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What next for John Morrison?


Is a thin rope
Being the delusional Morrison mark that I am, Morrison's draft to Raw makes little to no sence to me. The reason for this is that it comes at a time when JoMo's former tag team partner is working for CM Punk (who Morrison's feuded with in the past), and less than a week after he pinned the world heavyweight champion. taking these two facts into consideration, it looked to me like Morrison had a good future on smackdown, either feuding with the world champion and/or with CM Punk, Joey Mercury and the rest of the SES. Obviously, this isn't going to happen.

So this leaves the questions of why JoMo's been drafted and what's he going to do now that he is. One answer to the former if that JoMo's pushes have all failed to make the crowd care about him, which if I'm honest with myself is true. He's not nearly as over as R-Truth, or many other people at his level (mainly because he's bad on the mic, and WWE doesn't visit the Impact zone, where the crowd will pop for anything). However, in his second match against Swagger the crowd (to me at least) seemed to be fairly behind him, so he is, to some degree at least over. But, then I'm a mark so I'm not exactly going to be fair about the size of the man's pops.

But anyway, on to the second question, of what JoMo's going to do on Raw. The obvious answer is 'not main event'. There is no concievable way for John Morrison to get a shot at the WWE title right now, and nor should he. He's outpopped by everybody in contention, and Cena isn't dropping the title any time soon (and nor should he). My guess is that we're going to finally get the conclusion of Miz vs Morrison soon. Miz can carry the mic work, and their chemistry together will ensure their matches together will be good (if not great). After that, the mark in me says Morrison winning MitB in July is quite probable, but if crowd reaction is indeed the reason for Morrison's brand shift, I don't think that's likely to have changed much in two months on Raw (where he'll have less time to spend trying to get himself over) meaning that in reality he's unlikely to get it this year.

What then is likely to happen, if lack of overness is the reason for his change in scenery? Well, it's been rumoured for a while that JoMo is going to turn heel again, so I guess that's what's going to happen. If so, he'll probably turn on R-Truth and (hopefully) return to his character when he was ECW champion. Which was probably the time he was 'best' on the mic. Other than that, I have no idea what's going to happen with him. I wasn't expecting this draft, but I hope for Morrison's sake (and by extension my sake) that it works out foir the best and that John Morrison finally makes it into the main event and stays there.

Your thoughts?
Your points are all very valid.

To me, the draft really did a lot of damage to the midcard wrestlers on Smackdown that moved over (JoMo, R-Truth, etc.). With the amount of legitimate main event depth on RAW those guys will get very little air time.

I could have seen Morrison being one of the most important superstars on the Smackdown brand had he not been switched over to RAW.

It is going to be increasingly difficult for him to earn his position on the RAW brand but hopefully by mixing it up with the very best in the WWE he can forge a new and improved identity.

There are feuds for him- he could feud with Miz, obviously. I wouldn't mind a program with him going up against Chris Jericho (who could carry him with the mic and the two would have a series of outstanding matches), he could battle with DiBiase over the million dollar belt (if they so choose to make that a legitimate title) and then he could eventually have a heel turn which would open things up even more. A small feud with Evan Bourne could lead to promising matches. He would do well to have feuds with both Orton and Cena later in the year to push him up to main event status for 2011.

Edit: Obviously he'll feud with R-Truth at some point too.
I think it is a ridiculous move. I think that alot of the drafts were unessecary and will lead to nowhere. Smackdown havent gained many entertaining superstars and Big Show is pretty boring just himself. I think there will still be the womens segment which is why Kelly Kelly got drafted as she gets the biggest reaction. We all know why. And there will be a "comedy2 part with Swoggly. But I still think Smackdown seems a bit low on proven superstars. And superstars like JoMo who were on the brink of the big time. I think John Morrison could have become HUGE on Smackdown! right now if he had stayed. I also think a feud with the likes of Jericho would get him over and then maybe beat someone like Chrisitan for the belt ?? I dunno what the specifics could be but there are lots and lots of options for him to become one og the biggest players in the business.

I am not a big John Morrison fan. But I can see the potential in him. He CAN become big. He needs some improving on the mic, in fact, alot of improving but that can be done. His character I think could use some doing-up. In matches he seems a bit all over the place. He seems a little bit too flippy at times and maybe should save his spectacular moves for big moments and make them look even more spectactular.

