What Match Needs To Happen At WrestleMania?


Brilliant Idiot
Obviously, Taker is going to have a big match, possibly his last. So, I'd like to factor him out of the equation. What non-Taker match do you most want to see at WrestleMania 27?

Doesn't have to be a mega-bout, doesn't have to be an all Raw or Smackdown! showdown. Any current WWE stars are eligible.

Three matches for myself that come to mind are as follows.

Daniel Bryan-Kaval:
Somewhat far-fetched, however I'd love to see a 20 minute classic at WrestleMania. It'd just be incredible. I think it could eventually happen. Cole could be in the build up, saying something along the lines of Kaval being the man that was even better than Bryan during his "bingo hall" runs. It's be perfect. And for the U.S. title, it'd add even another element to the story.

The reason I think it won't happen. Different shows, no build up and the match could steal the show. Which can actually be a mad thing if you're not in the upper echelon.

The Miz-Randy Orton:
Both really solid on the mic, so the build up would be incredible. Both are also capable in the ring and it would also deliver. With Randy having the title and Miz having the Money In The Bank contract, it also makes some logical sense.

However, I see Miz cashing in before the big event or soon thereafter. So, it's probably not going to happen. Also, with it being WrestleMania and faces getting over, it'd be hard for Miz to rebound if he lost the case and his first major title shot at the biggest show. It'd hurt his credibility. So, I'd actually not like it to happen with those circumstances. However, it'd be fun to watch the build up and the match itself.

Dolph Ziggler-Evan Bourne:
This is just a guilty pleasure. I love the way both work and I think they'd have good chemistry in an extended program. No idea on how it'd come together but I'd love to see it conclude at Mania.

What about you guys?
When I read the headline the first thing that popped into my head was Orton/Miz. Then read on and see that you already mentioned, so I am going to have to agree with what you have already said. I think they can do alot with this storyline wise and have one hell of a buildup working toward wrestlemania. With Miz owning the Money in the Bank he can easily screw Orton over at any given time and believe he will 2 to 3 months before Mania, leading to a match of epic proportions at Mania and finally put Miz over the edge to the top heel tier.
I also want The Miz / Orton, but since that has already been said, i will name another one.

Chris Jericho vs CM Punk, if Jericho comes back as a face around December/January, they will have a lot of time to build this up. Both men have some of the best mic and in-ring skills in WWE, so i think that this match could be epic as well. It wouldnt even need a world title for it to be very good i think. It could also put Punk back in the main event and really get Jericho over as a face if he goes face (which i hope he does, for this feud to happen) It could be a semimainevent (fourth last or something) before the World title matches and the Taker vs ? match.
Undertaker vs Triple H II-There match at Mania 17 was pretty epic and they can do an angle where Triple H comes back and says his career will never be the same because HBK is gone and it's all Taker's fault. Triple H says if Taker beats him at Mania he'll retire aswell. Undertaker
WWE/WH Championship Unification: John Cena(WWE) vs Randy Orton(WH)-The biggest faces of the WWE and with talks of the titles being unified who better than these 2 guys? After the match, The Miz could even return from "injury" or something and cash in on the winner.
WWE Tag Team Titles: McGuillicutty/Harris(c) vs Hart Dynasty vs USOS vs Primo/Tito Colon-This would just be an awsome match with all of them being next-generation superstars. Family bragging rights included in this match.
I would like to see -
Wade Barrett vs John Cena.

The build up for this match could be incredible in my opinion. I'd have Wade Barrett pick up the championship as soon as possible and hold it until Wrestlemania while keeping John Cena as his body guard. At the Royal Rumble have John Cena walk out of the match via Wade Barrett's orders. Then have Cena disobey Barrett at Elimination Chamber and win the right to face Barrett at Wrestlemania. The crowd would totally be 50-50 for this one.
Undertaker vs Sheamus

Sheamus could keep bragging about how he retired Triple H. Then at Royal Rumble, cost Undertaker the title or the Rumble itself setting up the Sheamus vs Undertaker match for WrestleMania. Have Undertaker win (obviously lol) and have Sheamus laid out. Undertaker does his typical post match stuff and Sheamus eventually gets up, starts throwing a tantrum. As he is freaking out, have Triple H's music play and have him make his return.

