What kind of divas match can we expect to see at WM29?


Pre-Show Stalwart
So the past couple of years we have seen tag team matches featuring guest female "celebs" participating in the divas portion of WM or a battle royal.

Now I know the division is far from where it was a few years ago. But I think a good way to restart this division would be at WM. I would love to see kaityln defend the title in a triple threat match between tamina and Natalya. It's time for the actual wrestlers (tamina and Nattie) to take the spot light and bring this division back up

What are you guys thoughts on divas match for wrestle mania and the opportunities for a future?
The Chickbusters Explode! AJ Lee versus Kaitlyn. Or not. I'm not sure what I'd like to see from the Divas at 'Mania this year. Frankly, my feelings wouldn't be hurt if they were left off, but that probably isn't happening.

After watching Naomi the last couple of weeks, I want her involved. AJ has been the top Diva all year, so they should get her out there before if she fades into the background anymore. I swear, I'm going to start associating AJ with "Styles" again soon. With Trish going into the Hall, seeing her take part isn't out of the question. Like you said, for the last couple of years they've had a female celeb in the match, but after having Snookie and Maria Menunous back-to-back how do they top that?

So, for me, make it AJ vs. Naomi with Trish as Guest Ref. That's just my pure "what Divas do I wanna see" take on it.
None hopefully.

This may be seen as negative, but with the way the divas have been booked the past year, and with no credible diva right now, there really is no reason to have them in a match. Kaitlyn has to be the worst divas/womens champion ever, the only possible match would have to be a battle royal for the divas championship. Either that or keep them as back up dancers for whoever is performing live this year.

Just so anyone doesnt think im anti diva, i used to love watching diva matches. Trish Stratus, Lita, Jazz, Ivory, Molly Holly, China, Mickie James, Beth Phoenix, they are the type of women wrestlers the WWE needs, not these show ponies they currently have.
There's no combination of Divas I want to see compete against each other right now. The fact that the most over Diva isn't champion already is kind of ridiculous, and AJ can go in the ring, she'd be a credible champion. But based on the way things are now its either AJ vs Kaitlyn one on one(no thank you) or some kind of multi divas match. God, what a waste of time this divisions been. The booking is like, "well, we've got them better do SOMETHING with them."
AJ vs. Kaitlyn would be the most logical booking. They already have a story there, and I'm really suprised they have not faced each other in a match yet. I like Dr's idea of Trish as a special referee, maybe she could be the referee of this match, and she costs AJ the match then the two start up a feud of their own after Wrestlemania.
The easy answer is a short one, and that is if there is one.

AJ vs Kaitlyn seems the only Divas title match that would get any interest and Kaitlyn did call her a psycho spider-monkey in her promo at Elimination Chamber, so maybe something could build off that I guess. The other option is that hot blond girl from Gi Joe 2 somehow ends up involved, tagging with Kaitlyn or just being in her corner.
There's no need for one this year. Not that there is any other year, but at least people liked Beth Phoenix and even Eve. Kaitlyn could be left off the card and nobody would actually care.

Though I'd speculate that we'll see A.J., Ziggler and possibly Langston against a team of Kaitlyn and maybe somebody like Kofi, Christian, The Miz or a legend. They don't appear to have anything of significance for Ziggler even though he & A.J. feature prominently. This get's them on the card, features the women and is a buffer match for the more anticipated contests.
I don’t really care.

WWE's done a pretty good job of keeping divas off of our television screens as of late and who could blame them? When Eve quit, we were left with a huge hole in an already awful dead diva's division. Judging from the crowd, no one has ever cared about Kaitlyn and by keeping her off television the last two months or so certainly doesn't help. If they want Kaitlyn in that top role of the division, AJ is the answer here. She is undoubtedly the only diva on the roster with any crowd reaction; heel or face. By pairing her up with Kaitlyn – even just for a five minute show down – maybe the WWE can force their crowd to care what the diva's have in store for them. Other than that, I won't say that I care if the Diva's title is even defended on the biggest show of the year.

I like Jake's idea though: keeping it like Wrestlemania 27, where Dolph Ziggler and Lay Cool took on John Morrison, Trish Stratus and Snookie. Throw Kaitlyn and any other diva into a mixed tag team match to keep the crowd from losing complete interest in them. By doing so, it kills two birds with one stone. The match will undoubtedly be kept well over the standard duration of diva's matches nowadays and will give four superstars (maximum) who don't necessarily have direction heading toward Wrestlemania room on the biggest card of the year. Either one of these scenarios work for me as both are complete throw away matches. I cannot see the reason the crowd will be invested in either one.
I think WM needs a divas match...well not really, but I liked the idea they had a few years ago with the miss WM battle Royal. They totally killed the concept with the Santina angle, but I think it can still be salvaged. Just throw all of the divas they have in a battle royal and put the Divas title on the line. It would kill off about 5-7 minutes and it would give them a chance to bring back divas like Trish and Lita. They could even bring back Chyna for WrestleMania XXX
right now the only divas match id be a little happy seeing is kaitlyn VS AJ.. the sooner AJ has that title it may start to mean something shes an amazing wrestler and knows how to cut a promo..kaitlyn to me just doesnt look right she dont entertain me in the slightest and
with people saying trish stratus should be ref.. absolutely for me she was what the word diva meant wen people talk about the divas trish is always #1 she'll defiantly help make the match slightly more interesting. :)
According to a report I read a few minutes ago, as of last weekend, there's no Diva match penciled in for WrestleMania. Rather, there's talk that Divas will appear in various segments in the show so as to be part of the WM payout. Of course, it won't take much to slap a Diva match together as there's nearly no storylines or feuds going on among the Divas. As the Divas are mostly irrelevant in WWE, any match would be filler anyhow.

