What kind of wrestling fan are you?

Hard Hit Prince

Not really working as a
One of the positive things about the Internet Wrestling Community, is the fact that we can communicate with pretty much anyone from all over the world, and have something in common: our passion for professional wrestling.

However, I've seen that people are different kinds of wrestling fans - We have the really smart guys, like Mr. Brain, Jack-Hammer and Dr. over here that can actually have a decent conversation about wrestling, without getting to offended if someone says that their favorite wrestler/angle/match sucked. We have people that like to be different, and other ones that are pretty much sheep that follow all the trends without using proper brain. And from time to time, we have that casual fan, that knows stuff is fake but can't understand how business is actually made.

Also, we have wrestling fans that are really hardcore fans and that read all the dirtsheets, all the latest informations and tweets from pretty much everybody in wrestling when they are bored. Some fans prefer WWE, others TNA, others say that mainstream wrestling sucks and go on to watch independents or puroresu. A lot of different people, from different places of the world.

So with all that points above, which one do you think you fit? How "hardcore" of a fan are you, and do you think that being a part of the IWC helps your wrestling viewing experience? How and why did you enter the IWC?
I'm the kind that runs to his computer and says things like: "worst RAW ever; why they burying this guy for? etc. etc." Yeah, that's the kind of fan I am not.

I'm just a wrestling fan. I'll watch whatever wrestling is on TV. Looking it up online is to much for my life time schedule. TNA is my favorite, with WWE and ROH being the others I watch. I complain to my bro-in-law about somethings and enjoy the most of what I can of the show. If I get tired of it, I simply stop watching for a while. I guess, or I think I'm just a casual fan.

I joined the forums because I like to see peoples opinions of a show I like to watch. Most people dislike wrestling, so coming here to read others opinions is always fun to do. I've liked wrestling since I was little. I'll like it to the day I die, that is a fact.
I don't know how I feel about being a "smart" fan considering the reputation they've earned over the last few days. ;)

I'm a die hard fan, no doubt. I attend live events including the occasional indy show, order WWE pay-per-views when the card looks good/significant, have a decent assortment of DVDs and video games, and watch the TV shows. I don't put much stock into the dirtsheets, so I don't read them often; however if somebody makes reference to a report on here I'll certainly look into it or click a link if provided. My whole thing is that I don't take it seriously. I think wrestling is goofy and have felt that way since the Attitude Era. So when discussing it I mostly try to give good, informed opinions, however I'm not opposed to being tongue-in-cheek and even a little mocking.
Give us more clear-cut categories!

Well first there are the marks. Then there are the smart marks. After that there's the smarks. Of course you can't forget the mark smarks. Above them are the smarky marks. Finally at the highest level there's Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch. Hope that clears things up.
Not sure. I can tell you that I much prefer TNA to WWE so I'm in the minority there already. I don't watch Raw or Smackdown, haven't for years. The odd WWE PPV from time to time.

As for the dirtsheets I will sometimes comment on the main page but really it's all shit and I tend to not believe any of it. Never read spoilers, hate getting spoiled :lmao: Twitter nope, never used it never will.

Being in the IWC doesn't help me nor hinder me, but I like to talk about TNA with others, and some guys here come up with great ideas which had never even crossed my mind before.

So out of all the categories you mention, I really don't think I fit into any. Perhaps I'm a TNA sheep and just don't know it!
I'll watch anything that isn't WWE/F. Not knocking it, but it's not enjoyable to me. But I guess I'm a casual fan. My wrestling nights is Thursdays and Saturdays, with occasional viewing online.
I am a wrestling fan that has watched for a little over 20 years (my age is the only real info about me in my profile). My older brother got me into wrestling I think around either the Hogan/Warrior WM match or the Hogan/Undertaker wwf championship match.

I like to watch WWE, TNA and ROH but I am definitely a WWE fan the most. I will make sure to always watch Raw, Impact and Smackdown but sometimes miss Main Event and ROH. I order almost every WWE ppv but have not watched a TNA ppv since the Sting/Jarrett BFG and have never watched a ROH ppv.

I am a fan of heels the most because I like them more and find them more interesting but have no problem being a fan of a face. I joined these forums because most of my friends give me the "I don't know how you can watch wrestling" or "you still watch that?" comments when I talk wrestling. I attend WWE events but the Raw I attended in March this year was the first event I attended since Armageddon 2007.

I'm not sure what description of a wrestling fan I fit into.

Edit: I do read the dirtshirts and comment on there under my Twitter name.
I'm not too sure what category I could fit into. I find wrestling more interesting than entertaining most the time. Often I struggle to watch it on my own without skipping the whole thing. I can still mark out when necessary though, and when I am watching it I dont worry about being smart or bashing it. I take it as is and welcome change (see: Husky Harris)

I prefer TNA (in ring) but don't watch impact most the time, outside of looking up a match or two each week. I get together with a buddy and watch Raw and any PPV's the day after.

I read the sheets, mostly for results and interviews though, the speculation of others does little for me. No twitter, but I like wrestling memes, Chris Hero and Lance Storm on facebook? I most likely joined the IWC for the same reasons as Galv up above me, basically seeking a place to vent my niche interests. I stay on these forums mostly for the sarcasm (you guys know who you are). But again, I find wrestling much more interesting to analyse than simply watch, and thats what I'm here for.

TNA PPV's are free over here, but I would gladly pay for them. WWE are too pricey and don't need my money. I'm taking in my first house show in January, part of the Lockdown tour.
I'm the type of fan who find wrestling as kids entertainment that is dressed up enough to pass off as 'manly' or 'grown up' enough to be my kind of guilty pleasure. We all started watching as kids, so why complain when the industry tries to appeal to them?

Wrestling is just Power Rangers without the Megazoids. Fake fighting, overconfident baddies and heroes winning with one super move after taking a beating for the entire fight.
I prefer to watch wrestling as if it was all real. I read most of the dirtsheet news(as accurate/inaccurate as they can be), but I avoid all spoilers. But, when I go to sit down & watch the shows I forget about all of that nonsense & actually enjoy the product.

I do chuckle when someone botches in the ring(so long as they're not severely injured), but other than that I just like to act as if I know nothing outside of what is going on in the show on screen. You'd be surprised how much you can actually enjoy the product when you're not being such a picky bitch, nitpicking every minor detail of the show, and getting all flustered when something you want to happen doesn't.
I'm the worst kind of face mark. I prefer a lot of the big guys who I enjoy to be face, like Big Show, Kane and Bully Ray.

And the spots? Maybe they can't speak that well, but Kofi, JoMo, and Justin Gabriel can do things in that ring that not many others can.

Not a fan of face comedy in wrestling except for The Rock). And let's throw Cena a bone - he does have the occasional witty one-liner.

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