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What now TNA?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Wow I really thought this product was being good. What happened to support TNA fans? I think the move to Monday nights will ultimatley kill this company. If your like me I work Monday nights and am now un able to watch TNA. It was one of the only reason I started watching TNA over WWE. I have been a fan since it came on thursday nights. Now it seems they are loosing its fan base. I have to watch it on youtube now..lol

I like the older guys being there they provide entertainment. Its easy to see the young guys are really failing TNA. They are not interesting to the rest of the wrestling world. Desmond Wolfe is average at everything. He is more of a Kofi Kingston who shouldnt be main eventing or taking much air time up.

I dont know what they have to do. I see alot of problems in the future if you have to count on these younger guys but for right now the mix of new and old seems good. I would honestly never watch TNA if the old guys left. The young talent just doesnt have the personality to grab anyones attention.

Its so sad Spike is willing to run with TNA and they through ECW to the curve. ECW was in a much better place and pulling the same rating as TNA does now and sometimes better. Plus they had Heyman. Look at ECW's stars they had while on TNN. RVD,Rhino,Tajiri,Storm,Credible,Awesome....and the list goes on and one of people who after ECW left had a pretty good career. Its just sad.

TNA has clearly made themselves look like a minor league company now. I mean they cannot even beat Superstars or NXT. Now there ratings are the lowest they have ever been.

If you move back to Thursday nights you might as well roll over and die. Doing that means you really took a bad defeat from WWE. It would be time to throw in the towel.

Is it to late for TNA now?
Wow I really thought this product was being good. What happened to support TNA fans? I think the move to Monday nights will ultimatley kill this company. If your like me I work Monday nights and am now un able to watch TNA. It was one of the only reason I started watching TNA over WWE. I have been a fan since it came on thursday nights. Now it seems they are loosing its fan base. I have to watch it on youtube now..lol

I like the older guys being there they provide entertainment. Its easy to see the young guys are really failing TNA. They are not interesting to the rest of the wrestling world. Desmond Wolfe is average at everything. He is more of a Kofi Kingston who shouldnt be main eventing or taking much air time up.

I dont know what they have to do. I see alot of problems in the future if you have to count on these younger guys but for right now the mix of new and old seems good. I would honestly never watch TNA if the old guys left. The young talent just doesnt have the personality to grab anyones attention.

Its so sad Spike is willing to run with TNA and they through ECW to the curve. ECW was in a much better place and pulling the same rating as TNA does now and sometimes better. Plus they had Heyman. Look at ECW's stars they had while on TNN. RVD,Rhino,Tajiri,Storm,Credible,Awesome....and the list goes on and one of people who after ECW left had a pretty good career. Its just sad.

TNA has clearly made themselves look like a minor league company now. I mean they cannot even beat Superstars or NXT. Now there ratings are the lowest they have ever been.

If you move back to Thursday nights you might as well roll over and die. Doing that means you really took a bad defeat from WWE. It would be time to throw in the towel.

Is it to late for TNA now?

So you were a fan before they moved to Mondays? They only had the younger talent then. That's the same talent you claim is killing the company. I'm not attacking you, I'm just pointing out a discreptincy in your post. I actually think the opposite. The younger guys aren't killing the company, in fact it is the older guys doing that. I don't mean in their performances, although the Band could definately use a little cardio to get themselves in shape(Waltman excluded as he still moves pretty good). The problem with the older guys is it seems that TNA management thinks it would be better to put them out front on television to draw ratings, thus not giving the young guys the exposure to the fans that they need to get a good feel for the character they should be playing. If they can't get the young guys over, it's because they haven't had them in front of a crowd long enough to see what works and what doesn't. They definately have the talent to make it, but I don't think they have the sense in terms of running their company that will allow them to mix the young with the old, ala what WWE is currently doing. I'm a self admitted WWE fan, but I do watch TNA off of my DVR after Raw and I want them to succeed. When I watch as an impartial fan, it is mindboggling how poorly they use their talent.
I dont think we can write off TNA just yet. I do agree with Manster03 about that the older guys are killing TNA. I also think that they need expand to do more house shows to get the word out. They need to get out of the iMPACT Zone as fast as they can to be legit.
Wow I really thought this product was being good. What happened to support TNA fans? I think the move to Monday nights will ultimatley kill this company. If your like me I work Monday nights and am now un able to watch TNA. It was one of the only reason I started watching TNA over WWE. I have been a fan since it came on thursday nights. Now it seems they are loosing its fan base. I have to watch it on youtube now..lol

I'm a fan of both TNA and WWE, I used to watch TNA on thursday's and RAW on monday's. Now I honestly don't know what to watch, I get confuse with both shows now, I can't keep my mind focus on TNA because RAW is on, so I'm back and forward. Now as for the fans, Yes there are some fans that work late on mondays and they don't have a chance to watch Impact, So that's the reason why TNA is losing a lot of fans. I could say that If TNA returns back to Thursday night TNA's rating could rise up a bit.

