what matches your put for people new to wrestling??


Getting Noticed By Management
the title is self explanatory.... what match or matches would you put to convince people to give wrestling a try.... im currently showing some friends some wrestlemanias and the next one is wrestlemania 17 and convinced ,y gf to give wrestling a try too...... so
question is ...what matches or even moments would you choose to convert someone ??
i think the tlc match at wm is always good to get people going wow. but more recently cant look past the 1st taker michaels wrestlemania match you cant help but get caught up in the atmosphere of that match. My girlfriend really got involved after her 1st royal rumble wen orton won but it also helped that i took her to a TNA tour show and you cant beat a live show even a tna one
The thing is, you can't be showing the 90's or attitude era...of course that'll just trick them...if they end up giving it a try and see the PG product..they'll turn the channel... My pick would have to be Wrestlemania 2000 and 2001 and summerslam 2002...

And any hardcore fights e.g. jack vs hhh
As a child in the 1980's, I was really hooked by the gimmick matches because of the hype they created. I remember the build-up for King Kong Bundy v. Hulk Hogan in the steel cage (the old blue cage, not the chain link fence cage). I think the rules of the match and the 'escape" aspect made it very interesting to me.

In my teens, I saw my first Scaffold match from Smokey Mountain Wrestling. the concept of this was so crazy that I had to watch.

Later, things that kept me interested were Ladder Matches (Shawn v. Razor...awesome), Hell in the Cell, TLC, and Ironman matches!

My advice:

1. Do not try to "convert" anyone into a wrestling fan. If they like it and want you to help them find some cool old matches to watch, then fine, help them. If someone pressured me to watch NASCAR I would attempt to kill myself.

2. Start off with the basics. A simple 1 on 1, normal match. Make sure they know the basic makings of a match and the "rules."

3. Some types of matches that could make a mild wrestling fan become a loyal wrestling follower: Ladder Matches, Hell in the Cell, IronMan Matches, TLC, Tables match, Old Steel Cage Matches (escape only).

Some matches you may want to share.

1. Bret Hart v. Shawn Michaels (IronMan Match WM 12)

2. Shawn Michaels v. Razor Ramon (Ladder Match, WM 10 & Summerslam 95'

3. Hell in the Cell (Mankind v. Undertaker, king of the Ring 98') (HBK v. Undertaker, Bad Blood 1997)

4. TLC
E & C v. Hardys v. Dudleys (Summerslam 2000) and (WM 17)
CM Punk v. Jeff Hardy (Summerslam 2009)
Personally I would throw in a mix of different matches.

I would throw in Kurt Angle vs Shawn Michaels - Wrestlemania 21 for the sense of a technical wrestling match that shows the non-hardcore background of it, it's a good match and it shows two of the greatest talent to step inside the ring.

Then I would show them perhaps one of the Hell in a Cell matches, Shawn vs Undertaker perhaps, to show them more of the cage / hardcore nature of wrestling.

And then I would perhaps throw something in with the likes of the Triangle Ladder match from Wrestlemania 2000, for the tag team plus hardcore nature of WWE.
You should first start by showing them great moments. After that teach them what makes a good match storytelling, psychology, and for smaller guys huge spots. The next thing to do is show them classic matches there are always a pairing of wrestlers that works well together ie Hennig/Hart Flair/Steamboat Benoit/Guerrero. After you show them matches like this then you start showing them big brawlers like Brody and Hansen.

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