What Matches/Shows/Promos Are Required Viewing?

I'll start I guess: Wrestlemania 20's main event. Chris Benoit vs. Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels for the WHC. The match was phenomenal, and in my personal opinion it deserves to be in the debate for the greatest Wrestlemania match ever.
I think all fans should be required to see at least one Undertaker/Kane promo or match. Obviously they're not masterpieces by any means, but their story has been running on and off again for so long that any real fan should see at least something from it.
- Hogan vs Andre at WrestleMania III.

- Steamboat vs Savage WrestleMania III.

- Hart vs Hart at WrestleMania X.

- Pillman's Got a Gun.

- Austin 3:16 promo at the King of the Ring 1996.

- Hogan turns heel, forming the n.W.o. at the Bash at the Beach 1996.

- Hart vs Michaels at WrestleMania XII.

- Flair vs Steamboat at WrestleWar 1989.

Ok, I'm done now.
TLC I and II and Sabu/Funk's Barbed Wire Massacre, just to show the violent part of wrestling.

Undertaker/HBK I comes to mind also, the match watch awesome. I'm can't say it holds up to the standard re-watched, but it was the greatest match I have ever seen watching live.
I'll start with the blatantly obvious.

Every Ric Flair vs. Ricky Steamboat match, specifically their 1989 series. You really can't consider yourself an educated wrestling fan without having seen them.
-The entire Bret vs Austin feud from Survivor Series 1996 right upto Summerslam 1997.

-Taker vs Foley and Taker vs HBK HIAC matches.

-The way in which Kane was debuted.

-Hogan's heel turn at BATB 1996.

-Andre/ Hogan the match as well as the promo where Andre first turned on Hogan and ripped his shirt off.

-HBK vs Jericho; both feuds.

-Austin/ Tyson segment with Austin flipping off Tyson.

-Build up to Rock vs Austin II, especially the video package, and the match as well.

That's it for now.
Every Ric Flair vs. Ricky Steamboat match, specifically their 1989 series. You really can't consider yourself an educated wrestling fan without having seen them.

Right I'm on it.

First Wrestlemania main event. Just some other pinnacle moments.
- Austin vs. Rock for the IC title in '98.
- Austin getting run over.
- Last Nitro.
- HBK throws Jannetty through the Barber shop window.
- Bret vs. HBK at Wrestlemania.

Just rifling through wikipedia and wondering why nobody ever mentions this, HBK vs Bret at the first ladder match in 1992?
Every WrestleMania should be a good stock, Starrcades, especially the old ones, should be viewed as well. I think you should see at least ten matches of other major federations to have a wider horizon, like TNA, maybe ROH for the indy style, CMLL, maybe AAA, NOAH, AJPW, NJPW.
- Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero - Halloween Havoc 1997
- Y2J's Debut in the WWF
- Any of the Royal Rumbles, but 92 and 01 are top of the must watch list.
- The Corporation vs. The Ministry
- DX vs. The Nation
- Piper's Pit with Jimmy Snuka
- Any of The Rock's promos, like calling Kevin Kelly 'hermie'
- Hardys vs. E&C - No Mercy 1999
- Any promo that involves slating Stephanie
- Jericho's title win that wasn't
- Jericho vs. Goldberg (WCW)
- Cactus Jack vs. Terry Funk in ECW
- The Montreal Screwjob

I'll come back later.
Austin and the beer truck
Angle and the milk truck
HHH v Cactus Jack street fight
The 1st One Night Stand
Hogan vs The Rock WM18
Goldberg debuts on Raw
DX try and invade WCW
Kurt Angle arrives in TNA
Warrior vs Hogan
HBK zip line entrance at WM
Tyson and Austin, Tyson and Austin!
Shane McMahon buys WCW
Angle throwing Shane threw the glass window
The Montreal screwjob incident
Ric Flair v HBK @ WM
Kane's debut
Both the Undertaker vs HBK WM matches
The Rock returns this year on Raw
Mick Foley v Edge @ WM
Bret Harts return as guest host of Raw
Scott Hall and Kevin Nash arrive in WCW
Hulk Hogan's heel turn at BATB 1996
Eric Bischoff hugs Vince McMahon on Raw
Austin's famous heel promo in ECW
The Alliance is born on Raw, 2001
HHH vs HBK is Shawn's comeback match
At the very least Wrestlemania's 17, 1, 19 and 3 at needs to be seen in full by everyone who says they are a wrestling fan.
Great American Bash 1989
Flair vs Sting COTC 1
Austin winning the title at WM 14
Austins KOTR promo
Hogan BATB heel turn
Rockys promo on Billy Gunn, not for historical significance or anything like that just because it is still absolutely hilarious.
For modern fans WM 21 considering Cena and Batista both won their first titles there.
Triangle Ladder Match
RVD vs John Cena One Night Stand
Triple Threat Ulitmate X Match (AJ Styles vs Petey Williams vs Chris Sabin)
Christian vs Jeff Jarret, Genesis 2006

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