To be clear, NO involvement during the match with Triple H. Just after (by the way I am a huge Undertaker and Sheamus mark so this would be incredible)
I hope you guys weren't serious with the whole " miz vs orton " wrestlemania match , the miz can't even beat Daniel Bryan let alone orton and he got crushed by cena , but anyway I would love to see " cena vs orton " or " orton vs undertaker " since Vince originally wanted orton to end his undefeated streak .

I would even love to see Shawn micheals return for one more match against the undertaker , they end in a draw and Shawn Micheals goes back into retirement as well as undertaker , it would be epic .
Thanks Calderownz lol. Another idea I had would be like a King of the Ring tournament for the Unidsputed title that night. Have it be like an 8 man tournament. So you have your first 4 matchs, then 2 more then the last one which is only 7 matches taken up. The tournament could consist of Orton, Cena, Sheamus, Barrett, Edge, Kane, CM Punk and Jericho and then just have Miz cash in on the winner which would really draw heat because the winner had to go through 3 matches to win and then BAM! Miz takes it all away lol.
Undertaker vs. John Cena
This feud would be the only good follow up to last year's Wrestlemania. It needs to happen. This match’s outcome would be impossible to predict. On one hand you have the undefeated streak that Undertaker holds and the numerous rumors of retirement. On the other hand, you have John Cena. He is the present and future of the WWE. The face of the company. This match would be a classic and needs to happen at the Grandest Stage of them All.
Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk
Two of the biggest independent stars of the last decade. They’ve come to the WWE and were instantly over and recognized throughout. This feud would boost Danielson’s momentum and could quite possibly shoot him into the main event scene. It would also make CM Punk look good and gives him a feud to work with. This feud would draw huge ratings. And the IWC would MTFO!
Miz vs. John Morrison
These two need a proper feud to settle out their differences from the RAW draft two years ago when they broke up. Ones the Shawn Michaels ones the Jennetty, but which is which? A proper feud would do wonders for them both and put them in line for a title shot possibly.
OK we can all agree that Miz needs to be ina top tier match, say last three/four kindof thing. I think before we start naming matches we have to say who has worked hard enough to deserve to be there this year. I personally would like to see starting from around the top:- Undertaker
Randy Orton
Daniel bryan
Laycool (they HAVE to, everybody hates them, and I don't think its cos theyre shit either)
CM punk
John morrison
Dolph ziggler (he really really deserves it)
The Miz (im not high on him but most people are so go on)
Cody and mcintyre (there will be tag match and I'm calling them to still be champs)
Nexus (unless betwixt tthey are dissolved)
Alberto del rio
(I know this one will be specific to me) Vance archer and curt hawkins
Santino (backstage comedy only)

OK I think thats about it, now you can start to formulate matches...look at me being CEO of the company eh.


1) Daniel bryan and CM punk, I really think these guys could pull a good feud out of the bag, well if punk is in it I cant fail, and the way bryan is over with the crowd, all he would have to do is maintain that.

2) I want to say cody and drew vs archer and hawkins but I'm not sure how well a heel v heel title tag match would go down at mania, that experimental stuff you usually reserve for TLC and other shit little PPV's. You could have one side go face somehow but I really can't see that happening so my reserve would be????. I honestly don't know, there are no real face teams left cos of WWE's fucked up tag dept. So maybe put bourne and kaval in a team. (I was going to leave kaval out but this would be a great way to have him in a great match and get exposure if he won....then drew n cody could split and persue higher things).

3) Laycool, maryse and alicia fox v melina, eve, natalya and ?gail kim?, dont really know about this, dont really care, not like anybodys gonna watch it anyway.

4) Cena vs Taker, but only because it would be the biggest draw since rock v hogan. Champ vs streak but I must say I'm opposed to the idea especially if cena wins and taker retires, as I said in another thread I likened it to HBK retiring after being beaten by santino, thats just the way I feel.