I like the older guys being there they provide entertainment. Its easy to see the young guys are really failing TNA. They are not interesting to the rest of the wrestling world. Desmond Wolfe is average at everything. He is more of a Kofi Kingston who shouldnt be main eventing or taking much air time up.

The older guys are putting in more work because of Hogan and Bischoff. And that's the reason why the young guys are kind of failing right now. I will disagree with something, IMO the TNA young talent are very interesting all over the world. Why do you think that NJPW or AAA and even ROH wants to work with most of the Original roster of TNA? Because they always catch other medias attention. As for Desmond wolfe goes He had his chance of glory, But I guess that Hogan and bischoff had other plans for him.

I dont know what they have to do. I see alot of problems in the future if you have to count on these younger guys but for right now the mix of new and old seems good. I would honestly never watch TNA if the old guys left. The young talent just doesnt have the personality to grab anyones attention.

What!!!!!!! The young talent is what made TNA. The old guys wouldn't have a job right now if it wasn't for the young talent. The Originals are the heart and soul of TNA.

I say that TNA's only hope is for them to go back to thursday nights. RAW is killing them, If they don't do that ASAP, I'm affraid that TNA would be trouble by the end of the year.

Its so sad Spike is willing to run with TNA and they through ECW to the curve. ECW was in a much better place and pulling the same rating as TNA does now and sometimes better. Plus they had Heyman. Look at ECW's stars they had while on TNN. RVD,Rhino,Tajiri,Storm,Credible,Awesome....and the list goes on and one of people who after ECW left had a pretty good career. Its just sad.

Why is it sad? Money talks dude, ECW was broke, And TNA was getting high on money. Don't get me wrong I love ECW they had some of the best hardcore talent ever, But that's it.

TNA has clearly made themselves look like a minor league company now. I mean they cannot even beat Superstars or NXT. Now there ratings are the lowest they have ever been.

TNA knows that, and they admit that right now TNA is a minor league company, They never said that they're superior to other companies.

If you move back to Thursday nights you might as well roll over and die. Doing that means you really took a bad defeat from WWE. It would be time to throw in the towel.

If they move back to Thursday nights, TNA's rating will start to go up again. Hopefully they make a good move, and go back to Thursday nights.
I am a huge TNA fan... I watch RAW on DVR...

I like the mix of vets and homegrown talent... The only old guys that really wrestle are the Band and they weren't even on the last live show (which I thought was the best live show they have done) and Nash was their before the Hogan eara started... Waltman can still go, so that just leaves you with Hall who has the mic skills... The Nastys and Morely are gone...

It really bugs me when E fans come in here and go om about the old guys ruining TNA... Hogan and Flair probably won't wrestle on Impact ever again and Hogan and Easy E have brought in RVd and Hardy... They are obviously trying to help TNA...

With all that said... I would kind of be in panic mode right now if I were Dixie or Spike TV... Their ratings have been really low competing with RAW... I really think advertising is their problem... They need to run adds during RAW! Push the X division and fire Orlando Jordan...
Been watching TNA since 2002 when it was only on PPV, then foxsport, then tnn now spiketv.

I like the current product, I do. I have issues with some of it. (turning Abyss into a pansy and the Hogan-ring thing, A.j becoming mini-flair, lack of Raven)

I have no issues with older guys, younger guys, whoever. I just want an entertaining show. I was a big nWo fan growing up so I'll always be biased to seeing the wolfpac and a heel hogan.

If they want bigger ratings I think the product needs to make some ground-breaking moves and not just be attitude era part 2. But for me personally, I'm happy with it.

I don't think they should have left Thursday nights. And at least should be on an hour before Raw to get some viewership.
This Monday coming up, they start an hour before RAW... But the only people who know that are the .6 that watched last week!!!

This could help their ratings, if people knew about it! TNA needs to spend some money on commercials...

Does anyone know when that dog show is? Their best bet is wait for the dog show to kick RAW off for the night and come strong with a 3 hour PPV type show...
I've wanted to see TNA succeed as a company since I began watching them on Spike roughly 4 years ago now. Giving fans an option is always a good thing as is having another high profile pro wrestling company to work for being good for the wrestlers themselves.

