What match made you a big fan of your favorite CURRENT wrestler


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say current because my favorite wrestlers of all time are Sting and Stone Cold, but Sting is as of this moment not wrestling in TNA just yet, and Stone Cold is done, so what match made you say "holy shit, this guy is the shit! He just won me over"

Mine is the Randy Orton/Mick Foley match from Backlash 2004. I had been an Orton fan from the moment I saw him in the ring, I didn't know what it was that made me a fan instantly, but when I was watching the match live, and I saw Orton land bareback onto the thumbtacks, getting thrown off the stage, etc. he won me over for life after that. Everytime I watch it I still wince in pain seeing Orton land on those tacks (on a side note, did Abyss ruin the thumbtacks spot for any of y'all for how much he uses it in TNA, or at least did for awhile?)

What was the match that won you over for your favorite star?
For me, I would have to saw HBK and Kurt Angle at Wrestlemania. I had always been a fan of Kurt's in-ring work, but it was in this match that solidified him as one of my all time favorites. That match was incredible.

Another one for me was when I saw John Morrison face Chris Jericho on RAW in November. All I know is that match made me a John Morrison mark.
It wasnt really a match per say that got me into liking Cody it mainly is because I have a relative that looks like him. Additionally I liked him back in legacy and my interest in him just kept growing into what his current gimmick is being dashing. I think he has made the best of his gimmick thus far and seems to be getting over with the crowd and may start feuding with Rey soon. Lastly, I really like his finisher the crossroads.
For me it has to be Daniel Bryan! i've only just become an internet geek so i didnt really know alot about him when he started in nxt but they built him up, and the match that won me over was the triple threat match for the u.s title against John Morrison and the Miz, he was awesome easily my favourite at the moment!!
Dolph Ziggler, loved his in-ring work when he came back as DZ (Spirit squad can be erased) but for me his match with Daniel Bryan at Bragging Rights '10 was the greatest match he was in, technical, high flying and entertaining...Should have been match of the year...But still, it moved Ziggler up in my eyes, and gave him a 'push' that he rightfully deserves...I'm Just Sayin...
My current favorite wrestler would be CM Punk and the match that made me a huge fan of his would be the 2010 Royal Rumble the way he kept elimanating superstars and preaching on the mic just had me rolling on the floor laughing my ass off. Honorable mentions would be his matches against Samoa Joe and AJ Styles in Ring of Honor and his TLC match agaisnt Jeff Hardy.
For me it was edge back in the first MITB. It all started at the beginning of the MITB storyline when edge was said to be crazy for the past several months, and when i saw edge holding the breifcase at the top of the ramp with his scary eyes, that did it for me.

:suspic:Triple H is the New GM of RAW no doubt:p
I got 2

1. Randy Orton- Well because he is also from my hometown and I've actually talked to him a few times and he actually a really cool person. But the match that made me a huge orton fan would probably have been when he wrestled HBK at Unforgiven 2003. I know HBK can put anyone over but I just remember thinking that this kid is gonna be a star watching that match.

2. Alberto Del Rio- No I'm not jumping on the Del Rio band wagon since he won last night. I've been a fan of his ever since he debuted and when he fell off the ladder at TLC it reminded me of WWE 10 years ago for reason and I love that. And people thought I was nuts when I picked him to win the rumble...
I like this thread because its very personal.

My favorite wrestler of all time would be Stone Cold Steve Austin slightly ahead of the Macho Man Randy Savage. SO I will tell what hooked me on both of them and then my favorite current star.

Savage: During his fueds with Ricky Steamboat I fell in love with him. The fact he had the hot Elizabeth when I was a teenaged boy didn't hurt.

Austin: It was between his WCW and WWE days when he did an AWFUL impersion of Hogan but it made me laugh so f'n hard but once he became Stone Cold I mean it was almost impossible to not love him which brings me to my current star.

Orton: I have always like Orton but it wasn't until he started getting REALLY vicious as a heel that I began to like him. Granted, when Stone Cold was in his prime I was a little bit more passionate about how Austin did. Now that I am older and understand wrestling I don't always have individual favorites and don't really ROOT for guys to win or lose, I just like watching the ART of wrestling as a whole BUT Orton is the last guy I actually care if he wins or loses.
mine would have to be dainel bryan. most people would say him vs jericho but mine is the 7 man tag match vs nexus it showed he had poiental when he elimated 3 of 7 nexus members absoulty increadible the sky is the limit for this guy.:worship:
mine is a tie, Daniel Bryan and Dolph Ziggler, their match at Bragging Rights was a legitimate threat for Match of the Year in my opinion and made me a huge fan of both men. (I was already a fan of Bryan, but Ziggler wasn't really on my radar until that match)
For me, I have been a fan of his ever since his debut, and that man is...Kane.

It wasnt necessarily a match but, when he first debuted, and just came out during random matches, just to deliver a Tombstone...loved it. I realize he wont be around for too much longer, and when he goes, he will go out as one of the best big man ever in the WWE.

You dont have to agree with me, but, this is just my opinion being a Kane fans for about 12 years now.
John Morrison vs. Evan Bourne. Alot lot of kicking and legwork with high spots is always what I like to see in my favorite matches. It doesn't happen often which makes it that much sweeter. Also JoMo vs. Mysterio for the IC Title was a really great match for me. Any match involving Daniel Bryan or CM Punk. I'm a big fan of kicking.
seeing as how my current favorite wrestler in Randy Orton, I would have to say that his Hardcore Match with Mick Foley/Cactus Jack way back in April of 2004 was my realization that Randy Orton was something special. I continue to watch that match to this day and enjoy the hell out of it.
My favorite wrestler is Cena. And it's because he's entertaining. I didn't start watching until 2005, and he's who got me in it.

But it wasn't a match that got me interested. It was when Teddy Long told him he couldn't touch JBL unless he touched him first. And he fucked with him trying to piss him off.

But the match that REALLY made me a big fan of his was the I Quit match a few months later at Judgment Day.

By the way: My favorite wrestler of all time is Eddie Guerrero. He also got me into wrestling, but this thread is about current stars.
WWE Breaking point both got me into wrestling all together AND made me become a huge DX and Legacy mark, before then I hadn't watched any wrestling at all but their matches converted me.

I'm not quite sure why but something about the corre just screamed awesome to me ever since they debuted on smackdown, I can't quite place what it is about them but i'm a HUGE mark for their matches now
Three people:

Kofi Kingston: The man has talent, don't deny it, don't even argue it. Call him a spot monkey, or a mid-carder for life but I don't know other than Morrison or Mysterio who MAY jump as high as he can. He's a main eventer just waiting to happen and the thing that REALLY got me in was 1) Trouble in Paradise: A legit kick that'll knock you the fuck out 2) The boom drop off the Table on MSG.

Daniel Bryan: Granted I haven't seen him in the indies but holy shit. I am now convinced he is capable of killing anyone in WWE in under five minutes.

Ziggler: Royal Rumble. That is all.

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