What should TNA do with Jeff Hardy?

Pepe Silvia

Occasional Pre-Show
Hardy recently came out of a massive explosion of popularity in the last few months of his WWE run. Prior to signing with TNA for the second time, he was caught with a package full of drugs the size of a small dog. His court case has now been delayed about 8 times, even after saying he's "supremely confident" he's going to be acquitted of all charges.

Many posters on this forum have often mentioned two things about Jeff as of late; he looks out of shape, and his in-ring work has been noticeably sloppier, which is funny because the latter was even discussed by TNA, according to a WZ article. Despite this, ever since the TNA #1 Contender poll changed from voting as much as you want to one vote per person, Hardy's been at the top in every iteration. Sure, Wolfe or AJ might have 15% or so, but the lowest Hardy has dipped was about 22%. Keep in mind there was 15 people on each poll, with 75% of the people having of them having between 1-8%.

The numbers are proving that Hardy still seems to be a big hit with the fans, yet with the court case looming over him, what is TNA supposed to do with him? I can almost guarantee Angle is going to beat Hardy at No Surrender, but what then? I doubt they'll give him a run with the World Title until he's cleared of his charges, just in case he gets thrown in jail, and just brings TNA more negative press. What do you think they should do with him?

Personally, I' think they should have him feud with Williams to put Williams over for a while, or put him in a tag team for now. Possibly use him to make Moore somewhat credible, or pair him up with someone like Jay Lethal and let them feud with the Guns, Beer Money, or Magnus/Wolfe.

EDIT: I figured I should note that every single poll has at LEAST 100,000 votes in it.
They should put him in a tag team with Rob Terry or reform Jeff and Mr Anderson, Jeff with anybody in a tag team would be good for the tag team division because of Jeff's background in the tag division. I can't really think of anything else they can do with Jeff at the moment because of his legal issues except maybe putting him in a long feud with someone until his legal troubles are over then give him the title. The sooner his legal issues are over the better.
They should just job him out to establish some of their homegrown talent before the court date and then cut ties with him. There's been no ratings spike since he's joined the company, his track record doesn't exactly speak for itself. I'd have to agree with Mark Madden, without the WWE machine behind him he doesn't exactly amount to much and nothing I have seen has really impressed me about him. As people were mentioning in the EV2 thread, these older guys need to get in, establish some stars and get out again. Although Jeff isn't as old as some people, it's not about the physical age of wrestlers anymore, but more about their "TV age". To me it seems like Jeff has been around forever, I'm just sick of seeing him these days, the novelty wore off awhile ago.
I would get him into a feud with Doug Williams for the X Division title. Next time Fourtune is beating down EV2, have JEff Hardy come out to make the save and get physical with Doug Williams. HAve Jeff talk up Sabu and RVD on ReAction as the founding fathers of what the X-division should be.

That also counteracts the biggest weakness of the EV2 stable--they are very thin on talent. Associating Jeff Hardy helps that, and reinforces the emerging Fourtune/TNA Originals vs EV2/Interlopers angle.

Maybe let Jeff know backstage that if he visibly blows the spot, Williams is authorized to cover it with a quick pin, "taking advantage of Jeff's mistake."
If Jeff Hardy can stay out of jail, and can perform in the ring, they get very good X-division title matches. If Jeff screws up, it plays into the angle.
They should just job him out to establish some of their homegrown talent before the court date and then cut ties with him. There's been no ratings spike since he's joined the company, his track record doesn't exactly speak for itself. I'd have to agree with Mark Madden, without the WWE machine behind him he doesn't exactly amount to much and nothing I have seen has really impressed me about him. As people were mentioning in the EV2 thread, these older guys need to get in, establish some stars and get out again. Although Jeff isn't as old as some people, it's not about the physical age of wrestlers anymore, but more about their "TV age". To me it seems like Jeff has been around forever, I'm just sick of seeing him these days, the novelty wore off awhile ago.

Like football players, Hardy's age (33) is pretty old considering hie started wrestling when he was 16. 17 years he has been wrestling, so the wear and tear on his body is there. If it ends up his off-field issues end up causing him to missed a lot of TNA time, I'd get what I can get out of him now then cut bait.