However, one thing that TNA has done consistently over the years is hype its product to the Moon and beyond. The problem with that is that the reality of what the product is has rarely lived up to the hype put into it. In going head to head with the WWE on Monday nights, TNA believed in its own hype too much in my view. I'm not writing TNA off, I don't expect them to be going out of business within the next month or anything like that. However, the fact that so many fans and TNA itself have been trying to downplay this disturbing trend of dwindling viewers isn't helping things one bit.

Some TNA fans still love the product and will swear on a stack of Guttenberg Bibles that they think it's better than WWE's. That's all well and good, after all. Fans can debate which company is better until our tongues stick to the roofs of our mouths and our fingers drop off. What makes ratings such a hot topic of discussion is that they're a tangible and measurable means of showing success. If I think AJ Styles is the greatest wrestler in the world, that's my opinion but that opinion doesn't make it so. And the fact that TNA decided it wanted a ratings war with WWE also highlights how important they are. I'm not saying that ratings decide what's quality and what's not because, as I mentioned earlier, things like that are a matter of opinion. Ratings numbers are solid and aren't open to personal interpretation or opinion.

The older wrestlers that are in TNA have been brought in steadily over the years for the purpose of increasing the audience of TNA. That was the reason TNA brought in Kurt Angle and it's the reason they brought in Hulk Hogan and everyone else that's come since Hogan. If big names like Hulk Hogan, Jeff Hardy and Rob Van Dam are unable to draw in viewers, then there's currently nobody on the TNA roster that can. Even if many of these older wrestlers aren't what they used to be in the ring, they have their names. None of the homegrown TNA talent and none of the indy wrestlers that've been brought in have the name recognition to draw more viewers to the show. It's just how it is.

I personally think TNA's problem stems from the fact that a significant portion of their audience have become dissatisfied with the TNA product. On January 4th, TNA scored a 1.5 Nielsen Rating. The next two episodes of iMPACT! both scored a 1.3 and the one after it scored a 1.4. For the month of January, things looked quite good for TNA. It was after this drawing of the 1.4 that the ratings began a slow and steady decline. The last time iMPACT! drew a 1.0 rating was on March 8th when it moved to Monday nights permanently and it's scored significantly below the 1.0 mark ever since. If you look at Raw's ratings over the course of this year, there have only been 3 episodes of Raw that have scored under a 3.6 rating. Overall, Raw's average audience is in the 5.3-5.5 million neighborhood and those numbers haven't been affected by TNA's presence on Monday nights. Raw's audience has been steady, but it hasn't been growing while TNA's audience has been fading. What that indicates to me that even if there are some TNA fans that are switching over to Raw, they don't seem to be increasing Raw's numbers to any appreciable degree. It looks to me that much of TNA's audience is simply changing the channel from iMPACT! to something else and the numbers don't seem to suggest that they're turning to Raw. It appears that those missing viewers don't seem to care much for the WWE and have lost interest in the TNA product at the same time.

What does this mean for TNA? That's uncertain at this time, I think. TNA iMPACT! is moving to an 8-10 pm timeslot this Monday in order to avoid potentially being swallowed up by the NCAA Championship game. Depending upon what kind of numbers they pull when they have one full hour in which they're not opposed by Raw, TNA may make the move permanently to that timeslot. If there's no appreciable change or, God forbid, the numbers are even worse next week, then who knows. If that happens, then it might be time to head back to Thursdays for a few years and come up with some new ideas.
As much as I like TNA on Mondays (because it gives me something to watch), I want the company to thrive. But then again I'm not sure it matters what day the show is on, if most of the casual fans have this mindset that WWE is wrestling (and not one of many wrestling promotions, even though Vince says WWE isn't one), and the smark fans won't watch because they think Indy company #258 is better and they can book TNA better...then it's hard to say where they can win.

Because whether you think TNA is crap or gold doesn't really matter because it's clear that many aren't watching for the simple goal to enjoy the show. Everyone and their mother is reviewing every little move on YouTube and you can't count out the effects of websites like this one (while the community is appreciated) that treat pro wrestling like a real sport, when pro wrestling is less like football and more like a day-time soap opera. I don't know how things work for soap fans, but I'm sure most of the viewers don't spend each day reading up on what actor may be leaving (thus spoiling a plot outcome) and other spoiling things of that nature. Sure this isn't the complete cause of TNA's low ratings, but it hurts wrestling in general, and when you consider a show like TNA not having the draw power or establishment of WWE, it does have an effect.

