What makes a good worker?

What makes a good worker?

  • Ability to draw and make money

  • Good in-ring skills

  • Other

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The Bearded One

Love is not admissable evidence.
So, this morning on the way to school I was flipping through the radio channels trying to find something to listen to. I stop on the Bubba the Love Sponge Show because one Hulk Hogan was on there. Him and Bubba usually have interesting conversations so I decided to keep listening.

After a few minutes of bullshitting with each other, Bubba asks Hulk to name the 5 best workers of all time. Hogan names Flair, Andre, Piper, Savage and himself. Then Bubba asks him to name the 5 best wrestlers. Hogan doesn't understand the difference between a worker and a wrestler and doesn't answer the question.

Hogan says that since wrestling is all about making money, good workers are the ones who bring the most of it in. They are the ones that know how to work a crowd and not neccesarily the best in the ring.

So my question is, what do you think makes a good worker? Is it the wrestler who makes the most money for the company? Or is the wrestler who can put on a great match? Or is there some other quality that makes a wrestler a great worker?
According to VKM, Ability to draw and make money.
He doesn't give a shit about in-ring skills. Just look at Cena. Top face of the company and only knows 4 moves! There has been many people who had in-ring skills, but VKM let them go. Why? Because they couldn't connect to the crowd and they were boring.
A worker in the wresting business defines everything that a professional wrestler does except for the actual moves to a certain extent. It's a person who gives themselves 110% every time they pass through the curtain and play their role to perfection. Someone who has the charisma to churn the desired reaction from the fans and are able to act out different scenario's as they happen, including whilst wrestling a match. John Cena is definitely a good worker because he does all of these things. You can trust him provide a safe environment and do all of the above. However, calling him a good wrestler... you've got me by the balls here.

The man knows the basics of wrestling. He can perform a suplex and a back body drop... you can even throw in a dropkick and turnbuckle moves for good measure. Anything beyond this simplicity and he'll need some practice. After a couple of months of training when you first start in the business, anyone can learn these moves and perform them. Maybe not with their own flare, but you get my point. Essentially, he is a decent wrestler who can get the job done.

I hope I'm making sense here. A good worker is someone who can entertain the crowd without having to show off their wrestling skills. A good wrestler is someone who can put on a clinic in the ring and not worry about how the crowds feel about them as a personality. It doesn't really make a difference in the end... so long as you serve a purpose, are responsible in drawing ratings and getting the business some sort of profit.

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