Like people said, he hasn't done a whole lot to make the product better. He has slowly let himself go from his re-debut a few months ago. That one pic of him after the Abyss match was embarrassing.

TNA won't have to worry about the E resigning him either. He's screwed them over enough.
In my opinion, Hardy should have been given an X-Devision run back in February, I think it would have helped the X-Devision in a time where a bunch of old farts came in and took TV time away from the younger guys.

Now? It's hard to tell, he has gotten out of shape (but he is loosing the weight now) and his ring work has been off, but his biggest problem is himself. TNA should pair him Anderson, since neither of them are really any good anymore maybe they can balance eachother out.
The Drug abuse has become a huge issue with Jeff and with this case looming over his head it wouldn't be a good idea for the company to invest in Hardy.

Placing any title on Jeff wouldn't be beneficial for a company that is attempting to establish itself, I know i wouldn't want to place my top prize on a crackhead.

Jeffs house needs to be in order first, he needs to settle this case before the company can attempt to salvage the failing career of this former WWE superstar.

My suggestion, Jeff should be placed in a tag team with a rookie TNA athlete and help the tag team division by working matches with stars such as the MCMG, the bucks or anyone else needing a veteran to put them over.

As far as titles are concerned, placing any title on Jeff would mean career suicide for the company.
As far as titles are concerned, placing any title on Jeff would mean career suicide for the company.

He makes more sense than RVD, who aside from being a druggie as well is also more bland than dry toast. Not giving him a run in January or February when he was still white hot off the heels of his WWE run is beyond me.
He makes more sense than RVD, who aside from being a druggie as well is also more bland than dry toast. Not giving him a run in January or February when he was still white hot off the heels of his WWE run is beyond me.

Jeff wasn't white hot from his WWE run, he had this case looming over his head since he first entered TNA, Placing a title on someone who is being accused of drug trafficking is insane, it would give the company alot of bad publicity, thats why the WWE didn't bring him back, they wanted to insure that Hardy's case was cleared before attempting to reconnect with a big star that Vince made.
I am pretty sure just 4 months prior to his TNA Debut, he held the World Heavyweight Championship and main evented Summerslam, and he was the third most googled WWE superstar under Cena and Taker. Even on this site, he has consistently been one of the top searched wrestlers and has been for over a year now. And it's public knowledge that Vince had Wrestlemania Main Event plans for him, TNA should have taken the ball and ran with it. But TNA isn't smart like that, they would rather take the strap off of the best guy on there roster (AJ) and give it to some equally drug addicted bum who was never more than a WWE midcarder and hasn't been relevant since ECW, where even Paul E. wouldn't give him the strap..
Court case and all, I would keep him as a solid upper-midcarder, who has a reach in the title picture just in case. I can't not mention that merchandise revenue for TNA is up almost 3 times compared to last year and logic says it's because of Jeff. There has to be a twist on his character, however, because I'm sick of seeing the same old bland Hardy, with his friggin summersaults he does every match. He has nothing else to define him and no story going on with him. I would give him a manager, because he can't cut a promo to save his life. A heel manager or authority, exploiting Jeff's talent would really put him over as a face. He is already universally liked, but I think that such an angle could take his character to the next level. IMHO, there is no such thing as "bad press", so I would try to capitalize on his drug problem, or problems with the law, etc. but not make it blatant or offensive, just turn it into some sort of a saga, very subtly. Jeff's ringwork has always been sploppy-ish. I have to agree this has been a problem in past months. According to the polls, the fans want to see him, so TNA should give them as much as they can, considering all the throwbacks.
Funny how Jeff seems unfit to be called a "WWE Reject". Having him as World Champion would be like having Rob Van Dam as champion. After a little bit, it feels like it drags forever. Think about it. In WWE he was a 3 time Champion. Adding all the time he spent as champion, you get 3 months. There's a reason for that. More than one actually. He's a gamble due to his legal issues and there little to do with him as champion. You can't expect every challenger to carry him through his promos.