I just really hope things work out for TNA, because it seems a lot "fans" don't quite understand that whether you like a promotion or not, we need more than WWE to have big attractions or eventually we'll see less talent willing to dedicate themselves to an industry that doesn't have enough jobs. Look at the TNA roster and tell me that without TNA where that person would be. You honestly think AJ, Pope, GenMe, Motor City, Amazing Red, Daniels, and so on would have good positions in WWE? Hell, WWE had access to all of those guys well before TNA and they either passed on them or in the case of The Pope, released him. We can say "oh, they'd do great in RoH or chikara", but the fact is if touring Japan or floating around the indie scene is their only choice, how willing do you think they'd be to even stick with wrestling? Bryan Danielson almost retired before WWE called him up. And you can't forget the talent that once in WWE don't get half the opportunity to showcase their talent that a TNA does (or how wCw did in some cases, though they had their share of burying)

TNA has a lot of room for improvement, but it's not close to being as bad as some fans make it seem. It's a sad day when people try to be bigger than the things they claim to be fans of.
im with mater03 and dcubedd the old guys are ruining it, here's an example bret hart returned to raw after 12 years and wasnt the main event every week, i would watch tna if every time i tune in i see hogan and flair in a wheel chair??!!! i would tune in for hardy or rvd for the tna title in a heart beat! no angle no aj no daniels? where the hell is joe?? man i really tune in every week with hope but im not gonna watch hogan and flair or abyss at least not in the main event and next week its......... jj vs aj see what i mean if your gonna use geezers then put em on early not me. the other thing is they don't have enough time to show every one with one two hour show, showcase the originals that made you famous. kurt angle is the best in the game right now thank god he's at least putting over kenn i mean anderson! and whats up with every title match ending in "no contest" cause of earl hebbner? a whole in the ring with flair rolling for your ppv main event????!!! i hope tna survives i was just starting to like it
actually i was watching raw till like 10:15 and when it went to commercial...i was thinking to myself and was like..."oh crap i forgot tna is on!!" but i still stayed watching wwe..not just because of hbk farewell but tna on mondays is soooooo forgetable i swear..dont get me wrong..im not dogging tna,its just they def bit off more than they can chew moving to monday nights..maybe something will change when they change to 8 pm next monday
What TNA needs to do is start having Impact is different locations. For years, it's been nothing but the Impact Zone. While that's all fine and dandy, I believe they'll be able to attract more fans if they held Impact in different arenas. Give the fans a good experience and they'll likely start following TNA more. Raw was the same. They started in one location and then moved from city to city, eventually building a huge following.
They "blew their load" the first two weeks of the show. Bischoff keeps saying that its just like WCW and you need to tune in and see what happens next, but nothing is unexpected now. That what happens when you have 15 debuts within two weeks. Even those two shows really didn't do that well.

They defiantly need to regroup and change the outline of the battle plans. I love the AJ storyline and the possible reformation of horsemen but after that storyline.. i can't stand any of the other ones

Orlando Jordan Lady Gag Gimmick- Awful
Bischoff/Jarrett Feud- Awful
Cleaning up Foley Storyline- Awful
When Rob Terry's push is bigger than his physique- Awful
X Division Chaos- Awful

Please boys, regroup.. you have the talent to make a push
Been watching TNA since 2002 when it was only on PPV, then foxsport, then tnn now spiketv.

I like the current product, I do. I have issues with some of it. (turning Abyss into a pansy and the Hogan-ring thing, A.j becoming mini-flair, lack of Raven)

I have no issues with older guys, younger guys, whoever. I just want an entertaining show. I was a big nWo fan growing up so I'll always be biased to seeing the wolfpac and a heel hogan.

If they want bigger ratings I think the product needs to make some ground-breaking moves and not just be attitude era part 2. But for me personally, I'm happy with it.

I don't think they should have left Thursday nights. And at least should be on an hour before Raw to get some viewership.

what you dont get the attitude era is done. no part 2 or 1.5 or anything. Alot of you bash WWE for being PG. If u want all blood and chairs and spikes and tables all th etime watch some of those japanese extreme stuff or old ecw. These days with the fCC and so many organizations everywhere u can get sued for anything on tv. i recently heard wwe is made a shitload of money last year thanks to pg. If TNA wants to survive they will have to change their product. to be a more family friendly atmosphere. No more hogan and flair bleeding every show. Or anything supposedly shocking (OJ) if Dixie carter was smart she would change TNA already.
TNA isn't in any kind of danger right now...sure they just had the worst rating ever in the history of the company but like it or not its due to timing. For years WWE has taken over for the month of March all due to Wrestlemania and this past monday was an effect of that. TNA is still taping shows so spoilers come and know matter what people say that has a LOT to do with poor ratings. Especially this past mon., WWE has the fallout of WM26 and HBK's last speech to fans. We already know what's happening on TNA so why watch it. Overall the product at TNA is very good but i agree with others that stepping out of the iMPACT Zone is very necessary. and Old guys need to step back.
I"m with the Old guy hate group. Hogan and Flair being there to enhance and therefore elevate TNA's talent is great. But they're making themselves the main event. Flair completely overshadows Styles, Hogan just has Abyss to do the heavy lifting...it sucks. With these guys i think it could be great to have them around the talent in teaching roles but limited tv exposure. Less is more in this instance. The episode where the match was the opener had something like 4 or 5 Hogan segments. Do we really need to see Brooke Hogan poorly fake crying about her over the hill dad getting his ass kicked?
TNA needs to learn to use the star power of the established and the great work of the young talent. It's a balance if they do right will get people watching.
No more hogan and flair bleeding every show.

