What kind of Wrestler would you be


King Of The Wasteland
I tried doing this post before but I put it in the wrong section and didn't know how to move it :banghead: so hopefully its ok.

I was wondering what kind of wrestler would you be and here's a list of the things are the most important ones

Gimmick-what gimmick would you have

Attire- What would you wear to and in the ring

Music-What would you come done the ramp to

Finisher/s - what would you end the match with

Heel/Face/Tweener- how would you align yourself

and finally

Which company would you work for based on storylines and people you would like to work with.

I would have a rockstar gimmick Jimi Hendrix (laid back) like with a bit of Slash (lots of energy)

Id wear a vest, and skinny/slim sort of jeans maybe having a grunge look also wearing a denim jacket to the ring

Id use Song 2 by Blur http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSbBvKaM6sk

For a finisher id use some sort of splash or a legdrop and also a impaler ddt or a mic check like mr kennedy kennedy

The company id like to work for is WWE because there's a range of people that seem interesting to work with and the storylines aren't as far fetched as TNA

Be kind this is my first thread apoligies again if this has been done

P.S I think i got it in the right section:blush:
If I was a wrestler then I'd be like this

Gimmick - Well, being English I'd get saddled with something stereotypical, so I'd either be a rich snob who sips brandy on his way to the ring, wears a monacle and a top hat with a cane, speaks in a high pitched posh accent and calls people "cads".

Or I'd be a lager lout, binge drinker, I'd come down to the ring with the union jack painted on my face shouting "ENGALAND ENGALAND ENGALAND". Whenever I beat someone I'd shout "WHO ARE YA? WHO ARE YA? WHO ARE YA?". If I really wanted to heat the fued up I'd glass somebody.

Attire - Depending on my gimmick, if the posh one gets in then I'd be well dressed. Failing that an England football shirt with my name on the back, over the number 7 obviously. I'd also be wearing tracksuit bottoms.

Music - I dunno, some kind of song I suppose

Finisher/s - If I was posh, then a swift knee to the groin would suffice, if I was the other thing then I'd glass someone.

Heel/Face/Tweener - I am aligned to England, so a heel in any country but England.

Which company would you work for based on storylines and people you would like to work with - TNA, they have the British Invasion.
Gimmick- With me being black and all, I would probably be a gangsta type dude, but that's just not me. So I would prefer to be a soft spoken guy with great mic skills, doing most of his talking in the ring.

Attire- I would wear a wife beater and some shorts. Jean shorts, khaki shorts, any type of shorts. During my entrance, I would wear a hoodie. I would keep it on during the match, but when I get fired up, I'd threw it to the crowd during every match.

Music- Preferably some type of rap song. I love rap. My favorite rapper is T.I., so one of his songs would do, I guess. Maybe "What You Know".

Finisher(s) - My finisher would be my opponent in a suplex position, but instead of them falling back. I would make them all forward onto their back. More like a brainbuster than a reverse suplex. And maybe some nice ass submission move that would target the whole body.

Heel/Face/Tweener- I would like to be someone that is immediately noticed. So I'd want to be a heroic face. But not for too long. I'd be able to show off my mic skills either way.

And finally

Which company would you work for based on storylines and people you would like to work with?- I would like to work for WWE for the simple fact that it's the #1 wrestling promotion. Although if I wanted more exposure, TNA or ROH would be the place for me.
Gimmick- Being a skinny white guy with tattoos id definatly want to be some kind of rockstar or maybe do some type of goth metal thing alittle like Raven

Attire- Metal band tee and a pair of cut up jean shorts

Music- Either something from metallica or trivium "like castillo star in heaven"

Finisher- A splash off the top rope or a simple old school submission like a sharpshooter

Face/Heel- Heel definatly would enjoy people booing me to give me a boost

Company- TNA, X Divison guys would seem the best thing to suit my style
Attire- What would you wear to and in the ring

I'd wear the wrestling pants. I'm no man for tights, thank you very much. Black and Silver, bitch. Longer hair, as well. More like Triple H's, only completely manly.