5) Edge v Alberto del rio, I can really see this one happeneing because of the sheer lack of anybody on smackdown anymore. And for that matter just ofr arguements sake, big show vs mysterio.....sounds tupid but wouldnt it be funny if mysterio got booked as the heel, unlikely but could happen.

6)Morrison v randy orton, bear with me because after an epic match, and we all know this is possible, morrison wins, Miz cashes in on morrison starting their inevitable feud. Ok it makes orton look bad, but theyll cover it somehow.

7) Ziggler looks like hes going to turn face so why not him vs jack swagger, would be once again a dream match that hasnt happened and for a title no less

8) OK this is a weird one but how about kane vs sheamus monster vs monster match.....maybe/maybe not it could work.

Erm I do realise btw that I have taken a lot of liberties and assumed everybody retains their respective titles til then so this is likely to, well it was never likely to happen anyway but it almost certainly wont if titles change. I also realise I left nexus out so how about barrett vs all other members. i can see this working after all members get sick of him and he is billed as the best athlete of them all holding victories over a few top stars, even some legit ones that is.
If the world title unification is going to happen, then it needs to happen at WrestleMania 27. Also, if Undertaker is at the end of his rope then the ultimate match at WrestleMania would be Cena vs. The Undertaker. Two of the biggest stars in WWE history have never faced each other. This match has to happen at the grandest stage of them all sooner or later. Sheamus vs. Undertaker is a PPV match, but not a Wrestlemania match. Miz vs. Orton and Kaval vs. Bryan would be interesting, but not as huge as Taker vs. Cena.

It doesn't matter if Cena is face or heel. Any one that goes face to face with Taker at WrestleMania usually gets a mixed reaction anyway, Cena won't lose any fans and WWE won't lose any money with this match. If anything, they would gain money.
CM Punk vs HHH

I know Hunter doesn't like losing at 'Mania and all but seriously this match should happen. It could really be THE feud for Punk to mega-over. Truth is, he is great as the smug heel which work just as well as a tweener. Do it right, and this could be one for the ages.

Also, these two guys would tear it up on the mic leadin' up to the match.
Well hopefully the WWE SCRAPS the idea of unifying ALL the titles (which i think will hold down other stars).
Matchs that should happen though

Natayla vs. Beth Phoenix Diva's title match- would be awesome to watch in the ring and could get time because these two can wrestle.

Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk for the US title, both guys can go in the ring and would be a great match if given time

Kaval vs. MVP for the IC title (have MVP a heel and have him win the IC title and have Kaval use his title shot here).

WWE title- Miz (whose champion) vs. Triple H

World title- The Undetaker vs. Cody Rhodes (have him and Drew lose the Tag titles and have Micheal McGuillicutty and Husky Harris as champions).
Natayla vs. Beth Phoenix Diva's title match- would be awesome to watch in the ring and could get time because these two can wrestle.
Yes, I agree 100% this needs to happen. Two powerhouse divas that can also wrestle. Great idea.

Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk for the US title, both guys can go in the ring and would be a great match if given time.
Yes, I said the same thing. Would be a very good feud to get them both over. Also agreed.

Kaval vs. MVP for the IC title (have MVP a heel and have him win the IC title and have Kaval use his title shot here).
This is where you start to lose me. What makes this match so special that is has to happen at 'Mania? This is the type of match you'll see on Smackdown or hell, even Superstars.

WWE title- Miz (whose champion) vs. Triple H
No. Miz won't be going into Wrestlemania as champion. I understand you're all about the youth kick and all but truth is, he is not ready. Especially to headline Wrestlemania. And against Triple H, Miz would get demolished.

World title- The Undetaker vs. Cody Rhodes (have him and Drew lose the Tag titles and have Micheal McGuillicutty and Husky Harris as champions).
What? WHAT? WHAT? Talk about not being ready to hold a world title. Cody Rhodes? A current mid carder face Undertaker at Mania at his last Wrestlemaina possibly? Really? Cody is not ready to even be a champion, how's he guing to compete in a match with the phenom at the biggest Wrestling show of the year? Does this match ned to happen.

