What new gimmick would you give Mojo Rawley?


The Crimson Kestrel
I've been watching NXT for a fairly long time to reach this conclusion.

I don't get the hype about Mojo Rawley.

I'm not doubting his in-ring skills or his look (physique, face-symmetry etc.)

I just don't see the gimmick as something that a mid-carder could use to sustain his popularity as a long term WWE/NXT superstar. He also seems to be booked inconsistently, being used as fodder for Rusev and then being dominant on a match the next week. It's only fair to think he could do better with a new gimmick that can appeal to the fans.

What gimmick would you give him?
I don't see anything in him either.
The Stay Hyped thing is cheesy and won't get over with the main WWE audience and he's still very green in the ring.

I don't know what gimmick I would give him yet, because he needs to completely change his moveset is order to get some better ideas.
Mojo Rawley will end up a notch below Zach Ryder. What works in a glorified bingo hall, which is what Full Sail is, will not work in a 15,000 seat arena in front of people who have no appreciation of technical skill. He will end up Future Endeavored and build a much better career in the Indies or Japan.
Give him the gimmick of a spastic moron whose carefree manic energy costs him countless victories. When another wrestler attempts to rehabilitate him, Mojo refuses treatment and vows to Be a Star by embracing his relentless restlessness. This kicks off his permanent association with Make a Wish and similar charitable involvements. Basically we want to stick him with kids and make them stay hyped about the latest WWE events and merchandise.
I would cut him.

However for the sake of the thread. Why not play on his football stuff? I'm not saying have him come out in a helmet and pads and stuff but give him the Mongo and Kevin Greene treatment.

Obviously those two were bigger names but if you play up that he's athletic and quit with the stay hyped bullshit then maybe he would be a little more interesting. Probably not but it's worth a shot.
Seems to be a general opinion that Mojo Rawley sucks, and I'm with you guys. Even if he makes the main roster, unless we see some random impressive improvement, he shouldn't be used as anything more than a jobber.
I would not give him a new role, in fact I would get rid of him because he just isn't interesting enough to follow. Whats he about? Hype..wow, I'm totally booked...

IF AND IF he were to stay in the WWE than I think you have to debut him on TV as Mojo Rawley the hype man. You have him be shown as a pretty powerful guy and maybe have him in a small feud against a guy like Sheamus where he can show a lot of power.

A manager like Paul Heyman or maybe even a heel Ric Flair is looking for someone to do his dirty deeds at the same time as Mojo is feuding.

Even though Mojo is showing a lot of power you make it so he always ends up short of a win. Than one day, Brock Lesnar/ Rusev/ A Dominate Heel, issues an open challenge if to anyone in the back if they have the balls to step up and fight them. Mojo comes out and tries and shows a whole lot of heart but loses. The heel finally pounces on him and beats him unconscious.

The next few weeks the Heel Manager promotes that he has found his HitMan, he has found a new gem. Out comes Mojo Rawley - with a new name and in a suit. He says that the manager has found out what he likes the most and it aint hype, its cash.

The manager makes Mojo take out anyone that comes in his way as long as its for the right price.
I never saw anything in the guy. The gimmick is something that would turn him into a comedy mid-carder at best. His moveset isnt too great either. Plus I hate when someone is too hype. I know its wrestling and it's scripted and people have characters but a character being WAY THE FUCK hyped for me is just way too cheesy and very unimpressive.

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