Music-What would you come done the ramp to

I dunno....

Coheed and Cambria, No World for Tomorrow

It'd work for any occasion, really. Heel or face. Face, and it means I want to fight for the world. Heel, and it means I'll save the world without you.

Finisher/s - what would you end the match with

I'd Powerbomb your face into the ground.

Heel/Face/Tweener- how would you align yourself

I'd be your generic "You have to fight for the better good" face. It'd be rocking.

Which company would you work for based on storylines and people you would like to work with.

I want a company that is actually worth half a shit, so WWE. Easily.
This is a character I was mucking around with whilst me and my friend were talking about some of the more far fetched characters in the WWE.

This is a far out kinda character and I know it would never happen. In this scenario Ted Dibiase is the GM of RAW and is heel in a feud with John Cena

Gimmick- A psychotic prison inmate that was set to do a life sentence in prison after a sequence of violent assaults on people. Dibiase cannot beat John Cena so he agrees to pay someone off to get me out of Jail if I can take him out. As such all of my matches need to be contested in a roofed cage to protect the crowd.

Attire- Prison Jumpsuit, in shackles until I get to the ring

Music- Not sure, something prisony... if that makes any sense...

Finisher- I think a brainbuster or something like that. Something that involves dropping someone on their head, it looks brutal and would play well with the character.

Face/Heel- Heel for sure, coming in against a face Cena.

Company- WWE in this fantasy.

It sounded cool to me and my friend although I don't know how well it would work out.

Just for fun :)
Gimmick- Since I'm a Light-Heavyweight and been wrestling in the backyard for 12 almost 13 years now I would take on a hardcore/high-flying with some cruiserweight moves but more of heavyweight also. I got a black hair color dyed with mohawk and i'm badass! I am designing my own T-shirt soon with a photo of me on front with my name "Chris Xtreme" and a quote on the back saying: "Let's get ready to rumble... Because we're going to the XTREME!" I would wear hot topic pants and combat boots that I bought, and it's a good gimmick and original.

Attire- I got a black hair color dyed with mohawk and i'm badass! I am designing my own T-shirt soon with a photo of me on front with my name "Chris Xtreme" and a quote on the back saying: "Let's get ready to rumble... Because we're going to the XTREME!" I would wear hot topic pants and combat boots that I bought, and it's awesome!

Music-"A New Game" by Mudvayne and my entrance will have a batista style thing going on with a Randy Orton pose.

Finisher/s - Finisher #1 - a powerbomb variation that I created called "The Endgame", Finisher#2 - XKO (Xtreme Knock Out - a variation of Twist of Fate and RKO and a bit of Shining Wizard in it.) Signature#1 - Swanton Bomb Signature#2 - Punishment Unleashed (a submission hold I made up.

Heel/Face/Tweener- Face

I would stay in the backyard for awhile then see about getting into WWE or TNA. I studied wrestling and also amateur wrestling (high school and backyard), and I took on a couple UFC traits that helped me become who I am today: Chris Xtreme.
Gimmick Wolf in Jesus skin. (A song by a band called Polkadot Cadaver) The guy would come off as a friend only to stab you in the back. The audience would be torn between hating him and liking him. But would definately root for him for doing evil deeds!

Attire During promos would maintain a good-guy persona. My In-Ring attire would consist of basic wrestling gear. White or black tights, no print, no fancy shit. Military jack boots, non-glossy, flat black. Slick long black hair. Basically nothing that would distinguish me as good or bad.

Music As much as I wanna use a song by a black metal band Nattefrost, it would give me away as an evil bastard and I opt for no music, or at the very least some non- threathening ambient death sleep musack.

Finisher Superplex the wrong way off the top rope onto spanish announcers table or anywhere. Roll the unconcious into the ring for the 1-2-3.

