a new generation have passed. Fire some guys and start transitioning others into positions of enhancement talent. Scour the indies for unknowns that you can mold into complete TNA creations.

Fire Your Creative Team: TNA needs a new creative direction. No authority figures, minimal to no factions, no pointless swerves. For years, TNA was the Eric Andre version of Attitude Era/Late 90's WCW Crash TV. Focus on simple storytelling with entertaining characters.

Most importantly, they just need to find their brand identity. Don't copy WCW or old WWE and don't worry about what any other current company is doing. Just do you and figure out what TNA is in 2015.
Find a new Impact Zone!

My main displeasure of watching TNA since 2013 has been their constant going from places to places with no people in the crowd and the people being spent cause you just filmed 8 hours in one place. Not to mention the bad lighting and crap sets.

Find a new permanent place.

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