I'm not getting your logic here. Two green rookies in the main event championship matches at Wrestlemania. Very highly unlikely...sorry just had to say something.
(c)Edge vs. Christian for the World Heavyweight Championship
Since Christian is set to return around the Rumble I would have Christian return at the Rumble and Win it(much like Edge did last year). Have Edge win the title at Elimantion Chamber or already be Champ and retain it. Have Christian choose Edge to face at WM. That match would Reek of AWESOMNESS(pun intended). They could have a Great match and it would have so much history with Christian trying to step out of Edge's Shadow and become WHC. I would have this fued go till TLC to have a TLC match between the 2.
Chris Jericho vs. Edge vs. Christian in a Triple Threat TLC Match

These three Canadian superstars would put on an incredible match at 'Mania. All 3 men have had history with each other and this match could be an epic MotY candidate. The only question would be who would be the heel(s) and who would be the face(s). All 3 could play a face or heel role very well albeit some are better heels than faces like Edge. I think the best option would be a heel Edge, face Christian, and heel Jericho. What do you think about this potential match?
I would like to see Edge vs. Christian in a TLC match for the World Heavyweight Championship. Since both of them pretty much revolutionized the TLC match, along with the Hardys and Dudleys.
CM Punk vs Randy Orton.

As Ive stated in other posts, this is the feud that never happened that should have. Punk's first title reign ends due to a punt to the skull at Unforgiven 2007, which was never really followed up on. It just so happens that Punk was just traded to Raw, after doing virtually everything he could possibly do on Smackdsown.

Punk needed a fresh start, and boy did he ever get one. His beatdown of Bourne was expertly done, especially with the "remember me from ecw" line. Punk apparently has a long memory, to reference a defunct tv show.

There are few heels on Raw left, and I have a feeling Orton is going to be holding the WWE title at Wrestlemania. Punk can continue plowing through Raw, destroying everyone in the mid-card, making those pay who have "wronged" him in the past.

This goes on for months, until he finds himself targeting the man who wronged him the most- Randy Orton. We then get a great match at Wrestlemania that we should have gotten 3 years ago. CM Punk vs Randy Orton, whether for the WWE title or not, tops my list of matches I want to see.
Randy Orton vs. The Miz vs. Chris Jericho in a triple threat for the WWE Championship
A lot of people would like to see The Miz and Orton go at it at Wrestlemania, and I think adding Jericho would help the match a lot.
- Jericho is an extremely talented wrestler and rarely has poor matches. The match's quality would surely increase with him in it.
- He already has a reason to feud with Orton. Adding Jericho to the fray means the match would essentially have more of a story/history.
- Jericho and The Miz are two of the best on the mic today, just imagine them going at it in a war of words.
- The Miz needs to prove himself both in kayfabe terms and in real life, but at the same time, he shouldn't be rushed. Adding another competitor to the match would allow some of the pressure to be taken off The Miz while still having him in the spot light. Also, if Miz was to win the match and the traditional ensuing feud (which I think he should) he could do so more convicingly with three competitors involved as opposed to one, while still looking strong.
i would like to see a match between john cena/undertaker... i feel it makes the match a lot more unpredictable rather than sheamus/undertaker...
randy orton vs. cm punk is also a match where a storyline from a few years back can be re-introduced.
if theres a mitb match, i dont care who is in it, as long as alberto del rio is in it and wins it. love his jbl wannabe character and his announcer.
Drew McIntire vs. Sheamus - These guys were busting their asses all year this year and have always been aligned together during the final months of 2009 on Smackdown. But it always made you think that seeing as how Miz, Sheamus, and McIntire were so untouchable at least year's Bragging Rights, the best thing to be done was to have those guys battle one another to find out who was the best. Obviously that hasn't happened, but Miz seems to be getting a push like none other. A cross-brand McIntire vs. Sheamus would be awesome, winner getting a shot at the World Title or something. Would be sweet.

John Cena vs. Undertaker - Cena has learned enough and upped his game enough that he could probably carry Taker during this match and add something special that his 8 most recent opponents couldn't add. Everyone is talking about a John Cena heel turn, and I think the mindset of a heel Cena at such a magnitude, would definitely warrant the want to want to take out the Phenom's streak, instead of going for the title again.