Heel from Hell

Company The AWA, NWA, WCCW, FCW, OVW, XPW...Nah kidding. WWE of course, and corrupt them as much as possible and die a drunk old wrestler!
Gimmick- Submission specialist. I'd be locking in Submissions every five seconds. I'd work my way up the ladder, mostly wins some loses (loses to main eventers) before winning the IC or US. After a few weeks I'd get bored and drop the title to some jobber then move onto the World Title Scene where I would get close but be screwed out of the title and end up facing another heel

Attire- Street Clothes. I don't like tights.

Music- I'd have a entrance and a winning theme.



Finisher/s -
Delayed Vertical Suplex which I would turn into either a face buster or sit down spinebuster

Heel/Face/Tweener - Face

Which company would you work for based on storylines and people you would like to work with.
WWE. Easier style, although allot more work. More money $$$
Gimmick: I am a wrestler and love my gimmick I am like The Rock with heaps of catchphrases but I am also like Christian very cocky.

Attite: In promos I normally wear t shirt and pants or shorts just casual in the ring I would wear tights that have A cross on them or something.

Song: Well my current one is Ladies and Gentleman by Saliva but the one I would use is Do you know the enemy Greenday.

Finisher: I like the one I have now The Sharpshooter and The Pedigree.

Face or Heel: I'm a face and love doing it but I am a very cocky face and I get good cheers from the fans for saying "Chairman you are like a piece of big shit that you wipe your ass with over and over and then finally when you flush you overflow the toilet with toilet paper and shit and it doesn't matter what you do you need to get help to get rid of that big piece of shit".

Brand: WWE for sure or ROH these two would be great WWE for my work on the mic I would be good at but ROH so I could showcase my wrestling skills a lot more.
Gimmick - "Friar of Fawkesism" - Basically an anarchist gimmick heavily influenced by V for Vendetta and Guy Fawkes (whom V was influenced by) along with other modern anarchist traits. Generally being against any people in positions of power in the company. Depending on coming off as a heel or face the "resistance tactics" used would be more less...brutal for lack of a better word.

Attire - Black boots and shorts, on one side a stylized graphic of my name with a blue spray-painted circle and an A without the line going across it, and on the other side would be a blue and white image of a Guy Fawkes mask. On the way to the ring, I would also have a black trench coat, and a Fawkes mask with a black wig attached to it that would be taken off before the match.

Music - Testify by Rage Against the Machine

Finisher - Empires Fall: A Reverse Full-Nelson lifted up, then spin 90 degrees away from the victim and sit-out slamming them down head-first into the mat.

Heel/Face/Tweener - Would generally be against people in positions of power, so overall tweener depending on the alignment of champions, long-time vets, or authority figures.

Company - Probably TNA or some of the indys, WWE would be too nice and PC for the gimmick to take hold I think.
I tried doing this post before but I put it in the wrong section and didn't know how to move it :banghead: so hopefully its ok.

I was wondering what kind of wrestler would you be and here's a list of the things are the most important ones

Gimmick-what gimmick would you have

Attire- What would you wear to and in the ring

Music-What would you come done the ramp to

Finisher/s - what would you end the match with

Heel/Face/Tweener- how would you align yourself

and finally

Which company would you work for based on storylines and people you would like to work with.

I would have a rockstar gimmick Jimi Hendrix (laid back) like with a bit of Slash (lots of energy)

Id wear a vest, and skinny/slim sort of jeans maybe having a grunge look also wearing a denim jacket to the ring

Id use Song 2 by Blur http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSbBvKaM6sk

For a finisher id use some sort of splash or a legdrop and also a impaler ddt or a mic check like mr kennedy kennedy

The company id like to work for is WWE because there's a range of people that seem interesting to work with and the storylines aren't as far fetched as TNA

Be kind this is my first thread apoligies again if this has been done

P.S I think i got it in the right section:blush:

Personally I would be a heel and have a randy orton or undertaker when he was a heel
To the ring I would wear tigts just like edge and the coat and my ring name would be Jordan Stars my theme song would be cult of personality andmy finisher would be a diving elbow from the top rope just like the elbow HBK useto do.

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