But anyway, on Raw ?? I cant see him doing much. He may get a little chance like Kofi and The Miz got with a feud with a big name but after that there is nowhere to go. Raw has what, near enough 6 or 7 main eventer now ?? Cena, Orton, HHH, Edge, Batista, Y2J and you could include Sheamus. Not including people like The Miz etc who are trying to get there there would be no place for John Morrison at the top level. He would be nothing more than a upper card star, main event loser.

I think WWE should have tried to make John Morrison there big face on the show. I think Chris Jericho and Christian should be on it. And they both can put over the younger talent and switch in between main event and mid card.

Also. I have no clue what R-Truth is going to do. Maybe a feud with Ted ?? Maybe even JoMo ?? I dunno. I can see him following the same route as Carlito. He has his entrance, lets hope that keeps him afloat.
you make some good points

well seeing as raw has almost all their top guys now it will be suprising if john morrison gets to the main event
Miz v. Morrison seems the most plausible IMO. He can come get and make fun of the Miz for losing the Unified Tag Titles and tell him he was the "weak" link or something to that degree then tells him hes also a worthless U.S. Champion...and it writes itself from there.
I believe Morrison will feud with The Miz and finally get that over with and out of the way. He'll eventually win the United States title, and defend it for a bit, and then , depending on the success of his US title run, this time next year, he'll get drafted back to Smackdown or get the MiTB case and get a main event/upper mid card push. I don't see anything for him other then a singles run, and them mentioning on Raw that R Truth and him are a tag team, really hurts him in my opinion, because the Hart Dynasty are faces now, and just won the straps, so you can't have R Truth and Morrison feud with them. So off the US title hunt goes Morrison while R Truth becomes the undercard jobber with Bourne.
i see the return of the miz morrison heel tag team! have jomo turn on rtruth and have them challenge the hart dinesty! have miz then turn on morrison and be the best!
Im a big JoMo fan, and I actually think the move to RAW is necessary. Although he did win the IC title from Rey last fall, he has not been booked well since. He lost to the Miz at Bragging Rights, his team lost at Survivor Series, he dropped the IC title to McIntryre at TLC, then lost to Miz again at Tribute to the Troops. He wasnt really a factor at the Rumble, Had a decent showing but ultimately lost at Elim. Chamber, and was pinned in 3 minutes at WrestleMania. In between all of that, he lost countless rematches with McIntyre. After all that, I think keeping him on Smackdown would have continued to hurt him. I'm not convinced he will do much better on RAW as he lost in his first match back on this week's show. I do see several options for him though. First & foremost, a heel turn is necessary. He did his best work as a heel and his attitutde just fits that role better. A feud with R-Truth would be good, but even better would be a reunion with the Miz and have them chase the Harts for the tag titles. Of course, as others have suggested, he could also finally have his all out feud with the Miz over the US title. Hes got the looks and the skills to be a huge star, but for some reason, he cant seem to get that promo cutting edge he needs to move to the next level. I really hope he can find his way over the next year and takes his rightful place as a top tier guy.
Maybe the move to Raw was also to put JoMo in contact with all the top promo-capable wrestlers in order to help him out with his promo-cutting. I too think he should go back to being a heel, in the vein of Ravishing Rick Rude with a touch of Shawn Michaels. He also needs another finisher since it looks like he's no longer doing the Moonlight Drive.

JoMo needs to seize whatever breaks he gets on Raw now, otherwise he'll be watching Wade Barrett be higher up the E chain than him when Nxt is done.

**I just had 2 put in a Wade Barrett comment cuz I think he's the one most likely to get an instant push out of all the rookies.
I think John Morrison has plenty of options as a player on the Raw roster. If stays a babyface, there are plenty of heels for to feud with, like Jericho, Sheamus, The Miz (finally get some closure to that tag team), and what I woud like to see most, Ted DiBiase. If Morrison feuds with anyone besides Miz, it won't be for a title. But that doesn't mean it won't be a big push. Feuding with Jericho or Sheamus automatically gives Morrison a more over heel opponent than he could have had on Smackdown. He may be a bigger star than DiBiase, but that feud could be something special, which would help Morrison get over even more with the larger Raw audience (as opposed to Smackdown).