Every show huh? by every show do you mean the TWO times it happened? you've gotta be a hardcore WWE only fan to be making that kind of generalization. you probably think the old guys are ruinint tna too, with the whole like one segment they have each week, as the band is the only old guys on the screen right now wrestling.

As for everyone else, yes TNA's ratings are horrible, and yes they made a really bad decision going head to head with WWE so soon. I think they should have moved to a different day, but not Monday. Thursday is just not a day people think to turn on wrestling for the most part. If I was them, I would have moved to Tuesday or Friday (Oh no, Smackdown!??? who cares).

I, as a WRESTLING fan, really love what TNA is doing. I love how well Jeff and RVD are doing, and I'm getting geared up for Joe's return, as the video we saw of him has me intrigued. I will admit I don't really tune into WWE too much, but it's truly cuz I really just don't enjoy their product that much. I do watch a decent amount of their ppvs at a friends house when it sounds like good matches will be on, but not even the pg bothers me. It's the lack of interest in the characters, storylines, and for the most part the bland wrestling they have to offer. TNA's move to monday nights has actually gotten me to tune into raw, during commercials, here and there, and besides this weeks HBK thing, I haven't had an interest.

As for moving out of the Impact Zone, they need to make money before they can do that. They are saving a shit tone of money by staying in one place every week. I remember Bischoff saying that if they are on their mark, they'd start going around the country in 6 months or maybe a little longer, and that was a month or two ago on his facebook account. They will move eventually, but not until they know they have the money to do so.

I really hope this move to an earlier time slot helps them, but as some other people have said, they need to continue the commercials during WWE programming to let people know they are still on and when they are on. I'm sure the non-internet fans don't truly know if/when TNA is on, so advertising is they way to go.
TNA isn't in any kind of danger right now...sure they just had the worst rating ever in the history of the company but like it or not its due to timing. For years WWE has taken over for the month of March all due to Wrestlemania and this past monday was an effect of that.

So, you're saying that the only time the WWE is capable of putting on any interesting or quality programming is during WrestleMania time? It couldn't possibly be due to the fact that a huge portion of TNA's audience is disappointed in the product and the direction that TNA is going in?

TNA is still taping shows so spoilers come and know matter what people say that has a LOT to do with poor ratings.

Then how do you explain the live shows doing so poorly as well? The Monday before this one, TNA pulled a 0.86 and that isn't exactly a stellar number either.

Especially this past mon., WWE has the fallout of WM26 and HBK's last speech to fans. We already know what's happening on TNA so why watch it. Overall the product at TNA is very good but i agree with others that stepping out of the iMPACT Zone is very necessary. and Old guys need to step back.

Yes, that's the same excuse Dixie Carter has been using, even though it doesn't hold water. There's even a piece on using HBK as an excuse for the poor ratings for Monday's iMPACT! on the WrestleZone news page. Each and every segment of TNA pulled bad numbers last Monday. HBK wasn't in the ring and on the screen the entire 2 hours of Raw. Also, as I've pointed out in earlier posts, Raw's numbers this past Monday are pretty much what it's been doing the entire year. Raw has consistently been pulling 3.6 and 3.7 for 2010, with only 3 shows pulling numbers lower than a 3.6.
What will finally put this arguement to rest is this coming Monday. If TNA tanks again(I consider under a 1.0 tanking btw) and WWE stays in their average of 3.4-3.7 then you have to look at TNA and wonder WTF are you doing? There is no more Wrestlemania build up, HBK is gone, and all they really have to build towards is Extreme Rules/The Draft. If they can't crack higher numbers then they need to put themselves back on Thursdays. WWE's audience hasn't really increased or decreased, but TNA's has. What this tells me is not only are WWE fans not switching over, but when TNA pisses their fans off they won't turn WWE on but instead just watch something totally different(Pawn Stars is a show that comes to mind). If they can't start keeping their own original fans, then how do they expect to gain new fans?

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