At best, he should a have a couple more 1 month wonders, just to make him more relevant and from there play a "Shawn Michaels-esque" role and feud with younger guys. Maybe play with the TV Championship on occasion as well. He worked a lot better in WWE in it's mid-card than its main event.
The problem with Jeff in TNA to me is just like alot of these ex WWE guys TNA signed, he was hot for like 2-3 months and has died out a little more than 6 months later. Sure he's ahead of guys like Morley, Jordan, and the Nasty boys who died out after like 3 weeks but you get the point. Sure you can say TNA is gun shy cause of the legal case, I totally get that. However TNA has an option here,why not use reality into his storyline. I mean part of what got Punk over as a heel is he used Jeff's history to get over as a heel. Have someone, maybe a Williams or a Kaz use part of his history at least. It would get them instant heat and if Hardy puts them over thats a hell of a push.
Funny how Jeff seems unfit to be called a "WWE Reject"

Jeff Hardy, RVD and maybe Anderson were that rare TNA sighting, a Major Free Agent. WWE Rejects are guys who made it to WWE TV but failed for whatever reason. Morgan, Pope, Shelton Benjamin, Rhino, Dreamer, many others. (You should want those guys, because some of them can be future stars--Morgan, Pope. Just about everybody was rejected by somebody.) WWE/WCW/ECW Retreads are guys who TNA see as valuable because of their name recognition. Nash, Sting, Hogan (lord help us) the EV2 guys, Val Venis.

Of all TNA's acquisitions, only Hardy, RVD, Angle, Christian and Anderson were brought in because of what they could do today rather than what they did in the past or what they might do in the future.
Put hardy with Sting and from "Brothers of The Paint" (face paint) the 2010 version. Hardy can be the "they" that everyone is refering, But it won't be jeff hardy it can be his alter ego (example Bruce Wayne/Batman)
I think that Hardy should lock in a feud with D'Angelo Dinero. For some reason, I'd love to see what these guys can do in the ring with each other and Pope needs to have a feud that portrays him as a main eventer again. Hardy can do that for him and Pope can make Hardy look good in the process. The hard part would be to find the heel for this one, and while I'd love to see what Hardy can do as a heel, I think Pope would make a better heel. This is the type of feud that if built up well can steal the show on any night.
Since Hardy was so popular in WWE as a former champion and main eventer, people are scratching their heads wondering why he isn't TNA champion. With his legal troubles there is no way for him to be the face of any company. His court date is coming up soon. He has postponed the other dates, but I don't know how much longer he can postpone this date. If he is convicted then TNA can't do anything with him but release him. If he isn't then maybe he can be a top mid carder feuding with AJ Styles and members of Fourtune. He could even go the hardcore route fighting with Abyss. It all depends on the outcome of his trial.
I think TNA is doing the best they can do for Jeff right now. Giving him a World Title run would be like watching a fat dude walk the tight rope. At any moment Jeff could get sentenced to jail in this trial, or he could bring even more drug problems upon himself.

Jeff has always been a great worker and the fans love him, but his drug problems have constantly hindered him from being the top guy in WWE and now in TNA.
His popularity will always be there. If even only because of what he has done in the past.

It has been quite a while since he has done anything or even looked like he COULD do anything!

I think they should release him. Since WWE probably won't sign him at this point. I think it would be what Jeff needs.

He needs some time away from Wrestling to re-evaluate himself. He also needs to get in better shape. It's crazy what he has turned into.

He isn't anything on the mic! So if his athleticism starts to decline, which it obviously has, what would he really have left to offer TNA or WWE.

Sure TNA probably wouldn't be opposed to having him in the company, look at the people they have brought in as of late. EV 2.0...

No matter how shitty Jeff gets, or looks, he will always be better than those assholes!
Sure you can say TNA is gun shy cause of the legal case, I totally get that. However TNA has an option here,why not use reality into his storyline. I mean part of what got Punk over as a heel is he used Jeff's history to get over as a heel. Have someone, maybe a Williams or a Kaz use part of his history at least. It would get them instant heat and if Hardy puts them over thats a hell of a push.

