Thriller Ant
Beep Bop Boop
We hear about mic skills all the time. Miz has great mic skills or Evan Bourne has none or AJ Styles is getting better, etc. But how is this decided?
What makes this:
better than this?
Why is this man considered awesome
when this one is considered corny?
There are guys that use catchphrases and build their promos around them, there are guys who go straight to the point and say little to nothing else, there are guys who try to be funny, and guys who try to be serious.
So my question for all of you, what makes someone good or bad on the mic? How do you define it? You can use examples from Youtube, you can name drop, whatever you need to get the point across. So what say you?
What makes this:
better than this?
Why is this man considered awesome
when this one is considered corny?
There are guys that use catchphrases and build their promos around them, there are guys who go straight to the point and say little to nothing else, there are guys who try to be funny, and guys who try to be serious.
So my question for all of you, what makes someone good or bad on the mic? How do you define it? You can use examples from Youtube, you can name drop, whatever you need to get the point across. So what say you?