What should happen....


Oasis Rule the World.
So Cena is still champ as I expected and Orton won as I expected.
Now lets make things interesting WWE.
Bryan comes out and challenges Cena for the WWE title at SS. Bryan wins clean and makes Cena tap out.

Cena gets up and beats down Daniel Bryan thus turning heel.
Randy Orton's music hits, he cashes in briefcase on a beaten down Bryan and Orton and Cena leave SS both heels and in unity with eachother.

BUT we all know Vince won't have his golden boy Cena turn heel so it's wishfull thinking but that's what should happen.

BUT this is what will happen... Mark Henry vs John Cena II despite the fact Cena won clean and after the match Henry attacks Cena on RAW tonight.

Orton comes out,cashes in,turns heel then gets some heat and loses clean to super Cena at SS.
So we're back to square one of predictability in the WWE as Super Cena buries another heel,Mark Henry is back to irrelevance,Bryan carries on in the mid-card despite being the hottest guy on the roster and Orton has a rematch with Cena at Night of Champions-loses then goes back to being a boring face.

So what do you guys think will happen? The first Storyline or the second one I think will happen or something completely different?
This is so true think your pretty much spot on with what will happen on raw tonight, pretty disappointing that WWE has become this predictable, even so with MITB last night was mostly all foreseeable. WWE really need to pick things up in the coming months
Well, I'd rather have what WILL Happen rather than what you WANT to happen. One heel turn is good enough. I think that with Hell in a cell, TLC, and countless other gimmick PPVs coming rather soon, We can expect him to cash it in sometime around then. I do believe Orton should cash it in on a wounded Cena, turn heel, Let Daniel Bryan win the Royal Rumble, And they can wrestle for the WWE title at Wrestlemania. Better yet, Have Punk win it sometime before so that we can have Punk vs Bryan at Wrestlemania in either a NO DQ match or an Ironman match!!!
I doubt if they're going to have Orton cash in this early and wreck any hype that briefcase may bring into a series of matches with anybody they choose to make Randy work with.

There is one big reason for why Cena will go heel, the most important reason of them all. Face Cena makes money. He sells tickets and merchandise, that's the most important factor in using someone in a certain way.

If he went heel it might excite the scene and make pro-wrestling interesting for once, but at the moment they don't need to please fans like me. John Cena as a good guy puts (dumb) asses in seats, that's all there is too it.

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In the words of Austin Aries, I choose option C.

It's one thing to be a jaded fan, it's another to be jaded and stupid at the same time. Option A has a chance at partially happening. I would actually like to see certain parts of that scenario play out.

Option B makes no sense whatsoever. Why would they have Orton turn heel, win the briefcase, lose it a month later, and then go back face?

However, Orton having the briefcase does create an interesting dynamic. On one hand, you have Orton the face who, like a typical face, would cash his briefcase in as soon as he can upfront. On the other hand, you have the potential heel turn that's been talked about for over a year. The MITB briefcase is an easy heel turn, especially on someone like Cena.

What I've envisioned previously would sort of mix your 2 scenarios together, except for any involvement from Mark Henry, unless he's involved in some sort of triple threat at SummerSlam.
People....it's time to give up on this...I mean it really, really is. As much as some fans, especially internet fans, might want to see it....

:banghead: :banghead:JOHN CENA IS NOT GOING TO TURN HEEL!!!!! :banghead: :banghead:

John Cena is a genuine cash cow for WWE and they are simply not going to risk throwing a way a working formula that makes them tons of money just so that the IWC can have:

A. A mark out moment

B. An angle that they'll think is cool for about a month before it's back to business as usual. (business as usual = bitching & moaning about any &everything)

C. Potential fulfillment of various fantasy booking scenarios.

D. All of the above

If WWE remotely had any plans to turn Cena heel, then it would have happened during his first feud with The Rock. Most fans were ready, willing & able to kiss Rock's ass and even lick it clean when he first came back. You know, before it finally dawned on them that The Rock's kind of a giant douche that came back mostly out of ego rather than coming back for "the people". Rock was near universally adored during their first feud and with Cena seeing that WWE fans seemed to be "against" him on a level more than ever; the timing would have been perfect.

If they ever turn Cena heel, it'll be during a point in which Cena is:

A. On the verge of hanging up his jorts and walking away to do othe things with is life

B. On the verge of hanging up his jorts due to the wear & tear of the road

C. Reaches an age & level of physicality in which WWE officials feel he's just not able to really deliver like they need him to

D. John Cena himself tells them that he truly, truly wants to turn heel

As for the idea of Cena vs. Henry II, I doubt it. I thought they had a great match last night but I don't think they'll be able to deliver that sort of match two months in a row.

According to a report I read earlier today, the idea is still for Cena to take on Bryan at SummerSlam. I could easily see Orton cashing in, or attempting to cash in, after they've had a very physical match no matter who the winner is. If Bryan was to have beaten Cena only for Orton to cash in & take the title from him, as hot as Bryan is right now, it'd be a very easy path to push Orton into full blown heel territory.
It's obvious you just personally dislike Cena, using "Golden Boy" and "Super Cena" gives that away.

Cena isn't going heel anytime soon, or ever for that matter. IF Orton cashes-in on Cena, he's going to be the one going heel, not Cena. With the rare exceptions of Cena, RVD, and Punk's first time, damn near everyone, who cashes-in a MITB briefcase goes heel, because taking advantage of a champion, who can barely stand up is a cowardly act. Plus, Randy Orton is better suited to play the role of a heel. His character needs the change more than Cena, and Orton is more entertaining as the evil jerk.

And I don't see the point of Orton and Cena teaming up. If one or the other is the WWE Champion, why would they need a partner? Orton and Cena are two of the strongest characters on the entire WWE roster, so why would they need each other?

I also can't see Henry VS Cena II happening. Henry VS Cena at MITB was just a one-off match, and Henry lost clean with no shenanigans to help his case for a rematch. WWE will need a WWE Championship match with some real buzz for Summerslam, and Henry VS Cena part II is not that match. Shit, there was no real reason to believe Henry would lose to Cena at MITB, so why would anyone believe in Henry having a legit shot the second time around?
This is so true think your pretty much spot on with what will happen on raw tonight, pretty disappointing that WWE has become this predictable, even so with MITB last night was mostly all foreseeable. WWE really need to pick things up in the coming months
I love how it's "pretty disappointing" to you. The fact is, none of the scenarios above actually happened. The match that everyone wants to see (Bryan vs. Cena) is actually going to take place. I predict that Bryan will beat the odds and win, only to have Orton cash in on him and take the belt, thus earning the wrath of the fans, and moving him into legit heel territory where he rightfully belongs.

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