They can't use real life until the case ends as it could be influential on the case. Should he escape jail, I'd like to see him, RVD, Moore and Kendrick forming a kind of anti-SES (Chemical Bros?) and attack goodie two shoes like Sting or AJ.
As has already been stated, Jeff Hardy's legal issues have been a major hindurance to his career in TNA. Even back in January or February, nobody knew exactly when Hardy's trial was going to start, what all the various details were going to be, how long it might be dragged out and, most importantly, nobody knows what the outcome is going to be.

Jeff Hardy won't be seen in any really significant feuds or storylines, nor will he even remotely be a serious contender for any championship as long as these criminal charges are hanging over his head. From TNA's perspective, it's the right call to make and it's one that I think makes perfect sense. It could be pretty disruptive for Hardy to be featured in a huge storyline or be in the middle of a title run only to, possibly, disappear for a while to deal with his trial. I know Jeff Hardy has a lot of fans and fans wanna see and expect big things from their favorites, but wrestling is a business and it'd be a shit business decision for Jeff Hardy to do anything all that relevant right now. He's sort of floating in mid-card limbo at the moment and, realistically speaking, it's the best place for him right now.
I am pretty sure just 4 months prior to his TNA Debut, he held the World Heavyweight Championship and main evented Summerslam, and he was the third most googled WWE superstar under Cena and Taker. Even on this site, he has consistently been one of the top searched wrestlers and has been for over a year now. And it's public knowledge that Vince had Wrestlemania Main Event plans for him, TNA should have taken the ball and ran with it. But TNA isn't smart like that, they would rather take the strap off of the best guy on there roster (AJ) and give it to some equally drug addicted bum who was never more than a WWE midcarder and hasn't been relevant since ECW, where even Paul E. wouldn't give him the strap..

If you look at the gap between the time Hardy left and made his debut in TNA.

Also take into account when Hardy was actually busted for trafficking and you'll understand that TNA is doing the right thing by not giving the belt to Hardy.

And yes I agree with the Vandamn comment, Rob shouldn't have gotten the belt, because he was on a limited contract, having Rob main event and beat teh entire roster without passing the belt onto an established TNA talent is stupid.

Rob may think he is the biggest talent in the industry today but the fact is he is only an upper midcarder at best, TNA should have given the strap to the pope, or someone with less of an ego than van damn.
I'd love to see them take Jeff's personal issues, which everyone knows about, and use the heat to help his character. What if Jeff started getting more and more extreme in his wrestling, to the point that people started "complaining" that he was either going to hurt himself or them? It could even get to the point where it results in a heel turn, as Jeff does "injure" someone and then seems to not give a crap. Then you could have one of the faces like Moore or maybe Jay Lethal step up to try and talk some sense into him, but he really snaps on them and it results in a feud.

I know some people may frown on mentioning real-life issues or using them that way, but it's been done for a LONG TIME and we know Bischoff and Russo certainly don't mind it. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if Russo has this idea written on a dinner napkin already.
Jeff has been delaying his trial for quite a while and he is going to have to face the music soon. With the charges against him, I hate to say it, I think he is looking at jail time. Nothing like a high profile bust to make the prosecutor look good. Hardy was charged with felony trafficking in opium, two counts of felony possession with intent to sell or deliver a Schedule III controlled substance, felony maintaining a dwelling to keep controlled substance, felony possession of cocaine and misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia. This isn't some simple pot bust where he will get a slap on the wrist and a $500 fine. A felony means 1 year of jail time or more, and there are enough charges that he has a good chance of being convicted of at least one of them.

There isn't much to do with him untill this is cleared up, not even a fued that might have to be ended abruptly. I think the best use for him now is to put over some of the younger guys that need a little boost. Chances are he's going away for awhile and if he does come back to TNA after "his vacation" he can start over and go back to winning some matches.

Heres an idea. Fire him and never speak of him again. Because he is shameful and has no talent. Hes a wetsuit wearing werido.


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