I'd have no objections to there not being a Diva match at WrestleMania. Based on what we've seen so far, it looks as though WWE is really cutting back on the filler at WM compared to recent years. It looks as though there's going to be no 20 minute mini concert, hopefully no dancing segment featuring Brodus & Tensai, no celebrities wrestling in matches at the event. As far as I'm concerned, the less filler, the better.
So, when will us snarky IWC types get to write "piss break!" during the live discussion? Why doesn't WWE care about its hardcore fans?

All kidding aside, this is good news. The Divas division is all but non-existent. To shoehorn a match onto this show would be a mistake. It would siphon time from some potentially great matches, showcase the piss poor status of the Divas, and just generally waste everyone's time.

I've said it before, and I'm sure I'll say it again: WWE needs to implode the Divas division. If I had it my way, they would either relegate the Divas to valet/manager roles exclusively or make Sara Del Rey a talent, re-hire Awesome Kong, coerce Beth Phoenix out of retirement, apologize to Natalya for making a joke out of her, and then build around those four ladies in a resurrected Women's Division.
It will not happen but I would not mind seeing kaitlyn vs AJ for the divas title. That's because I think AJ would make a good champion.. Also manias in her state., plus kaitlyn and AJ are best-friends.
I think the Divas Title should be on the line at WrestleMania. I think every Title should be on the line at WrestleMania. I think every Pay Per View should automatically be a “Night of Champions”.

With that said, I wouldn’t mind seeing the Divas Champion, whoever that may be at this time, defend her Title in a Multi-Woman Ladder match inside a Steel Cage. The only way to win is the retrieve the Title hanging 15 ft. above the ring and then climbing the 15 ft. cage and dropping down 15 ft. to the floor. We can call it the 15 ft. match.

I’m still sleepy.
Oh well fuck it then, im selling my Wrestlemania tickets. Not even worth watching on a torrent site, in that case.

Anyways, this will get an immense, rollicking who gives a fat skanky FUCK. 99% of the time the diva segment is an absolute and utter waste of time, so fuck it. As a matter of fact, the worst segment in wrestlemania history was based around the divas (and a kid rock concert) Kaitlyn isnt REMOTELY over enough to warrant a spot on this card anyways, none of the divas are.

Sad, seeing as how by this point we likely could have gotten Beth Vs Kharma.
They were kind of build something in Kaitlyn vs Layla but they probably quit from that idea.

Last year we had Kelly Kelly and Maria Menounos vs Beth Phoenix and Eve Torres and it also wasnt title match. I think you could safely say in what kind of state is Divas Divison when none of the participant from that match is not even on WWE anymore. :lmao:
WrestleMania should be WWE's elite PPV. Wrestlers should struggle to get on the card. How it is it's probably harder to get on a card like No Way Out. Every man and his dog get's a match at Mania. Glad to see WWE have changed that this year.

No Diva's match? Awesome. It's about 8 years since there was a Diva's match worth watching at Mania, isn't it? There isn't a Diva's division, just a Diva's champion. You can fit them in somehow. Special guest interviewer in backstage segments or something. Kaitlyn looking pretty interviewing somebody pre/post-match. I can handle that.
I think we may not see one. I don't think there is any real need for it to happen. I mean, the card should not be diluted in quality just to fit the divas on the show. Fair enough if it was Trish and Lita and they could put on a match worthy but the current divas won't.

The time should be used somewhere else. If anything, it will be a pre-show match involving the bellas and the dancers with the Clay and Tensai.
Based on last night, I think there are a couple of strong possibilities.

It looks like AJ will get a shot at Kaitlyn and the Divas Championship, based on what happened between them last night. It looks like plans for the heel turn for Layla at WM have either been scrapped or put on hold.

I also think there'll be an 8 person mixed tag match at WM featuring Brodus Clay, Sweet T & The Funkadactyls against Team Rhodes Scholars & The Bella Twins.

AJ winning the Divas Championship makes sense. She's already the most over woman on the roster and has been for more than a year, so she can do more for the title doing simply what she's been doing than any other Diva at this point. The mixed tag match will be pure filler that'll go probably about 5 minutes or so and will end up with the babyfaces probably scoring a victory just so they can all dance at the biggest show of the year.
Aj is at her own state so it makes a lot of sense. Dunno if she will go over though, but at this time if they wanna push her and all story with Ziggler it would make a sense for her to win at this one...

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