Randy Orton (WWE Champion) vs. Chris Jericho (Royal Rumble Winner) vs. Edge (World Heavyweight Champion) - With the talks of there being a Unification match, the only way it should be done is having Randy Orton as the WWE Champion, have Jericho as the Royal Rumble winner, and have Edge as the World Heavyweight Champion. Orton representing RAW, Edge representing Smackdown, Jericho going on both shows beating people up, mainly Orton because Orton punted him in the head. Jericho's never won the Rumble, and a return to the Rumble (and a win) would be the easiest way to turn Jericho face, plus you have history of Jericho vs. Orton, Rated RKO, Rated Y2J, Edge vs. Jericho, RAW vs. Smackdown, Jericho being the first ever Undisputed Champion, etc. It'd literally be the easiest main event to build up, and it'd be an amazing match as all of these guys are incredibly over right now (even if Jericho isn't active), and all three of them have tremendous chemistry in every which way.

Now rep me for my awesome would-be booking!
My dream match would have to be HHH vs Undertaker. Undertaker ended Shawn Michaels i would like to see HHH return the favor and retire Undertaker. Even though Taker will never lose at Wrestlemania.
I hope you guys weren't serious with the whole " miz vs orton " wrestlemania match , the miz can't even beat Daniel Bryan let alone orton and he got crushed by cena , but anyway I would love to see " cena vs orton " or " orton vs undertaker " since Vince originally wanted orton to end his undefeated streak .

I would even love to see Shawn micheals return for one more match against the undertaker , they end in a draw and Shawn Micheals goes back into retirement as well as undertaker , it would be epic .

That is an excellent point you made about the Miz. He lost to Daniel Bryan twice, and don't give me that "he had to lose the title crap". Have him lose it another way like being stripped of it or some kind of injury storyline. So Miz loses to Bryan and all the sudden we're suppose to take him seriously against the top man of the company at the biggest event of the year? I would like to see Kaval vs Mysterio, Jack Swagger vs Sheamus, Cm Punk vs Edge, Undertaker vs?? Kane vs a back to dominant Khali with Kane somehow Tombstoning him. Drew Mcintyre vs Cena. Triple h vs the big show. Just ideas.
If the world title unification is going to happen, then it needs to happen at WrestleMania 27. Also, if Undertaker is at the end of his rope then the ultimate match at WrestleMania would be Cena vs. The Undertaker. Two of the biggest stars in WWE history have never faced each other. This match has to happen at the grandest stage of them all sooner or later. Sheamus vs. Undertaker is a PPV match, but not a Wrestlemania match. Miz vs. Orton and Kaval vs. Bryan would be interesting, but not as huge as Taker vs. Cena.

It doesn't matter if Cena is face or heel. Any one that goes face to face with Taker at WrestleMania usually gets a mixed reaction anyway, Cena won't lose any fans and WWE won't lose any money with this match. If anything, they would gain money.

PPV wise i guess Cena and Taker has never happened. But really is there a real difference. They faced each other twice on Smackdown. So it has happened before and its nothing new. With that being said it's a shame there isn't anyone new for taker to face. So he'll have to face and old opponent, win and continue this b.s streak junk. Unless he faces Del Rio, but whether Del Rio will be a household name by then would probably determine that choice. Have Psycho Sid comeback, powerbomb his ass through the canvas and get his revenge for wrestlemania 13.
Don't get me wrong I do like The Miz and all, but he isn't ready to headline a wrestlemania...not yet.

Out of any bout I would have to say a Punk-Edge feud. I feel as if they'd put on a great match if given the time, it can all revolve around the Brands and the trade they had, and from there, their promo work can build a storyline itself since they're both great on the mic.

BUT...I want to see a John Cena-The Undertaker feud. This feud happened before Cena became the superstar he is now, before he was just an upcoming heel/superstar. Now, have Cena be the heel AGAIN and have them feud. I remember WWE would foreshadow a feud between them a couple times with Taker' delivering a tombstone on Cena, also during 2006 they teased a feud with them. I would love to have this feud as some people might predict that the Cena would defeat Taker only because the WWE loves Cena, so it wouldn't be predictable like some wrestlemania matches for the Undertaker.

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