What kind of fan are you?

I make it pretty clear to everyone I talk to I'm a wrestling fan. I ask everyone I talk to if they're wrestling fans and 9 times out of 10 they are and we have something in common so we talk about it. I'm a proud fan even though my future wife is not. Always have been, always will be.
First off I'd like to say I am a 21 yr. old male from CA and I'm not a usual fan and I probably don't look like one either. I am not really into anything that alot of people that like wrestling are into. For example, Alot of fans I come in contact with are usually more introverted & into computers, etc. or very outspoken, fitness obsessed, protein powder guys. I'm neither.

I am one of those people that wear their wrestling shirts to the Store or where ever. I am PROUD to be a Wrestling/Sports Entertainment/WWE fan!! But I am unlike most people anyways. I will happily admit to anyone I LOVE WWE/Wrestling, usually saying something along the lines of, "Yeah, I watch that thing that Stone Cold Steve Austin was in." hahaha

I truely believe it is an art form and the greatest form of entertainment! (besides music, which is EVEN in wrestling & live events!)

I am also proud to say I pretty much broke myself into my love for wrestling. I started to watch & love it all on my own, which I have always preferred to anything force fed to me! (Catch that Cena/Sheamus jab?) I have actually even broken my father into wrestling! He is VERY casual, not understanding any booking or pychology, but he enjoys it and it is funny to see a 56 yr old man try & remember names of finishers, etc.

As far as friends go, I have never been one to not have any but I never had any that liked wrestling. I have one friend that is a cousin of my bestfriend since the begining of highschool that I always talk about results with and even went to a couple RAW tapings with a couple times but he isn't as diehard as me. He is one that still pays attention to general stuff because he loved it so much in the attitude era but he doesn't watch weekly programming. I actually also got a good friend into WWE recently. They said they went on WWE.com for the first time the other day after RAW 1000 because in the match w/ Punk & Cena I quess Cole mentioned Cena's world title history and my friend was so shocked he looked it up for himself! hahahaha

This sounds nerdy but I always wished I had more friends that actually cared about it like I do. Often watching wrestling, New & Old. On the forums. Checking the results & watching the shows. Like how other guys watch football and basketball and shout how happy they are their team won. I wish I had more friends like that to watch with, I know because at live events, it makes it ALL that much better!!

And if there is any fans out there that are looking for a friend just to chat about WWE, TNA(I am not as diehard as WWE, just a warning), results, or just wrestling in general with, I'm accepting of all wrestling fans far & wide, always interested in new ideas, theories, wrestlers, etc. and always love talkin some wrasslin'!

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