Unless the WWE is willing to put Morrison into the WWE title picture, turning him heel might not be the best way to go. I think he is better, more effective as a heel, but I just don't see an upper-mid card face to feud with over there. Orton will be tied up with Edge, possibly the WWE championship after that. Cena doesn't seem like an option, unless the WWE is ready to give Morrison that title-hunt push (which I don't think they are). Triple H is on the shelf, so I don't see that happening. So, I think turning him heel wouldn't be good for Morrison, seeing I don't see any top faces over there available to feud with him.

Morrison has a long time to go as a professional wrestler, and I think the WWE knows that. He is slowly (but surely) building himself up in the world of professional wrestling. Some guys aren't meant to get early main event-level pushes, and I think he's one of them. The older he gets, the better he gets on the mic (as a heel at least). I am glad they aren't rushing his main event push, because I just don't think he's quite on that level just yet...but I could be wrong.
All great points so far,

I don't think this move really hurts him. I would agree with nickb03 that it actually opens up a lot of options for JoMo. By throwing him on the flagship show, he will obviously get some more exposure since it has been argued that a lot of RAW viewers don't watch Smackdown. He's also on RAW with R-Truth so they can continue the tag team matches for awhile as well. Another great benefit of moving to RAW is the opportunity to work programs with big name stars like Jericho, Edge, Cena, and Orton. I leave HHH out because I don't know how long his hiatus will last to rest his neck. Finally, there's always the option to turn him heel again.

It's been well documented that Morrison's weakest facet is his mic work, but by putting him on RAW with the likes of Miz, Jericho, Edge, etc. he might be able to pick up the rub that way. When it comes to his in-ring abilities, I would argue that he is one of the best on the roster right now. I say this based on his work with Rey Mysterio last summer, his run as IC Champ, and even his latest work against Swagger. So with that being said, if he can work a program with someone who can carry him on the mic for a little while then I see no reason why he won't be able to get over with the RAW fans based on his wrestling.

Where do I see him ending up on Raw? Probably continuing his tag team with R-Truth for the time being since the commentators did make mention to it during the draft on monday. After that, hopefully starting a feud with Miz over the US Title and rehashing a rivalry over their old tag team days, or maybe working a program with Jericho. I think these two would be phenomenal together in the ring and Y2J can easily carry him on the mic. Maybe after a few successful feuds with some ME stars or upper-mid carders, JoMo might be ready for the ME scene by early 2011.
I have to admit I was also a little surprised about the fact that they drafted John Morrison to RAW, and was definitely saddened when it was both R-truth and John Morrison, seeing as it obviously spells out tag team wrestling.. again..

I completely agree with you Remix about the fact that John would've made a great asset to Smackdown now that they're missing true main eventers, this would've cleanly put him up there, because it already spelled a potential feud with Jack Swagger, and I think it's a shame they didn't capitalize on the great matches these two has already had.

I have to admit I don't know what's in for John, perhaps feuding with The Miz, which seems like the most likely thing to happen, to capitalize on Miz becoming a singles star, and building both talent, against each other although, so hopefully there'll be some kind of building them while they're against solid main eventers.

On the other hand, it's a potential tag team feud with the Hart Dynasty, which is something I have to admit I don't want to see, but.. I guess they have to have contenders for their titles, can't fight the Dudebusters over it all the time, and CM Punk and Luke Gallows as contenders? no!

Other than those two possibilities, I'm clueless what they're going to do with him.
Likely more languishing. He certainley won't be moving UP anywere, thats for fuck sure. They likely stick him in a long term IC title fued with The Miz, especially since Miz is such a mega heat magnet. I have no doubt whatsoever that Morrison will continue to get the biggest push in the WWE, I doubt seriously he goes anywere though. Has he improved by miles since his tag team days? Sure. Does that land him in the "mediocre" catergory, miles away from a serious ME guy? Sure, once again.

He will be sure to liven up the IC division, do some flippy matches and such. Not much more. I think they realized with the failure of the ME push experiment they did on SD, that he needs much, much, much more time before he is really ready. So they put him here, on RAW, were he will be afforded that time, surely.
I think Miz and Morrison will have a real fued over the US title for a bit, then work his way up to the WWE championship after he looks like a credible threat...

I think R-Truth will have a match with Dibiase over what happened last week when R-Truth slapped him for asking to be his slave.

R-Truth will be in a match with someone, Dibiase will interfere cost R-Truth the match, build the fued up... LEading to a match at over the limit

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